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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by all_hell View Post
    It just seems too easy.

    It's nice to have some challenges. Having to hit some mayhems on the way to 50 is a good excuse to get out in the world.

    Previously, it was hard to fit them all in because there was no ouro and we couldnt turn off xp. So you needed to plan carefully to get you badges and your mayhems. But now that you can get your badges in ouro and turn off xp to keep from outlevelling your mayhems...
    Not only are there plenty of characters that didn't get the opportunity to even try to meet the challenge you talk about, as they were leveled long before there were such things as safeguard missions but now we have Praetorians who also will miss any opportunity to do the first few.
  2. I'm sure this has been asked somewhere but for the life of me I can't manage to find it. Now that we have dual builds and power changes can break them both is any consideration being given to a freespec for each build?
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    Although all TA powers are fired from the same bow, they have varying ranges. You can be close enough to fire off one power, but not another. They should all be consistent in range since the delivery method is the same.

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    While I agree this would be convenient, your reasoning is faulty. Yes, they are all being delivered by the same bow, but you are not taking into account the differences in the projectiles. Even if you assume the arrows are all fletched identically, which would be highly unlikely, the arrows will be weighted differently due to the various gadget arrowheads. Different weight + same bow = different range.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    1) Longbow have an XP Bonus
    2) Flamethrower: The Multiple Burn Patches is a bug. I've put it on my list of things to fix.
    3) Spec Ops are limited to 1 per spawn point for generic spawns. There may be specific encounter groups designed with more than one, however.
    4) The Sonic Concussion power blows through anyones Hold protection, but it only lasts 1/4 of a second. It is working as designed, however, I'll pass this to geko to see if it is too strong of an effect.
    5) Arachnos is fairly tough, too -- especially if there are Fortunata's around.

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    Have seen MANY of what one would assume to be generic spawns, that contained multiple Spec Ops. When soloing I almost always TpFoe any flamers and SOs out of the group and deal with them singly. Might wanna check to make sure SpecOps are spawning as intended.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    Good suggestions on ordering things. I highly recommend this site for more information on the details of each contact. Most of the story arcs and other missions have enough detail that you'll be able to tell which missions the contact is offering each time you talk to them.

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    That's a good site and I reference it often, but I have more information available on my site... at least currently.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
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    Where do you kill 100 ghosts at? I've not seen 'em on my 2 trips to 20 so far.

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    The ghosts are in the NE area of Port Oaks -- Fort Hades. They show up mostly at night or if somone else is fighting them (and pulls them into the daylight during the fight). If you want to stay 6th level, make sure whoever lackey's you is level 21+ or you'll likely level to 7th. Make sure to fight them around the spirit traps (the green glowy machine things scattered around the fort).

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    And to clarify, it's not defeat 100 ghosts, it's trap 100. That gets you the Spectral badge and a gladiator. You only need to trap 50 ghosts (Pirate badge) to unlock Veluta Lunata.

    What this means is that any ghosts that you defeat that are not in very close proximity to the ghost traps around Fort Hades (the trap is the actual disk on the ground that glows green and has the arachnos symbol on it) will not count.
  7. Nymisis


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    This was PM'd to me by a user who got the info from Pohsyb.
    The streakbreaker will force a hit if there has been a long series of misses (only for heroes)
    ACC / Length of miss streak before we force a hit
    >90 / 1
    80-90 / 2
    60-80 / 3
    30-50 / 4
    20-30 / 6
    10-20 / 8
    1-10 / 100
    The random number is calculated simply by the C stdlib rand().

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    Of course if you examine that chart closely then what you said originally would be accurate for even cons with no special defense.

    If the allowable number of misses for a 60-80% accuracy is 3 then that certainly fits the original comment, since the chance to hit an even-con is a base 75% for players. I assume the chart was purposely made simplistic for convenience. Obviously it can't be referring technically to the player's "accuracy" in a vacuum, but to the players final chance "to hit" after all of the variables are accounted for such as force fields, bonus defense, buffs, level differences, and so on.

    So, if you for example were fighting a +3 Rikti Drone or Death Mage (both of which have notoriously high defense), then it is quite probable that you would have to miss more than the 1-3 times it would be if it was purely based on your power's beginning accuracy before the streak breaker forced a hit. Apparently he said "accuracy" meaning "final chance to hit".

