1377 -
aye.. its a self-rez, now its debatable if you WANT a self-rez on your tank, but i suppose thats not the issue. For as far as self-rezzes go, I think RotP is a damn nice one. Does a bit of damage iirc, but the nice part is how it stuns your enemies, leaving you with the upper hand for a few secs. As said before, by the time they managed to bring you down they should already be weakened from the fight, and you are ready for round 2!
Forcebubble is a huge PBAoE repel power, kin's repel is a knockback power. While they got similar effects (repel and kb), there are a few minor differences.
First of all, they are 2 different effects. Meaning that even if you got kb resist from acro, you dont have repel resist. People often think its the same, but its not.
Second of all, repel doesnt necessarily fling a foe on his back. It will just push something away. A minor detail, but with great effects. It means repel is less useful for damage mitigation than knockback, aside from the fact that repel is useful for damage mitigation cause ranged damage is generally less than melee damage.
Hope that clarified something a bit, if not.. if you're on union drop me a line and stage'll show you forcebubble -
Cobra Strike's damage indeed is low-to-non-existant, however you dont pick it for damage, you pick it for that nice stun. People ->HATE<- stuns in PvP (well generally speaking). Your other tricks are immob, knockback and slow. Immob and knockback are negated by almost every PvPer having combat jumping + acro. Slow however is once more a hated secondary effect in PvP. Although its more slow recharge thats hated than slow movement. Stuns however is a bit less resisted, you cant pick a pool to offer stunresist. So only ATs with inherent mez-resist powers and squishies with external mez-resistance will counter your stun.
aye /nrg offers some nice goodies for AR, like boost range and buildup. If you want to try AR for pvp i'd really suggest /dev or /nrg to go along with it.
once more its the usual crowd that turns it in personal attacks etc etc then complain there arent enough people in PvP, go figure.
Yes, AR or arch IS sub-par in PvP, especially arena. However there is no need to go all personal bout it, it was a normal question and therefore should be answered normally imo. I have to disagree with most Donna said, however the flaws have already been pointed out by others. Dont forget that iirc AR also gets said acc boost, the other advantages listed come mainly from /dev rather than arch.
AR can indeed work as a pure sniper build in zonal PvP, if you go defiancewhoring (not sure how it works out with defiance 2.0 tbh), use fly + SS as travel (as said you wont be able to chase someone with just fly) and play at max range and try not to get detected. Hence /dev being a nice choice for an allsniper build.
It can still work to an extent, and will get you a few kills. However it still alas is subpar to for instance fire or ice, and you most of the times wont have too much of a chance vs dedicated PvP builds. Still if you want to play either in PvP I'd go for AR over archery. -
the secondary effect on DB is -def on almost every attack, and 2 (iirc) knockdowns (3 if you count sweep combo
). Also to compensate for that you got the combo system as well. Thing is you're solely comparing it to the brute's primaries, which are roughly the same as tanker secondaries.
However, dont forget DB is also available for scrappers and tankers. If you check their secondary effects, there are less of those holds/stuns as well. For example theyre lacking in: claws, ninja blade, katana, broadsword and spines only got an immob as real mez effect. However all these sets got their other fancy stuff. Also I dont recall fiery melee from brutes get mezzes either, and elec has at best "chance to.." mezzes (chance to sleep, chance to stun) -
aye, as said empaths aint NEEDED.. it just was a "it works.." strategy, just as piling up with a load of heroes on hami pre-I9 worked. Other ways of beating her are indeed taunting from max range, however on top of that fortitude (preferrably powerboosted) and FF shields will help a fair bit preventing it hitting. Combined with somebody debuffing GW's tohit obviously. And yeah, sonic + unstoppable doesnt drop either. So there are still enough ways to get past it.
Speaking of which:
What do you have to say about claims that the attack also apparantly 1 shots tanks because of the detoggling and DoT?
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I say you have 7 other team mates, IO's and Inspirations who should probably do something to prevent that.
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I am the closest thing you kids have to God.
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I had no idea that Knock up powers had become so popular.
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nah i always use protection -
heh i got earth/storm myself
together with grav/rad, ill/ff and used to have mind/sonic but deleted that one
earth/storm is a control powerhouse, mainly thanks to stalagmites and volganic gasses, which ticks holds, rather than just 1 tick of hold like glacier, meaning you'll hold bosses easily. In teams you'll be one of the "strongest" chars in your team. Imo nothing can beat the lockdown capability of earth/storm.
However, as said it got some downsides. First of all, its a pretty defensive set. In a way it doesnt deal much damage. Meaning that if you want to solo, this aint the toon for you. Its ace in teams, but lacking alot solo. Though i suppose it'll pick up a bit after your epics and containment. Even though it has been decreased in power.
The other one like PRAF said is the animation. No doubt the animations look cool, and you actually FEEL you got em in complete control. However the shiny graphics can overwhelm your screen easily and especially in small maps you sometime might lose track where youre going. Suppose its a double-edged sword -
aye, dont NEED emp, but it sure is gonna be alot harder. Seeing i tanked GW on my scrapper yesterday and just made sure soulstorm didnt hit in the first place
Still, it adds a way bigger "luck" factor to it then though. Meaning a soulstorm hitting will still often be a "game over man.. game over!" moment.
For PvP however, i think its a nice change leveling the playing field a bit. Even though i agree with chim it'll force alot of ppl to adapt their playstyle which some might not like. -
hmm.. is this PvP only or PvE as well? And do you got the source where this info comes from?
