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  1. Mrwrk

    TF Surprise

    Originally Posted by xen10k View Post
    It also helps if you have a little grey kitten with wings on your team too. *nods sagely*
    As much as I hate to say it, Mrwrk is not much of a team contributor. She tends to charge in once alone until I remember I've got to work as part of a team and force myself to reign her in, and even then she only helps through raw single-target damage for the most part.

    She's not usually the character I pick to join TFs, unless there's an RP reason to.
  2. Mrwrk

    TF Surprise

    Originally Posted by thgebull0425 View Post
    I ran a Citadel TF with a group last Saturday, we did it in in about 1h 50min and it was awesome. But I wondered, how was it possible to do it so quickly?

    Are there any other experiences among players like that for having run TF's? I would totally run TF's with that group again, they had it going on. It started with 8, and ended with 7, so a full team.
    Balanced team staying pretty much on task = decent time.
  3. - How easy is it for you to find teams?

    Pretty easy, unless it's late, late at night.

    - How quick on average are you able to look for a team, and then join one?

    I never advertise that I'm lft. I'll keep an eye on the main channels, see if there's a TF running and join it if I feel like it. That said...minutes, without any real effort, if I'm looking.

    - How often do you form your own team?

    Almost never. If there's an event running that I'd like to join in on....maybe. If I do aside from that, it's for a TF, (maybe every other month that I'll *start* one, on average) and I'll start with my SGs, then go to a main channel. I think it's been years since I've gone to broadcast to fill a TF. If I need a hand with a mission for some strange reason, I'll likely grab a friend or two off my global friend list.

    When, do you often find, are the best times for joining a team?

    About 7-9ish PM, Mountain Time.
  4. Additional birthday mrwrkings!
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Heroid View Post
    ((Thanks for the compliment and I'm glad people like it. I'm still trying to get a consistency going for the characters' looks (I'm not a real artist after all, I just play one on the Internet) and I've really got to make Mrwrk look cuter, since she's going to be a running character that anyone in the comic might encounter at any time. I've got to work on the "Awwww..." factor for her. ))
    Just smaller would do the trick, I think. Of course, you might need to lose the stripeyness if you do that, since there'd be less room for detail on a kitten-sized kitten.

    Not that I'm emotionally invested on the character or anything.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Heroid View Post
    ((I see you've met the kitten... ))
    Sometimes Mrwrk is hard to avoid.
  7. I snagged a couple of names I'd intended to level up as a duo...then I found out the sets that were coming out were coming to be really appropriate for their names. So they've been on hold, from actively played to placeholders.
  8. I'm almost certain they won't be copying Rumblemuffin, Other Guy or not. I feel safe.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LadyReiki View Post
    Were you running this with the Chaos Kitten? Because that would be all the explaination you need for why it happened. XD
    Nope. I was on my relatively chaos-free Kin defender, Synchronicity.
  10. It was strange and frustrating, but it was a pretty decent group. A defeat all where the team could actually split up to take out the defeat all nonsense and not get itself horribly killed.

    And they seemed to tolerate my silliness, so doubly good.

    Never had that happen on a TF before. Very weird.
  11. Mrwrk

    So I'm new

    Oh, yeah, ATs and powers.

    My advice: Start with a blaster. You learn how not to die with no real defenses. Aggro management is a pretty good place to start off if you're learning. When you get to something that buffs/debuffs or has awesome defenses, you'll be much better off for having learned how to handle stuff without all that cool happy stuff first.
  12. Mrwrk

    So I'm new

    Where are all the people suggesting channels and stuffs? Where.

    Er...join a channel and stuffs.

    Can you tell I'm rubbish at this?

    If you're a new player, I'd like to say this, "Don't judge Virtue by what gets said in Broadcast." There's a lot more to us than that. Especially Atlas broadcast. It's for serial killers and people who have ducks glued to their chins.

    I'd say join a general-type channel like VU2009...except that's now filled up. VU2010 is open...but probably not a lot of people using that yet. Er...there are also channels dedicated to running TFs, or RP'ing (I'd assume) or the channel dedicated to The Cape Radio. (We has a couple radio stations here. Definitely worth a listen.) lots of them are good places to hear what's going on, to meet people, etc. People more informed than I am will probably be along in a bit to give you a better list. (Deebs? You still got that 'welcome to Virtue' post somewhere?)

    It's easy to feel a bit lost in the one piece of advice is to try to stay connected.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by NekoAli View Post
    Yeah, I'm hoping that quote is a joke Heroid, because those 'rules' are absurd to the point of insanity. Coming up with a name does not confer any kind of ownership over it. If you want that, best study up on trademark laws. And in any case, most MMO's terms of conduct specify that anything you create on their servers belongs to them, so when you make up a character you're giving over all rights to said character to them. Which is why it's not advisable that you use a character out of some story or comic of your invention that you intend to publish.

