6709 -
when I was playing premium my account would periodically flicker VIP.
not usually for very long, but it was a regular occurrence. -
While a few of the rampant GW2 fanbois spamming their obsessions here make the idea tempting, I'm not a believer in Flying Monkey Justice.
NC won't be getting another dime of my money, and I'll happily make my case directly to anyone who wonders why, but I'm not going to slag a game I have no intention of ever playing.
I mean, it might be a good game...I'll never know, so I won't venture an opinion, let alone a review. -
Quote:Spoken like a profoundly uninformed yahoo with an axe to grind who hasn't played in several years.Ahhh but when did CoH jump the shark? Was it the endless nerfs that resulted in one massive insulting nerf between issues 5 and 6? That really drove a coffin nail into the game that it never recovered from.
Nobody hated ED more than I did...I actually briefly quit over it.
But the introduction of the invention system effectively reversed ED while opening up pre-ED levels of performance for a whole host of characters and ATs beyond inv tanks and regen scrappers.
I don't mind a good rant, but you need to know what you're talking about.
Otherwise you sound like a homeless souse yammering at traffic from the overpass. -
Quote:gratz.With all the talk/reviews on this board lately of how good GW2 is, I had to try it out. Now having played COX since before issue 1 and initally poo-pooing any ideas of playing another MMO, once I actually tried GW2 and went beyond my assumptions that I couldn't find a game that gave me the same satisfaction that COX gave me, I discovered a really fun game.
Thanks for the suggestions all and I encourage others who were in my same mindset to give it a try.
for me, fantasy is the Great Dead Horse of the computer game universe, a lifeless hulk that developers simply can't let rest in peace. -
Quote:Whatever dude.Not for me, that sucked. BO-RING. A blurry of powers going off repetatively on this mob spawn and then that, travel to next mission location, repeat. Without communication, that's all there is, and frankly that's not worth signing petitions to save. That makes no sense to me. If I wanted to play by myself, I'd play a 1P game, not an MMO. So no, there is no difference between text and spoken word, cause either way I'm trying to play with you and paying attention to you. If I don't want to hear/read what you have to say, I'll get a different teammate.
You like it, you use it.
Stop trying to convince me it's super duper and anyone who doesn't use it is just missing the whole point of an MMO.
If I want to listen to a bunch of nerds talking to loud and being socially awkward in a group setting I'll hit the local comic shop.
When I log into a game, I'm there to play the game not sit in on a geek sewing circle. -
I think I posted my vid card upstream a ways, but basically it's a dual processor Dell with a couple of gigs of RAM that was 'pretty good' four years back when I bought it. Upgraded the power supply so it could push a real video card, which is about the same vintage as the computer but further up the performance scale.
I'm not blaming CO for these problems, it's obviously something weird on my end. I'm just not motivated to ferret it out while I can still log in to Paragon City. -
Quote:It's great when I'm playing something with my friends, it's at least useful in a fast-paced FPS team setting, but it drives me *crazy* in games like this one.Yep. It's one thing to tout the increased efficiency of voice chat for the purpose of coordinating a team or whatever.
My daily real world routine delivers my full daily allowance of small talk and banter- it's one of the things I log in here to escape from. -
CO's wannabe console roots shine through even in the fundamentals.
Which is fine if you like console style gameplay.
ran around a bit this morning.
The game is overprone to crashing and server disconnects- pretty much every session has been ended by one of these. This AMs was particularly irritating as we were about to complete one of those supervillain alert things.
Which is one thing I like about the game and think it does well- the whole alert system is nicely implemented and I've been able to get one going pretty much whenever with minimal waiting. -
Quote:yeah, what he said.To anyone looking to file suit: Disputing the charges with your credit card provider/Paypal will be much easier, cheaper, and more likely to work than going to court over it.
Might work, might not work, but neither outcome will cost you a dime. -
Quote:point one: use google. Being informed is always one click away.4) Did they not do the same thing in text? This is just part of the hunt for the right group for you.
5) Inanities? I'm not even 100% sure what that's supposed to mean. And is the source of the problem voice chat or your job? Please elaborate.
point two: there is a vast difference between text and the spoken word. In the context of a game, I can ignore any volume of text without distraction. Someone or several someones yapping in my ear is an entirely different proposition. -
Quote:More of Jack's special brand of genius....tailoring the game to appease an anticipated console demographic, then scrapping the whole console idea & sticking PC gamers with the fallout.Right up front I want to mention that there are both graphical and gameplay elements that make it very clear this was a game designed for a console gaming system first, and PC second.
SMH. -
Quote:The first thing I did in CO was disable voice chat.Okay, time to be mean to the wonderful CoH community for a moment...
Typing!?! Come on, I've been gone a few years and you're still stuck in the stone age of online gaming?!? Mumble, TS, Ventrillo, sheesh folks even a private MSN channel or something. That's got to be the #1 negative to coming back to CoH--for the awesome community, there's no community! Grabbed my headset on Saturday night...that was a wasted effort, there was no voice. Did an entire TF, and there is maybe a whole 3 window of text the whole time. I might as well have been playing a 1P game with incredibly smart team AI's. Maybe everyone was talking to their SG's or other friends,that's understandable...then play with them.
Vent or Teamspeak with friends is one thing, strangers yammering their inane babble in my ear while I'm trying to play a game is a "feature" I can live without. -
there's nothing like CoH out there, sorry.
