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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
    Not that it particularly matters, it was a movie based on a board game. Not like you've got a ton to work with there. Likewise though, no one has any sort of expectations.

    Someone hasn't seen "Clue" with Tim Curry Yet.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chyll View Post
    I remain 'meh' about all things Superman.
  3. The thing I care about more then the visual and effects of this film (I'm not that worried to be honest it IS Superman and WB knows how much to put into a SFX budget for it) Is how great the film itself is. Is this going to feel like Superman jumped out of the comic like the 1978 film, or is it going to feel somehow off like Superman Returns.
  4. I'm not sure how many of my fellow City of players are fans of this series, but one of the more enjoyable people on the progam passed away this morning in a boating accident. The brothers were one of the main reasons I kept watching this program as their lifestyle showed more then the gator hunting from the other families I enjoyed their more natural interactions with the crew and each other. Funny men.
  5. A couple of people I miss are no longer with us, some may not be well known, or may have ben forgotten. They are as follows

    Baby Kitty, and her roomie Superpuss
    Random Misstell
    Salsakitten ( I'll miss her most of all)
    Fairy Heals
    Sgt Go get'em *sp* His Son plays now.. but I miss the guy!
    Terry Nova
    Rowr. Though I sometimes can catch them on Yahoo, I do really miss roleplaying with them.
  6. I'm just waiting for them to put up TMNT,Silverhawks, and Thundercats *original* on streaming.

    Honestly there are tv shows and films that are not on streaming that just makes me scratch my head as to why they aren't on there yet.
  7. So.. what's the new incarnate powers?
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Trekkin View Post
    To my knowledge no one in The American Legion has confirmed this. I have no information other than the fact that she and her husband have not logged on in some time.
    Really?..Then it seems someone is trying to spread a rather nasty rumor.. As I know someone in Rp Virtue made this information the MOTD, had it announced on The cape radio AND said you guys confirmed it.

    I'd say that's going a little to far in rumor milling.
  9. It seems to have been confirmed by RP Virtue, The American Legion (of which her husband is a member) as well as The Cape Radio mentioning it. I haven't seen her in over a month, and when I last did she told me some troubling health related news so I guess this is either true or a bit pre-mature on her supergroups part.
  10. Unable to read the news story because for some reason google is demanding i sign in to read it...

    In any case I am going to guess this is about the co creaor of the berenstain bears passing away. In which case I am very sad to hear about this. I grew up in the eightes when the books hit their stride a long side the animated series, both of which I loved greatly as a child.

    Her family should be proud of her as her and her husband created something that's crafted and influenced the minds of children for decades..and I think they did a wonderful job doing it. Much better then modern edutainment.
  11. Honestly, the more of these that are released the less excited I am about trying them out. I might if the stories were more rewarding..but for now I just rush the first SSA for a "free" merit each week.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
    Is there anything new in the V-Day pack? I bought the Pocket D teleporter, Wedding Pack, and everything else when it was available.

    This pack, if I recall has a good bit of modern clubbing civilian clothing included in the pack.. most of the costume options are your normal regular club hopping ********* varitey but the jeans look nice.
  13. The more I go to this website, the more I miss the Old Cracked magazine. Not that failed attempt at cashing in on things like Maxim. THIS ONE!

  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Blood Red Arachnid View Post
    Not sure if trolling, but in case you really didn't see it, the television montage where the protagonist is contemplating suicide has religious protesters and cuts immediately a picture of Obama modified to look like a Nazi. Later on in the film it shows the protagonists doing a drive by of said protestors.

    Those Religious Protestors are in fact The Westboro Baptist trollers that sit outside Solider/Homosexual funerals for the sole purpose of lawsuits they can profit from. They, as you might be surprised to learn are hated by EVERYONE but fellow Westboro baptist church members.

    If they are indeed shown being killed in this movie then I will enjoy it even more.
  15. I'm going to have to watch this film as well. The fact this man goes out and shoots one of those spoiled reality tv show kids ..just..makes me want to see it so bad!

