Incarnate Trials




Hey Everyone,

As most of you know, I just returned.....ok, more likely, everyone is saying: who is this??!

Doesn't matter! I just got back from a two year break and since then the incarnate trials have been introduced.

Long story short: I'm building up my incarnate-y powers....however, the trials themselves are confusing as all hell. Some are more straight forward than others.....but, the way the trials are run....I can't pick up the storyline, MUCHLESS my objective....sometimes, I don't even friggin' know where I need to be (we need waypoint markers on the map for the next objective!)

Some of them aren't so hard to pick up. Nightstar/Siege....I think I sorta got the Marauder one down....though, how to get grenades/acid is still a mystery as I'm using superspeed to keep up with the people in my group. We start fighting an area and suddenly, i'm the only one I speed off to meet my group again....why did we pause??!

Last night, i actually saw that we were destroying weapon crates. OH!!! So, that's how you get the grenades? I think? And that's why we stop and fight for a minute and speed off?

My point: the trials aren't very noob friendly. Everyone mostly speeds through the trials....and I'm left wondering where I need to be, when....and most of the time WHY??!

Lets not even get started with the trial where you can't use AE damage outside and drop your.....ummmm......popularity or whatever it's called. I understand you have to set up a broadcast and make us look good and them look have to go in THIS building, and then that one....then this one!

I once got hit by a bunch of rocks, died, and by the time I rezed, I had NO idea where my teammates entered. I spent the next few minutes dodging rocks and going to the point on the map that i saw some stragglers enter at the last second....but i couldn't find the entrance for the LIFE of me. I waited til they came back out and followed them to make sure I didn't get lost again.

.....can we make the trials more friendly for new people? A way to read the story somehow and be pointed to where they need to be. Maybe make waypoints for: "if you want grenades" or "if you want acid."

I dunno. Just my 2 cents.

Mr. True Shot.

Level 53: Arrows/Devices/Munitions Blaster

....and hopeless Science-Natzi.



You can read up on some guides on paragonwiki, which will hopefully answer some of your questions.

There doesnt appear to be a strategy page for MoM.

Hopefully that can help with some of the confusion.



Awesome, I was thinking of just reading up on them outside of the game itself to figure these out.

Still, I think, by design, it should be a little more straightforward with where people need to be....and some sort of help for noobs on what things do, and what objectives there are.

And the story just spams by =P

Some leaders get mad when things don't work out....but I feel most of the time it's because some people don't know what's going on. last night: when prisoners were escaping....on a Nightstar/Siege.....that the leader had sent most of the non-level-shifted to the south area...and that's why we had a ton of escaping prisoners.

There need to be better tools for sorting through the raid-type mess. I dunno, maybe i'm alone here on that thought. =D

Mr. True Shot.

Level 53: Arrows/Devices/Munitions Blaster

....and hopeless Science-Natzi.



I don't know if you're aware of it, but there's a new(ish) channel that's come out specifically for those floating chat bubbles that don't seem to be coming from anyone in particular most trials. It's called Cutscene Captions, and if you make a tab with just that channel, you can read through that whole mess at your leisure.

The Abrams is one of the most effective war machines on the planet. - R. Lee Ermy.

Q: How do you wreck an Abrams?

A: You crash into another one.



- Visit Prometheus in Ouroboros (he's the big blue guy) for a bit of backstory on each of the trials, and some other miscellaneous info. Going through his dialogue can help you get a better grasp on the overall story. Some of his dialogue is unlocked when you complete certain trials, and more info gets added as new issues come out.

- There's a little [?] button on the trial info window you get when you're running trials (the one that shows objectives, Boss HP, etc). If you click it, it'll give more detailed info on your current objectives, and it changes as the trial goes on. If you're ever confused as to what you're supposed to be doing, take a moment to stop and read the help info. It'll help you understand the objectives a lot better... and to be honest, most people won't even notice if you're just standing around doing nothing for a minute or two while you read.



I'll be honest: after all this time, I have a pretty good idea what is going on in BAF, LAM and UG. The rest of them, I pretty much have no clue.

The text appears in areas of my screen always covered by something else.

The text is often in colors not conducive to easy reading.

Keyes is allegedly easier these days; the pulses are easier to survive, it is true. At the risk of sounding stupid, having run it a few more times.... I still have zero understanding of what we are doing and why. Zero. People running hither and thither as if they were on fire. 98% of them seem to have no clue, either. Fail.

Also: all cutscenes that trigger upon zoning in: epic fail. When I see the BAF cutscene, as I still do 98% of the time, I just pull up the Internet while I wait.

TPN? Arrant silliness, compounded by a roving AV who can spin-kick you dead in one shot, from 500 ft up. If that ain't a "WTF?!" moment, I do not know what is.

MOM: What's happening? Seriously.... what? Just be on a +3 is all I know.

I will give the Cutscene Captions tab a shot. That is, if I get a spare three seconds mid-trial to glance at it....



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post

Keyes is allegedly easier these days; the pulses are easier to survive, it is true. At the risk of sounding stupid, having run it a few more times.... I still have zero understanding of what we are doing and why. Zero. People running hither and thither as if they were on fire. 98% of them seem to have no clue, either. Fail.
The skinny:
Collect cells from glowies or warwalker EBs.
Use glowies on terminals on the reactor
If there are warworks near the terminal kill them or move them away
Repeat twice more
Fight Antimatter, if youre disintigrating pop greens
Collect loot.

Also: all cutscenes that trigger upon zoning in: epic fail. When I see the BAF cutscene, as I still do 98% of the time, I just pull up the Internet while I wait.
You either get long cutscenes with minimal story or no story at all, take your pick, either way people will complain about this.

