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  1. The reason that it won't be in theaters in Japan until August is to allow the maximum amount of time to sell the black market dvds. Then once everybody owns their $5 blu-ray and has seen it multiple times they can experience the thrill on the big screen.
  2. I won't see anything by Burton any more. Alice in Wonderland. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Abominations I tell you.

    He's like M Night Shamalamadingdong

    Started off great. Became mediocre. And finally reached a level that makes mediocre look spectacular.
  3. Personally (and I know I will get heat for this) I think both Venom and Carnage should be in that list. Somehow though both of them caught on. I still can't figure it out.

    Kind of like the Jersey Shores of comic book characters.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chrome_Family View Post
    Nice Find! that looked good!
    It does look a lot more slick and professional than 99 percent of this stuff. But Catwoman looks like a guy in drag.
  5. Ah cool. Yeah, I suppose a RP supplement does need all sorts of extra stuff. Even though the great majority of it gets ignored in any role playing game if you don't pad the book out people are less likely to buy it or even look at it because they feel like so few pages are a rip off and can't possibly be complete.

    Looking forward to the release of your short stories. Even though your world is about as chaotic a jumble as an Avengers vs JLA crossover with tie ins to 52 and Secret Wars and a special guest appearance from Force of Buddha's palm, I still really enjoyed the characters of Divine Blood. It will be nice to see them in smaller scenarios.
  6. Green Lantern: Pretty awesome but felt rushed.

    Young Justice: While watching the Blue Beetle part of the storyline I couldn't help but say "Tonight, on a very special episode of Young Justice."
  7. My suggestion and advice. Don't worry about it. The only time that the average reader cares about minutia is when they are reading an analysis of a real life event. What you write is basically superhero fiction. Your super heroes are magic and psi and tech based but basically it comes down to superheroes.

    Nobody really cares about what Batman's grappling hook is constructed of, how the pivot points are mounted or what the tensile strength of the line is. The only times those things matter is if he actually gets in a situation where he for instance needs to lower himself and a couple other people down. In which case a simple mention of the weight the line can hold is plenty.

    Try not to turn into Robert Jordan. We don't need another writer who obsesses for 20 pages about what type of cloth a minor character's clothing is made of and then spends 2 pages on the main character doing something that may save or destroy the world.

    If you want to go into all this detail for some reason then that's cool. I'm just saying it's not something I would bother reading.
  8. How good Reynolds is in the role depends entirely on the script and the director.

    Yes he is known for humorous roles. Yes he primarily seems to be a wise cracking guy. But remember this. "Michael Keaton is a light weight comedic actor who can never possibly play Batman. If Burton is stupid enough to use him then the Batman movie will tank. It will be a disaster. This is the stupidest decision ever." etc...
  9. One of my favorites was somebody I recognized right away but it made me laugh so hard I almost stopped breathing.

    The actor is John Pyper-Fergusun. He has been in tons of genre related stuff and if you don't recognize the name you would recognize the face as soon as you saw him. His first recurring role was on Brisco County Junior as Pete. If you haven't watched the series he was sort of the original Kenny (Southpark) He apparently died in every episode he was in but kept coming back with no explanation in further episodes.

    Now comes the part that made me laugh hysterically and I'm certain that the writers or casting agents must have done this deliberately. The first role he had after Brisco was in an episode of Highlander and he of course played an immortal.
  10. It absolutely has to be Joker. And it's not so much coming out of the closet as finally admitting what everybody else already knew.

    How many times has Harley been playing extra sexy for Joker, and he acts as if she isn't even there or is annoying?

    Not even one drop of heterosexuality in that mans blood.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GATE-keeper View Post
    Speaking of the X-Files....

    I was sorta half way watching Johnny English Reborn. Having missed the opening credits, i kept asking myself "who's the hawt milf playing Pegasus [the head of MI-7]?" The fake English accent kept throwing me, I kept thinking I must have seen her on Doctor Who or something.

    But then she got "that look" that Scully was famous for (about a minute thirty in)...Damn, that's Scully!

