1348 -
Quote:SNipped that. I totally agree. A certain person has a habit of doing this, and launching into a discussion of best attack chains, with a max rech of XXX.
For example, people almost always compare the damage buff from Stacked Rage
Not that there is anything wrong with it..especially as all his info is correct. I guess it just grates me the wrong way. But..I am sure things I say do the same, when I say I 'feel' a power set does this and that.
If its YOUR thread (as the OP) and you ask for something specific, like end game, uber IOd to the gills best attack chains..then yes, by all means use it. Likewise, if the OP is just looking for a general comparison, as to which is more fun, and why, go teh other way and answer subjectively. -
Quote:Best 'Dug" thread ever! And I am really serious this time!"It's 4:30 and this is due at 5:00"
defeat all clockwork in the warehouse
defeat all clockwork in the warehouse
defeat all clockwork in the warehouse
"cool, I'm done"
"You can't turn this in, it's got too many warehouses"
"Oh, okay"
<hastily scribbles out warehouse, adds 'station' in the middle two>
That said..you are right about Citadel. Even so, I HATE Synapse even more, perhaps cause the lower lvl makes kill alls even more mind numbing.
Get whoever did Penny Yin's tf on these two, asap -
I still have not seen anything about the spoken of changes to the non snipey sets, in order to keep them in line with the rest, come i24 and fast snipes. I have made a few suggestions in some of the Beta topic forums, as to what could be done, but I just thought I would list them somewhere easier to find, and add to.
So..What do people think should/needs to be done to the Non-Snipe sets? Does anything need to be done, if not, why not?
Water Blast.
The newest blast set, and a great one. Still, I think the lockout time for Water Jet needs to be a bit lower (have seen MANT other people says this). As is, at 50 and with some decent rech, using TF, water jet, water jet, then your 3 other ST attacks, can all be done, building 3 stacks of tidal power back up, but water jet will still be Locked out, for a few seconds before you can..chain the fast activations.
I think Enhanced Water Jet should have a mag 3 stun tacked onto it to. Just the fast shot is not quite enough.
If tidal power is not meant to be refreshing itself (in the same way as the StJ combos) it SHOULD be. I hate using Tidal Forces/Bu on my blaster, and finding out I do not have 3 stacks, just cause at attack I used 15 secs ago has worn off.
Dual Pistols.
Theres a thread of the tweaks for this. http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showt...=1#post4342964
As I said there...the set needs to get Swap Ammo built in, with an aim clone power, along with constant -res in PR.
The suggested changes to SF are good too.
Sonic Blast.
I have 3 sonic toons..and not really sure what to suggest. Speeding up Shout is a must. Perhaps wider the cone on the kb power? Other sets (dark, ar, water, energy) all have KB aoes/cones, which are wider (and may do more damage, I cant recall..does it have -res too?)
Assault Rifle.
I read this is going to be an even better set with the fast snipes. But..why is it the ONLY set with a snipe that cant actually 'fast hit' it, by itself? Ignite is a strange power, and with no immob, it really isnt good. Perhaps drop it for an aim clone, Iron Sights?
Tweak and normalise the range and cone sizes on Buckshot and FT, perhaps front load some of the FT dot. FIX the cone and max targets in FA.
Ice Blast.
This set feels so..boring and lackluster after Water.
Speed up and wider the cone on FB a little. More damage and a bitter fast cast on BFR. I'd also love to see a 'chill' gimmick added to the set..doing added cold dot.
General tweak..teh cone in WB, Steam Spray feels and is, so much better than similar cones. Tweak all cones to 40 (perhaps 50) ft, and 50 degrees. -
Using rebirth +hp counts, as Lol mentioned. Also, cant recall who said it, but if you head to Mercy Island, and find the huuuge mob of ararchnos by the hosp, that works great for Rebirth Spam.
I assume you mean 'pet' as in pseudo pet, not a pet itself. Just slot it like an attack..like lightning rod. 6 Oblits or whatever, good to go.
Not what I'd do for that combo (not a bad thing) but it would work fine. Aid other/self are good..better than Hoarefrost I think, and to keep Rocky ALive.
Your acc seems a bit low..but, with all the -def from Earth, thats ok. And Quicksand is awesome.
