664 -
In the minority thinking CoX is above average on the fun scale? I doubt it.
No confirmation here. It's all idle speculation at this point.
Hmm... good point. I had forgotton about emination points.
Yeah, I know, standard code rant, but as a programmer I can't help but think about such things. -
Awesome would not be a strong enough word.
Arbitrary-ish. I'm sure there is some server space consideration. How much it really matters, I'm not sure.
Quote:Running example: crossbows in archery.It's generally bad form to make "all they really need" arguments when it comes to the animations system, that's why I talk about this as a distant possibility. I went on about this at length in the past, but there is one key, crucial part missing - the ability to switch summoned weapon class. Right now, weapon powers always use a weapon, and non-weapon powers never do. Weapon powers unlock an extra costume slot, that for the weapon, and any power from a weapon powerset calls the same weapon.
Granted, the Spines customization seems to indicate that you can vary weapons between powers, causing redraw, but I'm not exactly sure what the relationship between spines ans weapons is, so I don't want to guess.
Basically, what you would need to do in order to accomplish this holy grail of power customization, is invent a way for powersets to have not just one class of weapon attributed to them, but allow you to select between several classes, and limit customization options to those weapons only. I've not seen precedent of that existing in the game, so I have to assume it isn't doable (or at least hasn't been done) yet. We can alter animation, we can alter effect, but I've seen no solid evidence that we can alter weapons via the powers system, as they are inherently a costume item.
Setup weapon change UI in costume screen to something more like shields (ie Nested, with super-category for Crossbow or Regular Bow, and sub-category for particular model). Easy.
Have the choice in the super-category limit what animations are available in the power selection screen, and implement forced changes if you change the the super-category. (ie. if you switch from regular bows to crossbows, it forces you to take the crossbow animations at the power-selection screen. Ideally, this wouldn't cost inf, but that's a nitpick). This is the hard part, but it is only hard in that there currently exists no way for the weapon selector in the costume screen to communicate with the animation selector in the power screen (that we know of). -
Depends. Is there an alternate version of you somewhere (sans goatee) that is a goody-two-shoes?
Really? I know a number of people that would disagree.
Oh wait, they say I'm crazy. That's different. -
Quote:Last thought on this: you may want to check out Just and Unjust Wars, by Micheal Walzer, or anything else regarding Just War theory. It's some interesting stuff.I can think of a few.
Seems the media bashed Israel a couple of years ago because They fired back at people lobbing missiles at them from Lebanon. Unfortunately, those people lobbing missiles were hiding among the "innocent" citizens and near schools. It became a choice between two evils. Which was worse, allowing people to continue to lob missiles across the border killing Israelis, or take out the ones firing the missiles, and possibly innocent civilians in the process (called collateral damage).
Counterpoint: I also have one. WHATCHA GONNA DO NOW!? -
The computer is shocked that people would want to hurt it. Shocked. But the computer also understands, and the computer forgives you, because the computer is your friend.
Wait, what's this? A video has been leaked to the internet featuring these anti-computer people doing despicable acts to kittens? Well now, that is extremely odd. There is no accounting for taste, I suppose.
Fortunately, the computer is your friend, and would surely not abuse it's power. Surely not.
All right, enough of this nonsense about Loyalists, or Resistance, or Anarachists, or even Pantslessness, what we all really want to do is sit down and play some games. Maybe surf the web a bit. There's some cool YouTube videos out there that you should look up. And then you need to check twitter, right? Feeds ain't gonna read themselves, you know.
Given that we all have these desires, we now need a tool to do such things. I humbly present to you the computer. This handy electronic device will let you do all the above, and more! It is the must-own item for the discerning consumer. Or any consumer, really. Even non-consumers should get one, to be honest.
There are only a few things you need to know about the computer: 1) The computer is your friend. 2) You should trust the computer. 3) The computer knows everything. Yes, everything. And it doesn't hold that time you broke your mom's favorite vase against you. Or anything else, for that matter. Because the computer is your friend.
Now, who is ready to give up all this faction nonsense and join with me in serving the computer? -
/setallanimations dance3
That's ok, no one does (no one but the computer, anyways. The computer knows all).
I'm pretty sure that comes close to the record for most consecutive posts.
There is a multi-quote feature. Please use it. (Button in the bottom right of the post, next to the quick-reply and regular quote buttons). -
Except we aren't on a bus. We're on a forum. You do not require a forum to get to work, and you certainly don't require this thread to do that. So, to put it bluntly, unless you think there are some forum rules being broken, I think you are just going to have to suck it up.
I think someone needs to take a chill pill.
I think that people get it, they just choose to ignore it.
Quote:Actually, all they really need is for some way for the custom weapon selector to communicate with the animation selector (because SS and MA shows that custom animations are a go), and we're off to the races.That sort of thing is more or less the holy grail of power customization, in my eyes. The ability to pick to use different weapon classes (such as bow or crossbow), as well as weapons for inherently weaponless sets, like Fire Blast. I'm not positive it's even possible (no developer has ever commented on that), but it's probably the last big thing left in terms of functionality before my imagination runs out on more things to do with customization.
I'ma have to QFT on this. And I really mean have to. They'll revoke my aussie citizenship if I don't.