    That makes perfect sense, is a reasonable way to do it, and seems to line-up with my own arguably subjective experience.

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    That chart isn't quite correct either (missed the 50-60 range). It's actually:

    Final to-hit : misses allowed
    >.9 : 1
    .8-.9 : 2
    .6-.8 : 3
    .4-.6 : 4
    .3-.4 : 6
    .2-.3 : 8
    0 -.2 : 100

    You're correct, it's the final to-hit chance (in the range [0.05 .. 0.95]) of an actual executed attack against a specific target.

    Auto-hit powers are not included in the system.

    Critters get the benefits of the system as well.

    The system does not track each power individually; instead it tracks every miss you make in a row, regardless of power (or target). Otherwise you could have nine different powers, each with a 0.95 to-hit, and if you executed them all in a row you could miss each attack (note a caveat at the bottom of the post regarding this).

    AE attacks are considered distinct sequential attacks on indivudual targets for the purpose of the system (so if you AEd two targets and had 0.95 to-hit for both, you be guaranteed to hit one of them).

    To determine the to-hit used in the table above, you take either the current to-hit, or the worst to-hit in your current miss series, whichever is lower.

    As an example, imagine that your first attack of the day had a final to-hit chance of 0.91, but missed. Therefore you are currently in a miss series of length 1, with a minimum to-hit of 0.91.

    For your next attack you choose to use an auto-hit power. It is ignored for the purposes of the system, so you are still considered in a miss series of length 1 with min to-hit of 0.91.

    For your next attack, you use a normal attack with a final to-hit chance of 0.95. Since the worst to-hit of the entire series is 0.91, and 0.91 (miss series) < 0.95 (current attack), you find 0.91 in the table. The table states you are only allowed one miss, and so this attack is forced to be successful. The attack lands, and your miss series tracking is reset.

    However, imagine that instead your last attack was less accurate, or you attack a different target which has more defense; lets say the final to-hit is 0.89 instead of 0.95. In this case, 0.89 (current attack) < 0.91 (miss series), so you have to use 0.89 when you look at the table. In this case, you are allowed two misses in a row, and therefore the attack is NOT forced to hit.

    If you hit anyway, your miss tracking is reset.

    If you do in fact miss (unlucky you), you are now in a miss series of length 2, with a min to-hit of 0.89. If your next attack has a final to-hit of 0.80 or higher, it will be forced to hit (because you're only allowed two misses). If the next attack has a to-hit less than 0.80, then it hits or misses like normal, and so on and so forth.

    Something to note, for those inclined to note such things. Because we do the lookup based on your worst to-hit in the series, the streak breaker is a bit less aggressive about breaking streaks than it might initially appear from the table. If you miss an ill-advised attack with a final to-hit of 0.15, you would in fact be allowed to continue the miss series for another 99 attacks, even if all the followup attacks are of capped to-hit, should you be unlucky enough.

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    Then there's definately an issue somewhere. With a +3 SO in each attack power, I've had miss streaks as high as 6 against blues. Also, I've had BU/Aim/Nova (with a +3 SO) miss 6 of 6 even con minions.
  8. For those who are interested, I've a pretty solid story arc / badge mission listing available here.
  9. IMHO, you're really overboard on the accuracy. Granted, my experience with energy blast comes from a CoH blaster but there are no inherrent accuracy buffs in the AT so that shouldn't matter. I've found the best slotting for EB attacks is 1 acc / 3 dam / 1 endredux / 1 recharge. I have very little difficulty hitting what I'm aiming at, and the attack chain cycles faster and costs less end this way. Even before ED I never slotted more than 2 acc and I would definately not slot 3 now.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
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    Our SG has same issue except the computer offers us a TaskForce from Silver Mantis (who is an arachnos agent) which allows us to start but never contact her since she's in Sharkhead Isle and we are heroes .

    We are hoping that this will be resolved with next patch.

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    There's no resovling to do. She's a villain contact, you're heroes. There's no way you should ever be able to contact her. That SF showing up in the mission computer is a bug, and they have said that they are working on a hero TF, but don't look for it for a while.

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    Don't see why there would be a hero TF anyway. Bad enough that the 20-25 TF in CoV can only be done via a SG mission computer. CoH already has TFs for every block of 5 levels, starting with 10. CoV doesn't have a SF until the 15-20 range, and no SF exists for 20-25 other than the SG one.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    Just a heads up...

