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  1. Aye, at the the higher lvls if an empath joins the team, i prefer he tosses his buffs about rather than healing. Often when an empath has to rely on his heals to keep a team alive, there is something wrong in the team. As stated, your other teammates will have nice ways of circumventing damage being dealt in the first place, and it hurting less when it IS dealt, meaning heals are less important. Like, but not limited to:

    blasters - "you (enemy) die before I die", i.e. dealing a massive amount of damage to your enemies, making sure they are dead before they can do anything. They lack mez-resistance however, so they love CM. On top of that fort greatly boosts their killing capacity (tohit, damage and defense to prevent being hit). Most blasters are end-hungry cause of this though, so recovery aura is nice. And of course after a nuke (the last power of a blaster's primary, which is a massive cone/aoe damage power) drains all of their endurance (well most of em do anyway), they love you casting adrenalin boost on them after. I'd say blasters are the AT that profit most from an emp, but ymmv.

    controllers - a mezzed opponent cant attack me. They'll lock down an enemy preventing them from doing damage, together with placing them nicely for AoE attacks (well if its a good troller anyway). Seeing most of these lack mez-resist as well (aside from /FF and /sonic who got resist to mez aside from fear/sleep), they'll love CM. Also trollers might be bit end-hungry at times, so they'll love recov aura. Dont forget these guys get defender secondaries as well, so they might be emps themselves

    Tankers - They got their own mez-resistance, so most of the times they wont need CM (unless fighting mez-heavy opponents that'll rip their mez-resistance to shreds, but these are few and far between). They want to be more survivable though, so they'll love fortitude, especially ice armor tanks. A few of them can be endhungry, so once more recov aura is nice. However they'll love regen aura on top of that cause they'll soak up the damage and want it healed back asap. Think this is the only AT that might still rely on your heals a fair bit compared to buffs.

    Scrappers - These guys love fort just like blasters: damage and increased survivability. It kinda depends on their sets what other buffs they might need, think the variety of the sets with scrappers in relation to needed buffs is biggest of ATs, but once more ymmv. As an example, a claws/regen wont need recov aura most likely, while an end-hungry maniac like spines/dark will want both recov aura and AB if possible . Also their reliance on heals varies per set. Suppose i cant say much bout the "general" scrapper.

    Defenders - well, your fellow defenders.. they'll often be at the back alongside you buffing your allies and debuffing your opponents. They'll want CM as aside from aforementioned FF and Sonic defenders (which want CM as well btw..) they got no mez protection, and if a mean opponent turns its sights against a defender, there isnt much he can do. I think fort shouldnt generally be prioritized to other defenders as i think blasters/scrappers/tankers benefit more from it. Other than that i suppose also defenders will still rely a fair bit on healing for when the faeces makes contact with the oscillatory device.

    On top of this all, everybody loves recov and regen aura basically

    Of course this is a very, VERY general summary and it will differ time from time, team setup plays a big role. For instance a team heavy with acc debuffs will need fort less for the +def factor. Its just meant to illustrate how your buffs can make a big difference compared to your heals. It's how the saying goes, it's better to prevent than to solve problems. So as others said, lose the WoW mindset, adopt the CoH mindset, and enjoy the game as an empath

    PS. above "summary" is just my opinion, not meant to start a discussion who should get priority with what buff or whatever. Its there for illustrative purposes.
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    There's a world of difference about people able to buff but not doing it at all and others doing an excellent job but the game not being understood by selfish people.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    There is, which i kinda tried to point out in my post, probably missed my point then. Like I said, this is all ranting how people dont get their buffs when they want it, and put the sole blame on the defender not being able to cope with their (and the team's) demands. Just tried to add a bit of relativity to it all. I know sometimes it can also be the defender being a total plonker.

    [ QUOTE ]
    (And on my /kin I have a macro stating that the tank can ask for speedboost but I might get annoyed when others ask too often.)