I find DCUO unplayable, it's barely more than a console port.
the Marvel MMO sounds more like Diablo than any sort of real game, so that's off my radar as well.
CO has its problems, but I've level'ed a Goat clone up to 8 without uninstalling in a fit of rage, which gives it the edge over every other MMO I've played other than this one and WoW. And as noted, you can turn off the stupid outlining. Things still look cheesy to eyes adapted to CoH, but it is a major improvement. -
Quote:Yes."This person said something bad about us, let's give them lots of page views, exposure and comments." That's pretty terrible when compared with: "This person said something bad about us, let's ignore them."
I'm normally all for linking sources, but in this case just block-quote the key text and leave out the link, no need to drive traffic to an *******. -
Quote:Look, i'm as pissed at NC as anyone, but this idea is just silly.this is why such matters are usually handled by class action lawsuit where in the company pays out a lump sum to all the complaining parties and then the lawyer gets there bit. Also be aware just cause one lawyer wouldn't do it for less then a 1k retainer doesn't mean another will. but lets cross that bridge when we come to it.
The number of potential plaintiffs is relatively tiny, the monetary losses of each ditto. Imagine success: five or ten years from now each plaintiff gets a check for $1.50. Whoohoo!
It does nothing to bring the game back, it provides next to nothing in the way of compensation for affected players, the only profit in the entire enterprise would accrue to the lawyers involved.
I'm all for annoying NC and making them regret this entire debacle, but really now. The numbers simply don't justify a legal assault, beyond complaining to some other huge corporate entity like a credit card company and letting the two of them go at it like prehistoric monsters in a Ray Harryhausen film. -
Quote:it was a stupid idea that failed spectacularly.Maybe a little late for this to help? There are quite a few billboards in the city zones.
and good riddance.
although actually, in the brave new world of F2P it would be a valid revenue path.
subscribers = no ads, F2P = ads. -
Quote:Those who bandy such ideas around strike me as people with zero firsthand experience employing a lawyer.What I find funny about these fights over the law is that none of the real life lawyers that I know who play this game, ever comment with such certainty on legal matters. There are far too many variables to be sure how this would play out. And I wouldn't even start the research to render an opinion for less than a $1000 retainer.
Edit: if any one is interested, PM me if you're in Illinois.
I have, and to justify the expense you need to be A: Wealthy or B: Pursuing a substantial payoff.
Even if I stood to get my *entire* material investment from the 8 year history of the game back in one lump sum, employing a lawyer to pry it loose would place me deep in the red. -
Quote:This was my main complaint with it the first time around- really poorly organized, and what organization it does have is largely counter-intuitive.I've been playing for a week and I'm still finding pieces tucked away in categories that make NO SENSE.
But you know what?
As the game doesn't seem alt-friendly I don't mind. If I'm going to be mostly playing one character all the way through, having to dig around the editor for stuff will extend my interest in the design process.
Quote:And the robot/beast thing doesn't bother me since CoH was the same way (maybe minus the beasts).
But no biggie, I only have two character slots so I'll just stick with the Goat for now, he looks fine. If I get a wild hair to fill the second slot I'll go with one of my stable of cyborg/robot characters. -
r/e costume creator:
My extreme discontent with the options available to a new player have been assuaged by getting above whatever pointless level requirement they imposed on the 'full' tailor. Checked the tailor with Earth 2 Goat last night (he's level 8 now I think) and found all the options necessary to re-create him. Now he looks great.
From running around the game a few days CO's costume strengths are mech/power armor types and non-humans. I really dislike how straight up human superheroes turn out, but it has some really nice options for robots, animals, demons, etc. -
Quote:Games are like any other business- as long as revenue outstrips expenses, you'll do fine.Just tried it, not bad but not great either, thing that did worry me was that it had less players than CoH (that can't be good), don't fancy getting into another game for it to fold.
CoH *should* have been fine for the foreseeable future but was betrayed by corporate BS. I wouldn't worry about the size of the CO community because their publisher seems to understand what they have- a niche game that is part of an overall F2P strategy, not a WoW killer.
On the topic of CO as a game, it isn't fair to say it "sucks".
There are many things I dislike about it, but it has already outlived DCUO on my hard drive by ten hours. It's a different creature than CoH, and so I expect discontents as I much preferred CoH.
But it doesn't suck. -
well, **** that guy.
I had no opinion on him previously, now he's made an enemy.
Not that he gives a ****, but these little things do add up over time.
For some, the immediacy of social media is a double edged sword. -
Quote:I don't think it's been brought up much because most people (like me, for instance) have never had to think about it.That final point I made in my post was actually the first tragic point that entered my mind when the news broke. I alluded to it in the second paragraph of my open letter to NCSoft, if subtly. And, truth be told, it has concerned me that more people haven't brought it up, and don't bring it up when situations like this arise. It makes me feel like I'm living in a culture that is willing to embrace the reality of that final sentence in my "td;lr" post with nary a second thought.
It wasn't something that occurred to me until a few hours after the closedown announcement- I was just bounding happily along, secure in the knowledge that F2P was working and we were getting more content in a shorter span than at any previous time in the history of the game.
ah well, better late than never I guess!
and also, of course, not many people dig deeper than the surface layer of an issue. That's a wall I've run into several times over the years here, in debating in-game ads among other hot button topics.