    Given that the last 'rule' there is basically prompting people to harass, troll and slander someone who doesn't follow these 'rules', I can't see this as anything other than a fairly lame joke.
    Hence the laughter. It took me a second as well, but given the last rule...pretty certainly a joke.
  14. *Insert hysterical laughter here* obviously forgot to consult the Laws of Names. *rolling thunder*

    I've let go of a name I kinda regret giving away, but whoever uses it is welcome to keep it. If they decide to free it, I'm not expecting them to -remember- who gave it up, let alone check with me.
  15. Mrwrk

    Halloween Event?

    They've had the new Halloween event on Test, so chances are good.
  16. I don't like dictating how people play, but if you ask me, and I'm leading, I'd answer that with a few questions:

    1) Are you hitting stuff?
    2) Why aren't you hitting stuff?
    3) Can you hit stuff more?

    Okay, seriously, I assume you'll use whatever you've got to help the team. Defense stuff, Knockback stuff...whatever you've got I hope you're using it fairly intelligently, but what I -prefer- is a team of screaming lunatics all blasting the crap out of stuff and having fun while doing so. If your solo build is more aggressive, I'm happy with that.

    Whatever build you figure you can achieve the above with is fine with me.
  17. Yeah, not a good weekend for anything resembling caution or restraint.
  18. I don't mind Fire/Whatever, but if you want a more in-depth Blaster with more mitigation options and utility (And admittedly a little less 'Oh, dear Lord, the damage!') I'd suggest trying Ice/Something or Elec/Energy or Elec/Elec. Elec has nice sapping options, and a single target hold, as well as my favorite Nuke and Ice has the holds, the slows and some decent damage.

    Fire is probably of more use on a well-rounded team with its pure AoE mayhem, but I do like the tools the other sets have available to them. It's a more interesting play experience for me, but mileage may vary.
  19. Mrwrk


    Originally Posted by Myrmydon View Post
    My DA uses Fire, but if I had to choose something else, it would likely be Stone.
    Exactly this. I like the AoE carnage fro my Tank, but Stone really seems ot fit in well with Dark Armour.
  20. I think the VEATs are incredibly playable, and well-designed...mechanically.

    However, I hate the story, I hate the concept, and I hate the costumes we're saddled with until 10.

    I have a Widow at 44-ish, and I enjoy the gameplay--I do, really. But the character design always screams, "SpiderFlunkies" to me.

    I hated being shoehorned into the Rogue Isles storyline with Patron Powers. I similarly hate being shoehorned into it with the SF ATs.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BlazingTiger View Post
    Well so far i seem to be totally free so lets run a MoDrK TF tomorrow at 4:45 P 7:45 E and if anyone is still wanting to team we will try for a MoITF after. Ill see everyone in FF at that time.
    I have a rare Saturday free, so looking forward to this. *Crosses fingers for badgemongering Blaster.*
  22. No real change for me, aside from being really busy at work. When I've been able to log in, I've been able to get PuGs just fine.
  23. I keep hearing "AT X will be superseded by AT Y!"

    And then I hear a day later, "AT Y will be superseded by AT X!"

    I happen to love playing Defenders, though this was not always the case. I hate playing Corrs. I really don't know why. Maybe, possibly, conceivably, people will stop inviting me to teams. (Which I think is total crap. Will Defenders suddenly lose their ability to add to a team, somehow?) *If* that ever happens, and the number of Defenders drops off, you think maybe the Devs might step in and give them a buff?

    I look at these things like filters. If a team leader is stupid enough to not want me on his team because he's ultra-paranoid about getting the 'perfect' team composition...that's a team I would gladly, gladly be kicked from....
  24. Depends on what you want to build it for. If you're heavily solo-oriented, take the first four powers out of Mind, slot them out, and you can run 99% of the maps with absolutely nothing else. Everything else is gravy.

    If you want to run in teams, there are a few critical powers. Take Hurricane. Learn not to be horrible with it. Take Freezing Rain. Slot it for recharge. Take Steamy Mist. The resists may be specific, but when you do run into them (Which is pretty frequent) it's very nice. Everything else is gravy. (Even Mass Confuse, which I love to death, and Mass Hyp which is widely recommended for emergencies.)

    If you want to be useful against AVs, Tornado is very useful. (It doesn't generally toss an AV anywhere, but will sit and chew away at their health bar.)

    Really, you can do pretty well whatever you want with Mind/Storm. There are a few keystones that you will really want, but most of the rest are fun, useful, and interesting powers. There's no 'Essential Build' which I find kinda nice.