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My Shield/SS has little use for Assault unless the damage cap is increased. Although the wiki says it buffs damage for specific types of damage. I am curious as to how that works, as far as I knew you could only apply a straight damage buff.
I find my Defense Debuff Resistance on my Shield/SS is usually around 77% (I think? Off the top of my head) with one stack of Active Defense. With two it's capped, but capping it is not really necessary and it works pretty well to keep your defense from being debuffed most of the time. The only enemies I have trouble with regarding defense being debuffed are Rularuu, those giant eyeballs love to stack Optic Blast which seems to have a pretty potent Defense debuff effect. I solve this minor issue by just beating the crap out of them first. Other than that, defense debuff has not been a significant problem with softcapped defense and all of the debuff resistance, even against huge numbers of Cimerorans it's not that bad. Occasionally a hit will get through and a debuff applied, but the resistance works pretty well. Just gotta run Grant Cover, which a lot of people skip, but I like buffing teammates and having debuff resistance.
Pretty simple QOL request, I'd like some way to either remove the "combined" status of a boosted/combined enhancement or the ability to just email them across characters. I have some boosted IOs that I can't sell or email to other characters and it'd be nice if there was something I could do with them or some way to remove the boosters (even if it means losing them) so that I can email the enhancements.
Edit: Nevermind. I figured out a way to do it. You can strip an enhancement of boosters by attempting to trade it. You don't even need to trade it, just put it into the trade window. It'd be nice if there were a more self-reliant way of doing it though, lol.
Another edit: Apparently zoning causes them to revert to being boosted. You can e-mail them, but you have to do it before you leave the zone. Or you can just trade them and have someone trade them back. -
Quote:I can also see it being very dangerous for many Tankers, whether just because they're not "properly built" or they just can't survive it pre-50. It might be a cool idea to add as an option, similar to how Masterminds can choose to use it or not.It's an interesting idea, but as it is, it would be largely useless (and even bad in some situations) to a lot of tankers. I can't speak for the population at large, but I know on my tanks I make a habit of grabbing the enemies attention and positioning myself *away* from the team, so they don't get hit with AoEs.
Don't get me wrong, I could see it being useful on Fire Armor tanks or other such offensive builds (assuming the transferred damage from nearby allies didn't spike kill the tank), but I can see a lot of people not getting use out of that inherent at all. -
I'd love for all of the Power Pools to be reworked and have some changes and additions made to them.
I didn't buy the DVD edition because when I bought the game...
A. There was no DVD edition out yet.
B. I didn't have a DVD-ROM drive anyways, lol.
I can understand wanting to keep the specific Prestige Slide power sacred to collectors edition purchasers, but I've also suggested in the past a very simple compromise: remove the blue-purplish cloud effects, or change them to be gray or something. That way the collectors get to keep their own special version, and people that want a sliding sprint power can have one. Win win. -
I find nothing more interesting about the most weak and pathetic heroes than I do the very strongest heroes. Comic book writing is all about tropes, once you get past the initial appreciation of Batman having no powers you quickly realize it doesn't matter that he has no powers because he'll still be written like a nigh-untouchable demigod most of the time anyways, and that none of them (the popular ones, anyways), will ever die and remain dead for very long. Not that it matters, because a character's power level does not define the character nor the quality of the stories that can be told with the character. Case in point: All Star Superman, Superman at his very strongest, probably the best superhero comic of the last decade.
I build for concept, but no, I do not intentionally gimp my characters. I make do with my power choices the best I can, even if it means taking Fly on a Tanker over Super Jumping and thus missing out on the defense from Combat Jumping. If that qualifies as a gimp, I suppose I do gimp to an extent, but I've never felt like I should stop buying more and better IO sets, nor working toward more and better Incarnate pieces. The game separates itself from the concept at that level for me. -
I am not saying I agree with everything Johnny says, but I do think the argument of, "why not just roll a Brute instead of trying to improve Tankers," is fallacious. I personally would welcome an increase to the damage cap, even if it's only 50%, but there are a myriad of other solutions unrelated to the Tanker's offenses that I could see being applied as well, such as further cementing the Tanker's place as the aggro and survival king, as well as a team leader (buffs, debuffs, increase in Leadership values?). On this issue I am probably on the opposite side of Johnny, but I share his enthusiasm for improving Tankers as a whole and I agree with the general principle that they are in need of attention.
Quote:This is why Tankers need higher caps than Brutes.The only reason the +damage was added...is because it promotes a certain playstyle that a lot of Tankers do not have.
Fury almost inherently makes Brutes better tanks because (even if saving your team is not your goal) you're wanting to be the first to attack and gain the most aggro.
They are quicker to the next group because Fury inherently gives them something to lose if they sit and wait.
