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  1. Memphis_Bill

    Name wipe

    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    None that are any good.

    In fact many of the big MMO's have unique name policies and of them, many are even more restrictive than this game where the player has to choose a unique 1 word name.
    ... and as an aside, I'll mention a friend's experience with the recent fully voiced MMO that just went FTP after... loudly encouraging people to switch servers. She switched from one (one that we were both on, btw) that really *did* have only 4-5 people on at peak times. (When she and I make up nearly half the server's population, there's a problem.) Her favourite character? Lost the name. In fact, probably half her characters had to be renamed.

    Result? Last straw for her. Even with it now being F2P, she no longer plays it.

    Now, as far as THIS game:
    The only thing I'd feel "safe" wiping are banned accounts. Given that most of those are likely spammers, unless you just HAVE to have JPOIUER9387 or QLXOIER923, I don't think said wipe would help you out much. Even trial accounts need to be considered "live," given the Freedom model - and it certainly seems (unscientific information ahead!) that we've had quite an uptick in "Yeah, I played this back in 2004/5/6/7/8, heard it was free so I thought I'd give it a look again" since then.
  2. Normally I'd check their forums first to see if there are any issues... apparently there have been issues with their forums. Quick search doesn't reveal a *lot* of this recently (at least wading through the first 2-3 pages of google results.) Some, yes, but the rest stretching back to the early 2000s.

    So, first question I'd have to ask is, are you installing over the top of the old driver (update) or doing an uninstall, driver sweep/clean, and then reinstalling? (Note I'm using a Radeon HD 5770, so I can't say yes or no to if I'm seeing it...)
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
    Not sure how things could be/should be fixed..again, I dont think it is an AT issue, aside from those certain times.

    ... I think that's mostly the core of it.

    It's not really an AT issue as in "The AT needs buffing." I *really* don't. It's an AT as in "playstyle and specific kryptonite" (AOEs, basically) issue - and I don't mean that as an attack on the OP, I mean it as if you move too fast, you can find good chunks of your HP and offense trailing behind you, ineffective, or making friends with things you'd rather not meet.

    Other ATs don't really have anything similar to worry about - yes, most controllers/doms get a pet lagging behind, but that's not the majority of their powerset.

    I don't, frankly, agree with the OP's reply to me about "speeding through content" being any sort of a yardstick. Some people like "speeding through content," sure. Others don't. If he's going to do any sort of comparisons, strip away your level shifts and IOs for an even playing field and see what happens.
  4. Memphis_Bill

    linux client

    With that - or even just WINE - available, I wouldn't expect a native Linux port. (That and size of market, investment, etc.)
  5. MMs need buffing like tankers need more hit points.

    I mean, seriously, I read something like"
    For that matter do you think it's fair that MM's are "required" to slot 5/7 unique IO's in their primary powers just to bring them up to the point where they last long enough to do anything in the high level content?
    and just start laughing. They're not "required" to in the least. Is some content nastier to MMs than to other classes? Sure. Just like Romans and Vanguard can chew through otherwise-tough melee classes, or Carnie psy damage is a nasty surprise, or Arachnos seeming to mostly shrug off control effects.

    Now, that isn't to say some *sets* can't use help - typically Ninjas. And even that's going to vary some by secondary and playstyle. Or, as Adeon says a couple posts up:
    I don't think that anyone is going to argue in favor of a buff to the top-tier MM sets (Bots, Thugs and Demons) they are fine as is. What people would like to see is the lower tier sets (Mercs and Ninjas in particular) bought up to par.
  6. Memphis_Bill


    Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
    I read that as applesauce.
  7. Protector is protected.
    From sharks.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    Like the "All the "good names" are gone! NAME PURGE!" screamers.
    Is that double stacked name-rage? >.>
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
    Not to be snarky Bill but...please, where does that comment come into it given Drain Psy and Seeds of Confusion? There is NO way in hell those powers are balanced, given the amount of info I have seen people give on them, and yet..years they are, still the same. !
    The devs seem to know about Drain Psyche.

    Seeds, unlike (say) mass confusion, causes aggro when it wears off. *shrug* Seems like a decent tradeoff for getting it earlier.

    Back to the Crash. It is totally unfair to defence based sets. How can it not be?
    Four words:
    Hand Clap
    Foot Stomp

    Mitigation for the majority of that crash... even without something like Shield Charge, Oppressive Gloom, Chilling Embrace, Spring Attack (do it in place!) or the like.

