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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ael Rhiana View Post
    As for the game... meh. If you have to have everything canon... don't play it. It'll make you spit nails. The flawed canon is one reason why I originally stopped playing, the other was the fact that the game was just severely underwhelming for me. Playable Romulans would likely keep me interested, IF they were done right. The in-game lore for Romulans is so incredibly ridiculous that it's stupid. Major turn off for me. The game is set after the 09 reboot BS, and you have Data alive (didn't he like...explode in Nemesis?) the Duras sisters are alive and one has a child... (um...didn't they like...explode in Generations?) There are just lots of inconsistancies that really make no sense.
    Yeah, anyone who wants strict canon is going to have a meltdown trying to play STO. They use a lot of soft canon from the novels in the game, and they don't always use it well.

    And yeah, Data's alive because of the whole B4 subplot in Nemesis, but he and the Enterprise-E are missing (I think because they don't have Brent Spiner's permission to use his likeness). The Duras sisters are still dead, actually, but the son one of them had managed to get it on with someone and keep the house going. But those aren't even the worst things they've done. I'd give that dishonor to Worf's decision to completely cut his ties with the Federation. That was just stupid.

    edit: as for the other stuff, yeah, STO has problems. I can't say I've ever run into people hurling insults at me for dying in an event, but I've run into moochers and plenty of idiots.
  2. Was kinda surprised no one posed about this, but Michael O'Hare, B5's Commander Sinclair, passed away Friday, September 28.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Airhammer View Post
    Are there different classes to play or species with different abilities?
    Here's a good primer on STO.

    But, yes, there are three classes in each faction: Science, Engineer, and Tactical. Science is the closest there is to a healer class, but it has a lot of good debuffs available. Engineers are sort of the buff/pet class. Tactical is more or less the intended DPS/tank class. There's quite a bit of flexibility in the classes, though. It all depends on how you equip yourself for ground combat. And in space combat, it all depends on what kind of ship you're flying and what your Bridge Officer (BOff) load out is. Any class can fly any type of ship, and the ships themselves are designed to fit certain roles. Escorts are sort of the glass cannon, big on firepower but low on survivability (their BOff layout is tactical focused). Cruisers are the tanks, but can be set up to heal hulls (engineering BOff layout). And then you've got Science Ships, which are kind of a buff/debuff/shield healer hybrid. And that's not getting into the hybrid and specialty ships available in the game store.

    Each of the playable species has different traits to pick from at character creation. Some species are slightly better suited to certain classes than others, but it doesn't actually make much of a difference. And you can make your own custom species if you don't want one of the existing ones.

    So yeah, there is quite a bit of room for customization in STO.
  4. I know you do, Forbin. But there was a period of time after the system was introduced when it was just me and a couple other people working on the fleet projects.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JC_THREE View Post
    Hmmm, I may just look into that. I'm currently the owner of a fleet modeled after our supergroup here, but the fleet system in that game is painful for a really small group (read: 3 players, one playing only semi-regularly). Even If I keep our fleet, the community of familiar players to chat with would be definitely be nice. Thanks for the heads up!
    Yeah, I know what you mean. For a while, Paragon Expeditionary Fleet had maybe four regularly active members. We made pretty good progress on unlocking tier 1 of all the starbase stuff, but slowed down at tier 2. We've had an uptick in activity since the Paragon closure announcement, though, and things are moving faster. We're close to filling out tier 2 of military and science, and once we get the T2 shipyard or comm array built (I'm hoping for the shipyard first) we'll get started on the T2 starbase.

    I try not to even think about tier 3. Have you seen the requirements for those projects? I mean, good lord.
  6. Lord_Nightblade

    The Last Resort

    Originally Posted by Baler View Post
    Wow. Just...wow.
    Keep in mind that the average American will interpret the phrase "based on a true story" as "this movie is 100% true." They sure as hell ain't going to know the difference between Hollywood science and real science.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    And I know the CoX channel is cross-game, but it feels like it's mostly Champions players. Is there one that's more specific to Star Trek? I'd love to join that one and chat with you guys... Without necessarily joining fleet. I have a "thing" with in-game guilds in whatever name they take.
    For a while the CoX channel was basically the STO channel, and aside from periodic bursts of chatter (mostly complaining) it tended to be dead most of the time. At the moment there's nothing STO specific aside from the fleet chat, and while the fleet has picked up some new members, it's still pretty quiet. I suppose we could create a CoH STO channel, though, if you're absolutely dead set against joining the fleet. I know there are other CoH players who belong to other fleets, so it would be a good way to bring us together.
  8. No, wait, I see what's going on. Yeah, the old fleet was Paragon Fleet, it has since been replaced by the Paragon Expeditionary Fleet.

