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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Airhammer View Post
    Cardiac is simply the single best overall Alpha.
    But.. but..
    I can smash more with spiritual
  2. Bougie - Fire/Thermal Corr
    Chandell - Fire/Traps Corr

    Tara Keller - SoA
    Sara Keller - Warshade
    Yea, those two are linked story-wise.

    Cirzo - Ice/Ice/Arctic tank. Cookies to whoever gets where I got this from. No, it's not the exact same name.

    Sidhe Cinrae Nighe - Dark/Dark/Soul brute.
    Bean Sidhe, or Banshee; a female spirit in Irish mythology. I also heard that the Sith from Star Wars were somewhat inspired by those, but don't take my word on it.
    The other two words are also dark/night/shadow themed creatures or derivations of their names.

    Beside that, I have a bunch of names that I come up on the go, but aren't really as interesting as those. I'm seriously thinking of renaming my Widow, since she's using a namesake that I haven't used in ages before coming back two months ago. And it's not a creative one, either.
  3. Narkor

    The Dead Pool

    If we're the ones to hit whatever wannabe do-gooder that's going to die, I guess any of the Freedom Phalanx, with the exception of Positron and Synapse, could do. For me.
    Oh, and if it counts, I'd put my vote in for Ms. Liberty (or Miss or whatever; the half-brained girl who's 'keeping' Excalibur).

    No, I don't hate her. Not any more than any of the wannabe heroes that are put as the 'pinnacle' of heroism in this game.

    Yes, blue side's signature characters are pretty meh. Their back stories aren't bad, but the characters themselves are nothing exceptional.
    Not that red side is incredibly better, anyhow. They just have Scirocco, nothing much more really.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Deus_Otiosus View Post
    Tell Posi to make those travel powers at L4 inherent, because we are all out of power choices already.
    Add my voice to this.

    ... hell, I think it might be time for a suggestion thread. Opening a debate on this, if it is at all possible, would at least bring it to the dev's attention.
  5. Forum ate my reply, so I'll make this quick.

    If you can restart the Alpha arc, then it should be fine to do so. The same thing happened to me, with the exception that I finished the arc before switching and simply went through it again afterwards.

    If you can't restart the arc, I'd consider contacting support. (edit: or like the below poster has hinted to, you could 'simply' change sides again, finish the arc and switch again)

    If you're on Freedom and would like help with the Alpha arc, hit me up with a PM, I'd gladly help you through it.

    A little bit of advice: You can mez the Captain (I think he has a mag 10 protection against most control, Confuse and Hold I am sure of). So if you can confuse him, he can do the dirty job of butchering the Honoree pretty quickly (once he's done annihilating the riktis around).
  6. Is there a significant difference between 80% and 100% resistance to slows? Of course, 100% is immunity, but isn't 80% more than enough? Perhaps I just haven't experienced it yet, but I'm not seeing much of an impact from slows, even at 60% resistance (haven't bought the Winter's Gift yet, and didn't take Permafrost while I was leveling).

    As for EA, Mid's got me confused, in that I don't think it requires any accuracy (as I haven't seen it miss... I think), but it still shows an accuracy value. I'm guessing the most logical assumption is that Mid's just has an accuracy value for some reason but EA doesn't actually use any to-hit or whatnot.
    Speaking of accuracy, what number should I aim for (in Mid's)? I know there's a cap (95% I think?), and that it isn't hard to reach, but the values in Mid's are somewhat.. confusing, I'd say (I do tend to step on minor details that bug me >.>).

    I'll look into putting Ice Sword in the build, but I don't really see it being all that useful. Especially if I were to go the Spiritual Alpha route and get more recharge on everything.

    I kind of like the build posted, but it also feels kind of weird; I'll have to try and tweak things around on both builds and see what I like and don't.

    Thanks for the answer, by the way.
  7. Heya fellow forum readers
    Out of my few new level 50s, I've grown to enjoy my Ice/Ice/Arctic Tanker more than the rest and, as such, have been trying to figure out a build that would suit my playstyle well.
    With that said, this is actually my first Tanker that made it past the low twenties, so while I do like what I've come up with, I may very well be far off from what I should be building for.

    So, I have a few concerns that I hope will fade off from existence;

    - The end recovery is probably my biggest concern. I do not want to take Cardiac as my Alpha, especially since I can see any of the others doing more than what Cardiac would do. Namely, I've been looking at Spiritual for perma-Hasten goodness; but also at Musculature for an increase in damage (which could also solve this low end recovery thing, but I've never tried Musculature before, so I don't know how much of an impact the end mod increase would make) and even Nerve! Yes, Nerve, the Alpha that I never thought of taking suddenly became somewhat attractive. With its increase in hold, defense buff and taunt, Nerve Alpha has kept itself in my sight for longer than I could imagine.

