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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BenRGamer View Post
    Maybe Manticore showing up just depends on whether you did SSA3 (or whichever other one has you fighting him) as a villain or not. Kinda makes sense.
    That's what I'm thinking, but how often does he show up Villainside? If I'm thinking right, doesn't he get whooped three times? SSA3 over Miss Liberty, SSA4 over Mailaise, and SSA6 over Sister Psyche.


    Hell if I'm right, he's personally involved every time one of the characters is killed off. No wonder he's a little cracked if you meet him in SSA7.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Llydia View Post
    Turned my Vigilante to Hero tonight for attempt five. Still got Manticore.

    Will next try re-enforcing the Hero alignment for attempt six to get the Vanguard salute like M_I_Abrahms did.
    I'm not sure it was re-enforcing my alignment that did anything. I hadn't even done that before running the arc. However, I also had not run all of the Villain SSAs. In fact, I think I only ran the first two, and may have *only* run the second at all. (memory's a bit shoddy)

    I do specifically remember that character handing over the skull *without* asking for the temp power. However, I have no memory of running any of the other arcs with him. When it came to the conference at the end, I really think the Numina question was the only one Villain slanted.

    It may be that I got the good ending specifically because I did not face Manticore at any point on the character. It's the theory I'm working on at the moment.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dink View Post
    M_I_Abrahms: Pants are in the "Tight" category and they can be patterned since they are only taking on one color
    Woo hoo!
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TheBruteSquad View Post
    He IS trying not to cry. Did you see how much they Statesman'd the poor guy?

    I am buying at least one of those rocket pack styles day one. Perhaps the helmet too.
    The whole pack's a day one buy for me. Of course, my big question is if the Chest/Pants can take patterns, or are they locked in. It looks like probably the latter, but I'm going to hold out hope.

    (I say this fully expecting someone to point to a previous dev post outright stating the latter is the case)
  5. We're still one short of actually having enough people to do this. We're only two days away.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Blue Rabbit View Post
    It isn't. My main hero has all the badges from red side despite being created and played blue until Rogue came out and Manticore never appeared for me.
    And neither did my main villain. Manticore was a no show for both of them.
    Here's an interesting point. My main Tank actually HAS run some of the SSAs as a villain. Manticore was a no-show for *him*, too. Numina reacted badly to him on the boat, and I got the extra questions in the conference, but he got the salutes at the end of it.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Archiviste View Post
    I could bring Enora (F3 blaster) in her *ahem* alternate (Huge) form.
    Adding you to the list, then. Given that the TF is already half melee, I may end up bringing my Ice/Cold Controller instead. Depending on how the rest of the team fills out.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
    Don't forget the ones underwater Mako was investigating. (Also, those aren't battleships. They're destroyers. Still... I think they generally were agreed to be Arleigh Burke-ish... 303-323 a piece.

    Not that it makes it better, mind.
    Yeah, covered that in my correction. Ah well, probably better that it doesn't add up to an old meme anyway.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
    Doh! I knew that...
    Ergh. Now it's been pointed out that the joke in my edit doesn't work out so well. A friend told me they think it was five ships in the stack, plus one floating above, *and* the sunk one Mako checks out.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
    It also established Wade as a mass murderer. After it was all said and done, I googled "How large a crew does a USA battleship hold?" and I learned that 1500 was a reasonably round number. There were five ships out there as I recall, which means that Wade "melted" around 4500 able seamen.
    Your math's a bit off. The number dead is around 7500.

    EDIT: Wait...was it established that there were five ships total...or there are five ships you had to climb? Because there's another ship floating *above* the Island if you look for it, which could make it SIX ships. Six ships, fifteen hundred a piece....

    9000 lives.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Party_Kake View Post
    Craftable stuff like the bat, taser, and baton are awesome, if only I could store extra bats somewhere instead of storing the recipe and materials.

    It's also kinda awkward that I know exactly how many more hits I can get in with a baseball bat before it breaks, but I can't just toss it and make a new one.
    I'm pretty sure the Baseball Bat power stacks now. It's something that happened back in Halloween when they had the "Zombie Survival kit" Everything in the kit was made to stack, and that included other versions of the power.
  12. M_I_Abrahms


    I miss Be Healed (I still keep the lights on in the Paragon National Guard) and Warface, among others that have already been listed.
  13. Got another themed (sort of) costume TF I want to run, and yes, I did get the idea from this weekend's movie releases. (again, sort of)

    The major difference this time however, is that it doesn't matter what your character is wearing as much as the body type. This Saturday, I want to run the ITF with ALL Huge model characters. They don't have to be dressed for the occasion (though that would be fun, too), nor do they have to have all sliders maxed to the right. Also, it doesn't have to be a character that's usually Huge, as long as they are for the run.