    We've gotten a few more active members since the CoH announcement, which is good for making progress on the fleet starbase (we're close to unlocking Tier 2). I'm hoping we'll be able to stage some fleet run events, like the Borg Special Task Forces. If anyone has tried STO and likes it, please do feel free to request an invite to PEF.
  9. Paragon Fleet still has members? Huh. A lot of us ended up leaving and forming a new one because the fleet's creator quit playing and didn't promote anyone to the top spot, so a lot of the permissions were locked.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Marcian Tobay View Post
    I would also like to know how you "screwed up a build". It's impossible to permanently make a build choice that excludes other choices. You can just go run some low level missions and apply the AP/SP to what you now wish you had.
    Originally Posted by BellaStrega View Post
    You can always branch out into other weapon trees.

    What do you mean by screwed up her build? I didn't like my pistols/blood build so I went back and filled out the assault rifle tree instead, which has worked significantly better.
    Screwed up in the sense that I'm still early in the game and I've spent a lot of ability and skill points on stuff that I'm probably not going to use, at least for a while. It took some experimenting before I landed on something that felt survivable and fun, and now I wish I could respec to put spent points into stuff that's more useful. I know it ultimately doesn't matter, but it would still be nice.

    edit: and I have been replaying missions, but I gets boring because I feel like I'm spinning my wheels and not making any forward progress on the main mission.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
    I am on the Arcadia server with an Illuminati who's nick is Thirty-VII (as an aside, Thirty-Seven and many permutations thereof were taken ).
    I feel your pain. Nightblade and Night-Blade are taken (which is hardly surprising, and is the reason I go by Lord Nightblade, even though I hate the "Lord" bit). Lord-Nightblade is one character too long (and I don't want people asking what a 'Nightblad' is), LordNightblade just looks stupid, and I refuse to use l33t.

    So I ended up going with Twilight-Blade. He's an Illuminati, but I don't really consider him my main. That would be Lithium-Lotus, even though I screwed up her build and haven't been playing her as much lately.
  12. I'm right there with you, man. I haaated the original ending to ME3. It had a lot of problems, but for me it was just so out of character for my Shepard. She'd spent the last two games spitting defiance at the Reapers and their proxies, pulling off the impossible and saving the galaxy's ***. And then she gets to the Catalyst and listens to it's spiel and then she just... rolls over and accepts the crappy, death-inducing options that the thing gives her. I hated that. I at least wanted the choice to give the Catalyst the finger and work out a fourth option that saves everyone.

    I almost couldn't bring myself to do any replays, knowing that it would feel pointless with that ending waiting (but I decided to try out a run on a Vanguard and it was so much fun I stuck with it).

    Then the Extended Cut came out, and I decided to give it another shot. Believe me, it makes the ending soooooooooo much better than it was originally. It fills in most, if not all, of the plot holes (you know how your team mates on the ground get back to the Normandy, why Joker didn't try to pick you up before he bugged out, etc.) and it provides the closure that the original ending didn't. I'm not saying it's perfect. I'm not saying that you'll think it's the greatest ending in the history of video games (or even the franchise). But it is a lot more palatable than the original ending was.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Demobot View Post
    Odd, because out of the three, its the one I enjoyed the most, ending notwithstanding. I look at comments like the one above and I wonder if maybe I'm playing an entirely different game.
    Agreed. Aside from the last 10-15 minutes (which were vastly improved by the extended cut DLC), Mass Effect 3 is a great game.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Marcian Tobay View Post
    Templars... *shudder*
    Oh just because they don't initiate you with a ****-job, everyone thinks they've all got sticks up their a**es
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Marcian Tobay View Post
    The fact that it counts resources by the person you are currently targeting was too much for me.
    All of the gun skills do that, unfortunately. My Templar does pretty well with rifle/pistols, but she can get overwhelmed under certain circumstances.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by OneFrigidWitch View Post
    Also, I want to establish a cabal. Any suggestions for a name for our cabal? Might as well all noob together.
    Well, in honor of NCSoft, why not call it Seouless Corporation?
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BellaStrega View Post
    Fist weapons in TSW are claws. You don't fight unarmed - every skill has an associated weapon type.
    To expand on that: your characters can use magic, but they need some physical thing to focus that magic and make it useful. So for fists, you get claws that allow you to channel your magic to mess **** up.

    The Templar tutorial does a good job of explaining it (better than I do, certainly).
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Pheonyx View Post
    Remember, CO came out before STO, and STO needed to look more realistic... but yes, I would love to see the STO character textures ported over to CO; then it would be MUCH closer to appearance of CoH characters (which will be the first big disconnect that a CoH player will have with CO is the character appearance); I'd rather have the realistic looking characters in a "cartoony hero world" than the current ones.