    - Hibernate, and somewhat in link with the end recovery concern; is it worth taking? I've barely used it, and when I actually did, it was mostly because I was out of inspirations and the group needed some time NIAO while a group or two were beating on me. Now that I'm 50, and have a bigger inspiration tray, these situations have pretty much disappeared.

    - I don't like Build-Up, and it doesn't like me either. We've never been close buddies, I'd always forget about him and then it'd go all crazy and not be there when I wanted him to be. Should I consider a reconciliation?

    - Is Frozen Aura useable while flying ?

    - I didn't bother with the 45% softcap to S/L and E/N, since I found it easy to surpass, I just went ahead and tried to do a build that looked 'fun' to me and tweak it a little afterwards. Did I went overboard with the defenses? With 10 foes in range and Energy Absorption always active, I'm 2% short of the incarnate softcap for S/L, while E/N is sitting on it with 59% (or is the isoftcap 60%?).

    - I haven't really looked much at incarnate powers for this character, but I'm already pretty much sold on Cryonic Judgement. As for the Interface, Paralytic seems like it could work pretty well for Ice/. On Destiny, the debuff resistance of Ageless is very tempting, but so is Rebirth. Any thoughts on any of this?

    In any case, I'd like to say thanks in advance. But sadly, the forums have no way to transfer voice over. So you'll all have to settle for a written version: Thanks in advance!
    And here's the build, hope some of you feel, at the very least, inspired to nitpick something!

    Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1.942

    Click this DataLink to open the build!

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
    <snip large image>
    Someone needs to Calm Down and stop trolling.
  9. I spend too much time thinking and writing down my characters' concepts, back stories, etc. that I cannot even begin to imagine 'locking' myself into the CoX world; there's just not enough in it for me.

    Mind you, this is a personal state of mind/opinion. I'm a fantasy/magic heavy guy and while I do enjoy some science and technology based stories/worlds, I have a tendency to lock myself on the magic/fantasy side.

    Basically, what I'm trying to put here is that the CoX world has too much science for most of my concepts, while, at the same time, not having enough magic for them.

    So, while I, as a player, do enjoy the story and the world put into being by the developers, my characters, on the other hand, have very minor interactions (if any), in terms of back stories and whatnot, with the plot of the game, or whatever mission I'm running.

    I mostly try to find a way/reason for my characters to 'end up' in Paragon City/the Rogue Isles and that's pretty much it in terms of 'playing the CoX story as the character'.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
    You're aware that there's a pile of wings you can buy at Wentworths, right?
    Bat Wings
    Bone Wings
    Burned Wings
    Cherubic Wings
    Draconic Wings
    Fairy Wings
    Insect Wings
    Tech Wings
    Yea, but most of those, say with the exception of maybe two or three, are pretty much meh to me.
    Maybe if I have some sort of character concept that could use them, I'd be interested (obviously). But I was actually looking for something feather-y.
    I might just have to check out that Valkyrie set.

    Thanks again guys, it is much appreciated
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
    No, there are no wings included. However the bird parts match nicely with the Angel Wings available as the 15 month Vet Reward, which (judging from your join date) you probably have access to.
    Sadly, I've been on and off too much and am far behind on veteran rewards

    Thanks for the replies anyways, I might skip this one, since I'm not too sold on the beast heads or legs.

    I'm starting to think there's some sort of shortage in terms of wings though, since I can't seem to find any that fit my taste (and I do have the mutant and steampunk boosters).
  12. Forgive me for the title, I am writing this fairly quickly.

    But much like it may suggest, is there any wing costume pieces that come with the animal booster?

    After a long, long wait, I had finally decided to buy it, only to realize at the last minute that I couldn't find any place that clearly specified that wings were included (namely the NCsoft store and Paragonwiki). So I'm pretty much into a mixed bag at the moment, considering that I've also been looking at the Martial Arts booster.

    In any case, thank you for your time.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by blueruckus View Post
    Have massive gun arm, yet go in for a melee attack... must be an MM pet.
    I admit,
    I chuckled.

    I feel bad now
  14. As for the subject at hand, most of my characters revolve around a strange man who has been walking the Earth for thousands of years (basically he can live on 'for an undetermined amount of time' and those who 'follow' him tend to live very, very long lives too) and has adopted a few individuals of great talent, or that simply sparked his interest.
    Namely, my widow is mostly fanatical in her 'goals'. Basically, she's the zealous type that goes 'I don't think, he does. All I do is what he wish'.

    Some of my other characters are more 'flexible', namely my Bane, who despite following the plan to become a member of Arachnos, still has her own goal of finding her sister, my Warshade, with whom she had made a strange pack during World War I that 'no matter what, they would stay the same and find each other again'.

