Mr. NoPants

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  1. Searching for your comments is a pain in the tush...I'm going to go rep some posts on the last forum page so no one sees it to cheer myself up.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ReclusesPhantom View Post
    I wouldn't leave, I'd just be royally pissed off.. If it was a decent costume piece
    Like the Kheldian sash?
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
    It's clear you've read the description page and the FAQ for vet rewards, but I find it funny you leave out the key details we're basing what we say on. They specifically denote the difference between time active and time paid, more than once.

    Changing the system to be about time paid does not become more fair in any way shape or form, since it allows those with the biggest wallets to get rewards faster. Plain and simple. As it stands, they all get rewards based on how long they're active with the game, not how much they can pay.
    Under the current system if you pay for a year or but on a butt load of time cards and get banned after 6 or 7 months you never got your other rewards. Just puttin that out there.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Random Neg rep
    recycled and irrelevant rebuttal
    The argument is irrelevant because of the rebuttal. This is like the people who claim they don't brush their teeth because they have "soft teeth" and it won't matter after a dentist tells them they don't have soft teeth.
  5. Mr. NoPants

    The forgotten

    Originally Posted by Bronze Knight View Post
    Rikti Fething Rifle

    How many yeas has it been bugged now? Since COV came out right?
    Who would want to lick a Rikti's....FETHING...nevermind...
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
    Sure. I pay yearly, though.
    That just makes it funnier to me.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Goldbrick View Post
    This idea has been put forth numerous times before. It's not about money, it's about time spent playing the game. Veteran status (life experience) cannot be advance-purchased.

    It seems that your heart isn't in this idea.
    If a person wants angel wings they can plunk down cash for the mac extras.
  8. So when the next vet costume gets announced and one of you two posts I get to point out you were suppose to leave right?
  9. I didn't see getting the prestige sprints as loosing the special of my seldom used colored sprint as getting access to the sprint I wished I had instead.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
    Absolutely not. If they ever add another costume to a veteran reward, I will quit. Veteran Reward costumes are unacceptable.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LISAR View Post
    Mod 8 said someone went to far and it had to be removed...and you are less then 4 feet from me.
    But I'm too lazy to swivel my chair around...
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LISAR View Post
    I can't believe we still have to listen to the sexist screeches of the extreme feminists. Not every man is a rapist or thinks of women as objects/pets. Most men these days genuinely will treat you as equals when approached as one. Men are perfectly capable of identifying sexism.

    This comes from a woman who has been a victim of sexual harassment.
    What happened to you birthday thread?
  13. Mr. NoPants

    Your 1 thing?

    Fembots...oh wait we'll be getting those with the new clockworks!
  14. Mr. NoPants


    Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
    I find it ironic that rather than use the /ignore button at the tip of your fingers you choose to further perpetuate the "drama". The ability to "shut people up" is in your control. Take responsibility for your experiences instead of putting it on other people.

    I don't ignore anyone, but at the same time I actually like the full spectrum of posts found on these boards and you probably won't find me whinning about it. If the majority of posters were as boring as you guys it wouldn't be worth reading anything here (other than some of the build threads), which would lead to more time spent in game and faster burnout.

    All I can say is that when I post something inflamatory rest assured it was intended to evoke a response. It is also worth taking note of what particular sub forum you are posting in, that should help you gauge how far the stick should be situated. In this particular case we are in the "For Fun" section so for reference one would unclench and go with a minimum of depth. Or not, too each their own.
    "I run bile from my mouth because I have nothing of value to add to the discussion." probably wins you an internets in some forums. Not these forums mind you, but some I suppose.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    Just cats.

    Crazy cat ladies and people with cat like tendencies are still at the bottom of the list with the rest of humanity.

    Oh and it's my humble nature that prevents me from listing myself in the number three slot alongside my brother and sister veterans.
    We pencil you in when you turn around anyways.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
    My VG keeps insisting I must be a collective of hyperintelligent cats, not a crazy cat lady, so I guess I am more important than you.
    Did he mean cats and people who give the impressions of cat like tendencies or just cats?
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MR5M1TH View Post
    Without an explicit "it's happening with X" statement a might be is exactly that.

    I'd rather see it come sooner than later in an update rather than having to wait for GR. Talk that it might happen can just as easily be cast aside unless they guarantee it will happen. Greater discussion of it and the continuing calls for it to happen are the best way to insure that a might be turns into a will be.
    If they are already openly talking about it and it doesn't happen then it wasn't meant to be.
  18. Mr. NoPants

    Just for fun

    Is the BAB quote a reference to when he turned the trainer off on in the test sever to do a walkabout and then couldn't target it to undo the command?
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rebel_Scum View Post
    Sounds simple enough, yeah. But multiplied by almost every costume piece in the game?
    Any awesome addition will require work and time.
  20. I'm going to Siren's call to research.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BBQ_Pork View Post
    I was getting nervous, having been through Fred Meyer, Target and Walmart's bins this week and not seeing a single copy of CoH. Christmas is getting close.
    The lack of shelf presence is a constant annoyance with this game. I think Best Buy has CoH, if not in a box they should have the cards (you know the jet pack ones).
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    I'm not sure - while it certainly is griefing, the GMs here seem to follow the policy of what happens in the SG stays in the SG - like people who join SGs and then strip the storage racks - the rule appears to be that if you invite and promote someone to your SG, you're responsible for anything they do in the SG.
    So if you invited someone into your SG, and they did that demoting, kicking and inviting thing, I think they'd get away with it.
    That's kinda why they added a new rank. It was suppose to cause less need for CS involvement.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Westley View Post
    After reading that post about BoB.... if that happened in CoH between two SGs, wouldn't that be considered a form of griefing? To get an "ear" on the inside of a rival SG, convince that "ear" to demote everyone else (this would be before Super Leaders) and then kick them all out of the SG, inviting members of the "opposite" faction in and essentially taking over.

    Wouldn't that be considered griefing here?
    I believe so. We play by different rules.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rebel_Scum View Post
    While cool, I doubt this would ever happen. The reason being, most costume pieces as I understand it don't exist outside of what can be seen. Like how if you get up close to a wall so the camera zooms in and part of your character's head disappears, you don't see the inside of the other side of the head. So if you, with the existing pieces, made for example an arm invisible, the character would have a giant gaping hole where said arm attaches to the rest of the body, through which you would be able to see right through the character. They'd have to remake the vast majority of the game's costume pieces. So yeah, not likely any time soon.
    Well not a full remake. They would have to add backs to the geometry and texture it.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    But what does that have to do with walking?
    I have no idea.