46 -
I'm not planning to roll any new characters just yet. I'm going to start moving all my lv20+ Villains over to blue side, so they can actually have content to run. Did you know that there are no red side Strike Forces for the lv40-44 range? You're running ITFs or malefactoring down to lower level Strike Forces until you get in range of Lady Grey, Lord Recluse, and the 5th Column SF.
Once you go blue, there's lots more to do. -
I got wrapped up in real life as well. Carrie had relatives visiting from out of state, so we spent the afternoon at her mom's place visiting with them. Not that I consider myself an old-time RP'er, but I would have been interested in rubbing elbows with the old far... er, such pillars of the community.
I have a ton of alts, and not all of them have a real story, but this one needs to be inflicted on people from time to time...
I had much the same experience. It wasn't an issue with my computer not being able to draw what was happening, it was more that the server was bogged down by all those people in the same place trying to fight several mobs all at once. I can agree with the need for special anniversary instanced missions, perhaps the devs could randomly pop into a mission instance and assist/challenge the players there.
Allow me to necropost to this topic. While kicking around the idea of respeccing my Crab Spider today, I launched Mid's and thought "Wouldn't it be great if this could just read my character's build from the game itself, so I don't have to manually recreate the build from scratch?" Then I figured that pulling straight from the game's memory would probably violate some portion of the license agreement, but what if Paragon added an option to the Enhancement Management interface to save the build info?
Came to the suggestions board to see if anyone else had thought of this (since I'm not generally known for my originality) and what should I find but this very thread? Some good stuff here, and I would love to see a simplification of the respec system, but I can imagine that part may be that selecting powers/slots when leveling up uses the same functions as the respec system, so a change to one would necessitate a change to the other. -
Quote:Troller - One who TrollsThank you al so very much ^.^ BTW, what are trollers? I have only seen them on the blueside. They even say they're trollers when they are looking for a team! But just so I know....what are trollers?
'Troller (note the apostrophe, indicating letters were removed) - Short for Controller, one of the blue side ATs, with Primary powers similar to Dominators and Secondary powers similar to Corruptors. -
Looking directly at DJ Cozmic isn't something that should be done with mere sunglasses. You'd at least need a welder's mask.
Not sure how this happened, but I had actually let myself forget that this upcoming weekend was double XP times. Looking forward to getting a couple more ATs to 50; still need Controller, Stalker, Dominator, and the two VEATs and I'll have each one at the cap.
Every time I go past a "Super Lanes" bowling alley, I think to myself that a bowling minigame would be amusing.
Also the idea of go-karting with friends and/or signature NPCs amuses me. I would totally throw a red shell up Ghost Widow's tailpipe. -
I was a little disappointed that the name Maelstrom has been taken by a signature character. I wanted that for the name of my main's Praetorian counterpart. I've settled for "Praetorian Monsoon" due to lack of creativity. Just couldn't think of anything else that work work well for the Elec/Storm Corruptor version of a Storm/Elec Defender.
Though it did amuse me when I asked Back Alley Brawler who Maelstrom was a few days before Going Rogue was announced and he was all "Where did you hear that name?!?" -
This isn't one of my characters, just someone I happened to see in an AE building.
Why I love City of Heroes -
One reason you see less XP in MA missions is that they don't use your Patrol XP. I tested this myself, running a police radio mission full of Council, then running my own published MA mission also full of Council. I was receiving 50% more XP for each defeat on the radio mission, which just so happens to be the amount of bonus XP you get when you have Patrol XP to burn through.
The arc listed in my signature has a single mission in it. In the mission, you meet up with an Ally who is in the <Intensive Team> group, and you rescue a hostage who is in the <Helpless Captive> group. Or at least, that's how it's supposed to go. Sometimes they will both end up in the <Helpless Captive> group.
I've confirmed that they're in two different groups, but does anyone know if there's a problem with having captive NPCs in different groups, or have a way I could fix this? -
They want to avoid giving a hundred errors when you publish the mission, so deferring the checks till publishing is probably not an option.