    And really, I've got to say it again... you need to pay attention to what it's doing. It doesn't just suddenly crash, it does give you warning. And that's part of what I like about it.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
    My other argument with the crash (not that teh crash is there..I agree with should crash) is how unfair the -def hit is to defence based build. Even the crash up..that is my other suggestion.
    Honestly? I tend to think, given the proliferation of IOs (and yes, I'm speaking from a "I push SOs!" perspective as well, here) that the -def is no longer really "unfair" just to one set. (I'd argue about it being "unfair" overall - you have something that pushes you that far, you pay for it and learn to manage it.)

    If the devs felt it was overpowered, I think something would have been done in the last eight years If people don't like the crash, etc. then... well, fine. Put in a second power where you *have* to pick - Rage or (essentially) build up. But... No cost = less benefit.

    110 secs of 80% dam, 10 secs of none (BUT you can use vet, nem staff, blackwand..3 HIGH damage attacks, that will do find damage in the crash).
    Yes, you can use them... however, you're missing one thing. You can't enhance them to increase your odds of hitting. If you're sitting there whiffing at -9999% damage, Sands isn't doing much good. (And I always seem to find myself using Nem or BW against Rikti drones. I might use it earlier, but the miss with those is *really* noticable at that point, since I'm usually taking energy blasts to the face!)
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
    Because I am stupid and apparently can't math to save my life, how much recharge does it take to perma double stack rage?
    Can't give you a percent... I want to say with slotted Hasten and 2-3 slotted Rage it will stack for a bit, I'd have to look at my builds (which seem to go from "almost stacked" to "Hey, overlap!" all of a sudden.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
    . Not changing something just cause it works great not a good reason.
    You seem to be answering some of your questions... and - isn't the above quote basically saying "Change it for the sake of change?"

    I mean, if it works great currently, why does it need change? Stalkers didn't work "great" - I found them fun, but agreed they needed change. They got changed. They're much more fun now. (And more in line with how I played them anyway, I tended to stay and scrap.)

    Going to jump around a bit.
    . Constant 80% damage, from yourself, is HUGE.
    But it *isn't* constant 80% damage. It's 80% damage... then -9999% damage and a defense buff. Do you want to deal with that drop while facing an AV? Do you want - especially as a defense based character, and I am speaking mostly on the part of tanks - want that drop to happen with a x8 stack of enemies piled on you? Sure, footstomp - try to keep some of them knocked down. But you've got that window of "burnout" to deal with.

    How is this ANY different to right now, assuming your toon has the ability to stack rage, you ARE already clicking it 'when its up', every time. To stack rage! And if you arent, if you hold of clicking, cause you dont want the double would that be any different to a non stacking Rage Mk2? It would be the both cases.
    First, as mentioned, no, I'm not clicking it when it's up every time. Even for a single "dose." I have to manage that crash - for instance, facing Hro'Dtaz, I *know* he's going to have reinforcements come in at two different points. Do I hit it right away and gamble I'll be done with him and his friends at the end? Do I hold off? Or double-stacking - do I need that extra damage and (usually, actually) to hit now, and is it worth two windows of -def and basically no damage? (Especially in a longer fight - say, Tub Ci and his level shifts.)

    Remove the debuff window, and what do I need to do? Stick it on auto and don't think about it again.

    Heck, you want a suggestion people would *really* hate? Have the stacked crashes *be worse and last longer.* I'd actually enjoy that. If you stack it, you get that extra damage/tohit for, oh, 30 seconds or what have you - then your defense is unresistably floored and -damage is taking you for the full double-length debuff at the end. Really make you think about if you want to do it. Maximum 3 stacks, and the crash WILL happen... I'd even have the second and third, when they crash, cost some HP.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
    I'd prefer Rage to be made utterly unstackable. How do you fly into a Rage (when your already FURIOUS, in a brutes case) then get...even more angry?
    If it's unstackable, it'd need a higher buff -and IMHO, a bigger crash.

    What can I say, there are things I *like* old-school. You want to double or triple stack Rage? You get to deal with the crash 2-3x as often too. YOU decide if it's worth it. My tanks usually get a fair bit of overlap - and there are times I don't use it. ET - I like having a HP loss for a fast attack. Nukes - yes, I *like* "self generated" nukes causing a crash.

    As far as "punch stuff" - I know this is going to sound a little... snobbish? Can't think of a good way to put it, and it's not my intent in the first place - but really. Turn rage into basically build up and what thinking has to go into it? "Click when up." 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 6 for Footstomp when starting new group 123412361234 oh, rage, boring.

