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  1. Hey Doc and Queen, if you guys are in need of a base builder, I'm more than willing to spend HOURS in a base, designing it to fit the needs/look/theme of the SG.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fireblaster View Post
    Thanks Fireblaster
  3. So, along with the Global Friends list, the E-mail system, and lord knows what else has gone haywire since the i20 drop, has anyone else lost the chat channels they've joined (ex. Freedom Elite, Radio Virtue, etc. etc.)

    And if my search-fu is broken, sorry for the repost, I didn't see anything anywhere in the immediate area of the boards regarding this kind of issue.
  4. In the hopes of this starting up, I made a Elec/SS tank on Virtue tonight, under the name of Prof. Sophia Wyatt

    My global is my signature, and thought I'm usually on Freedom, (and late at night between midnight and whenever I get tired CST) I can always switch servers to kick start some fun.

    Hit me up.

  5. This thread is amazing.

    So amazing, it caught my eye as I scrolled down to get to my usual sever forum (Freedom) and saw 'bacon' in the tagline.

    Thank you, you wonderful people, for remembering bacon, and all its holiness.

    Bacon fixes any boo-boo

  6. HAHA!

    Can we start counting toons that have to be alpha'd/Incarnated amongst the newborn 50's? Considering the amount of work we're having to put into them?

    Anyway, Obsidian Astrape (yes...I know...) Elec/Elec Brute hit 50 a couple weeks ago.
  7. Just think, Leo...It could always be worse :-P
  8. Thought I would add to the conversation, with my own steampunk toon. This was taken, partially, from one of the menders in Oro. A few coloration changes, and the shoulder fur from the magic pack. There's 3 or 4 variants of this costume on a few other toons, as I was trying to get the look 'just right', but this one seemed to be the sharpest of them all. Unfortunately, the clipping from the hair and the goggles kind of irks me, but it's something I can live with all the same.

    Edit: Here's 2 other variants of the idea I just screenie'd and uploaded.

  9. So, in case my search-fu sucks, I didn't see anything addressing this issue, so I figure I'll address it, and if it already exists, my apologies.

    In some form or another, the greater portion of us are involved in a supergroup, either as a 'Recruit', or the SuperLeader (Red star), or anywhere in between. Already we can go into our bases, set permissions for individual racks, and see who has taken from or replenished those racks with salvage, enhancements, or inspirations, as well as what day and time it took place.

    My suggestion is this:

    We need the same type of log system for PLAYER CHARACTERS who have been promoted, demoted, or left the supergroup all together. As well as a log of who has recruited who to the Supergroup.

    I understand, if you're online at the time, you can see [player name] has been promoted/demoted, joined, quit or kicked. But if you log in, and suddenly things are a bit slimmer, or fatter, in your roster, it'd be nice to see what happened over the last, for instance, month to help piece together the puzzle as to what's been going on.

    This would allow active supergroups to hold their Leaders accountable for their actions, or pat people on the backs for recruiting (I know some SG's hold recruiting contests), or help maintain the general peace.
  10. In all honesty, though I'm entirely negotiable, I'd be willing to sell it for half of what it's big brother (Panacea Lvl 50) is worth.

    Now, that being said, I have no idea what Panacea 50 is at right now, with the servers being down, so I'm going to ballpark it and say 700m.

    Again, let me know if you're interested.
  11. I picked this up on the idea that 'another man's trash is my treasure'. It's unsellable as far as WW is concerned, so I figured I'd give the boards a shot before I allowed it to collect dust in my base rack.

    In-game E-mail @Obsidian Light if you're interested.

    Remember it is LEVEL 32
  12. Something else to keep in mind, if you run with a pretty tight knit group of people that are not in your SG/VG. Ask them if they have coalition room. A lot of times, Coalitions are an extension of the global and chat system.
  13. I'm a solo-run SG for the last 3 years. Every little bit helps.

    @Obsidian Light

    SG: Soldiers of the Silent Earth on Freedom

    Considering my solo state, I'll spread the word to my coalies, and get my friends who play WoW to spread the word to their guildmates.
  14. So, between grabbing ideas here and there, from the boards, friends, and other SG/VG bases, I finally had a bright idea for the basic construction of my meeting room. Specifically, it's designed for CoP gatherings, which is why there are 3 tables as opposed to some of the amphitheaters I've seen before. Take a look, toss some ideas my way, critique, etc.


  15. Obsidian_Light

    Happy New Year!

    Happy New Year Freedom

    May you all be safe in your drunken adventures tonight.
  16. How would one go about remaking the format of these sounds into a straight MP3 sound, so it could be used on something like a Blackberry?

    I'd love to have these sounds, but I can't open them without an iphone, which I don't have.

    Any ideas?
  17. Where this little 'history lesson' may be regarded as me complaining in some fashion, fear not, as I find great humor in this crazy holiday.

    We are brought up to think that the Native Americans and Pilgrims had a wonderful feast together, and ate turkey, squash, corn, etc. and everyone got along happily.

    Oh how wrong our elementary schools tell us.

