1348 -
Im sure someone else has mentioned it.
When The servers shut down, are there any plans to re release the game as a standalone, non mmo game?
Quite a lot of people 'just' solo, and at least that would let us keep out characters, sort of.
There is a LOT on content that could be pruned away for a solo only game and perhaps the ability to add NPC pets could be added.
I'd totally pay another XX bucks for CoX Offline addition. -
If only thread titles were spell checked...
A cool time line though! -
There is usually a good reason why the least seen combos are..the least seen. Because in some way they just..don't go together, no synergy, less good power sets etc.
Quite often I see odd combos, and they are being played by someone who for whatever reason, loves the power, the theme, and invests time in it..and makes it work.
A friend has a sonic ice blaster, and when he first told me about it, I laughed. I mean../ice? But he is really good on it.
Myself, I made an ice dark corr, and has NEVER seen one till that point. And it turned into a great toon. Of course, since then, I have seen a few..imitation is such sincere flattery.
Also a fire/earth Dom..which I have only ever seen one other of. I made it just for the purpose of running, and seeing if I could run, mudpots and hotfeet. It is now one of my fav toons to play.
Another would be my sonic traps corr..made back before traps was..'cool' I guess. And before fenders got it.
A storm/energy blaster fender I met on Virtue..sounds like a combo from hell, but she was awesome and never seemed to kb anything in a bad direction.
And before EM got killed, I had an Em/Da brute I loved to bits and did just about everything with. -
[QUOTE=Yat Man;4362312]
2) Rebirth Radial is a much better buff. +healing and +regen is awesome. I've never seen a time in a trial where Incan would be better than rebirth Radial. The healing received is only good if you are being healed. The stun and the knockback are both pretty minor, and can be accomplished by any troller/dom's stun and the knockback can be done by many toons with a knockback power. The stealth is kinda a waste since on most trials you are constantly fighting so it is a waste. The movement speed bonus I guess would be good if you have a stone tank, but any stone tank worth anything has already mitigated his horrible speed with teleport, and the mvoement speed bonus can also be done by any Kin or Time.
4) Its not a team buff. its a self buff. Bar none, the user of Incan benefits from it more than everyone else. I feel this makes the users a lot more selfish that others when it comes to buffs. If you are on an 8 man team and use Incan and all 7 teammates decline, you still get the buff. Granted, you can do that with any destiny and pop it when no one is around but this buff requires others to come to you, disrupting their rhythm for the privilege of being buffed. /[Quote]
I agree with most you said but..
2. Yes, Rebirth is better.for right away, want it now healing. Again, Incan is NOT healing. If you think it is..your wrong. It makes you take more, from healing. Sure, spamming Rebirth in a group is handy, but can only be done every 2 mins, and the regen really isnt that great one a squishy, unless there is like 4 people using it.
Not to mention, rebirth is little help AFTER the burst heal, if people spread out and are taking more damage than they can handle. Sure, the regen will help..but see point above. Whereas the Incan will stay on them, as boost all THEIR healing powers, so they dont need to rely on others. It makes popping one green way better!
4. It IS a team Buff. If it wasn't..it would have no aoe or max targets. Be serious. I have seen ALL the destiny powers constantly used when solo, as some fool runs of to try show how awesome they are, starts dying, and fires of their destiny..with no one else around.
I do agree most users of Incan should be, at best, shot. -
When trying to confirm my ID..is the Years part in 19XX form? Or just XX form? And do I have to enter the random text bits at teh bottom too?
Also..that random text is utterly stupid. Half the time I cant even read the first word, its so garbled. -
Grrr I HATE the website with a passion. I try to log in..with the exact same account name and PW I use..for teh forums, for the game..and it says its wrong. Awesome. Then apparently my responses to my security question (which I know for a fact are right)..wont work.
So Penny has some suppper cool powers. And purple ones! But..what do they do? What are they? I wanted to find out..so I turned on pet combat for the Maria arc and got the following..
Penelope Yin: HIT Scryer! Your Psionic Pulse power is autohit.
You unleash a powerful psionic shockwave that ripples through the air around you, dealing Psionic and Smashing damage to any hit by the wave. The shockwave also has a chance to knockback its targets.
35.56 psionic damage on target 14.22 smashing damage on target 70.00chance for 3.94 magnitude knockup on target
Penelope Yin: HIT Seeker! Your Psionic Thrust power had a 71.00% chance to hit, you rolled a 58.56.
You create a blade of crystalline psionic energy around your hand and viciously stab your target. The target suffers psionic damage, followed by a bleeding wound and reduced resistance to further psionic damage.
