Non snipe blast sets..what do they need?




I still have not seen anything about the spoken of changes to the non snipey sets, in order to keep them in line with the rest, come i24 and fast snipes. I have made a few suggestions in some of the Beta topic forums, as to what could be done, but I just thought I would list them somewhere easier to find, and add to.

So..What do people think should/needs to be done to the Non-Snipe sets? Does anything need to be done, if not, why not?

Water Blast.
The newest blast set, and a great one. Still, I think the lockout time for Water Jet needs to be a bit lower (have seen MANT other people says this). As is, at 50 and with some decent rech, using TF, water jet, water jet, then your 3 other ST attacks, can all be done, building 3 stacks of tidal power back up, but water jet will still be Locked out, for a few seconds before you can..chain the fast activations.
I think Enhanced Water Jet should have a mag 3 stun tacked onto it to. Just the fast shot is not quite enough.
If tidal power is not meant to be refreshing itself (in the same way as the StJ combos) it SHOULD be. I hate using Tidal Forces/Bu on my blaster, and finding out I do not have 3 stacks, just cause at attack I used 15 secs ago has worn off.

Dual Pistols.
Theres a thread of the tweaks for this.
As I said there...the set needs to get Swap Ammo built in, with an aim clone power, along with constant -res in PR.
The suggested changes to SF are good too.

Sonic Blast.
I have 3 sonic toons..and not really sure what to suggest. Speeding up Shout is a must. Perhaps wider the cone on the kb power? Other sets (dark, ar, water, energy) all have KB aoes/cones, which are wider (and may do more damage, I cant recall..does it have -res too?)

Assault Rifle.
I read this is going to be an even better set with the fast snipes. But..why is it the ONLY set with a snipe that cant actually 'fast hit' it, by itself? Ignite is a strange power, and with no immob, it really isnt good. Perhaps drop it for an aim clone, Iron Sights?
Tweak and normalise the range and cone sizes on Buckshot and FT, perhaps front load some of the FT dot. FIX the cone and max targets in FA.

Ice Blast.
This set feels so..boring and lackluster after Water.
Speed up and wider the cone on FB a little. More damage and a bitter fast cast on BFR. I'd also love to see a 'chill' gimmick added to the set..doing added cold dot.

General tweak..teh cone in WB, Steam Spray feels and is, so much better than similar cones. Tweak all cones to 40 (perhaps 50) ft, and 50 degrees.