    The Weed Whacker badge is for CoT Bosses that are CoV-ONLY (otherwise those stinkin' Heroes could get the badge!).

    Unfortunately, most of those bosses are level 30+, not a good requirement for a contact that is only level 25 to 29.

    So we are changing the badge required to unlock him to something that is attainable once you get into Sharkhead. The badge will no longer be Weed Whacker to unlock him.

    This is in a build being made today, so it will be a week or so before it gets to the Live servers.

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    Should the patch we downloaded today not include this? If it did, why is there no mention in the patch notes and if it didn't why not?
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    If I had to pick a team of devs to spend a Quarterfield with it'd include:

    CuppaJo for putting up with Flaming1 and me for the past year and a half.

    Weaver-One for being one of the few rednames I feel really likes to post on these forums as both a dev and a fan of the game.

    Lord Recluse for continuing to reply to my PMs about bugs and proving that I did in fact find a bug and haven't gone insane (much).

    War Witch because I need to balance out the team to prevent a Sausage Party.

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    While I almost 100% agree, don't forget Manticore. He is definately another of the more approachable rednames.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    Just a heads up...

    The Weed Whacker badge is for CoT Bosses that are CoV-ONLY (otherwise those stinkin' Heroes could get the badge!).

    Unfortunately, most of those bosses are level 30+, not a good requirement for a contact that is only level 25 to 29.

    So we are changing the badge required to unlock him to something that is attainable once you get into Sharkhead. The badge will no longer be Weed Whacker to unlock him.

    This is in a build being made today, so it will be a week or so before it gets to the Live servers.

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    Awesome Pos! Now what about Veluta Lunata? She's a 5-10 contact but the ghosts you have to capture are 10s and 11s and the traps spring 15s. Not really feasable to get the privateer badge while in her level range. Also, its not really feasable to get the first influence badge while in range for Doc Buzzsaw either.
  14. My girlfriend and I both play also. Sometimes teamed with characters made for each other sometimes separately.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    Can anyone verify that if you don't go "Level-Up" at 11 that you indefinetly stay at lvl 10 and complete all PO arcs? e.g. that even if you "ding" 11 that as long as you don't go to the Arbiter and level that you are still considered 10 for contacts?

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    I can veryify that it doesn't work.
  16. [ QUOTE ]
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    It is still INCREDIBLY difficult NOT to outlevel content in the lower levels. I ran my stalker solo and finished all of the content given to me in Mercy(Kalinda, Mongoose) and Port Oakes(Drea, Bocor, Vendetti, Heck, Radio) including their badge and Temp item missions but I was level 10.8 and purposefully maxed my debt out between missions once I hit level 10. I also only ever defeated exactly what was required to finish the missions, going so far as escorting hostages out WITHOUT fighting the ambushes and mobs between them and the door(go Respites ). Even with that very miniscule amount of xp I almost outleveled The Radio's stuff.

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    Unfortunately it sounds like you STILL missed some Port Oakes content: Veluta Lunati's missions, which require you to first trap 50 or so ghosts at Fort Hades to get a badge before you can start them. I do not know what level her missions cap out at. Also, the Radio is (I believe) considered a level 10 contact, so hitting level 11 doesn't cause you to outlevel it. With one character I was nearly level 13 by the time I completed all the Radio's missions.

    I've just worked a new toon up to the point of getting Bocor as a contact, after having done all the missions in Mercy, and she is just barely level 6. I'll have to find out soon if it is even possible to solo all the level 5-11 content in Port Oakes without picking up permadebt the moment I hit 10.

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    I'm lvl 17 and finally got the Privateer badge and am doing her missions. Unfortunately the mobs cap at 10. Obviously, it is possible to get a contact you've outlevelled to give you their arc, as long as you have the contact.

    Note: She didn't offer me any missions at first. I had to click, about this contact, then talk about what's going on, before available missions showed up.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    As an aside, at least with the Plague Spreader badge, and possibly others, only the person who "completes" the mission (by clicking on the last glowy) is getting the badge, even if its not their mission. No one else in the group is getting the badge.

    Have had that happen twice now. So, yay on the exemplaring down to see content, but getting badges remains difficult.

