10557 -
Quote:One thing that gets my interest in these old info pieces isn't always what we lost out on, but rather what's apparently been planned from the beginning.
For example, Jack Emmert commented about bases in the old pre-alpha video, specifically having had plans to include them from the beginning, along with that there was an old faux-scroll screen of all the various powersets you would be able to pick from, among them, Plant Control and Dark Control.
Planned since before Alpha, but it took a year for us to get plant control in the beginning (and it took at least two more years before heroes could use it) and Dark Control took nearly seven years to implement.
I'll point again to the guide I have on the old COH video (in sig) - read some of the dev diaries, as well.
Such as Rick Dakan's comments about how silly it would be to have a city of heroes and a city of villains. >.>
Plus (in guide and discussion, again!) those "powersets" were apparently nothing like the power sets we have now, more like power pools. Of course, origins would determine how many powers you could get and how far they could be developed, too... -
Quote:I have to second this, strongly."Savage" and "insane" I will give you, but the rest of those green words completely alter the mental vision I have of the place.
"It was a grotto" does not have the same mental image of a twilit grotto. "A world of mystery and suggestion" does not conjure up the same feeling as with the adjectives. "A world of mystery and suggestion" sounds GOOD... put those adjectives back in there and you KNOW it's not good!
There's a huge (to me) difference between:
"It was a grotto of enormous height, stretching away farther than any eye could see; a world of mystery and suggestion. "
"It was a twilit grotto of enormous height, stretching away farther than any eye could see; a subterraneous world of limitless mystery and horrible suggestion. "
The first gives me, oh, perhaps a feeling of someone first exploring, stepping onto a plain with the hint of a city in the distance. There's awe, perhaps, but it's a very positive, encouraging description.
The second? It drives home the dark, dank, cold sense of the place, turning even "limitless" mystery into something not to rush in to, but to make you want to creep along the walls and peek around the corner first. It takes a positive mystery (suggestion) and turns it into not just something dangerous, not even something deadly, but into something you don't want to be caught up in. Even the later highlights - "a pattern of tumuli, a circle of monoliths" - benefit from the reinforcement ("weird pattern of tumuli, savage circle of monoliths.") Sure, a circle of monoliths sounds ancient, but planned - think Stonehenge. What makes them savage? What immediately comes to mind when I describe "a tribesman" versus a "savage tribesman?" One's fairly peaceful, all kum-ba-ya with nature, the other's in ripped skins, warpaint, screaming at you as he prepares to jab you with a wickedly edged spear. Two wholly different images. -
For the OP, I'd go with this as a rough way of determining a ghost's "origin"
Natural: Nothing else was done. Person died. Part of their personality/energy/etc lingers on for some reason.
Magic, example 1: A variation of the Circle of Thorns body-stealing was done, where the soul was extracted from the body - only instead of it going to "the void" or a "soul prison," it's left to wander.
Magic, example 2: The old "ritual" bit - for instance, someone wanted to "talk to the dead" but didn't send them back when finished. Ghost left to wander.
Tech: "Ghosts are energy/extradimensional, we can find/trap them!" Ghost summoned or maintained via a device. (Science doesnt' just step on toes here, it pretty much shares pants with tech.)
Mutant: Durnig life, the body basically became an easy way to maintain the energy form being created. Accident removes physical body, but - despite looking like a ghost - the person still exists. Tied up in court determining if they're actually dead or not.
Me: Empty character slot, since I don't believe in ghosts. >.> -
Quote:Besides. Fellow Pinnacle-ite. We don't hammer. We GET hammered.I'm not hammering! If I were hammering I'd have called him names or something.
Get it right. Sheesh.
Quote:Also, these and other helpful tips can be gleaned by reading the power's info in the actual game.
"Now, if only there were some way to look at power information in the game itself. Like a description that pops up, or a button that would show the info when you pressed it. Oh, why haven't we been given such a useful tool?"
.... THAT would have been rather snarky, sarcastic, or even mean.
Frankly, I'm disappointed nobody went for the "improved hair control" reply. -
I've just been going for drinks.
Currently the proud owner (on some servers) of For Grape Justice (cold/water def, pinn... itself amusing to say, really) and Lemon Law (water/time corr, vict.)
Once I get that sort of thing out of my system, we'll see. -
I do have a guide to raising a PB, however it is pre-Freedom, so it does mention sets. (I've tried to edit in a piece or two - it may need some actual rewriting in a spot or two. Check the signature.)
