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  1. I'm counting on issue 17 to be a new base editor with additional tools such as:

    a vertical slider for floor and ceiling items so we don't have to stack and a horizontal slider so we don't have to stack wall items.

    All of the ingame items currently used in the maps.

    More templates besides arcane and tech.

    Non combat npcs to use in your base such as a doctor for your medical bay.

    transporter beacons for all other zones that currently don't have beacons such as parts of the shadow shard.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post

    I'm assuming, as well, that it's the continual update mentioned before. I'm not sure why it doesn't just take you into an editor and "apply" the changes when done in one fell swoop. (Given the costume, powers, and mission editors, actually, being able to "save" a base and work on it over time wouldn't be bad either.)
    It may or may not be that. I always assumed it was just a indicator to let you know when someone is taking alot of items out of your containers but we've always had some form of permissions for containers anyway. I was using sg ranks as permissions before they introduced the new separate container permissions.
  3. ftw. If I can't come up with a name I'll often use the thesaurus at to find other words that can be used. This doesn't work well with all character names but if you're looking for words you normally don't hear or even think to use it can be very helpful.
  4. Noticing that guardian seems to be pretty active right now and that a queue system was added sometime or other. I do not remember this being ingame during the last double xp. Looks like they decided to prepare and add it in a recent patch Should make it much easier to login to freedom next weekend
  5. So why not allow players to join some form of "Reserves" for vanguard at a lower level? They could speak to a vanguard recruitment officer at any of the vanguard offices such as the one in Atlas Park. You would run some sort of mission and then be able to earn vanguard merits during rikti invasions or while being sidekicked in other missions. Maybe even award them for defeating lost?

    But like I mentioned above, you would only be able to purchase the costume pieces until level 35. No temp powers, or salvage bags.
  6. For those of you that have very large bases with many decorations (usually thousands of desks stacked up to make walls) You probably notice each time you remove or take a item from a base that it causes ALL decorations in the base to flash; which in turn causes lag (extreme lag for slower computers)

    Removing this flash could greatly improve base performance atleast when adding to or removing base items from storage.

    Please note that if your base does not have alot of decorations in it that you probably never even notice a bit of lag whenever storage items are removed / added.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    The Skulls and Hellions make sense where they are - street gangs which fall out of focus when you're powerful enough to handle bigger things. You still have the Trolls and eventually the Freakshow to serve as super-powered street gangs, though.

    However, there are MANY enemy groups villain-side which are either entirely forgotten or only mentioned in passing.

    The Cap Au Diable Demons
    The Legacy Chain
    The Scrapyarders
    The Dockworkers???
    Yes, the Wailers
    Most of those are often forgot about because so many people just couldnt level fast enough and the devs put in 2 different xp curves. Now you out level the content in port oakes and cap au diable so fast you barely get to do anything for a contact. I can't even remember the last time I was able to do a mission for the radio. I've always out leveled him before I get to speak to him.

    Really wish they would raise the level cap on the content in cap and port oakes as well as the cap on the spawns in those zones.
  8. I'm wondering how hard it might be for them to give us limited customization using current ingame npcs. They could use things such as a malta hercules titan as a choice for your assault bot or different tsoo for your ninjas, etc.
  9. Maybe let you choose to have the banished pantheon zombies. Which already have pistols

    *edit* dang if I could have those and one of the GIANT totems as my level 26 pet I'd so roll a zombie mastermind.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sigium View Post

    I love the Vanguard costume; I think it's one of those creme de la cremes of JLove, and making it more readily-available would be awesome.

    But how would you justify acquiring a Vanguard uniform without being a member OF Vanguard?
    Well in the case that they allowed this I'd say they let you start the missions in the zone at an earlier level or at least do the "join the vanguard" short story arc.
  11. So Babs... What is in the pipeline for this? Do you plan to make changes to it or did you decide against it.
  12. Would anyone be against being able to earn vanguard merits at as low as level 1 but you could only buy the vanguard costume parts? Just the costume parts though; none of the temporary powers or salvage bags. You would still be required to be level 35 to get the powers.

    I'm requesting this for the number of times I've wanted to use vanguard costume pieces at a much lower level. But considering you have to wait until 35 on each character before you can even earn merits...
  13. I'm honestly hoping for a new base editor and more base options / decorations so I don't have to stack millions of desks to make walls anymore...