That being said...my main point of this suggestion was the added taunting. At this point...a Brute with the same build as a Tanker...and the same playstyle...will win out on taunting enemies by the higher damage.
"Let's be honest"...when you're on a team with buffers...the only difference between a Brute and a Tanker (with the same build)...is the damage output.
Either that or Brutes need to be nerfed (probably the easier and more warranted solution).
Failing that, just buff Tanker damage to address the disparity between Brute survival/damage and Tank survival/damage, and increase threat level and/or the effects of Gauntlet to make them aggro kings.
I know we like to say IOs aren't taken into account when balancing ATs, but shouldn't an AT's potential with IOs be taken into account at the very least? Brutes can deal far more damage than Tankers with only a minimal (and usually irrelevant) disparity in survivability when built properly.
I really like the idea of Gauntlet +, providing increased AoE capability, but this seems like something that would need to be addressed on a per-powerset basis.
Even though the idea of giving Tankers old Defiance sounds tempting on paper, I don't think it's a good idea ultimately because it really doesn't help the Tanker do his job more effectively and rewards them for taking a lot of damage, something that arguably could reward "bad" or reckless playstyle or have disparate effects on different sets (Granite Armor tanks for example would get very little use out of it in most situations, while a WP taking the alpha would get far more use out of it).
Tankers are probably one of the hardest nuts to crack with regard to improving them. Maybe that's because there really isn't anything terribly wrong with Tankers (aside from Gauntlet being kind of lame especially considering Brutes get their own version of it), except that they're just completely overshadowed by Brutes, who can do almost as good a job, if not (in some cases), arguably just as good, at tanking while simultaneously outputting a lot more damage. -
I miss you in the morning;
I miss you late at night.
Just to think about you
Is my joy and my delight.
I can't wait to see you;
Please hurry and come back.
You always make me happy;
I'm talking about Statesman's crotch.
....... uhhh -
I am so tired of hearing how Tankers are furyless Brutes. I don't want more +damage unless they raise the damage bonus cap. As a Shield/SS I can already reach it on my own with a few reds or team buffs. On a base level Tankers and Brutes are competitive, but when you throw in IOs, Inspirations and Team buffs, Brutes simply come out ahead at damage because of their ridiculous cap and can almost break even on survival, which becomes redundant and unnecessary beyond a certain point. If Tankers are to be changed, they either need to be more competitive and capable of being multiplied with a higher damage bonus (as well as some other changes) or have more survival capability that Brutes cannot achieve. The Max HP cap boost was nice but only effects a few Tanker sets as most will still never be able to reach the cap on their own even fully IO'd, though it does provide some extra force multiplication potential when teaming with the few buff powersets that can provide +Max HP buffs such as Cold and uhh... well, that's it.
As for generating aggro, I've never had trouble keeping the aggro off of Brutes on any of my Tankers. I can understand this might be a problem for some Tank sets vs. some Brute sets, but why would you say Tankers are (overall) not better at keeping aggro than Brutes? They should be as long as they're attacking due to punchvoke being stronger than pokevoke.
Personally I'd like to see Bruising have some capability of stacking. Make a portion of the Bruising debuff able to stack, like 5% or so, add some incentive to having multiple Tankers on the team. Beyond that, if Tankers are not the kings of aggro they should be, increase their threat level perhaps?
One major change I'd like to see that I know would never be made is to increase Tanker resistance cap to 95% or something. The problem with this is that it only affects certain powersets, and defense-based sets would not see any improvement, and there really isn't any way to improve Tanker capability with defense versus Brutes except for maybe increasing their base defense/resistance values.
I would support just about anything that improves Tankers. I think they could use additional damage in the form of a base damage modifier increase (NOT more bonus damage, PLEASE, unless the cap is increased), but I don't think having additional damage would make them a viable alternative to Brutes because a Brute will always outdamage them regardless.
I think the best solution might be to implement some sort of bar mechanic as the OP mentioned. I wouldn't have the bar grow from being attacked, and I wouldn't have it add +damage the higher it is because that is too much like Fury. One idea is to have it increase by being attacked, but this would only encourage the idea I already hear echoed too often that Tankers are unskilled tauntbots that stand in one place and go AFK (I know I certainly don't play that way). So instead of that, is it perhaps possible that the bar could fill as you aggro enemies and keep their aggro? I don't know if that's possible, but if it is, I'd like to see something like that. In order to keep it viable for small teams or soloing, it should function more like Domination than Fury, and decay very slowly. Once it reaches full, you can activate a power similar to Domination. What does this power do? I don't know. Maybe it increases the power of punchvoke. Maybe it temporarily raises your threat level if that's possible. Maybe it adds a Fiery Embrace effect to your attacks, allowing you to do more damage without having to provide a damage bonus which would not help certain sets such as Shield/SS without a boost to the damage bonus cap. Maybe it also empowers your allies, strengthening the idea of the Tanker as a team player. Maybe it temporarily grants an increase to any or all of the following: regen/max hp/recovery/resistance/defense. I don't know what it should do, I just have some ideas.
