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  1. Definetly not BABs... I really trust the Devs not to fall for this Trope.
    The black guy always dies first
  2. Das ausgerechnet Du mir in den Rücken fällst war ja klar ...und mit Dir sind es drei Leute.
  3. Wow, totally uncalled for and not even in the slightest constuctive critique from you... now there´s a surprise.

    Yes, you appearently are one of two people who like the new design but seriously... was that neccesary?
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hestis View Post
    The video you are trying to watch cannot be viewed from your current country or location
    Now there´s a surprise -.-
  5. I´d say the majority of us agree that while the new CoT costumes look great they're just not the Circle of Thorns we've come to love/hate/loathe/admire.
    So to safe David and Jay from having to read the whole Thread(it has 24 pages by now), maybe we should put our suggestions how to improve the costumes in one place.

    Let´s see, what we´ve got so far:
    -hoods with invisible faces for the Minions
    -fiery green eyes
    -robes, or if that isn´t possible (too expensive) at least a breechcloth
    -half-exposed faces on the Lts (maybe tattooed foreheads)
    -buttcapes or just capes in general
    -tall arcane hats for Bosses
    -less shiny spandex and instead more rough leather or cloth texture
    -Libri Vermis' sash (and shoulders please)
    -large sleeves

    Did I forget anything?
  6. Nos482

    So it begins!

    Dun Dun Duuuuuunn!!1!
  7. What the...?!
    What´s next? Tic Tac Toe: The Musical?

    That aside, the trailer looks loke fun.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Innovator View Post
    I just thought of something, if WB wanted to make some money with their comic book/cartoon francise they should really do a Static Shock film with Jaden Smith.

    Or how about a Freakazoid movie with Candlejack as the main vill...
  9. All the better... then I can spend more points on costume parts.
  10. Mender Defender
    hmm, maybe I should think of a better name...
  11. Time Manipulation and Beam Gun... hope they can be used together.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zem View Post
    Fictional characters don't pay subscription fees. It's okay to kill them.
    Neither do Freebs...
    Originally Posted by Chase_Arcanum View Post
    Has it been confirmed that "one will fall" means death?
    Well, there were also promo pics reading "Who will die?".
    So I´d say it´s safe to asume, that the FP wll soon be called the surviving seven.
  13. Quadra Blades?
    Looks more like Nightstar´s forearm blades as a costume piece instead of a claws weapon option... which would´ve made some sense.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CaptainFoamerang View Post
    He's undoubtedly sporting his Ultimate look:
    Then why not his look later in the series?

    Looks way better than this maskless Manticore knock-off.
  15. Nos482

    The Freedom Test

    Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post
    c) have them wait in the safety of the police barricade while you travel into the pit, find the biggest nastiest spawn of Igneous you can and teleport them into the middle of it. Perhaps stopping to get some popcorn to much while watching the show.
    hrhrhr... gotta get myself some teleport powers.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BlackSun17 View Post
    Norman Osborne (he has morphed into the Lex Luthor role)
    Only with slightly more hair...
  17. Nos482


    Originally Posted by McNum View Post
    Manticore doesn't need his bow to take revenge. Manticore already has the greatest superpower of them all: COLD HARD CASH!
    AT change to Master Mind?
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    I mean, I still have the odd slip of mind and occasionally call Bastion by his old name.
    You just did so^^
  19. Nos482


    Originally Posted by joshdex View Post
    The most logical (and not coincidentally, only) thing I could think of (well other than my more logical conclusion) is that it's the player who dies, and a randomly picked PC will be permanently deleted.
    Wait, what? o.Ô