If it is PvE as well I can imagine Ghost Widow becoming a whole lot harder in STF :O -
They could drown
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then they didnt learn fast enough
Anyway I agree with the tactics stalk posted in the above post. Already had my suspicions WP mightve been weak in pvp, so guess I just got that confirmed. The ghetto stalker approach should work as well as I think MA is a set that benefits a fair bit from this approach. -
heh yea.. tanking mako and BS at once was a pain though, bloody mako doesnt seem to like taunt very much as he just runs away after
heh, well maybe shouldve formulated it a bit better. didnt really mean the physical back of a team per se, more back as in not directly interfering with the enemy (in case of buffers)
..to the team that stuck tonight and finished the STF proving you dont need no stinkin tankers, shivans, nukes, other temps or vengeance. A big thank you to:
Gravity's Echo - grav/son
Brother Sun - fire/rad
sky high - fire/kin
Manf - emp/nrg (sorry if i get ya secondary wrong, you never used it anyway)
and of course Eriica - ice/elec
A huge thanks to them, by showing the perseverance of continuing even after the tank and other rad d/ced. Finally resulting in recluse and his patrons receiving a thorough buttkicking.
Once more gj guys, was a real pleasure seeing this being done the hard way.
Thing is, fighting in arena is way different than fighting in zones.. might as well immediately drop you in the deep waters
First of all i would like to support you in your endeavor to the PvP world as a PvEer. Something i think most PvE-only people that complain bout PvP could learn bout. After all i believe only reason "casual pvp" cant exist according to them, is because atm there are no "casual" opponents. And the current population of people who PvP alot i suppose can scare a newcomer away.
That aside.. I'm afraid I can offer only limited advice on your build. Got no experience with WP on scrappers in PvP, strengths/weaknesses etc. I know its viable on stalkers, but thats a whole different story. But im sure someone here knows the lowdown on WP on scrappers. Can offer some advice on MA, but again not too much as I barely see these in PvP really.
Speaking of which, let me get it straight thir probably wouldnt be the wtfpwnage toon of a zone. Then again, that shouldnt be a problem cause you already said thats now what you want. As for "needing" SJ and either BM or WM, thats good..
SJ is the most popular pvp travel power: fast, reliable, full freedom of movement, and less -jump powers around than -fly. And if you pvp, you really only want to pick between body and weapons mastery, both are good if used well. I picked weapons on my BS/Regen to prevent people from running so i could kill em thanks to BS' slow activating/recharging powers. I think MA would benefit more from body though.
While we're on the topic of MA, MA is a bit of an average set i think in PvP. It can deal a nice amount of damage, however seeing it is smashing damage, it is resisted by a fair bit of powers. You could say the same is for BS with its lethal damage, but the amount of lethal damage is so high it easily compensates. I could be mistaken, but I dont think MA reaches those lvls, still it does a fair bit of damage.
To compensate however MA got some nice tricks like slow, stun, etc which are pretty nasty in PvP. Well, nasty for your opponent anyway. I'd say focus on squishies in sirens and wb, to a lesser extent in RV cause squishies will have their epics which often includes a smash res/def shield.
As for slotting, have every attack 2x acc, 3x dam + 1 other, probably recharge. Focus on burst damage and as much damage as possible per attack, rather than a stream of attacks to deal damage. Your opponent wont stand still long enough, or will just heal inbetween. With focus chi, focus on 3x rech, and then try to add tohit on it, even better would be 3x the rech/tohit HO. Basic stuff you probably know, but always good to mention it anyway.
Not sure bout 5slotting boxing, as you'd be better off spending those slots on your MA attacks cause they deal more damage.
As for sets on MA, i can recommend crushing impact (+acc and +rech as set bonuses) or mako's bite (+dam iirc). Once more, cant comment on that for WP.
Basically with PvP you try to max out one aspect of a power, for instance with attacks you want to max out damage dealt to an opponent, which requires a mix of acc/dam/rech. You dont want to min/max for PvP which is fair enough, but even without harming your PvE toon too much you can still focus a bit, just maybe not to the extreme, on it.
As for basic tactics.. move fast, keep moving, hit first, hit hard
Hope this was any help -
awww.. another longterm player and familiar face leaving..
Cya mate, take care in what you do in the future
PS. you'll be back, they'll always be back -
Dont forget that hami's blast (dunno if mending as well) does a -heal. Which means that after a while if you get hit by hami long enough (which means youre hopefully tanking him
), you cant heal anymore. Not by insps, not by heals, not by anything. Only thing that'll help you is jumpin away from him and let the debuffs wear off.
For the rest its basically what lost said, its up to the players how they tackle each mito etc.
PS. forgot to mention they added a player limit to the hive, namely 50. So your plan cant exceed 50 players basically -
might have been because it buffed your anchors as well? I dunno, i never did deliberate testings with PB + rad.. maybe i should when i get my grav/rad up to those lvls
(which will take a long time, mind.. too many alts for my own good
LR (preferably power boosted)
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Which will only affect the slow, but sure
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I'm sure it boosts the -regen aswell. I did Lusca a hell of a lot faster after I respec'd to primal compared to my prior fire epic.
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nope it doesn't afaik.. source -
to be honest i'd pick forcebubble over repulsion field (if that was the name, forgot sorry
), not only is repel greatly superior to knockback, but the range is bigger as well meaning that blaster will never have to get in melee if he doesnt want to. Also i found that repulsion field's ticks of knockback were too slow and too end heavy.
Downside of forcebubble is that when used badly, it will make a spawn really really really [censored] at you. Meaning that all that ranged damage will kill you instead
As for detention field, i found little use for it in PvE. Solo you should be able to manage most foes, and in teams it often works more as a nuisance to your teammates than anything else.
Considering the build, it looks fine to me tbh. Though i'd try to squeeze at least 1 endreduc in both insulation shield and deflection shield (otherwise casting it on a full team will leave you with no end), and at least 2 endreducs on dispersion field.