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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Maressa View Post
    If I may offer my suggestion. Turn it into a google document. Make it editable by only a few select people who you trust (I happily volunteer to help) that way it can still be viewed by anyone and updated through the day as things change.
    that would actually be a good idea, because if these forums happen to be taken down earlier than the game it would still allow us to keep track of everything going on atm as well as help Treees with the updating
  2. kind of on the same alignment of this thread is this news article which popped up on massively very recently:
  3. found another interesting article on massively which was posted today, not directly about coh but definitely of the same concept which is the driving force behind our campaign
  4. changelog really helps, and if you could update at least once a day it should be sufficient, there will still be other posters and myself posting in this thread as it comes up so it will still all be one in place
  5. agreed, image size is WAY too huge lol
  6. i use my main characters name for anything i play

    i consider it my established internet identity, i could never recreate his costume or powers though, they are too unique to coh
  7. found this article posted about 35 minutes ago, it doesnt look like it mentions any of the activism going on though
  8. IMO there will be no replacement for coh

    even the closest...proxy (prolly CO) fails miserably in everything aside from the costume creation

    99% of other MMOs out there are not even superhero themed, just medieval/fantasy themed
  9. well said tony, while i agree that ncsoft HAS helped city of heroes prosper in the past, like FFM says they did up and sudden decided stab us in the back

    with the lack of information regarding why its not setting them in a good light for the time being

    with the information we do know as you have pointed out coh was prospering, and then for seemingly no reason ncsoft decided to pull the plug

    backstabbing is not cool (except in the case of tf2, im sure everyone needed that laugh), and if ncosft was a little more public about what is going on then im sure people could potentially forgive them, but they have played russian roulette with our trust one too many times and many poeple feel that they cant be forgiven with this
  10. also in regards to the duping, i would be perfectly fine only keeping slotted enhancements, most of the stuff in my inventory is garbage anyway its the slotted stuff i want to keep
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Madame Pistacio View Post
    I would also REALLLLLLY like to get my sg the Cathedral of Pain Badge (for 50 runs) but I could totally understand if people were not willing to help me with this.
    you know, i would actually support this, it would count towards my sg as well

    and iirc its 100 runs, not 50 unless you only need 50 more runs

    edit: i was also assuming redside stuff, but i forgot you have both blue and red sg's
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
    Oh, we already know how to decode it. That's how we know for sure that all the contents of the storage bins are in there.

    With a collection of .xml (character) and .cohdemo (sg base) files, Titan Network will be able to accurately recreate nearly all player assets in a new system.
    ah, well thats better than expected then, yesterday i decided to do a demorecord in my sg base to save it for future use

    just wanted to say how awesome you guys are as well
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Star_Seer View Post
    Well I think that if nothing else there is a great human interest angle to this chain of events.
    i agree with that, if this kind of thing needs some generic tag, then human interest is prolly the best
  14. Necrotech_Master

    I remember....

    whats funny is i started redside but after 2 years of nothing but redside i tried heroside and the FIRST thing i did making a hero character was make a character that was basically heroic version of my main lol

    and yes i will always be a villain at heart (a true hero killer, unlike darrin wade or lord recluse) lol
  15. i think the most iconic places redside are either the Giza in st martial, or recluses statue in GV

    being 99% redside i feel that those 2 are the most iconic spots redside (the other iconic spot is the black market in cap, but thats not special enough for this occasion)
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ghantana View Post
    I would never delete, just can't bring myself to do it.

    That being said - Tony we greatly appreciate all the work you and the others with you are doing, wish my code skills were up to par so I could offer some help.

    I hate to bring it up though, but just wondering about bases and if you think there might be any way of saving them and their storage...

    Either way I'm storing/stashing a great deal of my remaining hancies on toons just in case. Don't want to put more on your plate then is already there.
    i was reading on the titan forums that if you do a demorecord in your sg base, it will save your sg base (and everything in it all the way down to whats stored in the containers), however the output is very hard to decipher and is much harder to work with than the characters (from what i was reading on the titan forums)

    your best bet is to still go into your base and do a short demorecord to at least keep record of it till the folks at titan find a way to work with it
  17. i reposted the article link in the master list of save coh campaign strategies as well on the 2 steam groups im part of
  18. ...and samuraiko beat me to the scooping lol

    i had just hit the reply button when i saw the extra post
  19. very very recently posted is this article acknowledging the valiant effort being made:
  20. it was a great article!

    firstly, as i was reading it i started to get teary eyed again because it feels that what we are doing is actually making some sort of an impact

    secondly, as mentioned this is a huge boon in our favor as it is publicity and good publicity at that showing that we wont give up without a fight and standing together
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fista View Post
    Yeah. Same here. Just too sad to do anything I think. I've just been flying around the zones aimlessly.

    What the hell is the matrix room and where is it?
    the matrix room is easter egg room underneath of PI (directly underground from the arena)

    i took a few screenshots of the room, i will upload them momentarily

    edit: here are the screenshots i took of the matrix room

  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
    Nope, Tic-Toc is BackAlleyBrawler...
    can confirm the above, BABs revealed himself as tic toc a month or so ago i believe
  23. ive not felt like running anything, yesterday me and some old friends were killing GMs for the fun of it, even got caleb

    lately i have been sitting around in the matrix room in PI, i feel everyone should have a chance to see some of the various easter eggs in the game
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The_Masque View Post
    Or RV......
    only problem i could see is that it is limited to level 40+