324 -
I like the atomic aura, more capes... eek not really a cape person. More costumes would be BETTER! More than Likely I'll get this... as for the party pack... I got one for free then my gf saw me use it on my Demon MM and well... of course she thought it was "cute" so had to get one for her too... It's all good, by supporting these lesser boosters it allows them to do more...
LONGING FOR THE DAYS OF OLD? When you could go into a missions with DE and expect to see a few swarms summoned? Well, for those of you who miss those pesky little swarms there is good news... THAT'S RIGHT... Take your swarm missing self over CREY'S FOLLY and you will find not 1, not 2 but a BUNCH (as in bananas) of swarms there!!! All you need to do is imagine that they were summoned by the proper DE mobs and it will feel like pre I18!!
Note: Results may vary... -
Once Praetorian maps are open to primal earth toon's in I19, will they be able to get this badge? My first inclination is no but with Ouroboros, you never know... I was just wondering if anyone might know...
Very cool add... thanks for your work and effort
Quote:Coldhearted can be gotten by heroes during the St Valentines day eventHey, I was just curious if anyone has compiled a list of badges that are Hero only, and Villain only? The reason I ask, is my main badger is a scrapper. He's gone from hero, to Vig to Vil, and is sitting at Rogue right now while I try to collect badges that are villain only, before he goes Hero again. Like the Coldhearted, Hammerhead, Demonic, and SF badges. I know there are some that can be earned by both sides, like Kil Skulls, Man/Woman in Black, Zookeeper, etc, but a full list would help me out greatly, and others I'm sure as well.
If no one has created such a list, here are the ones I know of(Or assume), and if you know of any others, please feel free to add to it, so such a list can be made.
Villain Only:
Coldhearted Defeat 100 Circle of Thorns cold demons, including Hordelings, Hellfrosts and Blade Princes
Electrician Defeat 100 Gremlins
Fort Knox Defeat 200 Gold Bricker Rocketmen
Goon Squad Defeat 333 Cage Consortium Guards
Hammerhead Defeat 200 Ghost of Scrapyard's followers
Spectral Trap 100 ghosts in Fort Hades, Port Oakes
Strike Buster Defeat 200 Scrapyarders (Sharkhead Isle)
The Mongoose Defeat 50 Snakes
Spiders Kiss
The Thorn Robber/Thief/Usurper
Those are all I can think of... -
Yes do this sf
You need 4 people to start it set it to -1 x8 you will get a lot of them just clear out the first mission then log off and redo the first mish, keep doing it till you get the badge... I did it with three people and it took us 2 1/2 runs
The O port mish is ok but the sf gives you more LT's
good luck -
Quote:Thank you... that is what I wanted to knowDevs don't make a habit of visiting this forum AFAIK, they seem to let us police ourselves for the most part. The players always know more than them anyway, right?
From the thread in the Dominators forum at http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=240081 , the players seem to think this is a bug.
I usually head to AT-specific boards when changes like that happen, as the discussions usually make the most (least?) progress there as far as trying to figure out if it's WAI or a bug. -
Quote:That's odd, I wasn't aware you speak for all players... and for the record, my question was pointed towards someone that might know if this was a mistake and wasn't meant to affect doms, since doms we not mentioned on the patch notes list... or maybe a dev might answer it. (imagine that)I understand your concern, but since we the players aren't mind readers, we really can't say whether the Devs plan to "address" it.
Have you PM'd one or more of them?
See, that's how questions work, you ask them and hope they get answered by the RIGHT people (No mind reading needed) -
This new patch... well yeah... no need to mention the cop thing since there are enough threads about it... I'll just say with those amazing rewards I can see why they made it harder to complete.
One of the changes was Mace Mastery/Personal Force Field - This power has been replaced with Focused Accuracy. I guess to make sure trollers couldn't get PFF
twice, but in taking it out of the patron pool, this has now messed up some Dominators and not to mention any Dominator that has PFF NOW has to respect out of it because it no longer works! That is messed up... so the question is... are the devs going to address this or does this get filed under the "oh well" category -
Quote:O_oNot that helpful here.
If the -KB was from a set bonus (kinetic crash etc) you'd have to have the power to get the set bonus and the IO would heve to be 3 or less levels above your exemp level.
If it's a straight -KB IO (karma etc) then you don't need the power available, but the IO needs to be the level you're exemped to or less (possibly +3, not 100% sure). -
Quote:You are correct, what I should have said was purple sets because that's what I was referring to
Actually, this is dependent on exactly how the unique IO functions.
