TF Surprise
I ran a Citadel TF with a group last Saturday, we did it in in about 1h 50min and it was awesome. But I wondered, how was it possible to do it so quickly?
Are there any other experiences among players like that for having run TF's? I would totally run TF's with that group again, they had it going on. It started with 8, and ended with 7, so a full team. |
And playing with people who know what they are doing helps. If the team you were on was a group of experienced players, who had all run the TF before at least a couple times, that helps. Also, a good leader is another factor to finishing fast.
It also helps if you have a little grey kitten with wings on your team too. *nods sagely*
There are a lot of different factors that contribute to a fast TF run. The more of them you have the more likely it is you will zip through one.
It also helps if you have a little grey kitten with wings on your team too. *nods sagely*
She's not usually the character I pick to join TFs, unless there's an RP reason to.
heh yeah most of the TF can be ran in very decent amounts of time -- Happens when people know what/where the missions are, know how to complete them swiftly and effectively TOGETHER and it helps when the team has people exmp (I myself am exmp 95% of the time when doing tf's sub 50 range - I do NOT like playing lowbies) in comparison to a team doing say a posi and are all lvl 10-11

Issue 24 PPM Calculator // The Great Makeover: The Vindicators
I ran a Citadel TF with a group last Saturday, we did it in in about 1h 50min and it was awesome. But I wondered, how was it possible to do it so quickly?
Are there any other experiences among players like that for having run TF's? I would totally run TF's with that group again, they had it going on. It started with 8, and ended with 7, so a full team.