1109 -
Villain Patron Powers Unlocked
Now any Villain that has unlocked any Patron Power Pool can freely select another when respeccing or making Multiple Builds, offering the same flexibility that heroes are afforded with Ancillary Powers. Source
I understand from this, that If I wanted to change from Mace to Mu it is now possible. What I'm not sure about is whether or not the following can be achieved :-
(a) Can the new patron's arc be attempted?
(b) Can we get the new patron's badge? The stinger etc...
(c) Do we lose existing patron badge? (I imagine not, but need clarification)
(d) Can we have different patron powers on 2 different builds (on same toon)? This may appear to be the case looking back at the source quote
(e) If D is possible, then can we have more than 1 patron badge?
Any other information would be great too. Thanks for looking. -
DE 'disguise' themselves in the Rogue Isles a fair bit, think they may do it Blueside to. Still, amusing if nothing else =]
[/ QUOTE ]Definitely can find them in St. Martial, as have killed many whilst hunting Blue Ink Men and Marcone Bosses.
Was a suprise when I first came upon them, but the shock factor wore off pretty quickly. -
Never had my filter on ever. The only times you generally see swear words are when team dynamics fall apart, the majority of which are from PuGs. When the insults fly, I don't rush for the filter.. I rush for the /globalignore function... Just because we can swear, doesn't mean we have too? but then again most of the ppl I team with are of a similar mature age set.
Blaspheming seems stupid though on the filter, especially if you are an atheist or agnostic, like me. What's so bad about saying "Thank God"? -
Didn't play much at all over the weekend, but did progress some alts a bit.
In total played 1 hour on friday evening, 3 hours saturday morning, 4 hours on sunday, then 2 hours before maintenance today.
2 bars on my lvl 31 Stone/Stone Tank
3 bars on my lvl 42 Kat/DA Scrapper
4 bars on my lvl 36 DB/SR Scrapper
4.3 levels on my now lvl 21 DM/Shield Scrapper
All solo, didn't team once... becoming a hermit slowly! -
When I first saw that I thought "so what, not much of a reward for 5 years". However, when you break it down, it will help tons in maximising any build... should be able to get rid of unused powers now. You could have all primary and secondary ones now without being penalised too much.
Hopefully 63 months will now look at useless epic powers you don't need, but have to take to get too the ones you actually do want... would help tons more, espeially red side. -
Oh in real time my first 50 took me 18 months, then by 20 months I had 4.......... I like to alt you see
[/ QUOTE ]First one of mine took 16 months (Namesake), then took a further 12 months to get my second, the third then popped up pretty quickly after that. Almost gone a whole year now without seeing my fourth... but have 4 or 5 around the 40 mark. -
Been busy recently, so had no time to post... but this might even resurrect the thread!!!
1. Solo an AV.
[/ QUOTE ]Yep done this on my Claws/Regen scrapper, but still can't defeat Nosferatu though... he's a real pain when you only have 3 ranged attacks.
2. Solo a GM.
[/ QUOTE ] Had my scrapper been high enough way back in i3, then I would have said yes.. but sadly not managed it yet.
3. Solo a TF?
[/ QUOTE ]Yep, Positron and Synapse definitely. The only ones that wouldn't be possible, would be ones that needed simultaneous clicks like the Cavern of Transcendance trial.
4. Master of.....
[/ QUOTE ] You could do it on other tf's so long as you take a screenie of the completion box. But why would you? The only reason to do this would be for the challenge...
5. Weird builds!
[/ QUOTE ]Have various projects on the go... 1) Have a lvl 35 DB/SR scrapper that only uses salvage/enhancements/recipes etc... that drop. Have not used any influence to purchase anything. Was hard going at the beginning, but ok now with standard IOs, but sets are a real pain. My vault storage is completely full of rare salvage, and my AH slots are all full of other types of salvage that I Store until I can craft something. takes a lot of time, dedication and organisation to get the best out of received items...
2) Have a lvl 22 tanker that street fights only. This has taken a while to build up as can get quite tedious at times, especially as soloing all the way to 50.
Had other ones in the past, but it's one way of keeping the game interesting for me, as recently got my 42 month badge. -
So another Winter Event has come and gone...! And I find myself with the same problem as last year, rotten teeth, due to the inordinate amount of candy canes I collected.
I'm not much of a farmer, infact I personally hate it, but grinding is a different matter altogether...
Anyhow to cut to the chase, after opening over 1500 presents during the Winter event (all solo I hasten to add)... I personally received the following...
373 Present inspirations
522 Candy Canes
43 Mystery Gifts
18 Snowbeasts
15 Snowballs
5 Stocking Caps
and defeated 2,649 Frostlings.... ranging from -5 Greys to Red ones. I only once attacked frostlings that were stupidly lower, as wanted to get the Cold Warrior badge fast on the very last morning.
I also collected 88 winter related badges across all my characters, and I'm proud to say only 1 was a ski slope badge. I was so bad at the new course that I gave up pretty quickly, even on my badgers... best time was aganisingly close to achieving the lowest one... but not quite as I missed it by .15 of a micro second....
Anyway, how did the event go for the rest of you??? -
39 months! Thirty nine! Carnal Sin has hit level 50, I'm making a Kheldian so I can give up on it before even reaching level 12, declaring them rubbish and making threads in the Kheldian forum about how bad they are! WOOOO!
[/ QUOTE ]Didn't quite make that myself, I persisted to lvl 12 with my PB before realising that they are (censored), I did however manage to get my WS to lvl 16 before I got bored.... with trips back from the hospital, so he got deleted too.
Give up now and get a villain to 50, as VEATs are so much more playable, I've actually got my spider to lvl 20 atm, which suprises even me!!!