    My SS/Fire Brute is kind of like Mynx or Bobcat, except that she's a human-tiger 'hybrid' that resulted from an outdoor experiment on some laboratory in India. To make a short story, err, short, she was found by the same 'person' that leads the previous ones and ended up following him. You know, no where else to go, might be a good idea to follow a strange man and his bunch of followers.

    In short, my characters mostly have 'personal' goals that do not really affect the greater schemes of things. Or simply no real goal at all; they're not complex individuals, if you forgot the fact that most of them have been living for centuries and that they all have a small fanatical side for their 'adopter'.
    What is his goals though? Nah-ah, not telling
  15. If the teams are both at 9 acids and nades on Lambda, you had better come down and search. If a team is done and the other is at 9, I could see excuses being made, but still, there's no real reason to slack on the job because it's 'funny'.

    I mean, kicking you for dancing in the cutscene while we were working our ***** off searching for those acids and grenades is funny too.

    Other than that, I don't really mind people making fun of Romi or whatever other cutscene there is. The Lambda one is pretty unique, considering the situation before and after it.
  16. So, 14 pages of theoretical debate about whether or not Blasters are actually useful in this game, and it's still going on?

    Look, I clearly haven't read through the whole thing, but it seems like 'someone' has yet to actually, you know, play the game?
    The game where you aren't going solo against Lord Recluse?
    The game where you're going after Anti-Matter as a league? Where non-healers are useless, right?

    Get real, if you're dying as a Blaster (especially when leveling), let the Tank, Brute, Scrapper or hell, anybody else dive in first!
    Of course, this isn't a bulletproof solution. In fact, it's not even foolproof, so you better watch yourself. But it'll be a thousand times more effective than the 'I'll try to solo this, watch me go' approach.

    If all else comes to past and you can't even solo -1/x1 tips, then I'd like to suggest rolling as another archetype. It'll help a lot, trust me.

    Really, all these theoretical threads about AT X being useless are completely outside of reality. I mean, if you do play the game, you should know that there are times when you 'can't' choose between AT X or AT Y, it's either AT X or you keep on waiting for that last spot on your TF to magically fill itself.
  17. Alpha unlocked, unslotted.
    Alpha unlocked, unslotted.
    Alpha unlocked, unslotted.
    I could go on; basically, the only characters that are both 50 and don't have their alpha unlocked are those who can't take on the Weakened Honoree 1 on 1.
    Oh, my Widow has two tier 3 spirituals and one tier 2 cardiac. She's mostly the only character I run trials with, because let's face it, the ixp is totally broken and there's no way that I'm spending threads on ixp when I'm trying to finish my alpha and get my lore up. They just don't drop often enough for it (120+ threads to go from one tier 3 alpha to a tier 4? yea...).

    Also, I make alts. Lots of alts. So I spend more time making alts than, say, running trials.
    Especially since there's like three trials and two of them aren't worth it for me (Lambda is pretty lame, the praetorian maps have this strange laggy feeling and Keyes is just 'you really thought that idea could work? REALLY? How 'bout you play it, alone?').
  18. Well, since I'm not really good with names, it's usually the last thing that I find. Most of the time, I'm stuck at the last section of the character creation (register ID) and go search the interwebs for something that would git whatever character I've decided to make.

    Now, as for what makes me want to create a new one?
    Usually, a concept. Sometimes, a single word. Right now, I have Stormlord stuck in my head. It's been there for over a week.
    But how do I go at making a 'Stormlord' ?
    What exactly is my idea/concept around it?

    You can probably guess that the reason why it's been a week or so and I still haven't created a character based on the single word, is because I had no idea for the costume, power set combinations, or even archetype!

    To further detail how I end up deciding, I'll put a few thoughts that have come up throughout the week.
    For a start, I loathe Ball Lightning. So I wanted to skip that, in any way possible.
    The Electrical Blast sets are out.
    So, Electrical Melee? Electrical Control? Electrical Assault?
    Most of the Electrical Melee sets end up with Ball Lightning in whatever EPP I might take, this tosses them out rather quickly, but they are still sets that I want to consider, mostly because of Lightning Rod.

    Onto the Electrical Control and Assault sets. Electric/Storm and Electric/Electric are the obvious first choices.
    The moment that a combination hits, it's time for some Mid's and some reading.
    I also like to ask around, because no matter how good something might look, it might not work as good as it looks.
    Eventually, I ended up hearing that Elec/Elec is somewhat good, but that it's simply fun to 'watch the baddies without blue bars' and nothing comparable to some of the other combinations.
    Now, even though I've never been dead-set on min/maxing my characters (I've always given in to concepts), I tend to like hearing that 'it's really good, you should try it -you'll see'.