The biggest problem a PB (or WS, for that matter) typically has on SOs is slot crunch. Being human-only will help with that. There are also a fair number of single-slot powers which will let you move slots where you want them (Afterburner, QFly, for instance, are fine with a single slot.)
I'd almost suggest, though, using two builds - early on, start with one concentrating on Nova and supporting powers, putting most of your slots in there. Once you're up a ways, either respec or use the second build (see any trainer) to start on the human-only build.
I would also somewhat agree on waiting until (or planning a respec after) I24. I'm... intriegued by the fighting pool changes, for one, and the extra s/l defense from Tough can't hurt to fit in. (I don't think I have a recent SO PB build any more, quite honestly, at least not one that's a "low-ish in progress" one. I like my forms, most of mine are at least biform.)
Also, er, Lothic...
Quote:Neither Dwarf nor Light Form provide defense. Resists, status protection, sure, but zero defense. So you're looking strictly at the effect of your IO build.For example with Light Form I have better DEF numbers than Dwarf Form provides. -
I'm told that somehow my showing up during the Sushifest last night was somehow surprising to people.
Color me confused. Just from seeing my forum-namesake character or what? I have, after all, been around (on many, many characters!) -
*looks at guides in sig*
*looks at OP*
*looks at guides*
Quote:Let's see, what were some of his other ones.Meh. Jack helped make a great thing, and then proceeded to try and run it into the ground. He had a few good ideas, but also a lot of terrible ones. I think he'd be remembered more fondly if not for his obstinacy.
"Hey, Blasters, here's Defiance 1.0! Be sure to tell people not to heal you!"
"Yeah, I was playing my gameboy on an airplane, and kept dying to this boss, running back and dying over and over. it was great!"
Paraphrased, of course. -
No, the purpose of MMs - and any character - is to allow the player to bring a concept they want to try to life. Just like every other AT, powerset, and power choice (or lack of choice) they make.
Let them do what they want. It doesn't make the slightest bit of difference to how anything in game works for you. If you have such a problem with them, don't invite them to your teams. "Problem" solved. -
Quote:I've played since I3. Including Energy melee, tyvm. (One en/en stalker. Energy/energy brute that was my first villain and first villain 50. Fire/Energy tank at 50, and a few others.) My characters have changed - they've changed slotting, power selection order, adding/removing power pools, etc.I believe They should do it because all the nerf over years broke some of our older toons. As example, I think of all energy melee toons deleted after E13.
None of them are "broken." I'm not fond of EM on a tank, but those have nothing to do with the changes made to EM.
Quote:and when they change a pool power we should be able to change or not that pool selection.
Quote:Thanks to read and be aware that some good spenders/customers are starting to be really fed up ! -
Quote:Set up a tab with NPC chat *and* cutscene chatter. Start logging.Where does it say that Cole is powering the other Preatorians? You know of any web site with the "story" of preatoria in details or somewhere with the TF dialogues/clues? Kinda hard for someone with english as secondary language to read the wall of text spam while fighting lvl 54 creeps.
Alternately, talk to Prometheus in Ouroboros - as you finish raids, he talks about more stuff. -
For #2.... it can be, but as a blaster, it's faster to just kill stuff. Draining works when done as a group and you're keeping everything down - solo, though, no.
For #1 - Elec/elec is fine. It really depends *what* you want, I suppose. And where you'll be comfortable. Elec/Dark or /Mental for more ... arcane-y effects like fears, perhaps? -
Quote:Nope. When I don't like a character, unless it's a special case ("get one of each X to 50,") it doesn't last. Only reason my Illusion 'troller didn't get nuked, for instance, was trying to get one of each control set to 50.The issue name (Resurgence) strikes me as extremely appropriate since it's restoring my interest in several characters that I'd given up on before. So is it causing anyone else to take a renewed interest in characters that you never thought you'd play again?
Yes, even though I have a ton of alts, I *do* delete things.
Nothing in I24, though there are some interesting changes, are making me go "Hey, wow, I have to dust off X character/recreate this now!" (Not saying I don't like what's coming up in I24 - I do. Just that nothing's changing my mind on any characters.) -
Quote:Well, given one "fun" thing for some people was TPing people off buildings or into guard towers (which, both on PI and in the PVP zones, initially had no exit - and no exit big enough for the player to go through) ....Can somebody explain, for us relative newcomers, the comments about griefers and building interiors?
