1304 -
Quote:Agreed. I think maybe the first half of the season will be rescuing the crew, and the second half will be about tracking down Beverly and her co-conspirators. At least, that's what I hope. That plot thread has been dangling for the last three seasons or so.I wish they went with the jump 4 years into the future instead of the Matrix. Probably right about "the crew suspects" with the "let's find and rescue them" plots, but I don't see it going for more than five episodes.
Also, I'd still like to know what the hell happened to Callie Curie. -
Blargh, season premier of Top Gear is tonight, too. Looks like one of the long road trip specials. Guess I'll be catching Eureka in reruns.
"It definitely will be the most delicious hot dog ever."
Wrong. There is a distinct lack of chili and cheese. -
Quote:They had to put it in space to stop random delivery boys from getting frozen.And they had to build a space station to test it? They couldn't, ya know, build one on Earth and throw a monkey into it?
I mean, heck, that's like building a solar probe to test out a new popsicle flavor. Or drilling to the center of the Earth to test whether some solar cells are efficient.
What I'm getting at is that "build space station prison" seems an unnecessary step in the "test cryostasis tube" flowchart.
Quote:Would anyone even believe that North Korea could pull off a semi-successful invasion of the United States though?I thought this thread was a bit late, though with Hollywood development hell you never know. Speaking of which, the actual Red Dawn remake has also been in development hell for a while, especially since they pulled a Homefront (also written by the writer of Red Dawn!) and hastily changed the Chinese to North Koreans at the last minute.
If it weren't for the "S" I wouldn't have anything to distract from the crotch bulge. I get that the suit is supposed to be skin tight, but couldn't they have done something with that area? That bulge is going to be like three feet big in the theater.
If a studio has no faith in a movie, then why would it sink millions of dollars into extra advertising for it? Wouldn't that just put a heavier burden on the movie to make back the money spent on it?
Dame Judi Dench DMs D&D? Coolest grandma ever!
Quote:As long as they keep the robots out of the Uncanny Valley, sure. Otherwise you end up with a bedside companion that freaks grandpa the hell out.On the other hand, with some of the uses being considered for robots (think 24 hour nurse, "companion" for the elderly, etc.) a humanoid form - aside from the convenience FatherXmas mentioned - is less "alien" (or more "comfortable" or accepted) than a purely designed-for-function robot would be.
Quote:The epic return of the Trash Compactor and Chewie Hug!
Quote:Don't forget Star Trek. Bridge is always on the top of the ship in the most exposed area.Viewports and observation domes, I get. Those are things that are neat, provided they are in an easily contained area.
What I don't get is the trend in scifi of putting the bridge/command deck in an easily accessible location with viewports. Like on a Star Destroyer or one of the UNSC ships. Compare with one of the Covenant carriers or ships. The bridge is in the heart of the ship, protected by all the armor and shielding. One lucky shot taking out an entire ship versus having to go through the entire ship to get to the command deck. -
Why go through all the trouble to make a humanoid robot driver? Wouldn't it be simpler and easier to just make a robot tank?
I think it would depend on how they're used. I could see people wearing these for directions while they drive, with a line for their route projected on the road, instead of looking over at a SatNav. And would it be that difficult to hardwire the glasses so that any potentially distrating features were disabled when you entered a vehicle?
Quote:There's no way this is real. Having Gilbert Gottfried play a Ferengi would be way too perfect.
Also, the Ferengi weren't encountered by the Federation until the 24th century.Quote:Also the Bajorans must have not met the Federation before the occupation.
I think Excelsior was one of the ideas they were throwing around for a series after Voyager ended. And then they went with Enterprise -
Complete with street view. I'm not generally one for April Fools shenanigans, but this is pretty cool.
Side note: what is the origin of blowing on the cartridge to make it work? It seems like something everyone just knew. -
But how could he be in Brazil when he got busted for not having tags on his Lambo last week?
First the Ugandan Booby Trap and now this?