I wouldnt take tremor myself. Its just too slow, and..crap.
I prefer the ST immobs to aoe..but..depends what you like.
T4 Spirtual will set you at perma Hasten.
I'd put the ato proc in your hold..had an argument with people about that in another thread. Also, the lockdown proc is great in VG. -
Looks pretty good..looking at it in more detail in a sec
Helps a lot, especially when trying to use aid other, or an ally power, on it.
Make something else. Actually..if you never played EM before they killed it, you could most likely play it and still have some fun. RT is slooooooooooow but looks awesome, and as long as you arent expecting great aoe, it might suit you.
Pretty sure it isnt. AT least..not awhile ago. I was doing multiple runs with a group of friends, with all of us on villains, and one friend couldnt join on her Vigilante. Wouldnt even start. A Rogue could join..not Vigi.
Now, perhaps the Q can take people from both sides but..again, I doubt it. Given how common DFB is blueside..then you look at lfg, and all the lowbies asking for one redside. If it took both sides, I am sure this would not happen so much. -
What about..making the tripmines into..Mines. As in, they deloy flynig midair, kinda like how the malta turrets do, and just follow you about.
In the late game, the power is rather lacking. -
With the AS changes, fast SNipes, medicene getting a power that removes the interrupt..(I think)...why cant Tripmine get something similar? Tie it with to hit or whatever. You reach that condition, it is auto or faster deloying.
Quote:Utterly agree with the first point. I have tough on ALL my melees and a few squishes, and not a single one has the power on a tray, and none would use it even if it somehow got a free magic lil tray of its own.I'd be curious to see some datamining on how (in)frequently boxing/kick are used. For that matter, on how often these powers even end up in the power tray.
I'd see this argument as more for making Boxing/Kick actual worthwhile choices and less about skipping them entirely. The I24 changes look like a step in the right direction but I suspect those 2 powers would need even more of a boost to become desirable options.
Maybe fighting should be renamed into..Survival? Fighting implies..fighting. Not really being tougher or more ninjaish. Then if people wanted, and T/W were change in postion, you could either..survive, by getting extra offence, or defence.
Also, tacking some extra damage onto kick and box, while nice, seems to me to much like a 'oh please, take and slot these previously useless powers' type gimmick. -
Quote:Not to just start an argument..since I do agree with a lot of your points..but THESE. I am not sure what server your on (maybe I missed it) but..wow. lol. I dont think I have played a single day on Freedom without seeing some nublet pvp'd in help, bc or channels moaning about HAVING to do pvp content, to get a badge for their new, freshly pl'd toon. I see plenty of pvp people who claim to HATE pve, wont do it, not want they play for etc etc. Spend 5 mins in RV, and you will here someone having a hissy about pve.For example, you won't find anyone who can get all their accolades faster than experienced PvPers.
Which brings me to another point. PvPers are also PvErs. You can't download the game and jump into a PvP zone, and that's why I have trouble getting outside friends inside the game. PvP in this game is gated behind a lot of PvE. Nobody joins CoH with the intention to PvP. They join to PvE, enjoy that part of the game, then move onto PvP when they're 50. There are no PvPers and PvErs, there are those who prefer one or the other, but PvPers still PvE a lot.
But still..that follows your point about not being able to jump into teh game and pvp. Which, if anything, makes these people even more silly.
Just to add a bit more..I do partly agree with you about the 'best and fastest' TFs etc being run by pvprs or farmer. I have seen a lot like that, been on a few myself, seen 'those' people post similar crazy victories on the froms. BUT...I have also seem the same from the pvp and badger types.
Basically..good players will always be good, stupid people wont. Both groups have more than their fair share of both types. -
1. Most people DONT think it increases regen. Or even claim it does. SO you saying it doesnt, as some major point really..means nothing. Not to mention, the people who take it..I would say they ALL know what it does, which..you dont. It isnt a buff to incoming healing either..it is lowering a persons resistance to healing, so the take more. Because it is not the most well explained mechanic, or understood, many people dont know what it IS doing. Most people when faced with something the dont understand (and something the likely would have annoyed them) WONT take it.
I am not trying to say it cant be annoying..but it you are going to claim, indirectly, that the power is useless because it doesnt do what YOU think others think it does..it kinda weakens your argument.
