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  1. Nope. That was only out for Halloween.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
    Did they ever mention anywhere how many Super Packs you'll be able to get with one Reward Token? If it's just going to be something like one pack per token then that could end up being a bit of a weak deal. *shrugs*
    If you have the Beta set up you can check there. I seem to think it was five for one, but the memory's fuzzy.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Major_T View Post
    The new Death trial will be "hard" right up until the players figure out the challenges and leagues are prepared to overcome them. Then it'll be "easy" just like the other trials.
    Actually, after running it on Beta, the only so called tricky part to the new trial is the purple patch. As long as the bulk of the team has all three level shifts, it's pretty much relegated to BAF/LAM difficulty out of the gate.

    Although, I would like to point out, since this is as good a place as any for this comment on the live servers, that the new trial does have quite a bit of story spoilers for the new DA arcs. If anyone has been avoiding Beta to avoid spoilers, or if they know someone that's been avoiding the forums completely for the same reason, may want to make sure they know that they want to hold off on the Trial until after they get through the story.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    But doesn't the Huge model already have all the costume parts the normal male gets?
    No, it does not.

    A long standing pet peeve of mine is a specific jacket exclusive SOLELY for the Male model, the Military Decorated jacket, similar to Military Formal, but with a couple of differences, the most notable being a significantly better set of military badges, as well as special coloring for the pocket flaps and shoulder boards.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Stone Daemon View Post
    While that fixes the headache problem, it now means that you'll be watching a 2D movie for the admission price of a 3D one.
    On top of however much the 2D glasses cost.
  6. Yeah, was told that right after I posted, and I immediately ran to Beta for my own confirmation.
  7. Originally, I just passed the ATEs over and sold the ones I got trying to get the Elemental Order costume right off. (well I waited a day for orders to get out there) But this thread actually has me looking at the Mastermind ones.

    Since we can slot both the regular and the enhanced ones, even disregarding the rest of the set, and the Recharge component of that Enhancement, we have 25% AoE defense for pets. Add in Edict of the Master, 30%. (I'm not 100% sure that Edict has AoE defense, but I'm going to go with it for now)

    Well, on My Mercs/Traps, I have FFG, which adds roughly 15% which...puts my Mercs at the soft cap. OK, it's just the Commando, the rest have to deal with level shifts, but it's a hell of a lot better than what I'm at now.

    EDIT: Not sure how much help Leadership would be, since I just checked and it's less than 3% for MMs. But it's a hell of a place to start.

    EDIT2: Damnit. I was misinformed about all this. Disregard the whole thing.
  8. Eh. I'll accept what is for what it is.

    On the upside, now we have a way to trim down some repeat threads in Suggestions. Threads about porting female stuff whether legacy or new to Male/Huge can now be pointed to Zwill's post to say; "Nope. Not happening. We can close this thread."
  9. M_I_Abrahms

    ATIOs up

    Yeah, I'm going to hold on to the ones I picked up for a day or so, let folks have a chance to put the bids out.
  10. Bundles are up.

    One pack for 80 points.
    12 packs for 840 points.
    24 packs for 1440 points.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bright View Post
    Maybe someday guys will get the Carnival masks and sash, Chad.

    I hope so, anyway.
    Already shot down by Zwill up thread.
  12. M_I_Abrahms

    March MoMadness!

    I would like to sign up for all four, with the same character, if that can be arranged.

    M I Abrahms
    Will Power/Super Strength
  13. And Hyper got me the last Explore badge! Thanks all.
  14. M_I_Abrahms

    Incarnate Trials

    I don't know if you're aware of it, but there's a new(ish) channel that's come out specifically for those floating chat bubbles that don't seem to be coming from anyone in particular most trials. It's called Cutscene Captions, and if you make a tab with just that channel, you can read through that whole mess at your leisure.
  15. Thanks to Star Geek, and with the help of Cairn, Angel Red, and Lithomorph I got three of the four badges. Now all I need is the one for IP.
  16. Thank you both. As I said I'd be willing to help with any levels/missions that need to be cranked out to help with this, and this will probably be done some time this weekend, or next as I usually have to log out of the game when everyone else logs in.
  17. I've been working through my badge addiction by trying to get as many as I can on M I. He's already up to 156, but there are a few that I can't get on my own. Specifically, I'm looking for help with the last four Mayhem Mission Explore Badges. If anyone out there has a villain/rogue/vigilante character in the following ranges, and is willing to lend a hand, it would be appreciated.

    The missing badges:

    Road Raged/Skyway City/16-20
    Steel Worker/Steel Canyon/20-25
    Tyrannical/Independence Port/25-30
    Talon of Talos/Talos Island/30-35
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chyll View Post
    I become a hero by letting an assasin kill my alternate self...
    Well, clearly the one the Assassin got was the one committing all the crimes you've been accused of. You're completely innocent, see?
  19. That was the first Villain Alignment mission. The one that came out before they had the idea for specific Tips that actually showed a fall to Villainy. It leads me to believe that that tip is not as much for the falling ones as much as those actually fallen. Now the other Villain mission...where Heroes are harassing you so you decide to blow up Croatoa, THAT is a great way to round out the fall to evil.

    As for the arc itself, I had to run it a couple of times, but once I actually saw the whole story, it made a little more sense. Of course, there are still plot holes the size of Jupiter, but it's a bit more workable.

    The first Double is brought from the moment in which they are supposed to become a god. It pulls both you and the now Fully Heroic Frost Fire to the present, where everyone fights and then both future beings are sent back.

    The second Double that's brought back has been a deity for some time now, but never achieved the full power, because half of it went to Frost Fire. Not sure how he got back up to interfere with the ritual or whatever, but you and your god-self actually strike him down this time, using some element or other that happens to be the kryptonite for the both of you. This time the system doesn't seen everyone back, instead your double goes back to "reshape the world" under his own power.

    The final Double I'm pretty sure is brought back from a million years or so in the future, where he's gotten all sad that he's the only sentient being in the universe. This is the being that contacted you in the first place, the problem with the plan in his mind is that you became a god and wiped out humanity. Unfortunately your character's future self is apparently a bad speaker, because by the time they're done your character has become convinced that the flaw wasn't in going through with the plan, it was allowing Frost Fire to muck it up. Future you realizes what's going on, and tries to stop you himself, but because of the elemental kryptonite stuff that's been left behind on God-Fire's corpse, your character is able to defeat the other half of the coin, and presumably goes on to figure out how to start the ritual.

    Of course, NONE of this has anything to do with how our characters actually Incarnate so...yeah.
  20. Doubt it. Probably the Spring Holiday Event though.
  21. Here's something else to think about: What does everyone think of a Red side arc where the player finds themselves having to fight both Hero and Villain NPCs who have teamed together to face the greater threat of the player? Whatever the story is, it has been deemed important enough that the Circle of Thorns have joined forces with the Legacy Chain, for example.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    I heard Rock's T4 is called Roll, but I can't check to confirm.
    So, instead of businessmen and women off the street, the next trial will be bakers defeating us with their wares?
  23. Oh, incidentally, I'm one of those dirty MineCrafters, and M I Abrahms is what I've made character look like as well.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by shaggy5 View Post
    Curious--he went from which powersets to which?
    He went from Inv/SS in I3 to WP/SS whenever Will Power came out.
  25. Ah, so the important question is, "Is Abrahms still Abrahms, even though he's new Abrahms."

    I can see the answer going either way, especially as the original Abrahms has been retooled into a new character that's kind of a secondary.

    Is it the same concept? Yes. Is it the same character? Kinda...no. So make of that what you will.