    See, it's like me and masterminds. I like having stuff to pay attention to. My first mastermind? Bots/FF. It's... finally... 38. Maybe 39. I play it for 1-2 missions every few months, keeping it only because I like the character - but *hate* the sets. Bots is ok. FF is completely inactive, aside from maybe whacking something with force bolt to knock it away from a bot. Nearly turned me off masterminds completely - no real thinking involved. Talked to the MM forums, was pointed towards a thugs/poison, that rapidly became a favourite character - it definitely kept me busy, without feeling like I was "playing the gimmick." (see DB: Combos.)

    That, for me, is the crashing Rage. Do I use it now, or pop a red and yellow? Do I stack it? Do I have the time to finish the spawn and jump into the next before it crashes? Admittedly the -def hasn't affected me as much on *most* of my SS characters - I think I have one Stone/SS tank, the others (tanks and brutes) tend to be Fire, Dark (both versions of MB, at 50,) willpower, etc. But it's something to be aware of and watch. It's an aspect of playstyle some of us enjoy.

    Now, yes, I'll be (re)rolling a new version as Bio/SJ, quite likely. Just to see how it fits the character. I do think SJ is fun - but it doesn't really require me to do much more than roll my fingers over the keys, and I don't get as into characters like that.
  14. *waves lighter around, notices it's not lit, lights blaster and waves it around instead*
  15. Memphis_Bill


    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    I'm going after GoldenGirl's smile production next. I'm thinking of booking Christina Hendricks on a topless tour of the nation's boy's junior high schools to catch up.

    Betty Grable wasn't topless. She was good enough for our boys in the war, she's good enough now! Kids these days!

    *waves cane*
  16. Memphis_Bill

    Mech ArcheType

    Originally Posted by DMystic View Post
    Weren't you the author of that awesome thread?
    Nope. Mistformsquirrel.
  17. Eh.

    Rage, crash and all, is one of the defining items of Super Strength. Get rid of it, and - well, why not just take Street Justice instead? Or Martial Arts? It turns it into more "just punch stuff."

    I play a fair amount of SS, but I don't think anyone would refer to me as a min/maxer (or even really caring about the numbers.) And yet I think this would just make the set more... bland for me.

    Yes, I actually *like* the rage crash. It's kind of a mini-game for me when I've got a pile of enemies burying me and I see that icon start flashing. No crash? It's like build up. Boring. With it? It's "Can I finish these before I'm down to doing 1 pt of damage or not?"
  18. Memphis_Bill

    Mech ArcheType

    Long ago, before the dark times.... there was a (long, long-lived) thread for a Mecha EAT. Rather wish the author would re-post it. (It really has been gone for years, lost in a forum purge.)
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
    A travel power that did not go away when you EXd and could slot travel IOs could be cool.
    Pick your travel power at 4. Done.

    Originally Posted by atomicdeath View Post
    Sleeping pills were kicking in when i wrote the post. But since ive woke up I guess about the only thing i can think of is a super teleport.

    Click power a map opens up, then you pick what zone you want to go to then a specific point on said zone. Like placing a thumbtack.
    Problems with the terrain on that. But we already have something fairly close via the mission teleporter/team transport and the tier 5 in Teleport.
  20. Freedom's access has nothing to do with VIP or non VIP status. It's always accessible. Only one that's contingent on account status is exalted.

    Also, just logged on, came up, picked a character and logged in just fine.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
    I'm not sure what you were pinging, but it isn't one of the game servers. I think it's one of the OpenDNS servers.
    If he tried something like that's what he'll get - I suspect it's fairly close, actually, given it made its way through (and I'm well aware that's part of the path, given a few times they've been the brick wall for getting to the COH servers.)
  22. I've got a Win8 partition (and an HD 5770) - AMD does have newer Win8 drivers. I don't recall right offhand if I actually saw that message to begin with or not - but just go to AMD's site and snag the release preview's drivers.

    Install, restart, swear at how horrible Win8 is for half an hour, run COH, enjoy, exit, swear at Win8 more. (At least that's my usual flow...)
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Yogi_Bare View Post
    (Even Malta's getting a leg up with Praetorian help.)

    Malta just doesn't seem as threatening any more...
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
    Sorry about that, I'm just so used to Bill giving the "epic ATs are epic in story not power" speech I just defaulted to assuming it was him, I wasn't paying a huge amount of attention .

    It's not just me!
  25. It was Victory, now it's Protector's turn.... >.>

    (Side note, there's no East, West, or European now - they're all in the same place.)

    Can hop in and look and see if it's happening here.

    Edit: Went from Talos - Agent Nance - to the tram, went to atlas, ran around atlas a bit, paid base rent... no lag. (Comcast, central FL.) Admittedly it's been a few hours lookign at the post time.