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    Duoed that mission and didn't experience that problem. Both of us got the badge.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    Hey gang,

    We are going to implement a couple changes to make this better. The early brokers will only require 3 missions and 1 heist to introduce a new contact. In addition, if a group completes a broker mission everyone on the team will get credit toward a heist that will lead to a new contact introduction. This should help keep you from leveling out of content. Just like in City of Heroes, if you start a Story Arc in City of Villains you will always be allowed to finish it—even if you outlevel it. If you miss a contact entirely, you can still Exemplar with a less experienced hero who has the correct Story Arc assigned to him or her in order to hunt down any pesky badges you may have missed.



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    Unfortunately, this doesn't help those of us who love to collect all of the souveniers. In CoH we could finally backtrack and talk directly to our contacts and get the story arcs to start, even if we had outlevelled them and never started them, and get the souvenier. The way things are here, if you missed a contact completely, you can never get the arc, therefore, never get the souvenier.
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    It may be the devs' intent that it be impossible for one villain to see every story arc in one go. That whole thing about having more content than you can possibly see. The thing is, it's kind of silly for a contact to abruptly dump you in the middle of a story arc. Last I heard from Billy Heck, 3K Kelvin was coming from Paragon City - and suddenly he doesn't care any more.

    If this isn't a bug, it's a crappy way to design things. I was used to being able to finish out story arcs, outleveled or not, and it not only doesn't make sense, but is kind of unfair to abruptly end them. It's essentially penalizing the player for gaining levels.

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    Found myself in the same position with Billy Heck and completely agree.
  20. [ QUOTE ]
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    Takes 9, not 15 missions to get all 3 contacts (12 if you count the heists).

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    In the beta it took 5 newspaper missions to fill the broker bar. It was dropped to 3 when it went live.

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    I'm aware of what the requirements were in beta, but I didn't post this during beta. This post was started since the game went live.
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    Here is a trick I use...since it takes 15 paper missions to get all 3 contacts.

    DO NOT TEAM for paper missions

    Set to Villanous

    Always choose KILL X and guards. Run directly to Boss and kill him and henchman. Many times you will luck out and only have to kill 2-4 people.

    That way you can use real contact missions for XP. Once you start an arc, they usually let you finsish even if you out level them.

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    Takes 9, not 15 missions to get all 3 contacts (12 if you count the heists).
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    I went to CAD at level 12 and completed enough broker missions to get Dr. Shelley as a contact. She started the story arc on my first mission and I completed a few missions before I ran into the bugged mission. This mission had a bunch of random numbers for the objective and while I was clearing through the mission, I was booted outside and received a mission failed. I was not able to complete the story arc after this, but she did offer me the badge mission and introduce me to a new contact.

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    The arc WAS complete after you failed the mission. You should have gotten the souvenier the next time you zoned. As far as I know, this mission cannot be completed successfully.
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    Part of me is considering starting my character over, with the knowledge of who the contacts are and what they give. I mean it only took 5 days of play for me to make it to lvl 17.
    Now I would know where the missions that are failable, and would bring help. My only problem would be that i would still miss the ones that are bugged. Has ANYONE gotten missions from Dr. Shelley?

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    Yes, I actually managed to do both Dimitri arcs, both Themari arcs and Shelley's arc, but she stopped short of giving me the Mask Maker badge mission, so I'm missing yet another badge. That makes 2 souveniers and 2 badges thus far and I'm only lvl 15.
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    Unless it changed recently, content is given based on security level (or threat level), not combat level. What this means is that if you are trying to get all the content that expires when you hit (for example) level 10, don't train up past 9. You can keep playing, queueing up level-ups, but for the purpose of offered content, you're still level 9, though mobs in missions will still scale to your combat level. The disadvantage, of course, is you're facing mobs with abilities scaled to the powers and slots you'd be expected to have at that level, so it can be a bit tougher in some cases.

    (On an unrelated note - falloutdnb, your avatar owes me a new keyboard, this one has Dr. Pepper in it now.)

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    Tried that. Didn't work.
  25. [ QUOTE ]
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    You've been able to return to outlevelled contacts in CoH to finish story arcs since at least I3.

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    Seriously? Because I still can't.

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    You only can if you've already been offered the first mission in the arc. If you haven't, then no, you can't go back and get it.


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    Yes, you can, and I have. You have to go talk to your contacts, in person (do not call), and if they have an arc that you never started and outlevelled, they will give it to you.