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  1. I really wish they would put I14 in open beta already. It’s almost a month now in closed beta, several months in developement. They are just teasing us with this, it’s really getting old now. C'mon, show us the Motts already will ya!!!
  2. Ahh, sorry……I re-read Tripp_Hazzard's reply again and realized I misinterpreted it.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    Hmmm...can't find it in my notes right now for the quotes, but both co-op and cross-faction play have been confirmed. "Cross-Faction" meaning Heroes can play Villain arcs and vice versa without having to team with the opposite faction.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Sorry, I don't mean can I play missions created by Villains. I'm talking about can we play co-op with a Villain and can a Villain play with a Hero, kinda like missions in Pocket-D.
  4. Will MA allow Heroes and Villain to play together in the same mission? Of course I'm talking about on the same server, kinda like Pocket-D missions are like.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    3. I'm really, really, really, really bored with Snaptooth.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    lol….who you kidding? I’m also sick and tired of those Snaptooth missions, same ones Christmas and Valentines’ day year after year for what 3 years in a row?
  6. WOOHOO!!!

    *scrambles to check email*
    *click* nope
    *click* nope
    *click* darn it!!!
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    <ul type="square">[*]Fixed a bug that sometimes caused private tells to be cut off at either end.[/list]
    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hooray!!! Man that was very annoying? So any time frame when the unable to select a mission unless everyone on the team is in the same zone gonna be fixed? That's another one high up on the annoyance list.
  8. Don't shoot me if this has been asked before, but will the Mac version work in Linux? Just curious, because Mac's are now based on the Linux Kernel.
  9. Are those Naughty or Nice Aura's temporary or permanent?

    Snaptooth again, what's this 3 years in a row now? C'mon dev's cant you develope something different, us old timers are getting bored with the same thing every year.
  10. Count me in...I lost 5 slots as well, 2 freebies and 3 vets. Sorry for the duplicate post, I was so angry I did not look first to see if there was already a post about it. linky Glad to see so little has been done or said about it, typical NCSoft MO. I'm so damn tired of all of these bugs, please fix them or watch your revunes dwindle as all of your customers start to leave.

    I find it amazing how fast they can nerf something or make puny textual changes that nobody cares about, but when it comes to annoying games bugs, they take forever to fix. Tell me something dev’s, all that fricking time you spent of creating/building the new “Cimerora” zone couldn’t have been spent fixing the ever growing bugs that plague this game?
  11. I’ve got an nVidia 7800GS using the latest 169.21 drivers, running on Windows XP. I've been playing this game for about 3 years now and I've always settled by using the performance or recommended settings. I've seen your guides in the past and tried dabbling with my settings a little, but never really could get the performance I was looking for.

    Now this time I followed your instructions to the letter and all I can say is holy cow!!! Before these changes, my frame rate was on average 14-15fps on a good day. Now I’m at full 45-50fps and with full color eye candy you can dream of, it’s unbelievable. I’d like to say thank you so very much because you’ve given this old card new life, I’ve never seen this much beauty from this game before.

    Thanks again,

  12. [ QUOTE ]
    This is the Posse Elite's base on Guardian. We have the small free plot and choose to use more rooms for storage and just have one TP room. We have all of the beacons, we just switch them out if one is needed that isn't already up or the Ouroboros portal won't reach.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Woah, I love the transition'd you do that? I love how you stacked things on top of each other too, I gotta learn that trick. Good look &amp; work on your base.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    purchasable character slots

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Are you serious? No thanks! I'd rather delete a toon I don't play much than to pay for more slots. Gimme a break.
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    P.S. Lighthouse's corporate avatar is about as exciting as dish water. :P

    [/ QUOTE ]LOL
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    blank stare


    In-game numbers? Another Double XP weekend? CORRECTED XP CURVE!?

    best. birthday. EVER!!!

    [/ QUOTE ]Happy Birthday
  16. Awesome news Lighthouse, I look forward to 2008 in City of *. As far as the Valentines day event, I hope we dont have to fight Snaptooth again, I'm so tired of fighting him.....something else please.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    Not really. Here are the parameters you can use with target_custom_next:
    enemy - Hostile enemies
    friend - Friendlies (including pets)
    defeated - 0 HP targets
    alive - Living targets
    mypet - Inlcude only your pets
    notmypet - Exclude your pets
    base - Include only passive base items
    notbase - Exlude passive base items
    teammate - Include only teammates
    notteammate - Exclude teammates

    I think what you're looking for is "notenemy", or something like that.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    BTW, you're not limited to just these options....I experimented with using partial names to find things. For example, I used this bind to locate "Mystery Gift" (aka Presents) during the Winter Event. This bind will find the nearest Present, lock on to it and follow/pull you towards it. This made getting the Toy Collector badge a lot easier for me.

    /bind g "target_custom_next gift$$follow"

    Sorry, I'm posting this after the event is over, but this is the first time I've seen this post otherwise I would have replied sooner. And I hope that you can use this next year.
  18. [ QUOTE ]

    I also have a Katana/SR Scrapper currently at level 29 1/2. I did the respec trial when I was at level 24, but have not used it yet. Although, I love my Scrapper but I think it could use a little tweaking. I'm gonna copy it to the test server, use the respec there and run a few missions with your build. The question I have is, what is the attack chain you use?



    [/ QUOTE ]

    WOW! No responce in 2 months, incredible.

    Well anyways, my Katana/SR Scrapper is now level 40. I tried your build, but hated it. Absolutely no travel power until late in the build, that sucks. Other than that, nice good damage build. But I cant see myself sprinting to every mission. I made my own build and like it, btw it has a travel power in it....hahaha

    Good luck BloodPython.
  19. Hey Red Tomax,

    Is your website down again? Can't get to it from 2 different ISP's.

    Correction, I'm getting "Error Code 10061: Connection refused
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I really don't understand the 4 min lasting pets and the 15 min recharge time. Why so long to recharge it?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Union rules... those guys have good reps and the regulation required coffee breaks... Management hates them

    [/ QUOTE ]

    OMG, LOL!
  21. OH THANK GAWD!!!! And it's lightning fast too.

    Your site should have won the Players Choice Awards 2006 as Favorite Fansite, I voted for you.
    I'll give your site, 5 smiley faces

    Anyways, thanks a million for getting your site back up. I really was lost without it.
  22. I'm already starting to jones for your site. I can't believe how many times I use your site as a reference until it's down. If you need any advice or help give me a shout, I'm a computer geek myself.

    Thanks Red Tomax! Keep up the good work.

    [ QUOTE ]
    My server exploded

    [/ QUOTE ]
    LMAO! Thats funny!
  23. BloodPython,

    I also have a Katana/SR Scrapper currently at level 29 1/2. I did the respec trial when I was at level 24, but have not used it yet. Although, I love my Scrapper but I think it could use a little tweaking. I'm gonna copy it to the test server, use the respec there and run a few missions with your build. The question I have is, what is the attack chain you use?