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    Aye I always try to say that as soon as i join a team (at least if i dont know everybody on it), that I will try to keep SB on em at all times and if they dont have it, theres something else taking my priority at that moment.
  3. I find it pretty funny how everybody here is blaming the defender in question. True, there are a fair amount of times where the defender in question is to blame (too lazy, too inexperienced, whatever..). However dont forget there is an other side to the story.

    When playing with an empath (or other buffer for that matter), there are alot of people that think that buffs should be available for them, when THEY want it. Screw the other player, he needs to focus solely on YOU! People often tend to forget, said empath might be busy with something else and just hasnt gotten around to CMing. For instance take said example bout STF.. i'd rather use absorb pain and heals on a tank that has a hard time, then spam CM on that squishy who bravely ran into that other mob. Btw, this is rhetorical as i dont have an empath myself, but do have a kin, sonic, ff and cold.. so got my experiences with buffing people.

    Nor do people tend to understand an empath cant CM when they are mezzed themselves, out of end or whatever the reason (what, they cant?!). When I play my kin, i always keep the buff window open, and apply a constant stream of SB and normally people arent ever without. However, it does get on my nerves when for instance:

    1) people shout "SB plz!" when they are away from the rest of the team somewhere else on the map

    2) I'm busy in my cycle of SBing the team, but because of some interruption I havent reached everyone on the teamlist yet, and that 1 millisec without SB they start whinging bout SB. Hold on, you'll get it in due time!

    3) That nice sapper decided to drain all my end and I got no end to apply buffs on ANYONE. Followed by people still begging for SB.

    4) see 3, but with being mezzed

    5) I got a fair load of enemies chasing me cause my nice team didnt bother to: tank em, kill em, kill a bunch of freaks and bother watching for rezzers etc.. Sorry, but i cant buff you if im running/fighting for my life, you want me to help you? well then help me as well!

    List can go on and on and on.. Just remember that sometimes theres a reason why you dont have CM on you yet. It could be the defender had to prioritize (and shame its not you that got prioritized). Dont forget emp defs are players too and, especially in a team, not your personal buffbot that does everything YOU want it to do.

    PS. Not counting PvP blaster duo buffbots
  4. I'll try to be there, though its in the middle of my exam period, so kinda depends on my study schedule..

    PS. before ppl whinge bout me actually studying for a change, i neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed to pass these exams if i wanna leave uni behind me once hehe
  5. Nefarious_EU

    MM vs AV/Hero

    i'd say bots/dark and bots/poison. bots/dark has the highest amount of -regen (5 powers iirc) followed by bots/poi (4 powers). Aside from that, both sets got some other nice tricks as well. Not to mention the protector bots keep your robots alive nicely and can put some nasty stuff on AVs as well (constant spamming of seekerdrones comes to mind). Also robots got a fair bit of inherant resistance to quite some stuff. With my robots/poison i managed to easily solo all AVs thusfar (he is lvl 43 now, dont play him that often anymore cause of me being altoholic ). Even without ever using bodyguard, insp overdosing and when AVs had that massive regen buff where nobody dared fighting one without a kin or rad on team anymore.

    The only 2 AVs that were a bit of a pain to me were infernal and lilitu. Dont forget robots tend to HATE fire damage. Hope this was in any way useful..

    PS. my MM doesnt have stuff like aid other or leadership or whatever, only pools he got is hasten, group fly and stamina.
  6. Nefarious_EU

    Goodbye :]

    and another one leaving.. sad to see ya go mate, another regular teamer gone
    anyway, good luck with the highers mate, i'm prolly gonna bug ya from time to time on msn anyway heh
  7. Nefarious_EU


    [ QUOTE ]
    How ironic you come back and im just set to leave

    [/ QUOTE ]

    then take an example and stay or at least return to the game later heh
  8. Nefarious_EU

    Regan help

    [ QUOTE ]
    Buff regen plz

    [/ QUOTE ]

    instant-healing is so underpowered...
    ooh ooh i know, how bout you make it a toggle that would surely make it a bit less gimped
  9. Nefarious_EU