24.07 psionic damage on target 3 Ticks of 3.91 lethal damage over 2.10s on target after 0.50s delay -20.00% resistance to psionic damage for 10.00s on target after 0.50s delay
Penelope Yin: HIT Scryer! Your Psionic Blade power had a 71.00% chance to hit, you rolled a 18.55.
You create a blade of crystalline psionic energy around your hand and use it to stab your target with a quick attack. The target suffers psionic damage, followed by a bleeding wound and reduced defense.
5.64 psionic damage on target 3 Ticks of 3.91 lethal damage over 2.10s on target after 0.50s delay -12.50% defense for 4.00s on target
Penelope Yin: HIT Seeker! Your Psionic Crush power had a 71.00% chance to hit, you rolled a 11.84.
You imprison your target in a field of collapsing psionic energy. They are held in place and suffer continuous damage and endurance loss.
8.00 magnitude hold for 6.00s on target Ignores buffs and enhancements 4 Ticks of 4.27 psionic damage over 6.10s on target -4.00% endurance for 6.10s on target 10.67 psionic damage on target after 6.00s delay
Penelope Yin: HIT Seeker! Your Psionic Drift power had a 75.00% chance to hit, you rolled a 50.90.
You induce a dream state in all nearby targets around you while also dealing continuous psionic damage. These dreams can manifest as nightmares, lucid dreams or deep sleep, which manifest as fear, confusion or stun.
19.56 psionic damage on target Ignores buffs and enhancements
Penelope Yin: HIT Seeker! Your Psionic Torment power had a 71.00% chance to hit, you rolled a 50.85.
You create painful visions within the mind of your target, and these visions manifest as bleeding wounds. When the visions end, the targets suffer reduced regeneration, recovery and recharge rate.
17.78 psionic damage on target Ignores buffs and enhancements 7.11 lethal damage on target Ignores buffs and enhancements -4.00% endurance for 6.00s on target Ignores buffs and enhancements -50.00% regeneration rate for 6.00s on target after 6.00s delay Ignores buffs and enhancements -50.00% recovery rate for 6.00s on target after 6.00s delay Ignores buffs and enhancements -75.00% strength to recharge for 6.00s on target after 6.00s delay Ignores buffs and enhancements
All those damage values are 'for' a lvl 46 Fender. But some of the powers some really awesome..I like the chance for fear/stun/confuse power. -
As the title says..
Does anyone know when CC was made to be autohit?
I can remember taking it on my rad corr ages ago, and having it constantly miss even cons..
Then I got EA, and was ready to slot acc in it..only to see..no acc needed! -
This might be known, and obvious to some peoples..but I had no idea. I was playing my new fender earlier, and chatting about the damage buff with a friend. 30%, minus 10 for each team member, to a min of 0%. Seems simple and fair enough.
Then, I was flashbacking an arc, that had me down to lvl 14. And I looked at the icon..13% damage buff. It was scaling with my level! I was not getting the advertised 30% unless I was actually lvl 20. How silly is that? Especially since fenders get attacks in pretty much the worst order for any AT.
So I wondered if it worked similar for other ATs. Almost totally sure Fury does not scale, for brutes. And scourge..not sure how to check that. Domination only does in the amount of mez prot it gives. (I think) Blasters get the same +damage from attacks, regardless of level to I assume.
Anyone know if this is WAI? And if so..why? It seems to make no sense. -
Nice finish Klaw. When you are to silly to make a point..not that I think you had any..post a lame pic with a caption. Job well done.
I was seriously TRYING to discover your point..since you normally make intelligent posts. But that..it's up there with the MLP reply spammers. -
Yes it would..but. are there any other drain powers that CAN fully drain a boss 100-0, in 1 second?
Short circuit I think can? But requires you to be next to teh target. Thunderous Blast..takes all your own end too (for now).
I do agree a -recovery would be great, especially versus hard targets, but it is still a flat out amazing power. Use it on a boss and you know they wont be able to use there Big attacks, at least right away. Use it to top up end. The power is as much about buffing the team, as debuffing a baddie. -
Umm..it is? Cause pretty much every power in teh game..is and can be situational. So that is a great argument. Transference is an awesome power.
Or do you mean that 'end drain' is situational? -
What? Are you being sarcastic there or something? Because..a full bar of end every 15 odd seconds..for teh entire team. And you want it to do more?? I can see you asking for it to have a -recovery added to it..but doing more for teh team? No other power in game can get a blaster back to full after a nuke, a melee back to full after a t9 crash, anyone elec back to full after being sapped.
Theyshould..as I said..they get teh 75% dot..but I remember hearing some werent working.
I have the same combo blaster and REALLY like Umbral Torrent as it is. I was considering slotted the OF proc..then though that..no, I LIKE the kb. Sure it can be annoying (for team mates) but as long as you dont use it like a tool (being a tool, not using it like a tool) I still think it is useful.
