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  1. Sounds good to me.

    The Shadow Pariah
    Level 35 Scrapper
    Server: Union
    H/V: Hero
    Global: @Mr. Erth
    Current Story Arcs: Pariah perished?

    My main. Member of the Militia.

    Vergil Nerva
    Level XX Scrapper/Blaster
    Server: Union
    H/V: Hero
    Global: @Mr. Erth
    Current Story Arcs: Nothing important

    Currently not in an SG.

    Both are open to a bit of everything. I'll post wiki links when they're done.
  2. w00t w00t, Red Cell! (For the non-militia members, just ignore it :P)

    I would be very interested in having this project should it turn real. Officially a hero like all the others, being good and all that, but every now and then he'd creep into his stealth suit/disguise/plastic-bag-over-head and go after the ones who hide behind the system. Would be easily to RP if the killings were kept secret and only discussed between the initiated. Don't know if that's what you had in mind, but regardless, I'm interested.

    @Mr. Erth or PM here on the boards.
  3. Mr_Erth

    Please help :)

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I merely meant that it looked like fun... I didn't know it had gotten a "nice round close". I just sorta figured it dissolved like so many other projects I've seen...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I know. Erth, relax. I don't think I sounded challenging back there, but your response reads very defensively. My apologies. On topic, I've sent my response to your PM and am looking forward to reading about your plot.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Sorry mate, I'm just always afraid I've annoyed or upset people and so often find myself trying to explain why I did what whatever I did Anyway, thanks for the PM and generally thanks for showing interest.
  4. Mr_Erth

    Please help :)

    On topic: I make it clear in PMs. Not in this thread. If people don't like that lack of information, then that's okay. No one have to reply if they don't want to and I can't really make it any clearer in here without revealing something. I do believe I sent you a PM as well, by the way.

    Off-topic: I merely meant that it looked like fun and I would have been interested if it was still around. Hence the "shame it's dead". Also, I didn't know it had gotten a "nice round close". I just sorta figured it dissolved like so many other projects I've seen. Glad to know that was not the case
  5. Mr_Erth

    Please help :)

    I just realized that I forgot a word in my first post. It'll only take 10-20 minutes tops.

    For now I've got enough interested, however I'm still waiting replies for a lot of my PMs, so I'll post again if I find out I need more.

    EDIT: Just read up on the Gang. There sure was a LOT of interested, rather fast. A shame it seems to be dead now.
  6. Or, simpler and apparently trendy...
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    PM the GM's, see what they say?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'd say given the whole y'know 5th Column villian group they don't really have a reason to frown at it.

    [/ QUOTE ]
  7. At least that'd be pretty hypocritical and close to mind numbingly stupid. And unfair.
  8. Mr_Erth

    Please help :)

    Don't worry, that shouldn't be a problem. I'll send you details sometime tonight.
  9. Mr_Erth

    Please help :)

    [ QUOTE ]
    Personally, I don't have a Thug MM.
    But even if I did, I wouldn't respond to this.
    For one reason: lack of information.

    You might get some "I'm curious, so I'll offer in order to find out."
    But, I think a bit more information will get the shyer ones

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I realize there isn't a whole lot of information, but I don't wanna give too much away in case some of my fellow Militia members (like Dante) come in here looking.

    I can tell you one thing though, there will be NO dangers or even consequences for your MMs. Can't really reveal a whole lot more in here.

    Though, thanks for feedback ShadowGhost, it's always nice to know what can be done better.

    Anyone else interested, lemme know. The more, the merrier.
  10. Mr_Erth

    Please help :)

    It's on union. Any idea how to reach 'The Gang'?

    And Dante, thanks for the offer, but we'll just have to see. You might be needed for the other side (as Amber or Dante).

    Illusion master, if you make it, then great Send me a PM.

    Anyone else?
  11. Mr_Erth

    Please help :)

    I'm looking for Thugmasterminds [as in plural, I need at least 2-3, more would be awesome ) to help me with a plot. They need to be at least lvl 15, though the higher, the better. I don't have a date yet, but it won't take much more than 10-20, I think.

    Please, anyone interested? Details will be PMed.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    Well just because the in game group uses one method of time travel does not mean that others don't exist. Unless the NPCs explicitly state that there is no other means of time travel (which I doubt NCsoft will do because of how many people it'll [censored] off)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It is not so much the way of time travel, as it is what effects time travel has. It the game states that changing the past is possible, then we can't very well run around and say it's not. As to *means* of traveling through time, well knock yourself out. There are no restrictions.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    Think Orson Wells' "The Time Machine."

    The man who made the machine couldn't go back and save his fiancée from dying, because her death was the very reason for the machines' creation. If he were to save her life, then he'd never have needed to invent the machine to go back and save her, because she'd still be alive and he'd not need to go back and save her.

    Cause and Effect?

    My head hurts...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This actually makes sense to me! Yay! If you going back actually changed anything, then you wouldn't need to go back and so you never did. The only time travels that are ever possible are those that fail.

    I'm not much into the whole multiverse theory. Although I can understand it, it simply makes no sense to me.
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    Well I just so happen to think that your traditional super villain is cool. Nothing beats a volcano lair and a giant laser beam pointed at the city of your choice

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Except a well-played, realistic, modern villain with an actual personality.

    Or FFM's right toe.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    Ok Hates your the only other group that isn't comprised of self centered mercs and petty thieves. But your still not a classic evil organisation. Your anarchists XD

    Your classic evil organisation wants to rule the world for some simple ideological reason such as: "We don't like democracy". Which is GLEE's general attitude

    [/ QUOTE ]

    What about Humanity First? Or Order of the cross, out to kill all mutants? There are A LOT of VGs that aren't just petty thieves and "self-centered" mercs. It just quickly becomes old to play the "I VANT TO RULE ZE VORLD AND KILL YOU ALLZ!!11!" kinda villain. It's not that easy to RP that kind of sociopath credibly. Way too 2D for my liking. IMHO Being evil is not about wanting to hurt people, it's about not caring for anyone but yourself. And in that perspective the "self-centered mercs" are a pretty decent bunch of villains.
  16. Well, the layout is good. Nice work Only minus is the categories as FFM mentioned.

    Keep up the good work
  17. Thanks mate Don't hesitate to repeat if you're bored
  18. Well, I know you bumped into me once and if you do so again I'd love to RP with you Vergil Nerva, at your service.

    When are you typically online?
  19. Count on Shadow Pariah then, dark/regen scrapper.
  20. Yay! An FF

    I'm up for it, 14hours is fine by me

    Which one do you want? The empath, the blaster or the scrapper?