    CoX Funny Scenes

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Agreed, I don't get it either. There's also a continuity glitch since the fire/fire is dead when the firekin shows up. Guess you had to be there.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    A Empath revived him but it was a deleted scene.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    when can we expect the director's cut super special extended edition?
  10. Nefarious_EU

    Regan help

    [ QUOTE ]
    Revive is worth it becoz of the amount of times u will face plant

    [/ QUOTE ]

    never felt the need to pick revive if you have resilience.. seeing stun wears off faster than normal with that, you can just pop a wakie and be ready to fight almost instantly. Medium wakie wont have stun at all iirc.
    Also i found resilience to be handy cause of the stacked stuns you can easily get when for instance fighting rikti or tsoo, which WILL detoggle integration otherwise. Not the mention the small resistance it offers, every bit helps.
  11. grats!

    LGTF at 58? gotta teach me that
  12. Nefarious_EU


    lies.. globey doesnt PL or farm

    (instead he IS PL and farm j/k mate)
  13. acc is useless on sleet, the base acc is high as it is, combined with the massive def-debuff they get hit with.. iirc i only got mine slotted with recharge
  14. ice/cold is an ace set, lots of fun, but REAL painful to lvl solo, especially the earlier lvls. Even with stamina, you run out of end ALOT. It starts becoming bearable from heatloss onwards, but thats 38.. meaning it's painful till 38. Its possible to solo till then, but would recommend AGAINST it pre-stamina at the least. I soloed a fair bit 20+, tho i dont think i did alot of relentless, but mostly villainous or vicious.

    Solofriendly sets are rad, dark and kin i suppose. Even though rad's also pretty nasty early lvls pre-stam/SO cause of the toggles youre running.
  15. well dont forget in BB most heroes dont have +perc either so it kinda balances out.

    For the choice of picking a zone, i'd suggest you first decide what exactly you wanna do with pvp. Do you just want some pvp action, i'd say just go to arena, then people can set their own limits. Want a huge battle-royal kinda thingy? Pick WB then.. want the "ultimate" clash between heroes and villains? pick sirens or bb. Or do what they did before and sweep through the zones, starting at BB, then switching zones every 1 or 2 hours or whatever till you end up in RV. (Out of interest, why didnt you include RV?)

    Out of experience i can tell you that makin a post a few days in advance asking "what do YOU guys want" will end in nothing. Its easier to make a rough setup yourself and let others refine it if youre inclined to.
  16. Nefarious_EU


    heh, grats mate.. one to chuck up to the list then eh?

    *mutters something bout finally getting enough motivation and stop alting enough to get a vill to 50 himself >.>*
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    Hope that naughty wall behaves itself

    [/ QUOTE ]

    psssst, hereĀ“s a secret: end drains!
    dont know if its bug or WAI (i.e. the spawn is a "power" of the wall), but found out that if you drain the wall of end it severely reduces the spawns.

    usin that trick we easily did a few eden runs in 30 mins, hour tops
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    Are they all set to "hide" as the default?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    its all in the original post:
    [ QUOTE ]
    By default, your Statistics, Powers and Badges will be on, but Friends List will be off.

    [/ QUOTE ]
  19. did ya? mustve missed it.. oh and i dont enjoy em THAT much, only done em 3 times i think (2 times for badge, 1 time as alternative to STF cause we were bored). Might be doing it AGAIN soonish tho, as my brute is now 45
  20. Hey G, you know im almost always up for some late night TFing, prob is I wont be around much coming days cause of exams/deadlines coming up, but if i got time i can prolly tag along for the right. You know how to reach me
  21. Nefarious_EU

    Effective Team

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I left a Tf recently (before they started) becoz they were trying to do it in under 2hrs and avoiding 90% of the Xp ... was i impressed was i heck... To lvl u need Xp the more the better.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well, now I almost regret I never kicked you out of the Hess TF we did in which you compromised to stay for the whole TF and then tried ghosting it because "you had an STF later and as you were 49, there was nothing for you in that TF" although we repeatedly asked you to stay in the group plus it was a TF you asked for in forums and I agreed to arrange it for you. So it seems XP is good for you but you couldn't care less if your team mates also like it or simply want to enjoy a TF team without any rush.

