WTB: Willing roleplayers on Union
Sounds like a non-social character to me, if thats the case, well, its okay. My character, Pious Hunter is very much non-social and is only seen in plots. You have to make an informed decision if that is the route you want to go down. As far as I'm concerned, you wont find hardcore crime-fighters (ie. Blade, Batman or Daredevil) dancing, drinking and chatting up girls at Pocket D. They might show up at social spots while running an investigation or something but will not generally 'waste good time' partying. If you want to blend in, mingle and socialise casually at Pocket D or the Galaxy Girl statue-in-the-park, I would advice having a second character who probably has too much time on their hands and likes to get drunk or flirt aimlessly or whatever. If not, carry on playing the werewolf hero and have him appear alot in missions and plots. Hope that helps.

One of the sticky threads in this forum, pinned to the top, is the Roleplaying Supergroups one, which lists loads of groups actively looking for more roleplayers.
It is a really good idea to start there, as reading through, you can soon see which groups you might get on with, that match your character's ethos, etc. That in turn leads you to the players already in that group with that ethos.
However, as Pious said, it may simply be that you have painted yourself into a corner by creating a dark, anti-social, anti-hero in a city of heroes.
Things in your character profile such as:
"bordering on the edge of being a villan"
"often seems barely civilised"
"has a considerable amount of difficulty in relationships"
"he certainly does have is a temper which he finds difficult, if not impossible, to control"
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all make the character hard to rationalise putting up with for anyone else. He's violent, nasty, and wanted for murder - why would any hero want to get to know him?
Bits in a character profile such as this just make the character seem too hard to befriend, and pointless too. I think you've created a lone-wolf, if you'll pardon the pun.
There really aren't any cliques keeping you out so much as your own personality choices have. The importtant question to ask yourself with a character that has trouble fitting in is "Is this character fun for others to interact with outside of an arena where they can beat the snot out of him?"
Hm...well there's the thing. He should be an anti-social jerk, but he isn't. He's just bewildered, like a wild animal who is essentially let loose to try and fend for itself. I would actually imagine any hero who is worth their salt might try and figure out what the issue is, rather than get self-righteous and label him before he even starts - though I imagine there will be a fair few people who do, and that's fine. I'm not asking for every hero to drop what they're doing to interact with my character because some people just won't like him. But there's probably a few floating around who would (Chaotic Good, you're the man!). I've actually seen a fair few on the edge type of heroes because I was steering for something which wasn't a stereotype or completely black or white. And I am part of a supergroup but it does rather seem unless I'm playing a major emo-boy or a cutiepie girl there's no chance of rp - and I don't do anime-rp.
My character is nowhere near as cut and dried as the Wiki describes. I know roleplay in CoH is a bit two dimensional, which was why I decided to create a character with layers. Perhaps I was overestimating people's willingness to bother to dig into a character to see how they tick or to understand WHY he does the things he does. It might be I have to dumb down my rp, but I'm not willing to do that yet
It would be a bummer to think I have to play a total complete goody two shoes who is only looking to find his next wife in order to get rp. So for people who aren't playing the stereotypical hero-planning-a-wedding, here's your chance to get some roleplay going!
Perhaps I was overestimating people's willingness to bother to dig into a character to see how they tick or to understand WHY he does the things he does.
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Very likely.
Have you asked yourself what motivation is there for people to bother with your character to that degree? Is he a joy to spend time with, or is conversation more like pulling teeth?
Formerly @Crimson Archer, now @CA
The Militia - Protecting Paragon City through roleplaying since June 2006!
I think one problem with people will be their prior experience. While a mature and intelligent roleplayer could play a seemingly anti-social jerk character, it is more than likely that an immature roleplayer interested mostly in short-term conflict and immediate response will also choose to play a jerk.
After a while one becomes wary because of the high risk of getting just what it says on the tin. If someone acts like a jerk, there might be an assumption that that is all that there is.
That all stems from that all parties should have fun. If I spend, say, an hour getting to know a character I hope it leads to another worthwhile meeting or something tangible, be it maybe just one interesting conversation. Talking with a jerk who after that hour is still the same jerk runs a risk of not being much fun, or at least more fun to be had elsewhere the next time.
Then there is the IC angle. If some character is very offensive one very sane reaction is to walk away. It works with villains who boast loudly how they eat small babies alive, and it works with heroes who sit in a corner and snap at people telling them to go away. Sooner or later the people will do just that, and seeing the point about fun, as experience crops up it starts to be rather sooner.
That being said I don't know at all what your character is like. Now, frankly, I'm slightly intrigued. Could be we can bump into each other sometime (global is @Coile) but no promises.
My own character can be a right jerk, broody, in some situations anti-social, at times humorless and mostly clueless. He is now very much goody-two-shoes to the point where the team that he leads will get slimmer when he executes his new policies. He has a truck load of angst although he doesn't share it that much these day, he has been married, is engaged again and is a father of a two months old boy which takes up a lot of his time. I've been in the game for a year and a half and so far have managed to find good people to play with, both from IC and OOC point of view.