    *We need elevators etc for multi floor bases.
    *thick and thin walls.
    *thick and thin floor/ceiling pieces.
    *A real and quick way to move things vertically without stacking millions of desks.
    *All of the ingame items such as computer screens, arcane decorations, etc.
    *More base themes such as caves and tunnels (ever wanted a council style base?)
    *More base beacons for all of those zones we currently don't have teleporters to.
    *Passwords for base storage containers.
    *Larger Base storage containers.
    *Neutral npcs (not attackable, just something that you can add. Maybe a doctor for your med bay as an example)
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JJDrakken View Post
    Im set to diff of +1 and spawn of 1 person

    I got 4 peeps on my team, we got 4 ambushes sent to us, for 1 hostage at once, with Wardens! at lvl 15

    That doesnt sound right, this been happening all day

    If this was a bank mission and you fly to the bank you usually get ambushed by the huge horde of longbow eagles on the roof of the bank. Not sure if this was your issue or not but the only way around that is run to the bank or teleport to it without going to high.

    edit noticed the word hostage. NVM
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Stormfront_NA View Post
    Would be nice if the contacts when giving you missions would actually talk as well...

    At the very least I'd someday like for the signature heroes and villains to speak. I want to hear Babs actually say "Now you're pissing me off!"
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Catwhoorg View Post
    This exactly. A combination of pay for and occasional resets
    They already have did this atleast twice that I can think of. So i'm sure it will happen again in the future.
  17. Wouldn't agree to costumes because I don't think you should be forced to pvp to get costumes for your character (one of the very few things I don't like about champions online) but the other stuff sounds great. Not sure if you were saying it should be in pvp or not... I may have misunderstood.
  18. Usually don't run into that very much unless you sit in the control console at every hack heh. I'm usually hanging out near the spawn room. Good times. Always glad to meet someone else that plays or did play ps.
  19. I would like to someday have voice macros. We have them in planetside and I've always loved them. 5 different voices to choose for males and 5 different voices to choose for females. The voice macros also usually include some emote or animation associated with them such as "Hello" Your character waves its arm.
  20. It only lets you have the goggles, sunglasses etc. But the nice options like the lightning head piece, etc are not in the list.
  21. Been wanting to give my character the lightning bolts costume piece but in order to do that I have to use the full masks option which results in no hair options. And its not under the masks with hair options either before anyone asks

    Using the full mask options on females just basically makes them look like have no hair at all underneath that face mask. Which doesn't look all that great if you ask me. Gives us more options as well.
  22. Noyjitat

    Ray Gun Blaster?

    Originally Posted by Airman_America View Post
    I have been asking for years for a Ray Gun Blaster. I have even suggested powersets. HOWEVER, how about an optional gun, animations, and sounds for the Assault Gun powerset? The same damage/results on powers but with a Laser type gun(s), optional beam or circular effect (like the mental powers), sounds, and effect of the blasts? That would suit the Sci-Fi types out there would would like a Buck Rodgers or Flash Gordon type of hero or give a high tech look for others.
    Been wanting energy weapons forever myself. Its fun because if you read the technology origin description; it says something along the lines of "your powers come from energy weapons" somewhere after the part about power armor in that description.

    The only energy weapons I can think of ingame are what a robotics mastermind has and that doesn't really count. But your idea should be one of the many things that they could do using the new power customization. I mean we already have alternate super strength and martial arts animations.
  23. Someone really wants to make a Ryu or dbz themed character I see. lol j/k I'm not really into playing a blaster with melee powers but I can see how some might want this.
  24. So far I'm really enjoying my sheild/electric tank. It would be icing on the cake if we someday get Electric Mastery as an epic pool.

    And if there are any other archetypes out there missing some of the elemental damage types for epics you should add that in for them as well. Its nice to keep to your character theme Atleast thats how I like to do things with my character.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by silversword437 View Post
    I would screenshot this... but I dont know how to make a screenshot while in a the tailor screen.

    Recoloring them and exiting the tailor does nothing, returning them to default animation and back does nothing as well.
    You can take a screenshot by hitting print screen, alt tabbing out of the game and opening mspaint or any image editing software and hitting ctrl+V or click edit and hit paste. Then save the file.