    She is much hawter now than she was 20 years ago.
    Fake English accent? She grew up in England and moved back there to live a few years ago. She is one of the few actresses who can manage a flawless English and American accent because she spent so much time in each country.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by 2short2care View Post
    Now waits for Hollywood to get their hands on this and make a decent scifi movie.
    Well that was a short wait. Or maybe not. I guess it depends on your definition of decent.

    Dyatlov Pass Incident
  13. Ok, not the same minds literally but the same mindset. Orson Scott Card has done interviews about being on the set of Ender's Game. According to him there is almost nothing from his book in the movie but it's still good.

    So in other words another Starship Troopers or I Robot. A mindless but entertaining bit of fluff that has almost nothing in common with the original story.

    Personally I'm glad because I know that Hollywood would demand that it be rated pg so they could get an audience of kids. Because after all, if it has children in it the movie must be a kids movie right? Right? And Ender's game could never be a faithful adaptation at less than an R rating.
  14. I like Billy Burke.
    I like Andre Braugher.

    I'll definitely give both of these a few episodes to win me over.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
    PS - the shawarma scene... what I thought was the funniest part about it was Cap just staring at the table. I couldn't tell if he was trying to figure out the food, or if he was just so damn tired he was falling asleep in his chair.

    Ok, I'm going to spoil it for you. This is the scene that the actors got back together to film after the movie was wrapped. Chris Evans had already grown a beard for his next role. So during that scene he had to wear a prosthetic that covered the beard. He couldn't eat in it since it was nothing fancy but only intended for that one scene. That's also why he was resting his face on his hand, to partially cover his face.
  16. The Thor hitting Cap's shield went off the way it did because Joss actually knows the shields properties. It is an alloy of adamantium and vibranium. It has the property of absorbing all kinetic energy from impacts and redirecting it in the general direction it came from. This is why the shield can bounce off objects so cleanly. So when Thor hit the shield the full force of his hammer swing came right back at him.
  17. squee

    I would be shouting that but I'm still a bit out of breath after seeing it.
  18. Because it increases the pool of potential teammates while allowing you to stay on a server you prefer. Some people like being on sparsely populated servers but there are times they can't find a team. Why should they switch to a server they don't want to be on just to team up for one play session?

    WoW for instance has cross server teaming. If you for a team and just head to a dungeon then you are all obviously on the same server. But any time you enter a random dungeon queue it's cross server.
  19. Change the Atlas Park blimp into a giant parade balloon of Statesman.
  20. Not really sure if I like it yet or not. I can't stand the Blue Beetle character but that's just because I hate DC for what they did with Ted Kord.

    So the show has gone from one that I loved and characters that I liked to being one that I'm uncertain about with at least one character I dislike and one I'm sincerely meh about (ie fishboy lost prince of atlantis). And I think they stuck Beast Boy in just because Titans was popular.

    To me it feels like they are tying to imitate JLU but where JLU felt like a natural progression this feels forced.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
    Stupid dvr. Since the show was titled, "Young Justice: Invasion" rather than "Young Justice", the dang thing didn't record it.
    Yeah, I got hit with the same thing. But I suppose they really had to do it since they have changed the format so much. Kind of like when JL became JLU.

    I just hate waiting till tomorrow to see it.
  22. Mandu

    Grimm 4-27

    Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
    This is a great show, but the whole premise for this episode steps on a classic trope. If you're not going to pay a knee-breaker, why show up and tell him in person? You actually think he's gonna let you walk away from that? Especially in a nice, secluded spot? Either tell 'em on the phone or in a public place with lots of people around.

    Granted, he'd still be able to come after you, but you'd at least have a fighting chance.

    Also, anyone else think during the credits when it says GK Productions, that it means Gabriel Knight Productions? That's just what my mind immediately thinks when I see that, given the subject matter.
    Well yeah but the beavers don't exactly seem to make the wisest decisions anyway. When they decide to be brave they also get stupid, like showing up at the Grimms house and working on the door without announcing yourself.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
    I just went to do that and:

    ""56 Episodes of Star Trek at..."
    This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by CBS."

    Wow, I'm glad I followed my original impulse and downloaded the 1080p version the moment I saw it.