Meaningful, however each person defines it, RP does exist. You just have to locate it by actively seeking it. I'd say using this forum is one very effective method.
Have you asked yourself what motivation is there for people to bother with your character to that degree? Is he a joy to spend time with, or is conversation more like pulling teeth?
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The one thing I really didn't want to do was create a "standing in the corner looking filled with angst and woe" type of character. Loup isn't as grim as his Wiki describes. He has moods, but these tend to be rather brought on by him trying so desperately hard to figure out what he's actually supposed to be doing as a hero. I do attempt to let people know my character is there looking to roleplay by dropping emotes whenever I can, and that sometimes gets things going in the right direction though there have been times when even that didn't work (probably everyone talking in SG chat or something). Loup doesn't just growl and loom at people; he does tend to hold conversations and always has several people he watches over like a big brother.
I had a really great bit of rp a few evenings ago where a character roleplayed having watched Loup fight in the rings, and he had a pretty fair idea what it must have been like for Loup, coming from that sort of life trying to come up top and learn to care about being part of society. He spent a hour or so trying to explain things to Loup, and Loup sucked it up as fast as he could, with interest. My character has even gone to the university to start reading as he was told to do, as his education stopped rather short.
Unfortunately, Loup does make mistakes - he beat one of his team-mates in the base dojo because he didn't understand what a "friendly spar" actually was, and no one explained it to him. That caused for a rather tense moment but it also brought some brilliant rp out of it as people realised Loup didn't come from a background any of them had ever dealt with before. If he's just gone from a rather ebullient ball of laughs to turning and walking away, it's so much of a character shift some people do tend to wonder what's happened. He has a certain mode of thinking which is rather different to the way regular humans think. Again, that's something maybe only a small amount of people are going to pick up on. But there's always a reason for Loup's anger these days - thankfully a few people have figured that out.
When I set up the character I imagine he was going to be dismissed by a good portion of the "hero" population for one reason or another - but I also rather hoped there would be that small sliver in the population that might actually look at this rather hairy fellow coming out of nowhere in the middle of a Rikti invasion and putting himself into the thick of things, nealy getting himself killed, and then getting right back up again because he "made a promise".
Like I said, there's a lot there. There's nothing about Loup when he's first around someone which would hint to him being a feral beast looking for a fight. Most of the time he's looking at everything around him as if he hasn't seen it before (which for the most part, he hasn't). The main thing is trying to find someone who has a character who can "talk Loup's language", if you see what I'm saying.
hmm my character is far from an emo-guy and definitely isn't a cutesie-girl. Take one part former villain mad scientist, one part demon and one part sixty year old man and your pretty much there.
He's was and to some extent still is a nutjob, (he's attempting to house-train a Shivan he calls Steve, he tried to mass market a highly addictive drug back when he was a villain, his experiments often end with minor explosions, turned himself into a Supa-Troll during that etc.).
I can understand that there are times when it's hard to get involved with groups. At GG or in PD I make a point of trying to talk to the newer people over the old crowd because new Rpers are the lifeblood of RP.
Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!
Have you asked yourself what motivation is there for people to bother with your character to that degree? Is he a joy to spend time with, or is conversation more like pulling teeth?
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The one thing I really didn't want to do was create a "standing in the corner looking filled with angst and woe" type of character. Loup isn't as grim as his Wiki describes. He has moods, but these tend to be rather brought on by him trying so desperately hard to figure out what he's actually supposed to be doing as a hero. I do attempt to let people know my character is there looking to roleplay by dropping emotes whenever I can, and that sometimes gets things going in the right direction though there have been times when even that didn't work (probably everyone talking in SG chat or something). Loup doesn't just growl and loom at people; he does tend to hold conversations and always has several people he watches over like a big brother.
I had a really great bit of rp a few evenings ago where a character roleplayed having watched Loup fight in the rings, and he had a pretty fair idea what it must have been like for Loup, coming from that sort of life trying to come up top and learn to care about being part of society. He spent a hour or so trying to explain things to Loup, and Loup sucked it up as fast as he could, with interest. My character has even gone to the university to start reading as he was told to do, as his education stopped rather short.
Unfortunately, Loup does make mistakes - he beat one of his team-mates in the base dojo because he didn't understand what a "friendly spar" actually was, and no one explained it to him. That caused for a rather tense moment but it also brought some brilliant rp out of it as people realised Loup didn't come from a background any of them had ever dealt with before. If he's just gone from a rather ebullient ball of laughs to turning and walking away, it's so much of a character shift some people do tend to wonder what's happened. He has a certain mode of thinking which is rather different to the way regular humans think. Again, that's something maybe only a small amount of people are going to pick up on. But there's always a reason for Loup's anger these days - thankfully a few people have figured that out.