Some function like a normal set bonus, in which case you will only lose the bonus if you exemplar more than 3 levels below the level of the enhancement. It doesn't matter whether the power the IO is slotted in is available at that level or not. An example of this would be the Steadfast +def unique.
Others, which function as procs, like the Miracle and Numina uniques, will work regardless of the level of the IO itself, but the power it is slotted in must be available for the IO to function. -
Quote:Set Bonuses are constant percent benefits, unaffected by the level of the enhancement. Set Bonuses are lost when a character exemplars more than three levels below the level of the Invention Enhancement. An Invention Enhancement's level affects the strength of its basic enhancement bonus....-KB, specifically.
If I have one slotted in the power I get at 32, and I exemp to, say, 12, do I get the benefits of the IO?
Does it matter if I exemp below the IO's level? The power's level?
Thanks for the help.
The only IO's that keep their properties no matter what level you are exempt down to are unique sets.
Hope this helps -
Quote:What I do is get a radio and set it for -1/x8 with bosses and it's pretty quickOk, changed difficulty, I had it at -1/1 to 1/1 and got 3 Tips in pretty short order...thanks for all your help
(Note) I do this with a scrapper so maybe the x8 with bosses might not be the best setting for a squishy -
Quote:amen! although I heard rumor that if you complete the cop 101 times you get a free party pack booster... not sure if that is true or notSounds like my plan as well. I can't see running the CoP trial any more than once for the badge and thats it.
I ran it 4 times, first time was failed attempt, second time was completed on the red side, and the 3rd time was Blue side with a record time for us of 12 minutes 14 seconds. The final time was a failed attempt on a pug team.
Got my badge, no other reason to run it. if the reward was worth it, I may do it but since its not, nah. -
Quote:Nice... I agree. While fury is nice and that added with frenzy is a nice comboI like all three but my preference is scrappers. A scrapper can be made quite tough and is instant-damage, not I'll-pound-you-through-the-wall-in-just-a-minute, wait-for-it, wait-for-it...
(if) you stay redside that is. I like what the scrapper brings to the table especially if you build it right -
I used slot them before my pling days but now I do not. in fact I don't even slot Do's or So's.. for me they are a waste of time and money. when I do get SO drops I sell them or give them away
Sitting at 969, I will say this... being able to switch sides gave me a better perspective of the redside for sure
Emotes only booster pack... I guess someone thought that something like this could stand on it's own... The amusing part is, I'm sure they have an idea that the main reason people have bought the other booster packs in the past were because of these reasons... 1. Temp Powers 2. Costume Pieces. 3. Costume change emotes.
The wedding pack for example, had emotes AND costume pieces and sold pretty well maybe not as good as the other booster packs but it was worth buying for the costume pieces added, at least for me it was, I bought 3 of them
I am not disappointed there is a no red response, I just hope they are reading all the responses to this booster pack... I know that the devs count on these booster packs to be a success which in turn brings in money to allow them to do other things for the game... seems simple to me, give the people what they want, I have NO doubt many more people would have bought this if there were a few costume pieces in this booster pack. I know I would have -
The Party Pack came out yesterday and it's $7.99 for 8 emotes which is like a buck per emote
This is without a doubt, a RP booster pack... that being said, I am surprised no costumes parts were added to this booster pack. for example a party hat or something party related...
I know more than a few people that would have bought this if there were costume parts added... I know I would have -
Quote:Well, that would be the case but there is one problem... I have a small sg and I know for a fact that NO one is the sg including the toon that has defeated landru, which is Nitra (who was not in my sg when she got it) Has done this tfPretty sure that's just the "Rikti Plasma Turret" badge, awarded for 5 defeats of Lanaru the Mad in SG mode.
Not a new SG badge by any means.
The only way to really prove either way, would be for me to do a petition or for me to do the Landu tf and see if the bar moves -
Quote:Ok beef np, I posted both cop and the new one so people won't say it's the cop onePost a screenshot of the badge marker if you could and show as many of the badges as you can, maybe we can figure it out.
As you can see I have gotten 31 of something I just have no idea what that might be...
Quote:That is odd considering I ready have that badge, yet I still have this bar?That badge is called Scorpion's Surprise.
It's awarded for defeating Lord Recluse at the end of a Patron Arc. You can get credit for defeating him in other places as well.
That progress bar is very broken. Last time I looked at mine, it showed 91/100, and one more defeat awarded me the badge.