How about raising the aggro cap for Tankers? Increasing their base threat level?
The point is, Tankers need something to set them apart from Brutes. In a game with Incarnate powers and increasingly powerful IO'd builds, giving them a bit more base defense/res and slightly higher HP/HP cap just doesn't make up for the rather large discrepancy in damage capability anymore. If they're supposed to be the invincible aggro kings, make them more invincible, but increasing Tanker res/def power values by a tiny margin just won't be good enough.
Quote:How would this work? You mean decreasing the enemy's chance to a hit a Tanker to a minimum of 2.5% instead of 5%?Originally Posted by original postIncrease Tanker defense caps to 47.5%
- Streamline all the Tanking AT's, Tankers, Brutes, Warshade, Peacebringer, giving them all the same HP cap, Resistance Cap, and Defense Cap.
- Make each Tanking class bring something unique and fun in terms of gameplay to the table. Brutes would bring more damage, Warshades would bring pets, flexibility in terms of forms, big AOEs, etc, Peacebringers would bring flexibility, heals, big AOEs, etc.
- Tankers could bring higher Def/Res Mods, Higher base HP, and also bring debuffs/buffs similar to bruising. Ideas would be a shout power debuffing enemies or buffing teammates, ammo swap type ability for applying different debuffs via melee attacks, etc.
- Streamline all the Tanking AT's, Tankers, Brutes, Warshade, Peacebringer, giving them all the same HP cap, Resistance Cap, and Defense Cap.
I am moving this post to the consolidated Tanker improvement ideas thread.
Yes. I see no reason why not. Seems like a very easy solution to just add it to an existing NPC vendor or make a new one.
Just let us go to an NPC and trade them in to be e-mailed to our account. It's the easiest solution, the method for doing it is already in place.
Chain induction was in the game prior to Ion Judgment. The difference could be as simple as aesthetics. Maybe instead of looking like a buffoon you would look like some hulking beast, or maybe you just fly straight up and then come crashing down head/fists first in a dive. If not jumping in the air, then charging forward with a massive fist pound or something, whatever.
I don't think your idea for Destiny would work. Placating enemies is not something a Tanker generally would want to do, and I am pretty sure adding in crits for classes that don't normally have crits, or even just increasing the chances of those that do, is not something that can easily be done by a buff.
My thought for a super-strength/other type of "brick" Judgment would be to make it a Lightning Rod/Shield Charge type of power where you target an area and then teleport to it. The animation could be jumping straight up (similar to the ninja costume change emote) and then landing with a massive AoE crater smash. Maybe it would be possible to even add in a bit of a delay after the jump animation before teleporting and spawning the damage-applying entity to give the illusion that the character is jumping/flying really high (perhaps into orbit) before launching themselves into an area?
Hurling a massive random object via the Propel mechanic would be cool as well, not sure how well that would work or how feasible it would be though. -
Quote:/signedI agree there are many other avenues they could have taken to have not run into the problem (if making salvage account bound is indeed the problem)
Such as a voucher in ouroboros to trade your catalyst in and get it back in the form of an email, ala Astrals>threads and Emps>threads or simply making the catalyst itself be something other than salvage so that it could be account bound.
I don't like the idea of making them enhancements because my enhancement tray is often full since there are no rare enhancement drops and I don't really care about getting SO drops. I much prefer them going into my Special salvage, but the fact that there is literally nothing you can do with them beyond creating more superior ATOs of the same type you already have slotted and emailing them to another character of the same AT is really annoying. I just got one on my Stalker who already has a full set of superior ATOs, and I don't have any other Stalker characters so I am just sitting on the catalyst and looking at it, hoping some day there will be something I can do with it... -
Don't assume that the forum goers represent a sampling for the entire game's population. They don't. Though it has been universally panned by the forum goers, it could still end up a top seller. If you look at F2P games like Battlefield Heroes, forum goers there universally panned the idea of introducing weapons and stat boosting items in an in-game store, but when they were introduced, they were among the top selling items. That doesn't necessarily apply here, and I personally am a bit skeptical that a bunch of temp powers with a rather hefty price tag will sell well, but who knows, it could sell very well, especially to those who don't know how to get these temp powers otherwise...
Never played through Striga, eh?
Ok, just to clarify, does this mean I have to do 1 tip mission to "confirm my alignment" or that I have to do the 10 tip missions + alignment mission or whatever before I can continue earning hero merits on my heroes? Because, gotta be honest, never bothered with confirming my alignment, just seems like a waste of time and earning merits via the SSAs is way faster and more convenient.