    I like interesting reality tv as much as the next guy, but it has to be something with some education or at least no shrieking caricatures of humanity's sad state. Like say survival education shows on Discovery(I like Dual Survivor and Survivor man more then man versus wild and Man woman wild), or the number of shows on the History Channel now.
  16. I voted B because fo the glow, and I love the bulkyness of the gloves. .. But I also love the sleak metallic look of C.. Arggghh!
  17. I just want beastial finger slashing animations for the Claws powerset. We have all these great animal options fromt he beast pack and so on. We just can't use our actual hands to slash like an animal, have to use those..popular mutant weapons.
  18. What the hell is this "The Artist" ? And why was it nominated so much? .. Actually I haven't heard of most of these, and don't care to watch the rest... Except maybe Tinker.. darn Gary Oldman's acting ability!
  19. The only reasons I keep watching these movies is for the folliwng.

    Milla Jovovich(Hopefully nekkid)
    Zombies (Hopefully NOT nekkid)

    And right now the RE films are starting to catch up to Romero franchise in number, of course not in quality...They have Milla though.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
    1) Wait for The Hunger Games, I believe the heroine uses a bow.

    2) It's something anyone can get and use. No need for radioactive insects, super science, alien tech, etc.

    3) Have you seen Top Shot on History? There's at least one bow event per season.
    I see where you are coming from, but my comment still stands. When was the last time you saw or heard a teenager say how much they loved <insert bow themed hero here>?

    Hell the only reason Green Arrow was on Smallville or tv for that matter in the first place was because they couldn't use Batman.
  21. Matthew_Orlock


    Originally Posted by CaptainFoamerang View Post
    Clearly the other two guys are disturbed by their friend's turn to the dark side, so what's the big deal?
    If that's the case I may check it out, as long as it doesn't end with all of them going evil, or the exact same way most of these other shakey footage films end. Everyone dies and the footage was stolen from some goverment facility or found n the corpses. Even the good Shakey found footage films end this way.. it's getting a little tired! ( I loved Troll Hunter , but it ended just like Cloverfield, Blair witch, and a dozen others)

    I guess I just want a more positive ending to these types of films. The same way I want more positive Hero films.
  22. Matthew_Orlock


    Originally Posted by Traegus View Post
    is it the dose of reality that bugs you? give any teenagers, anywhere, that kind of power and they will, without fail, cross the line.
    Actually it is what bugs me and I'm fully aware of that, I just wish that they would stop making otherwise nice looking 'powers' movies about this type of situation. Suffice to say I want more Unbreakable, and a lot less suddenly sociopathic teenager.

    That may be because I grew up watching Adam West and Christopher Reeve more then reading Watchmen and Dark Knight Returns.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by RogerWilco View Post
    It's not going to work for the intended audience if the actors are well past a believable teenager age.

    For me I don't see going without "teen" actors as problem as I doubt teens now are going to care about a Superhero with a bow and arrow. When was the last time you heard someone in their teens talking about how cool that weapon is?

    Age range of the actors isn't a problem either IF it was put in the same universe as Smallville. As I am aware they were allowed to age one year every season or so which means right now most of the main cast went from being in their mid teens/early twenties to well.. mid twenties early thirties. I think they even round about pointed out Clark was 28 in the final season.

    Then you have to consider that not every "teen" show NEEDS teenagers in the roles. Look at Supernatural. That show started with all of the main cast in either their mid twenties to their 40's and 50's ( In universe, not only actual age of the actors)and it's still going strong.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by recalx View Post
    very much incorrect.

    i've been in bafs where 90% of the league has judgement, and the AVs drop significantly faster.
    especially when there's enough debuffs involved.

    You missread me my friend. I was speaking poorly of LORE pets recharge, NOT Judgment which I use as often as it is up.

    As for the eariler reply to my post. Everyone has their tastes.. myself I find the recharge for lore to long to be of use to me to the point I use them about as often in the current 50+ game as much as I do my T9 Defense powers.. I love the buff aspect of the lore pets.. I just don't need thier extra dps with me at all as all of my 50's are dps focused anyway.