As far as the "herd the map" bit - sure, it was, possibly, "fun" for some people, but if it weren't (heh) nuked, it would have killed COH. Tank herds, Emp might follow behind and heal them every once in a while, herd to corner, blaster nukes, off to the next floor. Meanwhile everyone else is standing around going "er, yeah. Fun. Can someone tell me when we move to the next one?"
Quote:Seeing those "I'm too far away from my mentor" messages...
oh god the horror
Yeah, that's one "feature" Ye Olde CoH can keep. -
Quote:Playing the character and/or concept you want?So like I said. A petless MM can be done and it can be done well, but it defeats the purpose of being an MM in the first place.
I don't see how that defeats the purpose at all.
"But uber DPS/DPA/UPS/CNN! And Capped defresactidurancharge! And blah percentage blah blah blah!"
So what. You want that, build and play your character your way. -
Quote:No, the "remedy" is:Isn't there an IO out there that converts KB into knock down? Sounds like the perfect remedy for all those Energy Blast attacks that constantly knock enemies away from the melee characters on your team.
(A) The blaster learning to use their powers, including secondary effects like knockback, and
(B) the melee not whining because someone knocked an enemy away from them. (If someone just used an AOE KB right where the melee was, scattering *everyone* away, then the problem is covered by (A.) )
Oh, and (C) players realizing they're on a *team* and working together, not 2-8 soloists who happen to be sharing the same map. -
Quote:I've seen it suggested (confirmed?) that Malta were originally known as the Twilight Men and that the Killing Crew became the Freakshow or the Sky Raiders (accounts I've seen vary). I notice that the Kings, the group from which Kings Row takes its name (or is it the other way around?) are listed as an active group rather than the historical one they are in current backstory. That still leaves several villain groups unaccounted for: the Horde (Rularuu, possibly?), the Soviet hero/antagonist group, Fear Factor, the Seraphim ... There's lots of material there for enterprising AE writers, I think.
Some discussion on it here, actually, as far as old groups. (My "guide" to the old trailer.)
Honestly, I'd love to see this thread moved over to guides and preserved, because some of us (like me, obviously) really enjoy looking at and discussing stuff like this. -
Quote:That's because most build-people on the forums are min/maxers. "That set? Worthless. That AT? Worthless. I can't one-shot everything at the end of the LRSF with that build, so it's worthless."Been there, done that. The response is still "lol petless mm", which means haters gonna hate. I don't approach that particular problem with hopeful aspirations of changing any minds.
Funny thing is, I've never, EVER, had anyone dismiss the idea in-game. Only people on the forums have ever been nay-sayers.
Ignore it.
Quote:But it defeats the purpose <snip> It will take a lot of effort and skill to make it viable
And if it takes a lot of effort and skill to do, so much the better. Rather see that than another "Ey kopeed this bild frum teh forumz an I still dye 2 -20 skullz minyunz."
As long as the OP goes into it realistically (not expecting to be the toughest thing out there with no investment, expecting to die a fair bit, etc.) - just like the MAN builds and every other project people have done over the years - then more power to him. Good luck, have fun. -
Quote:Actually, she USED to slot it that way. Now she uses Arcanaville's Anachronism: Chance for Highly Detailed Math, which is non-unique within an Arcanabuild, unslottable by anyone else, and has much the same effect.Which explains why Arcanaville's Title, Avatar, and Location are all 'Arcanaville'.
Be Well!
.... carry the two...
... cube root of what? I just wanted to know where the bubbler was! -
I have an SG-mate who basically said they joined with someone in a vegetative state to stay alive - the body was there and forgotten and it was an emergency sort of thing.
There's nothing lore wise I can think of off the top of my head that would prevent that from happening. It would probably be frowned on (being somewhat close to the nictus way of doing things) but not preventative.
As far as a dead body... I can only go with how it "feels" and say that generally wouldn't work. But I have nothing to base it on.
Of course, you mention "undead," which in general is something completely different than just a corpse, as most have animation (really, my zombies keep turning out looking like Huey, Dewie and Louie) and/or some sort of drive - vampires, for instance, would probably be seen as sentient, while most zombies (depending on the sort) would probably be much like merging with an animal.
As far as robots... again, nothing saying no, no real canon (as opposed to player) examples of "yes," other than the Battalion using captured Khelds as fuel, so there'd have to be some way of drawing energy from them into a machine - so energy "controlled" isn't, IMHO, that big of a stretch. I don't think they'd get the life-extension benefits, though, or be able to transform into a robot later - it'd be (to use a very rough and fairly poor example) the difference between eating a hamburger (becomes fuel for you, or becomes part of you) and getting into a car (stays separate even though you're operating it.) -