2. I totally understand you here. I agree it is annoying. If you HAVE the tp prompt on, you get distracted by the Yes/NO option, perhaps not using that power you meant to etc etc.
3 and 4..can all be summed up with..
People are idiots. And the TP portion of the power IS annoying.
There is no way around it. I can see both sides of the argument, for and against using it. I would agree that at least half of the people using it, use it at totally silly times, like in the middle of a mob, making everyone face the wall and stuff. Mind you..I dont know when the BEST time would be. You are always going to piss someone off..look at the whiny people who complain about getting sb'd! (Myself, I am a whiny person when it comes to ID)
Another funny thing with the issue to me..I play on Freedumb mostly, and there are OFTEN arguments about the issue during trials. ANd the thing is..pretty much everyone who I see with the power, is a PvP'r. They are used to spamming it in RV every 2 mins, without regard of where their team is (in RV I mean. I have been tpd away from a kill a LOT more than I get tpd away from dying). Then of course, they bring that delightful pvp mentality along, and call everyone who just, for some insane reason, doesnt LIKE being tpd into a wall, off a cliff, into aoes, a nub.
Look on the bright side..a good portion of those players have quality pvp builds..you know the ones..therms with shields or Caut, colds without shields, the list goes on and on. So at least, even WHILE annoying everyone, they are doing something for the league..
Also, in defence to these people and the power itself..is it really spamming to give the league a huge healing increase? I get MAD at emps constantly spamming healing aura..I would go so far as to call that more of a spam, and more potential to let someone die, being in the animation when a team mate takes damage. At least the TP does throw us all together, then that silly spamming emps heal with actually HIT us all, instead if the 3 people way at the back.
The power itself..I get they wanted to try something else. But if using it whenever its up..counts as misusing it..what do we call the person with barrier, ageless, rebirth, who dives into a mob ahead of everyone, almost dies, and fires of their Destiny, buffing NO one else on the league?
Well..besides a twit. -
Cool stuff Ult. Can you post a shot of the MC power list?
Some of those new procs look cool. It is nice to see the resists on the ATOs going up..but..I know this is all beta, but I still think a high of 3.75%, in most sets, isnt enough. Sure, nice bonus, but you still wont be able to flat out build for res and get a heap. -
Quote:Yeah I know it might happen. Might. But will it? As I mentioned before..20% def (roughlt?) before it helps a lot..so 40% res? Maybe 15 of that could be from tough, s/l, another..30% to s/l/x from a epic toggle. that is still NOT as good as say..40% ranged def to a squishy or 40% s/l def to a fire armour.Isn't the point that we *might* be able to get this mythical combination with these IO changes?
It is great we are getting some resist in sets, dont get we wrong. I am just questioning how much we would actually need to be comparable to the amount of def we can get.
I'd love to be totally surprise and blown away by the values we get..but.. -
Quote:I see what you are saying..but..would you please, please please STOP using all these max perfomance examples when making a point as to if something will or wont be good? You were doing the same again and again in the SS thread. Talking about Rage doing nothing as the cap, best attack chain, etc etc.I disagree and reason why this game has one variable most others don't, hitpoint regeneration. The combination of Hitpoint regeneration + Resistance can create an immortality line that can be mathematically shown to where if DPS less then or equal to the combination of Regen + Resistance, you will be unkillable.
Again..I know your trying to help and your reasoning is always sound, but..come on. How many sets have we got in game that HAVE resist and regen? Let's see.
Regen? Well before the buff, it has tiiiny resist. Mog hardly counts. It is more the defence portion of it making you a mini tank.
Willpower. Average resists, a bit better of a tank. ANd you can still DIE pretty easy on a wp with no def, which is basically why wp is so good..layers.
So we dont actually..have this amazing resist + regen combo to make you a god. Sure you can get it with perhaps a resist toon and getting rebirth,. or AB or something, but a set that does it alone? Nope.
Whereas with good def (leaving aside the RNG), if your not getting hit..you dont NEED any regen at all. -
I guess it also depends on what a person 'feels' are the more similar ATs. Like I said, for me, scraps and stalkers feel similar.