TPN? Arrant silliness, compounded by a roving AV who can spin-kick you dead in one shot, from 500 ft up. If that ain't a "WTF?!" moment, I do not know what is.
First, why are you 500 ft in the air? There is no reason why you should be there. Second, unless you're on the telepathist team (if there is one) then you should be inside the buildings, run to the end and pull IDF away from the technicians, if there are no IDF near a technician, kill the tech, repeat this a crap ton of times before the trial is over. Maelstrom is a tank and spank. The second and third time you fight him you simple move away if you're marked for death.

MOM: What's happening? Seriously.... what? Just be on a +3 is all I know.
The skinny:
Stage 1- move away from the target every 27 seconds before pink circles drop, then stay out of pink circles.
Stage 2- Unless you're assigned to void duty this is just a tank and spank
Stage 3 - Unless you're taking care of Aurora, this is simple. If there is a red circle under you move away from everyone else. If there is a blue circle under you or anyone move into the group.
Stage 4 - DPS malaise, when he reaches 50% DPS tilman and kill before she reaches the center, kill GMs only when they are near tilman.
Stage 5 - Summon Lore pets and pop destiny and watch her melt.
Collect loot.



First, why are you 500 ft in the air? There is no reason why you should be there.
I was up there in a vain attempt to avoid Marauder as I came back from the hospital. Haha! Silly me. He can not only one-shot you 500 feet up, he seems to have 1000% Perception and superspeed to boot.

And if you're a Controller or Defender, that boot has your name on it. Ugh.

TPN and MoM are becoming clearer as I run them more often. I still think there is a significant communication breakdown with these complicated trials.



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
I was up there in a vain attempt to avoid Marauder as I came back from the hospital. Haha! Silly me. He can not only one-shot you 500 feet up, he seems to have 1000% Perception and superspeed to boot.

And if you're a Controller or Defender, that boot has your name on it. Ugh.

TPN and MoM are becoming clearer as I run them more often. I still think there is a significant communication breakdown with these complicated trials.
Just as an fyi, if someone is in melee range with maelstrom (not marauder) he will will not use his teleport kick attack. Either request for someone to tank him or get inside the buildings faster, the longer you stay outside the more opportunities he will have to kick your face in.

And what do you mean by communication breakdown? If it's with the person leading your league, that's something I would bring up with them in private messages. Typically if a person is willing to step up and lead leagues (unless they're begrudgingly being forced into doing so) they will usually also be happy to discuss what to do on the trial. Sometimes they may not be able to talk until after the trial is over mind you. If it's a communication breakdown with the game not supplying enough information for the trial, I just don't see that. There are plenty of clues you can go off of to figure out what to do, judging by what the mission objective is, what the extra info for the mission objective is, what other players are doing, what is on the map, or reading up on the trial on paragonwiki or these forums. There are alot of resources that can be utilized. When in doubt, just follow the other people in the league that look like they know what they're doing.



Awesome, thanks for the tips.

I'll probably read up on them outside of the game.

I'm getting them down....we did a TPN (I think that's the one with Maelstrom)....and, as a stalker, I understood to wait until the guys around the techs were pulled....and then I took them out.

Still, if I get separated from the group (by a kick-shot from good ol' Maelly)....then I'm lost as to where to go next.

So, TPN and BAF I got down pretty well now

Keyes is still crazy, though, someone mentioned pulling things away-- I see it's like the techs in TPN then. And then you can use your temp power. It makes a lot more sense now!

Mr. True Shot.

Level 53: Arrows/Devices/Munitions Blaster

....and hopeless Science-Natzi.



Originally Posted by Mr_True_Shot View Post
...the trials themselves are confusing as all hell. Some are more straight forward than others.....but, the way the trials are run....I can't pick up the storyline, MUCHLESS my objective....sometimes, I don't even friggin' know where I need to be (we need waypoint markers on the map for the next objective!)
Believe me, you aren't alone in feeling this way. And take it from me: it's not you that's the problem; you aren't dumb or slow or incompetent, you're just not a trial expert yet. Unfortunately, as you've discovered, a significant portion of the trial-running population has already been through these trials so often that they just race through them as quickly as possible, leaving newbies to keep up as best they can with little or no explanation of what is going on or what they should be doing. But all hope is not lost!

The various strategy guides are must-reads IMO. Running the trials over and over and over will also help, obviously. I have found that unless you do something really dumb (like cause Marauder to leave the Lambda compound, or constantly ignore your sequestering rings, or feed regenerating lichen to the second WarWalker, or pop all the voids when they're nowhere near Penny, etc.), you can usually get away with being only barely useful as you learn how a particular trial works, and nobody will harsh you for it. Of course, the trick is learning what those "dumb" things are so you can avoid doing them. You're ahead of the game, so to speak, because you came here and you now have resources to help you understand what's going on.

Lastly, be very careful about accepting invites to the more "advanced" trials (MoM and TPN) if you are playing a relatively new Incarnate. Level shifts of +2 and +3 are so important to success that going in with a +0 or +1 character is not highly recommended. Don't be surprised if you see a clear bias against +0s and +1s during MoM/TPN recruiting; leaders are just trying to give their leagues a fighting chance, that's all.

NOR-RAD - 50 Rad/Rad/Elec Defender - Nikki Stryker - 50 DM/SR/Weap Scrapper - Iron Marauder - 50 Eng/Eng/Pow Blaster
Lion of Might - 50 SS/Inv/Eng Tanker - Darling Nikkee - 50 (+3) StJ/WP/Eng Brute - Ice Giant Kurg - 36 Ice/Storm Controller