    Gah, now I can almost picture J giggling and saying "Night, the kick button is there for a reason"

    Edit: Sorry Donna but I needed to let it out. I'll be glad to team with you anytime, I have a lvl 35 troller in Union that has been itching to team for some time.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hmm... now i sure hope i'm reading this right, as it's already made out im somebody that cant read.. but is that you playing by a different ruleset? And yeah, only said previous post cause iirc it was a manticore team of us you joined once and we wanted to get some xp out of it yet you insisted on stealthing it just like mentioned above.

    As for "game is made for getting xp". I disagree there, i play the game for content, getting xp is a nice bonus, i actually READ the missions. I actually like some of the story arcs and each new addition (e.g. RWZ) i try to play the arcs, even if i dont get xp. So different people play this game for different reasons. Play it for mass xp if you want, it aint the only way to play as people try to make out here. Especially saying it is wrong if people state the game aint all bout xp.
  22. Nefarious_EU

    Effective Team

    oops, I meant not accepting invites obviously in my prev post

    [ QUOTE ]
    But nvm ... just remember ppl play by different rules u dont like this put up shut up or leave (harsh but true)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    and this.. well if you say people play by different rules and you gotta put up, shut up, or leave.. then why do you start complaining a team did it in 2 hours? They did it by their rules, so i guess you just gotta put up, shut up or leave.

    Even when I want xp I'm all for ghosting some TF missions as sometimes after a while it gets too much of a chore, especially on the longer TFs. It all depends on the team as well, if its an AoE heavy team with everybody in the higher lvls of the TF range that can wipe out mobs in seconds, sure, i dont mind clearing. If it takes a while to clear mobs because everybody in team is in the lower lvls of the TF range cause of that "mad xp", I'd rather ghost. Of course that "mad xp" will be kind of disappointing as while each mob on its own will give relatively more xp, it also takes you more time to defeat em.

    Second of all, I only think at the lower lvls TFs are the fastest way to lvl. At higher lvls you're better off having 6-man teams farming invinc mishes. Especially on villains, just go to WB and you'll finish a mish in bout 10 mins, getting at least a bar per mish. Heroes is bit harder cause arachnos is much harder compared to longbow. Or I found out the RWZ arcs on invinc are nice xp as well as long as you got good team setups. Like what I got earlier, a duo of stone/stone/GW brute and fire/fire/GW brute (normally we farm WB mishes), combined with a ma/inv scrapper. Or fire/kin troller + ice/cold corr + sonic/rad corr works wonders as well. TFs aint the only way to lvl fast. Neither are 8 man teams, i prefer 6man teams over 8 man teams for faster xp.

    As to donna, you can try joining "Teamplayers United" as well, global channel with teamplayers in it so you can shout out there if you are really stuck for a team.
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    Seen a blaster holding a brute running granite + rooted. Nerf holds plx.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    well i know i can hold tanks on my blaster (elec/elec/elec), never tried granite+rooted though. Having 3 holds to cycle through is a huge advantage though.
  24. Nefarious_EU

    Ice Ice Baby.

    [ QUOTE ]
    (i like having also a nice damages output)

    [/ QUOTE ] that case he wouldnt have picked ice secondary i think..
    and skipping glacial armor is just a big no-no. I've noticed quite a few times that glacial armor is a musthave if you tank big groups. Every bit of defense helps. And of course +perception for when ghosts try to run, or that nightwidow throws a smoke grenade at you.

    Ice patch as you say is nice damage mitigation, but ice patch + glacial armor is an even nicer one. Anyway to the OP, the build looks nice. Got nothing more to add than whats already said though.. (aside from the not picking glacial armor)