I should clarify...stalkers WITh the AS changes and the ATO proc in AS. Being able to get 5 crits out of 7 attacks, almost all the time (my dm stalker can do this) makes them more scrappy than scrappers. Just having Hide..which can be blown off as 'stealth' doesnt do it. Sure..you CAN play them different, as I do, because scrapping on my stalker..um..wtf..Ill go play a scrapper if I 'wanted' to scrap. But the overlap is there. Likewise..you can build a tanky brute, that can tank. But you dont have to play a brute that way.
Playstyle comes into it to. -
Quote:Good points Major. Agree here..in fact..I dont even LIKE build my non def melee sets for any extra def. Well..besides a wp that I wanted to softcap to some stuff, just to see.Well, building for resistance instead of defense does have some bonuses:
For characters without DDR, 10% defense is not necessarily better than 20% resistance, as the 10% defense can fail to defense debuffs pretty easily, but the 20% resistance will resist resistance debuffs, which are a lot less common anyway.
For characters with high regeneration, resistance doesn't have the damage spikes that defense does.
And on teams, defense buffs are still significantly more prevalent than resistance buffs. -
Quote:Oh it can. Your right, I was more going on about teh bad points than the good. But again..HOW many builds and combos can ever actually get to the res cap, alone? SOme tank sets, some brutes, ws, pbs. Is that about it? Without incarnate powers etc.
Defense is easier to get and it has a higher average mitigation, but it is also easier to bypass (cascading defense failure, tohit buffs, accuracy buffs (higher mitigation floor), tohit buffs, autohit powers, etc) and can just get unlucky sometimes. Resistance is much harder to strip off (it inherently resists resistance debuffs) and it provides much steadier mitigation.
I'm not saying that Res > Def, but don't sell its benefits short, either. Hard capped resistance can make a huge difference.
Like I was saying..its not so much the bad points of either def or res to me, its the way we CANT actually get res is similar amounts. back to the soft capping blaster..sure, that can debuffed and die, but the same blaster cant even get near capped res. So the comparison doesnt work at all. -
I was just moaning about this in another thread. lol. teach me for opening my mouth without looking.
As mentions 20% res...but I think thats still to low. What is the rough ration, 1 def =2 res? I have heard people saying that anything under 20ish % extra def (like..building for the %) is not really worth the slots. SO therefore..anything LESS than 40 res, is not gonna be worth it?
I am not talking about say..your fire/rad corr, with just Manu/Scorp shield and NO extra build defence, getting 20% res to all (or whatever) from IO sets and see no difference. I am talking about the way you can take a blaster, totally build for range def, and soft cap it. There is NO way you will be able to do that with resist bonuses..in spite of the 2 being 'equal.'
As I said in the other thread..the very LEAST should be increasing the +res in Catalysed ATO sets to be a full double (or more), doubling the +res pvp IO, and adding a NON pvp +res IO at a low recipe lvl, like steadfast.
Oh not to mention..def is just..better. And easier to get significant amounts. As well as avoiding any effects tacked onto a power. Unless bonus resist somehow lets you..Resist any debuff effects a power has, when it tags you.. -
Interesting idea Bill. I did read it all. And..no. Please no.
I WILL admit that the gap, performance wise, between the 4 melee ATs is very close. Even closer with IOs, incarnates etc etc. Further split up, I would say Tanks and brutes are closer to the same than brutes/scrappers.
So then we have...tank-brute and scrapper-stalker.
I know the numbers on scrappers and brutes are VERY similar, in regard to secondary..but..also from a secondary view, SO are they for scrap vs stalk. In fact. with teh recent stalker buff, to hp and AS, I would go so far as to say..stalkers basically play LIKE a scrapper, with better and more controlled crits.
Again, not talking from a numbers point (and you did say your not a hard core numbers guy) I still see ENOUGH difference in the ATs to influence my choices when making them. Not always just the inherent either, or wanting powers soon. It is the feel of the AT. Sure, my stalkers can scrap, my brutes can tank. Does that suddenly make them into the other AT? Not for me.
May as well make the argument to merge corrs and fenders..do you want buffs sooner, or attacks? Again..no thanks. I can kinda see where your coming from, with side switching and creation allowing us to start on either side..but again..no.