Is Archery or Assault rifles good for pvp?
Currently? Not particularly.
They're both Smashing/Lethal damage, which is fairly highly resisted... AR lacks a third tier Single-Target attack and has fairly long animation times on it's first two attacks (though this will change fairly soon - see the "Flare buff?" thread), Archery's 3rd-tier ST attack (Blazing Arrow) has a long animation time.
Both sets also suffer from weapon redraw issues (you need to redraw the bow/frankengun after you use any power that's not from your primary powerset).
The best PvP Primaries are usually quoted as Fire/Ice joint-first, with Sonic next followed by Energy. Archery would probably rate slightly higher than AR and Elec, but it's still nearer the bottom of the list.
They're both completely fine in PvE though, especially since neither one has a "Nuke" power that drains all your endurance... just don't expect them to be overly wonderful at PvP!
Forgot to mention: if you'd like a bow in PvP, why not try a "Trick Arrow" Defender/Controller/Mastermind? Trick Arrow is a debuff set rather than an attack set... but it has a lot of nasty tricks like ranged -slow/-recharge/-jump/-fly/-resistance, which can usually make other players grind to a halt.
I've seen a fair few TA/Archery Defenders, probably because they don't need to redraw their bow as often.
Well, it depends on the kind of PvP you prefer. For 1vs1 arena fights or something like that both suffer from the problems mentioned above. Zonal PvP can be different though and one friend of mine has tons of fun with his AR/Devices blaster.

If it has eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.
Zone PVP they can perform ok, yet mostly depending on the /dev set and its acc bonus/stealth(cloaking). Their rooting will cause lotsa problems if you are a SJ, redraw slow down damage.
Although i say, elec is above nrg on PvP, nrg has too long animation on short-ranger and knockback nearly everyone is resisted too (elec/nrg can drain really the [censored] out of you).
50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.
Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!
Thanks for all the replies guys! I still dont know what i should do!
Make an Archery / Devices Blaster ~ and here's why.
(pvp reasons btw)
20% inherent Accuracy as you are Archery
+ 3 to hit SO's in AIM
+ 3 to hit SO's in Targetting Drone
+ 3 to hit SO's in Tactics
+ perc from targetting drone
+ perc from tactics
Allows you to see almost all stealthy enemies
Cloaking device will stealth you from view
with Stealth IO will grant you invisibility
and still be able to attack
as a blaster you want to stay outta melee range,
fly is a wonderful power for an archer to hover
out of range and fire at your target.
Archery has one of the longest ranges in game, and
with no need for extra accuracy slots you can slot
for MORE range
risky this one but if your up high out of harms way
then defiance will give you huge damage potential,
and will make up for lack of Build Up from Dev 2ndary
Carlsberg don't do Farming,
But if they did..........
Carlsberg don't do Farming,
But if they did..........
Full Auto six-slotted for camera spin > ALL.
Make an Archery / Devices Blaster ~ and here's why.
(pvp reasons btw)
20% inherent Accuracy as you are Archery
+ 3 to hit SO's in AIM
+ 3 to hit SO's in Targetting Drone
+ 3 to hit SO's in Tactics
+ perc from targetting drone
+ perc from tactics
Allows you to see almost all stealthy enemies
Cloaking device will stealth you from view
with Stealth IO will grant you invisibility
and still be able to attack
as a blaster you want to stay outta melee range,
fly is a wonderful power for an archer to hover
out of range and fire at your target.
Archery has one of the longest ranges in game, and
with no need for extra accuracy slots you can slot
for MORE range
risky this one but if your up high out of harms way
then defiance will give you huge damage potential,
and will make up for lack of Build Up from Dev 2ndary
[/ QUOTE ]
Never seems to do any good. I think I've seen none pvp'ers get more kills by accident.
@Sweet Chilli
Never seems to do any good. I think I've seen none pvp'ers get more kills by accident.
[/ QUOTE ]
This. AR is good for a pure sniper build, archery is laughable in PvP tbh.
Chilli [ QUOTE ]
Never seems to do any good. I think I've seen none pvp'ers get more kills by accident
[/ QUOTE ]
Your comments are as helpful as they are welcome...
Your like a bad smell that doesnt go away.
And stop emailing me in game, im not interested.
/ignore bigheadedegotisticalbadmanneredignoramousthatischi lli
Carlsberg don't do Farming,
But if they did..........
Easy on donna, they just are part of the 'be ice or fire, else you are gimped in pvp' group. Both AR as Archery got some nice loving in the new testpatch.
My initial new toon was arch/dev, but ran out of slots for the upcomming new sets. Probably making a new one soon
50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.
Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!
Never seems to do any good. I think I've seen none pvp'ers get more kills by accident.
[/ QUOTE ]
This. AR is good for a pure sniper build, archery is laughable in PvP tbh.
[/ QUOTE ]
I was just talking about Donna tbh. She is terrible at PvP.
@Sweet Chilli
Never seems to do any good. I think I've seen none pvp'ers get more kills by accident.
[/ QUOTE ]
This. AR is good for a pure sniper build, archery is laughable in PvP tbh.
[/ QUOTE ]
I was just talking about Donna tbh. She is terrible at PvP.
[/ QUOTE ]
Sadly we cant be all as uber ash you eh?
50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.
Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!
20% inherent Accuracy as you are Archery
[/ QUOTE ]
5% IIRC.
and with no need for extra accuracy slots you can slot
for MORE range
[/ QUOTE ]
False. You need a combination of tohit and accuracy to hit reliably.
I didnt say No slots,,,
I said
no need for extra accuracy
[/ QUOTE ]
Please read closer next time... Thank you.
Carlsberg don't do Farming,
But if they did..........
Sonic and elec even energy is better than archery and assault rifel
All I say good luck chasing anything with fly as a blaster, and btw Chilli just says what everyone thinks. Go chilli
I read it as no need for extra accuracy = no slots for accuracy. Maybe its not just me.
tony har har!!
donna + prince + massive muscle = dream team
AR clearly wins in the arena.
No contest whatsoever.
Full Auto + Camera Spin > Chuck Norris.
c'mon that movie is plain fun Do note the videocreators responce: it was a gimp toon match for fun
Gimp... 'nuf said
50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.
Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!
Hi, i am completly new to the game and i would love too be one of these 2 classes, but i am very interested in PVP. So i was wondering if these 2 classes are any good at it, and if not why not?
Any help greatly appreciated!