    I'll start forming up at 7 PM Eastern (6 Central, 4 Pacific), but if you want to sign up now, as always, here's the list of open spots:

    1) M I Abrahms (M I Abrahms/Tank) or (Super Cooled/Controller)
    2) Zaloopa (Zharalim/Brute)
    3) Yokoboo (Yellow Narsearanger/Stalker)
    4) Mr Grey (Gundis Alpha/Brute)
    5) Archiviste (Enora/Blaster)

    If you do sign up, please let me know the Archetype you're bringing, so we know if there's anything we may be lacking.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Goliath Bird Eater View Post
    I see nothing wrong with the costume, personally.
    I'll agree with you about *her* costume, but Taggard's irks me to no end. He's wearing the Military Decorated jacket, the one I've been hoping to get proliferated from the Male model to the Huge and Female.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg View Post
    In that case I think I know what's going on. He's probably supposed to do the pamphlet emote, handing out information about the RWZ to recruit heroes. There must be some kind of glitch.
    I wonder if it's related to the glitch that also popped up this issue where certain defense toggles are triggering the Dragon's Tail animation.
  16. Aw damn. And it was on the front page when I did this, wasn't it? Yeah I fail at forums. Sorry.
  17. Was running though the DA arcs, when I got to Praetor Duncan's solo story mission. When I log in, I see this:

    Mission went off mostly as normal. Had a bit of trouble finding Anti-Matter, but he eventually showed up, and everyone else was at their place on time. When the cut scene hit, Duncan was back in her regular costume, and nothing was changed on my character when I got back.
  18. Just ran a Moonfire with a full team. The final bonus leveled everyone on the team, save the two 50s.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
    Sure there is; they thought they could save the day... and were wrong.
    True. I suppose that's all the now lost mission could be summed up as.

    And, hey! This way you're not *with* the team that fails miserably!
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tyger View Post
    Originally there was an 'Epilogue' from Dream Doctor where he got you to investigate Praetor Duncan's whereabouts since he sensed her trapped inside Mot. So you and the entire Freedom Phalanx & co. went to see Mot and the FP gets promptly eaten. He then told you to queue up for the DD trial since that's where it was 'finished'.

    Now that left me unsatisfied. A neat idea in that you got a badge if you did the DD trial with the DreDoc's mission in your mission list but horrible in that it would mean that low-shifted Incarnates could potentially be queing up for one of the most difficult trials in terms of levels since all the enemies are shifted to 54+2 and 54+3. And also a slight taint in 'the solo path' as it meant being forced to team to complete the DA accolade.
    Pity the removal of said mission isn't that great an idea either, because now there's next to no explanation for how the Phalanx ended up in the Trial. I think it would have been better to just shave the last little bit off the mission, the actual part that required the Trial, but it didn't turn out that way.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Darej View Post
    Tried this new trial a few times and have only been able to complete it once. So whats the trick to it once theres two giant Shivan AVs? Seems there's a bunch of teamwipes and both their healths are at 100? And how are we supposed to get the badge defeating them both within 30 secs? Being an incarnate has probably made me soft. Or else its my new dark troller who gets mezzed to death alot. But the end part makes me angry. /ragequit (but only after 50% quits too)
    I'm not sure I can be much help, I've only run it the once on Beta, but it seemed pretty straight forward. It might have helped that the league I was on was primarily copied 50s.

    Originally Posted by Darej View Post
    And how are we supposed to get the badge defeating them both within 30 secs?
    I can help here, though. You need to defeat them within 30 seconds of each other. Similar to the final defeat in the BAF, but more forgiving.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Venture View Post
    "Neat little touch"? The Cimerora portion of the DA arc was silly and gratuitous.
    I don't know, it seems like the easiest way to hand wave finding an ancient Mediterranean MacGuffin under modern America. It's there because we've going to put it there because we know that's where we'll found it.
  23. Yeah, I commented to my friends a while back that things seem to be piling up here. We used to get one crisis at a time, now we've got, what three or four, with another couple looming on the horizon?


    "No matter how many times you save the world, it always manages to get back in jeopardy again! Sometimes I just want it to stay saved, you know?"

  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Party_Kake View Post
    I'm going to assume that's a "no" since I was referring to the twincest part of her post.
    Something tells me that wouldn't even get past the filters in the AE.
    Ah yeah, no. There was nothing like that. In fact, as far as I can remember, the two never actually appeared in the same scene, and spent more time yelling at Synapse, than anything.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Party_Kake View Post
    I have to ask, is that actually in the comics? I wouldn't be surprised, it would be the start of a theme...
    The Lebaux twins were in the story that featured Breakneck, and are the Task Force that is essentially the retelling. Twilight Son, I think.