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  1. I hope all of the requests for carnie, knives and longbow costume pieces end up convincing them to take the time to make these for us
  2. Not really a bug.. they just didn't write a script to automatically remove those going rogue costume pieces from you after the free trial expired. Something that they either have overlooked or a marketing ploy to give those costume pieces and get you to love them as another reason to buy going rogue later so you can use them on other characters.
  3. Carnival of shadows:
    boots, corsets, the sash skirt thing they wear and bikinis.

    Knives of artemis:
    the glowing goggles, backpacks and those chest and hip straps most of them wear.

    Arbiter Capes (atleast for VEATS, come on, we've wanted this forever!) Mu Vestments or something similar to it. Id understand that you would have to disallow capes with this costume. Naylors arachnos insignia labcoat

    Freedom Phalanax:
    Statesmens helmet, Ms. liberty's Shoulders

    Mothermayhems boots and bikini (i know you probably don't want players having um... thongs? But a somewhat slimmer bikini that shows the hips better like hers would be nice. I'm thinking something to connect to the Angelic costume piece so that it looks like a slim one piece costume when connected)


    I could probably think of more that has either been asked for or suggested for the past few years.
  4. I am so happy to have seen supergirl wearing the original costume with the skirt and not shorts. I'm glad the anti-skirt + flying people didn't win this time. She also wore shorts and pants later in the episode but it was nice to see that they will be following supergirls traditional costume as well.

    Now if only clark would put on the suit...
  5. On the US servers, Crafted or uncrafted I don't care. Level doesn't matter either.

    My offer is 2 bil but I can go a bit higher

    Post offers or send me a pm with your offer.

    If you don't have one to sell or don't know anyone that might sell it to me for my offer or a price close to my offer then please don't post.

    I will make a character on your server to conduct the trade.


    I have been offered a crafted gladiator for 3 bil already and don't have that much right now. I would still prefer the 2 bil to mid range. So no need to post or send a pm unless your offer is lower than 3 bil.

    edit: I have been offered one for 2.5 bil. I am going to pursue this and attempt the trade when the player logs in. I'll post here that doesn't turn out well and if I'm still looking.
  6. I'm assuming it must be a pretty insane system. I have a gtx 480, 2gb ram and a 3.0 core 2 duo wolfdale intel and I certainly cannot do it.

    I just ordered a core 2 extreme qx9650 though and 4 gb of ddr3 2000 ram as well as windows 7 64 bit. Hopefully that will be enough.

    As I understand it coh uses open GL rather than direct x and that would explain alot of why its so dang hard to get it to run as well as other games. You need more processing power and ram than anything.
  7. He's usually in the first big room for me on the first floor.
  8. Bug Squished, sound the trumpets!

    Originally Posted by Noble Savage
    Your thread was a great help to the QA team--thanks! Happy to tell you that we've tracked down the bug and killed it. Look for the fix in the next patch. I'm not in Publishing or I'd tell you when to expect it, but anyway it's comin' soon.

    Thanks again,
    So we'll see it sometime soonish.
  9. Noyjitat

    Character names

    But as he posted mega guardian man is not. And I doubt it would get renamed as easily as something like supreme man. Unless capcom somehow owns the rights to the word mega.

    If you want to use taken names like super man then I'd suggest using's the thesaurus and typing words like super or mega and check the lists for other words. Its also pretty nice to use in general for making character names with words you either don't hear or don't use very often.
  10. Sometimes I like to read what the npcs are saying during missions and I decided to tonight on one of my favorite villain tip missions. "this is how she dies"

    This is a pretty good tip mission that to me makes me feel like I really just did something extremely evil although its to one of my favorite classic heroes of the game Overdrive.

    So I'm reading dialogue where she's talking to longbow:

    [NPC] Overdrive: Okay, look guys.
    [NPC] Overdrive: You need to trust me on this. Desdemona is our ally.
    [NPC] Overdrive: I sent her away so we could talk ab--did you hear something?
    [NPC] Overdrive: What?
    [NPC] Overdrive: <playername> here?
    [NPC] Overdrive: I'm not sure what you're doing here, but I intend to stop you!
    [NPC] Overdrive: You've got quite the reputation in the Rogue Isles, <playername>!
    [NPC] Overdrive: I got sloppy, I should have prepared for this.
    [NPC] Overdrive: I admit, you're powerful.
    [NPC] Overdrive: But, I'm not through with you yet!
    [NPC] Overdrive: I-I can't give up!

    So as soon as she says I can't give up the famed run the hell away bug starts which at the time kinda pissed me off. But to my surprise the longbow at the other end of the room turns and shoots and kills her as she ran away.

    [NPC] Overdrive: Desdemona!

    I'm ofcourse already laughing about what just happened and then Desdemona comes charging in and the nearby longbow are apparently still blood thristy and decide to shoot her demons which results in Desdemona being nearly dead before I get the first punch in.

    I had to wonder if it was completely just another random broken thing or some funny egg castle dropped in the patch with the recent complaint threads about the mob ai run away bug.

    I wish I had fraps or xfire video on at the time because it was quite a funny performance.
  11. I pointed David to this thread with a pm and its supposed to be in QA testing.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by macskull View Post
    Dunno what market you're using but the prices on those IOs have been fairly steady since the market settled down after the merge and GR launch.