    So, after a week, where am I now?
    With a concept, an archetype and powerset combination, but no costume or name.
    I've tried a few times to get a costume going, but I don't know if it'll make it; I always end up wanting to make another character and derailing my 'creation'.
    For example, I've been thinking of a Dark/Dark/Dark Fender and Ice/Ice/Ice Blaster, mostly because of this!

    In short, it starts with a concept, an idea or even simply a word/name. Sometimes it's inspired by other players' costumes, or by an already existing fictional character, but no matter what, the name is usually among the last things that I end up finding and if I can't find a costume by then, it might just not work.
    Even shorter version: find combination that fits concept, play in Mid's, ask in-game and sometimes on the forum, bail out at costume creation. Start again.
  19. Aww man, another light colored splash screen?
    You really want to kill my eyes huh?

    And did we ever get an answer as to what's wrong with State's face? I swear he just looks... you know!
  20. Someone posted some numbers on the last page of the "Fire blast in i21" thread.

    I'm not the expert who'll tell you if they're accurate or whatnot, but they don't seem to be too unrealistic, so you might want to start up Mid's or look in-game for the Thermal numbers on Corrs and compare them with those.

    Hope this helps.
  21. Narkor

    New Judgements?

    Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
    Me, of course I want a strength-themed Judgement. Throw a massive chunk of rubble or an exploding bus. That's why there's no buses left on the streets, you know.
    Vending machines. Massive Knoackback and an even more massive stun attached to it.

    Hell yea. I don't care if you're whining that I'm knocking the AV (because, let's face it, a completely smashing judgement NEEDS to be able to knock ANYTHING back -or close to), I'm still throwing my vending machine in his face.

    Bonus points if we get an emote to grab a can and drink
  22. A Corruptor would compliment a Tanker very well. In fact, in this very situation, I don't see another AT, besides maybe a Controller or Mastermind, filling in on the Tanker's 'weaker' attributes.

    Support sets will allow the Tanker to go freely and act like 'those scrappers'. Especially support sets who are also somewhat more self-sufficient than others; as in this situation, an Empath may find that his heals are staying off cooldown too often to his or her liking.

    But since the Tanker won't be dealing a truck ton of damage on his own, the more offensive aspect of a Corruptor will certainly help there.

    I'd also toss my vote for a /Kin Corr, although you can roll just about anything and make it work. Really, it's not like if inspirations didn't exist
  23. Nice to see that the thread is still going, even though faintly (haven't checked the forums for a day or so).

    Anyways, I've added a bunch of Defenders, and possibly corruptors, to my list of alts to-do.
    I'm really considering giving both Force Fields and Cold Domination a try, especially since I didn't have a remarkable experience with either (FF on a MM is /yawn and Cold is a late bloomer, as it appears).

    On the other hand, I've begun looking at a few builds that I've made for my Rad/Sonic and, quite frankly, I have no idea what to aim for. Besides +recharge, of course. That one's a no-brainer

    I've found my debuffs to be quite reliable, but can they really be considered real mitigation? Say, the -To-hit from Radiation Infection is pretty high, should I even bother trying to increase my defenses?

    As far as powers go, the only one that I can't seem to find myself taking is Shockwave from /Sonic. Even Chocking Cloud, Screech and Siren's Song have had their moment of glory, despite looking rather weak at first glance or simply lacking any sort of combination (Nothing to stack Screech with besides itself is making me rethink this one).
    I've read a few guides about both Rad/ and /Sonic, but I have yet to be convinced (mostly on those 3), so I just felt like throwing this out here

    In any case, the responses are inspiring, to say the least. Thanks.
  24. Like a few others have said, getting to 50 is no longer The End. There is somewhat of a progression, if you can even call it that, once you hit 50 -the incarnate trials.

    It's new, it's somewhat exciting the first few times. You get shiny new stuff. That's what the hip is all about. You can dance in the Marauder cutscene, drag Anti-Matter around like a dog or go crazy as you smash people who just try to run. In any case, it's different then the paper/radio missions and lures many to that 'endgame'.

    It's also an easy way to make money. Basically, while not going too much into details, the one doing the 'farming' or 'powerleveling' can end up with a pretty big income, depending on his capacities to 'farm' or 'powerlevel'. Some people are ready to pay a lot to simply doorsit or faceplant. I was personally very surprised about that when I came back about two months ago.
  25. Ultimate freedom?

    Something along the lines of what freedom actually is: to make a decision while knowing everyfrikinthing that could affect said decision.

    The ultimate freedom? Knowing.
    I'll do the rest on my own, thank you very much.

    As for what I'd like for freedom? More power choices. Bigger EPPs that allow you to swap more stuff around would be a good start.