Whats the trick to Drowning In Blood?




Tried this new trial a few times and have only been able to complete it once. So whats the trick to it once theres two giant Shivan AVs? Seems there's a bunch of teamwipes and both their healths are at 100? And how are we supposed to get the badge defeating them both within 30 secs? Being an incarnate has probably made me soft. Or else its my new dark troller who gets mezzed to death alot. But the end part makes me angry. /ragequit (but only after 50% quits too)



Originally Posted by Darej View Post
Tried this new trial a few times and have only been able to complete it once. So whats the trick to it once theres two giant Shivan AVs? Seems there's a bunch of teamwipes and both their healths are at 100? And how are we supposed to get the badge defeating them both within 30 secs? Being an incarnate has probably made me soft. Or else its my new dark troller who gets mezzed to death alot. But the end part makes me angry. /ragequit (but only after 50% quits too)
I'm not sure I can be much help, I've only run it the once on Beta, but it seemed pretty straight forward. It might have helped that the league I was on was primarily copied 50s.

Originally Posted by Darej View Post
And how are we supposed to get the badge defeating them both within 30 secs?
I can help here, though. You need to defeat them within 30 seconds of each other. Similar to the final defeat in the BAF, but more forgiving.

The Abrams is one of the most effective war machines on the planet. - R. Lee Ermy.

Q: How do you wreck an Abrams?

A: You crash into another one.



inhale the moment you're immersed?

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Originally Posted by M_I_Abrahms View Post

I can help here, though. You need to defeat them within 30 seconds of each other. Similar to the final defeat in the BAF, but more forgiving.
I know this but since we cant kill one never mind two at once...



this badge is currently bugged and the window is much smaller than 30 sec (a lot of sources indicate its closer to 3 seconds)



Well, for one thing, the badge for defeating them simultaneously is bugged in this release, fixed in the next patch.

How much trouble teams have seems to depend on how much support you have. With enough global buffs or global heals, you can just spank them to death. Otherwise, it's a bit harder (I've had one team wipe so far), because there are AoE patches not to stand in, just like in Death from Below, but they're harder to see. Or, at least, I think there are. The uneven terrain and the murky graphics are making it hard for me to tell.



Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
this badge is currently bugged and the window is much smaller than 30 sec (a lot of sources indicate its closer to 3 seconds)
I wonder if this is similar to the "decimal place error" that supposedly forced the Empath badge to require the ridiculous 1 billion HPs healed for several years. Positron actually tried to get us to believe that the original 1 billion value was a decimal error before it was finally reduced.


Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀



Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
I wonder if this is similar to the "decimal place error" that supposedly forced the Empath badge to require the ridiculous 1 billion HPs healed for several years. Positron actually tried to get us to believe that the original 1 billion value was a decimal error before it was finally reduced.

Anything to do with Positron is automatically over the top and difficult. Original Positron TF, Anti-Matter arc, Keyes(When it first came out, at least)...

So on and so on. Nothing against Matt, of course.




Originally Posted by ShadowMoka View Post
Anything to do with Positron is automatically over the top and difficult. Original Positron TF, Anti-Matter arc, Keyes(When it first came out, at least)...

So on and so on. Nothing against Matt, of course.
Matt likes things Nintendo hard, that's just the way he rolls!




It seems straight forward. Defeat 'em both at the same time.

Finished it 3 times on pug teams. One I guess failed as we were unable to defeat them at the same time. Defeated one then the other.

Two taunters helped.

Great game while it lasts.



Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
inhale the moment you're immersed?
And leave the snorkel behind!

(somewhat glad I am not the only one who can't always resist answering thread titles with the first crack that comes to mind)

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Mostly I find myself drowning in shivan goo, rather than blood. Don't get me wrong, I love how they explode and splatter, but surely it should be called "Drowning in Goo".

My 2 cents: I've run this twice so far from LFG queue. Only took a few minutes to start each time btw, but that's on Virtue, YMMV, especially on one of the other servers that I would never accuse of having lower populations but might never-the-less have fewer people trying to queue at any given time.

Anyway, first time through we had 5 people, and at least one of them was a tank/brute/scrapper. Things went well. I think we even had the AVs fighting each other at some point.

Second time through we had only 4 people, and my level 26 StJ/Nin stalker was the only melee. So yes, I TANKED TWO AVs ON MY STALKER. Which actually wasn't easy but with a bunch of inspirations chewed I survived the experience.

The AVs can certainly hit hard, but it didn't seem too terribly difficult to take them down either time through. They're harder than the Hydras in DfB, but not all that much harder.

I like the new trial. ^_^

my lil RWZ Challenge vid