    I won't comment on the drop rates of purples as those seem to be working as intended (about 1 for every 1500 kills was the last estimate I heard), but as far as the drop rate of PvP IOs go estimates put it at about 1 per every 60-70 rep-valid PvP kills. The problem is not with the drop rate but rather how those recipes are generated. Removing the silly rep timer from the equation would bring prices back down by increasing the amount of supply, and PvP IO prices would probably go back down to the point they were at when they were new (when the +3% def one sold on-market for 500-700 million inf, instead of selling almost exclusively off-market for 3-5 billion inf).
    Really? so you haven't noticed how luck of the gamblers, miracle unique and numina uniques dropped from selling for 200+ mil and are now selling below 130 mil? At one point there were more for sell than people bidding. So I'm not sure what market "You" are using.

    Level 25 lotg 7.5s were selling for 100 mil earlier. Its not surprising with folks flooding the market with them from alignment merits but thats what Im referring to basically as being no very rare or valuable anymore, thus I wouldn't want to see other cash items becoming just as worthless. You might think 100 mil is worthless? Well, compared to what you could get for them it sure is.

    Maybe the inherent stam and stuff coming up with make folks change around builds and try new stuff resulting in items such as this being in high demand for a short time. Not sure though.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by alienuterus View Post
    Are you sure your card is fried? I'm not sure what "My window disabled those two cards because they have problems" means, but if your monitor is still plugged into the card and you can see stuff, you might be having some other kind of problem. Have you tried reinstalling drivers?
    No, it likely is fried. I had the same issue hes describing with mine. Its a powerful card but the cooling system simply isn't enough. Likely the main or secondary core on the card fried so it isn't functioning correctly enough for him to do anything but safemode.

    I think with the price of cards nowdays liquid cooling should of become a standard as cards are becoming hotter and hotter a heatsink and fan simply isn't enough for a gamer.
  14. If you've noticed lately the new hero/villain system has ruined the value of the original "Rare" recipes. The value of luck of the gambler, miracle and numina, stealth uniques continues to drop each week with the market being flooded by everyone.

    So as nice as it would be for pvp recipes and purples to drop a tad bit more often, I don't want to see all of the cash makers have the same 100 - 150 million inf value in a short time. I'd be in favor of seeing a slight decrease in alignment merit cost for such recipes but that's probably it.
  15. Has anyone obtained this badge recently? I'm wondering it its either A broken or B not obtainable by heroes that have become villains using the alignment system due to some sort of bug. states: The Lucent Legacy of Light Gladiator Badge is obtained by defeating 200 Legacy Chain Lieutenants

    Going by that you can see the list of different legacy chain Lieutenants here:

    I've completed the arc with the Sea Witch with my setting on +8 players on all of the missions with legacy chain in them as well as completed several other missions full of legacy chain and I've never seen this badge complete. And although I don't save my hero stats logs I have looked at them a few times when I thought I should of had this badge by now and seeing 30 - 40 different kills worth of combinations of the different lieutenants has me thinking its broken. As you easily see tons of the them. Especially the Blaze of flame and Terran of Earth.

    Now while the badge title says lucent which makes you think lucent of light would be the one you need to kill the folks that posted the badge details on paragonwiki don't mention needing to kill only lucents.

    I did get the ember legacy of flame badge for killing legacy chain minions quite awhile ago however.

    I guess I could know for sure if we would finally be able to track progress towards gladiator badges

    Anyone else having problems with the badge? Because I'm sure that I've easily killed over 200 of these.

    Perhaps the number is higher than 200?
  16. It seems that atleast 2 of my favorite pieces got broken over night. You can somewhat fix the problem if you play around with the head sliders but before tonight I was using the default head sliders. As you can see the large chunk missing in the headband and a piece of my hair missing above it.

    Already bug reported but I like to not take chances as I sometimes wonder if reports are received in full.

    If you find any others post em here.

  17. Issue 19 surprise tommorow or is it the bug fix for of the recent annoying bugs.
  18. I'd like to report that this is happening again.
  19. It should replace time bomb in Devices and traps instead. I have fun with time bomb on rare occasions but a temp power would be cool as well.
  20. 3 weeks of something new would be cool. Hoping to see something new for christmas this year too like alternate versions of each zone with snow in them and the beginning of real time weather being added to the game like our sunrise and sunsets. We need rain and thunderstorms in our zones.
  21. The only way this would ever work would be if they made entirely alternate instances of each zone that are clearly marked as pvp enabled. Which really is something they should do anyway instead of having 4 zones specifically designed for pvp. Make alternate copies of each zone with pvp enabled and this would give you more places to pvp.
  22. Anyone that watched season 10 last night care to tell me what happened a few mins after he talked to his father? My dvd recorder was set to auto record and shut off since the show ran past 9pm atleast for me. All I can remember is seeing a long distance view of the fortress and then it shut off on me.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PowerStream View Post
    Don't get too excited, it's also on an NPC which doesn't USUALLY bode well for the players. Usually being the key word.
    That gets kinda old now doesn't it? Hopefully one of these days we'll be getting alot of the costume pieces we've screamed for now forever.
  24. Hoping sooner than later that we see some the powersets and not just the weapons. Been wanting stuff like energy and electric rifles, shoulder mounted cannons that the clockwork use, etc forever now.

    But for now the weapons would suffice.