When I set up the character I imagine he was going to be dismissed by a good portion of the "hero" population for one reason or another - but I also rather hoped there would be that small sliver in the population that might actually look at this rather hairy fellow coming out of nowhere in the middle of a Rikti invasion and putting himself into the thick of things, nealy getting himself killed, and then getting right back up again because he "made a promise".
Like I said, there's a lot there. There's nothing about Loup when he's first around someone which would hint to him being a feral beast looking for a fight. Most of the time he's looking at everything around him as if he hasn't seen it before (which for the most part, he hasn't). The main thing is trying to find someone who has a character who can "talk Loup's language", if you see what I'm saying.
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Thanks for a very intelligent and well written reply! (OMG!!! Grammar!! I thought that died years ago... )
Like Coile, I'm now intrigued. If you happen to see Crimson Archer hanging around anywhere (although he's usually either on an investigation/mission, or winding down after one), feel free to talk to him! This is made easier by the fact he's done a few TV&press interviews and has just had an action figure line come out (which he's not quite sure how to react to yet!), so he's vaguely recognisable.
I can understand the "promise" thing; on one hand Crimson is in it for the excitement, while on the others he's very much trying to make up for what he sees as past failures. It's this kind of thing that makes your character seem more human... if that's not an insult!
Formerly @Crimson Archer, now @CA
The Militia - Protecting Paragon City through roleplaying since June 2006!
Thanks kindly! I actually did want to try and catch more people ingame tonight but I am only just now logging off after roleplaying my guts out - thanks kindly Dr_Mech, you're a bloody roleplaymagnet!
I hope to meet more of you ingame with Loup Garou. And by all means, grab my character for rp when you can - I'm playing this game for a lark and I don't level much, but I'm certainly enjoying myself.
hehehe no problem, glad I could help you along with your RP experience
Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!
I was there that night with Hand of Battle when Loup sparred with the other SG member. It was well played and thoroughly enjoyable, even though my char had to step in when blood had been spilled in the base Dojo, which was sacred ground and a major no-no. But that was only her acting according to her status in the group. She was secretly anjoying the display of differing skill styles.
As for the Anime-play, I too am getting pretty tired of this cutesie nonsense. I stopped playing the Other Game after two weeks, because it was nothing but cute all the time. Plus, I'm not overly fond of roleplaying with ditsie little cat-girls trying to get same-sex cyber out of other players.
I find myself now screaming out in silent frustration to find some decent roleplay, so the next time I see you Nether, I definately want to get some roleplay done.
I did enjoy the sparing and then the all out fight (Ed told him not to hold back) between Loup and Ed, though thankfully it didn't last as long as my other vs Claws/Regen battle record (35 minutes before the other guy just gave up) still looking forward to a more training session in the future that are on more even ground
Also...with RPing, I found i tended to spend more time RPing than levelling anyway, so you wouldn't be levelling fast anyway
Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!
I find myself now screaming out in silent frustration to find some decent roleplay, so the next time I see you Nether, I definately want to get some roleplay done.
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I welcome it! I do warn in advance Loup is in a bit of a strange headspace but it's getting better, mostly due to how many different people he talked to last night - he's a feeling a bit less out to sea.
I did enjoy the sparing and then the all out fight (Ed told him not to hold back) between Loup and Ed, though thankfully it didn't last as long as my other vs Claws/Regen battle record (35 minutes before the other guy just gave up) still looking forward to a more training session in the future that are on more even ground
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It was very useful ooc for me as I realised what skills I really need to upgrade. That's proven difficult as low level characters seem to be all twinks and therefore can afford the 300,000k+ influence upgrades (boggle) but at least I know what direction I need to go. It's useful for Loup to have someone to fight he knows he can't kill even if he gets angry. Looking forward to having another go!
*grabs cheque-book*
Well, I know you bumped into me once and if you do so again I'd love to RP with you Vergil Nerva, at your service.
When are you typically online?
Consider yourself bumped into! Glad to have caught you, mate! I'm still poking people for arrpee regularly so keep it coming
Thanks mate Don't hesitate to repeat if you're bored
I've been kicking this around now for a week and I've finally just decided to send out the call. I have a rather...complicated...character who just isn't getting as much roleplay as I'd like. He's not typical Hero material and doesn't follow many of the typical storylines (he only looks half wolf, he's not actually anthro; he doesn't like cutesy-kid type heroes and has a tendency to tell them to go home, he's got issues but he's not the type to go on angst-ridden about his woeful past). At the moment, he's sort of like someone who goes to a foreign country and comes up against all the different, strange customs - trying desperately to fit in, but no one really seems willing to give him a hand with that. He's got other issues as well but that really depends on how it gets played.
I'd really like to be able to roleplay him more, but I'm having a difficult time doing that as most people don't seem to roleplay outside their own cliques (and I've tried, believe me). In any event, if anyone wants to have a go at this character as a mentor or guiding light and also be able to talk his language (which is bordering on 'not a hero at all, really') then by all means, give a go.
More information on my character is here. My global is @Loup Garou.