Besides, the mitigation for the kb is BETTER than just knockdown..cause they fly awya then have to get upAnd its easier to trap them in the map geometry.
NPCs cheat, when it comes to end draining. Even more so with high lvl ones that have around 800! end.
I think part of the problem is that very very few baddies actually HAVE toggles, or even a full (say 4 st attacks + an aoe) attack chain. This means that end drain, for them, is not as bad as say..for US..when your toggles drop, and you are left unable to use that toggle debuff or aoe hold etc. Then when they do get drained, there attacks cycle so fast, assuming they arent rech debuffed, and cost so little end..that they can use them anyway.
That said...
My fire/kin corr CAN drain a GM dry..but again..it really does nothing to stop them attacking, or even help kill them faster (no toggles to suddenly drop when they hit zero end).
My elec/energy dom can drain whole mobs faster, and with the -recovery, not just drain, this does help cut down a lot of incoming damage..and you need it, it really annoys mobs.
But mostly..mobs still cheat. -
Pretty sure they get ALpha benefits..I think. I know some incarnate powers are weird, with some of a type working..and others not.
You are right about teh rech being useless though
Perhaps someone can confirm if alphas do work..cause I KNOW the icon shows up (and interface 75% fire dot works). -
Generally, teh end mod from Agi/Musc will NOT be as good for fixing end issues as say..cardiac or vigor. The amount of recovery gained will be a very small amount..compared to having 20% end red in EVERY power you have. Obviously some different cases are a wp with qr and stam..which it would do more on.
I went musc radial on my necro posion MM. But he has been server banished..so it doesnt matter much. lol.
Was going to suggest Vigor..but ninjas have nothing to benefit from the heal right? Can the be slotted for def at all? Maybe agility would be better. -
Quote:I am not arguing that Hover does not stop you being webbed. But..webbed is a -fly. I am talking about being immob'd. Not to mention the simple game mechanic imbalance. Ie..if you have SS on..literally nothing in game (assuming no immob..again, cj gives that, why not hover?) can slow you do a standstill, thereby stopping your travel. Oh but wait..look at fly. ONE single power (one single power effect) and..uh uh uh..no more flysies for you! With teh added bonus of being UNABLE to even move. (Yes, I know SJ is the same, but cj still has the immob prot, so you can at least do something)Traps are designed to be used on the ground, like the Earth powersets. It's simple logic: in order to build things on the ground, you need to be on the ground.
The idea here is that Combat Jumping makes you a bit limber and thus able to slip out of immobilizing effects more easily. On the other hand, being able to float around does absolutely nothing to protect you from getting wrapped up in tentacles/web grenades and dropping like a fly. Besides, Hover pretty much makes you immune to knockback, not to mention the benefit of being able to stay out of an enemy's melee range with no real effort.
In any case, the simplest solution for your problem of not being able to do things while using your travel powers is to disable your travel powers so that you can do those things.
Awesome solution btw..to disable our Fly powers. Cause you know..we werent being forced to do that ALREADY. If you paid any attention to what we are saying..we WANT to be able to use said powers..without detoggling. -
No..and even so, whoopie. Being held does not kill an AV, or anything. Again, the pet dies sooo fast with NG on them, that in my experience, it does not really matter. And compare that to a corr..who can have the debuff the entire time. Yeah..hard choice. Enjoy your super exciting moment when you hold an AV.
lol, 1%? Seriously? Big whoopie. Too bad about 99% of the time, the av or whatever just looks at said pet, and one shots it. Then the power is doing nothing at all, and you have that nice looonog wait before you can use it again.
Have you got it slotted? My elec has it for..80% end mod I think, and it helps. Of course, I regard the +recovery as being secondary to its draining effect..I think that is more important.
I can think of another thing that is worse for MMs..Noxious Gases. Can they just get the corr version?
Totally agree. I have Fly on a blaster, and while I enjoy it, the amount of things I CANT do, just cause I am using my travel/combat travel powers is a joke. Even just dropping oro! Oh sorry, cant do that.
I'd go further and add immob prot to Hover, giving it a reason to be taken, and similar to the way CJ works. It makes no real sense that being able to jump a bit higher stops immobs, yet being able to fly (hover) without the need for flapping your arms and legs, somehow does not do that same. -
Quote:He has a point..admittedly your feedback is pretty detailed, but I almost stopped reading as soon as you said you PLd then toon. If you played in on Test..maybe. But taking a new set, and doing that?Why should anyone listen to feedback about a new powerset from someone who admittedly has hardly even played it?
Myself..I am finding the HoT from Rebirth to be really slow...and when used as a rez, it does not fully heal people. The animation is also way to long.