HEROID goes Hollywood?
Hey! Who arthurized this? I'm callin' a lawyer an' slappin' a infunction on this produnction! They can't just steal th' name without payin' fer it! That's like a... a... atropiation o' justice!
((And hmm...
A cop movie with Mark Wahlberg, Samuel L. Jackson, the Rock, and Ray Stevenson -- wow! Sounds gritty and action-packed!
Oh, and Will Farrell... wha...? o.O ))
So the question now is:
Who is being infringed?
I'm almost certain they won't be copying Rumblemuffin, Other Guy or not. I feel safe.
((From the IMDB page...))
Mark Wahlberg ... Detective Terry Hoitz Will Ferrell ... Detective Allen Gamble Dwayne Johnson ... Danson Michael Keaton ... Rumblemuffin Samuel L. Jackson ... Manzetti |
Monster Congrats Heroid!
Oh wait!
Almost as bad as being rickrolled.
Let us stifle under mud at the pond's edge
and affirm that it is fitting
and delicious to lose everything. ~ Donald Hall
next therell be a movie called Heroid
as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.
((That would be Hazardous Environment Rescue Operation Intuitive Drone. A robotic body operated by the transferred sentience of a remote human pilot sitting in a control console that the developers jokingly refer to as "the coffin". HEROID is the prototype which malfunctioned and trapped the soul of the operator inside the robot body. My people are talking to Cameron's people.))
Hey, that's all caps! HEROID. It stands fer... uh... Hazardous Envir'ment Rescue Operation In-- something Drone.
((That would be Hazardous Environment Rescue Operation Intuitive Drone. A robotic body operated by the transferred sentience of a remote human pilot sitting in a control console that the developers jokingly refer to as "the coffin". HEROID is the prototype which malfunctioned and trapped the soul of the operator inside the robot body. My people are talking to Cameron's people.)) |
next therell be a movie called HEROID slash rimshot and i runs
as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.
Yes, I am happy to have known our good friend HEROID before he got his big break. I was even a member of his SG, "The Other Guys".

But now, he appears to have sold the screenplay and will hopefully make some big bucks.
But will he remember the "little people" when he's famous?
Will he cut the rest of his SG-mates in on the action?
I'm speaking about "The Other Guys: the movie".