    Sit back, and enjoy a delicious slice of pumpkin pie with your Cool Whip on top of it, and read the fun times of the 1600's. After all, this is the day where we are allowed to slaughter turkeys, and eat like gluttons. (And boy is my belly nice and full of good old fashioned home cookin'.)

    By the time the Mayflower pulled up at Plymouth Rock in 1620, Native Americans in that part of the country already had a rich tradition of marking the fall harvest with a major fiesta. The day wasn't recognized nationally until 1863 when President Abraham Lincoln declared it a holiday. He had an entirely different motive than honoring the Pilgrims: Morale during the bloody Civil War. America needed a warm fuzzy holiday to make it feel good about itself again.

    The Pilgrims were latecomers to the legend, not getting added to the mix until the 1890s.

    Of course, some major revisions had to be done to make heroes of those guys. The truth is: When the Pilgrims arrived on the coast of Massachusetts, they found a deserted Native American settlement. Unburied human bodies were scattered everywhere. The survivors had vanished. The villagers had been wiped out by a plague, brought to the "new world" years before by the Europeans. The immune system of the native peoples had no defense against those diseases. Many in Europe couldn't be happier.

    Good Christian that he was, King James of England called the death of millions of Native Americans "this wonderful plague." He thanked God for sending it. Other preachers of the day echoed this same sentiment. They believed that God had aided the conquest of the new land by sending disease to ravage the native populations, so that the English could have it. How convenient for them that God was on their side.

    The Pilgrims, who were ill-equipped to survive in the harsh environment they found themselves in, immediately took advantage of the situation. They proceeded to rob food (including corn and squash) and pottery from the deserted Native village. They also stole from Indian graves. Within about 50 years of arriving, they had slaughtered most of the native population in the area that wasn't already killed by the plague.

    Not the touchy-feelie story you'll see on TV this week.

    I totally stole this article from here: http://storiesinamerica.blogspot.com...nksgiving.html and thought I would share it with all of you because it made me giggle in the wake of my turkey nap.

  18. Welcome to Freedom. You'll usually find me in the nocturnal hours of a 24 hour day. I'm the psychotic one that runs sporadic Mo runs with whatever people feel like bringing.

    Like Turg said, keep your eyeballs on the forums, and the in-game channels, and you'll be integrated with the rest of our ***-jackery in no time.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Obsidian_Light View Post
    Well, here's my 50's...

    Inferna Inanis - Fire/Kin Controller

    Obsidian Aequitas - DP/Mental Blaster

    Voltage Rogue - Elec/Elec Blaster

    Mika Antares - SS/Invuln Tank

    Force Captain Adora - BS/SD Scrapper

    Lady Inanis - Emp/Elec Defender

    Divine Transcendence - Psi/Mental Blaster

    Sister Terra - Earth/Sonic Controller

    Obsidian Sharatan - Kat/Regen Scrapper

    Autumn Glow - Plant/Rad Controller

    Obsidian-Light - Elec/Pain Corruptor
    Woah, I didn't realize I already had my 50's on the thread. >.> Shows me how often I check things...

    To add more to the list:

    Peyton Raine - KM/SR Scrapper

    Obsidian Light. - Dark/Dark Defender
  20. I understand this was a scaffolding thread, but the photobucket caught my eye and I started going through it and got a bit confused (possibly because my boyfriend is trying to have a conversation with cleverbot and is yelling at it); What was used to create the smoke effect in this pic?

  21. Well, here's my 50's...

    Inferna Inanis - Fire/Kin Controller

    Obsidian Aequitas - DP/Mental Blaster

    Voltage Rogue - Elec/Elec Blaster

    Mika Antares - SS/Invuln Tank

    Force Captain Adora - BS/SD Scrapper

    Lady Inanis - Emp/Elec Defender

    Divine Transcendence - Psi/Mental Blaster

    Sister Terra - Earth/Sonic Controller

    Obsidian Sharatan - Kat/Regen Scrapper

    Autumn Glow - Plant/Rad Controller

    Obsidian-Light - Elec/Pain Corruptor
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Raster View Post
    Now for a question, when I bought Going Rogue I opened a new account, instead of adding the key to my old account, is there a way to transfer characters between accounts?
    No. Unfortunately. The closest we can come is server transfers from the same account.
  23. I'm sure I'm not the only one out there who believes something should be done about this.

    Over time, we gain new friends, and old ones leave. Players may global a person they play with only once, and then never see again. And then we're left with global names we either don't recognize, due to handle changes, or never knew to begin with (for instance a new player adds a global friend because that person helped them along).

    My suggestion is simple: Have global names clock time, just like Character Names clock time on the character selection screen, and in the super group window.

    This would allow us to see who really is, and who really isn't around any more, and allow for us to make room for new people, since I know several who have hit the global cap (though I have no idea what the global cap number is).

    If this has been suggested before, my apologies. My search fu is weak, and I admit it wholeheartedly.
  24. Obsidian_Light

    Game Time Cards

    Fry's Electronics, Gamestop, 7-11 (not sure if they still do, or not), and sometimes Target is where I usually find them.

    Places like Best Buy seem to have 'forgotten' about PlayNC time cards altogether, in exchange for WoW time cards. But, with GR having just come out, there may be hope at Best Buy in the Dallas area.