    I am checking out CO, and I have a Lifetime sub to STO, @Pheonyx there.

    Ashes to ashes,
    I know I've said this a lot, but it never ceases to amaze me that CO and STO use the same engine, even two or three years after both games launched. I guess it just goes to show what a difference the art direction of a game can make.
  19. I gave TSW a try a few weeks ago and really had fun with it, so I went ahead and got a full sub. To me, it feels a lot like how a Dresden Files MMO would feel.

    I've got a character in each faction (also on Arcadia). Play my Templar mostly, but only because I screwed up the build on my Dragon and she feels really underpowered (wish there was a way for low level characters to respec, doesn't matter so much at the higher levels but I could sure use a refund on all of the skill and ability points I spent on her).

    Not in any cabals (or whatever) at the moment. I've become more and more anti-social in MMOs and I'd like to change that, so I think I'll make an effort to find a good one at some point.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
    I'm actually STO'ing as we speak. I LOVE the carriers, though I hate that realistically the only Federation one I am going to get is level 50. I'll grind that out after my Klingon gets to 40 and I can test a two-hanger carrier. Single hanger carriers are all sorts of fun though.
    Yeah, the subject of Fed carriers is... well, to say it's 'contentious' would be akin to saying that the atmosphere of Venus is unpleasant. There was such a **** storm on the forums when they brought up the idea of a Catian carrier for the Federation (and I kept thinking that it was a joke that people were taking too seriously, because Catians are cat people and they were going to have a carrier, so it would be, you know, a cat carrier...). Something to keep in mind for the Admiral level carriers is that their turn radius is roughly equivalent to the orbit of Jupiter, so if you prefer something that can maneuver you should give the Armitage heavy escort carrier a try. Only one hangar bay, but it's got the firepower and maneuverability of an escort.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Errand_Runner View Post
    Also, join the chat channel COX to chat with us fellow refugees.
    And fellow CoXers in Star Trek Online! Yay, STO!

    Ok, so getting more of you in STO is a lost cause. But a man can dream!

    It is nice seeing some chatter in the CoX channel, though. And I should probably appoint some CO side admins at some point. Hmm...
  22. One of my favorite memories was the first time my DB/elec brute went up against Malta. Elec armor was my first real experience with a resistance set, up until then I preferred defense, especially SR.

    Now, to an SR scrapper, even one who isn't IOed to the gills and min/maxed to hell and back, Sappers are no big thing. While everyone else on the team is freaking out, you're just thinking, "What's with the blue energy beam stuff that keeps missing me?"

    So here I am, fighting Malta with my DB/elec brute for the very first time. Things are going smoothly so far, and then I see the Sapper in the next spawn. My first instinct is to brush him off, but then I remember that I'm running resistance, not defense. I paused, considered the ramifications of the situation, and resigned myself to burning through some CaBs to potentially stave off death, assuming Conserve Power did nothing to help mitigate the problems caused by the endurance I was sure to lose (this was not long after /elec was first released).

    I steel myself, target the Sapper first, and jump in. Sure enough, first thing he hits me with is his Sapper Overload attack. I keep attacking, but spare a glance at my endurance bar and find that... Holy crap, it's still full! And then it hits me: Static Shield has end drain resistance. I never really tested it before, so I didn't know how good the end drain resistance was. But apparently it's good enough to let me take a full on hit from a Sapper and shrug it off like a Gorn taking a punch from Kirk.

    And then I smiled an evil little smile, and laughed an evil little laugh.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Twisted Toon View Post
    Night club, sports club, or dance club?
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BlueBattler View Post
    So I bought The Secret World today. Love the premise, the graphics of the game are okay, but the default character looks and movements are kinda blah.
    I bought Secret World a few weeks ago. I'm enjoying it a lot. I'm not usually into horror-type settings, but Secret World feels a lot like a Dresden Files MMO, so I'm really digging it.

    Originally Posted by Oathbound View Post
    IMO, I mean... there isn't even a shirtless option for the guys, despite the fact that for part of the Illuminati intro video you are shirtless so the model/texture does exist.
    Not just the Illuminati intro. In every male character intro, you see your character shirtless in bed. Pretty ripped for an average guy, too. It's weird that there's no option for men to go shirtless, especially considering that female characters can do so (wearing various bras or bikini tops, but still shirtless).
    Originally Posted by BellaStrega View Post
    You go to New York for the plastic surgeon (it stands out a bit) and to London for the barber (Ockham's Razor), although the latter is tucked a bit into a corner and I forget where.
    Barber's right outside the London Agartha entrance, I think.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Twisted Toon View Post
    I thought it was humorous.

    But then, I think jokes like "a Dyslexic man walked into a bra" are funny too.

    What can I say. I'm weird.
    So a baby seal runs into a club...