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You certainly wouldn't want it to defer all the error checking until the end, and I can agree that it would be good to have it check when the text field loses focus. What I'm thinking though is to have language filter errors be more Warnings, where the mission won't publish so long as there are naughty words in it, but you can still Test it with a group (assuming there are no actual show-stopper errors). -
Wanted to have a hostage say "Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap, oh crap" while being held by the villain group, but the MA blocked it.
[/ QUOTE ]Inspector Zenigata?
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Y'know, I haven't really watched much Lupin. No, the hostage in question is the one in my published arc, "The Other Side of the Screen" (no Arc ID right now, I'm at work so I can't get to the game). And really he would've been using stronger language than "crap" but the four-letter word for excrement that I wanted to use is definitely blocked by the filter, so I wasn't going to bother trying to use it. -
Question >.< Why is "Crap" filtered? <;_;> It seems like such a harmless word. Is there a meaning beyond "poo" I'm not getting?
I've resorted to lots and lots of @%#! type swears, since I can't even use crap. It actually makes my characters sound even more foulmouthed <'x'>;;
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I ran into the same thing. Wanted to have a hostage say "Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap, oh crap" while being held by the villain group, but the MA blocked it.
It would be nice if the MA language filter didn't kick in until you decided to Publish the mission. That way you could run custom missions with groups of friends and be as foulmouthed as you want (but not get any drops or other rewards). If you're foolish enough to run one of those with a random PuGgy with delicate sensibilities and they get offended, they can report your mission for stabbing their virgin eyes with sharp pointy words. -
As I recall, they're severely nerfing the XP and rewards one can earn within MA arcs, as they're supposed to be 'simulations', not actual missions. That is to say, no salvage drops, no recipes, no enhancements, reduced chance of inspirations, and reduced XP.
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XP won't be reduced unless you have NPCs in your arcs helping you fight. Otherwise, you get full XP and Inf ( source )
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My understanding is that you'll get normal XP for published story arcs (of which you get three per account) along with tickets/tokens that can be redeemed. You get no XP or other rewards for running missions that are saved on your local computer and haven't been published, since the idea is that you can repeat them over and over for testing. -
Let me see if I can explain what happened. Someone at the highest rank, don't know who, promoted another person (who will henceforth be known as "Jane Doe") to the highest rank. Jane Doe then proceeded to promote a new member of the SG (me) to the maximum rank just because she can. That was a bit of a "what the...?" moment, but not too bad (once this all blows over I'll quit and rejoin so I'm not at the incorrect rank).
Then she started booting everyone of lower rank out of the SG, changing the SG's MOTD, description, colors, rank names, just about anything she could get her hands on. Fortunately someone had the presence of mind to get us into the base and get someone on the Edit Base screen so she could not go in and start deleting everything, and we also grabbed all the salvage and enhancements we could out of storage. She was also being verbally abusive, using racial slurs toward other SG members and calling their sexual orientation into question.
What we are asking for is the swift removal of this person from our SG, if not from the game, so we can get things back to normal. We would also like to have a way to know who promoted her to the highest rank in order to determine if it was an honest mistake or a deliberate attempt at sabotage. And while I can't truly speak for them, I would like to think that the true leaders of the SG have learned a harsh lesson in security, so perhaps some restructuring will be in order. -
It's the GM's responsibility when the rogue leader in question is at the top of the ranks. Since you cannot demote or kick someone of equal rank, there is not a way to get someone out of the SG/VG who starts behaving like this. It would also be nice if there was a way for other leaders to see who promoted who, so we know who take action against.
Yeah, earlier tonight I had an experience where someone was mistakenly given too much power, and they managed to gut the group, kicking everyone but the other leaders. Those of us who were still in the group ran to the base to make sure they couldn't edit things, but the whole experience ruined what might have otherwise been a good, fun evening of gameplay. We all sent petitions once this person started kicking group members, and it would be nice if there were enough GM's on staff to respond to these petitions quickly enough to lessen the damage.
((I can't resist... "We, the FALALA...La la, la la la la." ))
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Yeah, I'm glad I wasn't the only one to notice that. Was it intentional?