Grats on the 50 btw, think I forgot to mention that earlier... -
In my opinion it wouldn't. It might help for PvP for for the PvE game once you have that 45% to everything then you don't need any more.
[/ QUOTE ]The same as not needing Stamina on a scrapper if you have your build set right. Haven't had Stamina for over 12-18 months now on my Claws/Regen and don't miss it one Iota. Sappers and Carnies are the worse at draining end, but there are ways of defeating them without suffering too much. -
My best last night was 50:63
[/ QUOTE ]
That's me but in minutes.
[/ QUOTE ]I felt like that too Shannon. I gave up after 6 attempts at the toboggan run, as was absolutely useless, had a best time of 1:25, which was unbuffed and by only using sprint. More practice needed I think. -
According to Redtomax's guide, each of these powers has a max hit of 5, and they are all sphere powers.
I'm not 100% sure either way. My Fire/Axe has been 50 for a while and gets very irregular run outs, so as far as I can remember I've never hit 5 foes with one hit on these powers, but I generally solo so mobs are smaller anyhow.
I think I'll do some research then come back to you. -
Right, just managed to get it. 2 Speed Boosts, sprint and Combat Jumping made it very easy. (47 seconds).
Think I'm going to make sure that my second builds have six slotted sprint, combat jumping and anything else which will increase my speed, just for this event.
[/ QUOTE ]
I managed to get 24.67 seconds without being buffed. Mind you i did have SS and CJ on.Only took about 10 mins for the 3 badges too
[/ QUOTE ]
I'm going to have to assume that's in a (currently not there) Pocket D 2 then? Since the Union best time in Pocket D currently shows 41.something seconds and Defiant shows 40.88, that's one hell of an achievement...
[/ QUOTE ]If I've missed your irony then I apologise in advance MA, But the time of 24 secs would be for the original ski run, not the new one. -
The cheap IO set powers then??
Once you manage to sort end out a bit, it is nice standing and admiring all the foes that are cowering.... before slicing and dicing! -
Wd mate, 10's a heck of an achievement.
Sorry to hear of your pain and anguish. You'll be a hard man to replace on the game's best server. -
Very probably WAI - rent is no longer based on plot size (big plots are now both much cheaper than before, and no rent payments are due from them), but you do get charged a small amount (a few hundred prest) for each instance of a few particular items you may have in the base.
Workbenches and storage racks are the ones most people get hit by.
[/ QUOTE ]No point having racks now anyway, unless you want to store event salvage... With the removal of base salvage, it appears that bases now only have 4 functions a) for teleporting to other locations b) enhancement and inspiration storage c) a meeting place or d) creating IOs. -
There's also the misconception that setting your difficulty to "Invincible" is just... better. Pff to that, I say! It's all just a false economy. Fighting higher mobs just means slower XPPM, and a far higher ratio of deaths, which further slows XPPM due to debt...
[/ QUOTE ]
If you suck, sure. 9/10 times Unyielding gives the best risk/reward ratio for me - and yes, both XPPM and IPM.
[/ QUOTE ]Agree with you Extremus. When my melee toons are comfortably defeating foes, I move them all to unyielding, as it gives better mob sizes that provide some sort of challenge, especially the bosses, EBs and named bosses. -
I've noticed that since i13 every base has to pay rent, is this WAI?
I only ask as my base is for my alts only, and is set on the smallest size, that prior to i13 was free!! -
no one has gone past 4 power trays
[/ QUOTE ]Nitpicking here but..... I looked at all the screenshots above, and some people actually have 6 power trays open.... 3 together as normal, then 4, 5 and 6 in top right corner going vertically.
What do I need to do again to get trays in screenshots, as I don't often do it. Once I know I'll paste mine later. -
[Puts stupid hat on] Does this include saved favourite topics aswell? [Stupid hat falls off]
I have a Kat/Dark at 37 and I can tell you that it can be painful to level. I still find Dark very draining on endurance, even with only the basic toggles going and the danger with Katana is that the quick recharge can mean you spam your attacks over and over until you're drained.
Don't get me wrong, it's a fun toon, and very, very versatile but the endurance cost alone can eat you alive. Look for +end recipies if you can.
[/ QUOTE ]
/\ This is so spot on. Even now with my rapidly approaching lvl 41 Kat/DA, end is still a huge problem... Always the first AT to call for a rest. -
Very good for me as I had 5 drop on Saturday. Which is weird as I was moaning on global that I hadn't had one drop for weeks.
[/ QUOTE ]Lucky you! Seriously though, I can't remember having a purple recipe drop at all this year... gonna have to play with my higher lvl alts more I guess?
[/ QUOTE ]I knew saying that may change my luck, got a Ragnarok on saturday worth 38m. Now if only that worked everytime, then I'd post every other hour or so!!! -
Not sure if this is a technical issue or a bug, or even plain stupidity.... but anyway...
When accessing work benches prior to i13, all the previously opened recipes (prior to accessing the table) would be easily visible, when trying to create an enhancement.
Since i13 I have personally noticed that if I had a recipe open (at the AH) to check I had the correct salvage, it disappears when I access the work benches in the Uni. Is this WAI or am I missing something?
It's pretty annoying having to move away from the bench, to check exactly which common recipes I have. Standing at the bench and checking every category in turn is longwinded and a waste of my time. Is there anything I can do, to get the original system back? -
It's almost always the last few letters in the name of the tell you got.
Like when Shield Justice tried sent me a tell I only got "ice". or when Maximus Alternity sent one I got "ernity" as the tell.
[/ QUOTE ]On that basis then can you suggest who sent me the following tells...
[tell] e and [tell] er