1661 -
Huh did you even read your reply
"to awnser your question, there's nothing wrong with it until you've posted it on every leaving thread "
so if i post "good bye" or words to that effect on every leaving thread im no better?
hows about you how many times have you posted in leaving threads with a good bye message? should we consider you a troll?
Its like your saying "people who speed should be banned from driveing" while you your self are doing 40mph in a 30mph area.
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Not quite, he dont post a 1 liner in every thread on the bloody forum, so hes doing 32 in a 30 zone, and she's doing 95 in it.
But who gives a [censored], this forum aint long for this world and once we merge no one will notice it anyway, if she aint still banned over there that is. -
More people equals more idiots, but it still also leaves more sensible people.
Roll on and merge the servers.
I dont care what anyone says, 100 people on a server after a new issue, at peak time is not a healthy population. -
Basically all hero TFs are flawed in design compared to the rest of the content. There's many reasons I stick to the villain side, but all that travel, and it was designed pre-ouro, pre-base as well.
It wouldn't need much attention to fix the worst parts of'em, cut down on travel. of course they'd have to put something else in the zones for us to appreciate them!
Major design flaw in the game: The zones are just there to make the travel between missions more annoying.
then again: I'd still rather see some major NEW *villain* content, than these [censored] hero TFs fixed!
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They dont need fixing, they just need the repetative [censored] taking out.
Who honestly wants 12 kill alls, all the same in a TF? Whats the point? Just remove half of them and adjust the merits accordingly.
Talking of merits, we did a bugged statesmans tf friday, had to have the last mission completed by a GM.
Lo and behold no badge for those that didnt have it, no merits for anyone.
Several petitions later we get told merits cant be awarded after a tf, another crock of [censored] gem from customer service. -
Wasn't that bad LONDONER... most of us managed to keep our sanity almost up to the end. Well, I say most of us since some had none to begin with, but I digress.
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You kept us going with the carrots! -
Just had the dubious pleasure of doing Positrons TF after a long time, i had forgotten what a dire, boring piece of [censored] that is.
Those old hero TF's really do need something doing to them. -
In order to combat PLing and farming further, how about a mandatory arc?
Of course there are already tailor/cape/aura missions, but these are not mandatory. But I was thinking more along the lines of an arc or mission that must be completed in order to attain a certain level. This would ensure that players have to experience some of the game outside of MA.
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The best ways to combat any perceived PLing/farming within MA are:
[*] Run your own non-MA teams.
If the game is still good outside MA then you'll gain converts by showing them the good time and fun that's to be had.
[*] New and absorbing/exciting/unusual dev-content at a variety of levels.
If there's much more fun/exciting things to do outside MA then even the long-timers who just want to blitz a few levels may be more inclined to play the dev-content than any MA farm.
Any limits/penalties/mandatory arcs imposed upon players aren't going to make someone who wants to play MA farms stop playing them - they'll just annoy them and act as an irritant that could help drive them from the game.
Fine if that's your objective - but if it's to get more players experiencing non-MA content you're better running teams doing non-MA content. Or if it's just to avoid players doing nothing but MA farms run your own MA teams that don't do farms.
Enough people object to this perceived problem that I'm fairly sure you'd have a succesful team going before long. Invite a few newbies and have a fun time and that'll do more good than any amount of upset and suggestions on the forums.
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Top post, i agree with all that JD. -
Just drop the following from the MA:
1. Inf. / Prestige (It is a training simulator)
2. Salvage / Recipe Drops (Players get MA tickets)
Additionally they could limit the MA to a maximum gain of five levels, prior to gaining at least one in the city/missions. (This would only allow an additional single level in the MA though.)
Example for the above:
Level 16 player enters AE
Trains up to level 21 (AE count +5)
Has to go and play the normal game for at least one level... 22 (AE count now +4)
Now they can either:
a. Gain four more levels outside the MA (AE count 0)
b. Gain another level via the MA (AE count +5)
Capping the AE count won't stop them playing in the MA but would stop them gaining any Exp from it.
This way a player can still reach Level 50 in the MA, but they are persuaded to partake of the real game too.
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Then what happens to the poor sods that already have 20 level 50s and just want to level a char up quick to see what its like?
The ones who REALLY are sick of the same content getting replayed for the 1000th time?
I honestly think when a game reaches this age a liberal look at things is needed, not a plan to alienate players.
What they want to do is hang on to what they got, not worry about huge numbers of new players, because there aint going to be any huge numbers of new players.
And it will at least keep the MA in use instead of it becoming another waste of time dead zone, which will happen if too many more restrictions get put on it. -
I think people should be able to play how they want end of.
But even from my pro farming point of view, it has to be said why on earth did they create a mechanic that lets 7 low levels be sk'd into xp range, did anyone really see any other outcome, devs included?
Just change that, then the precious MA will be where the purists want, empty of farmers, in fact empty full stop.
You dont need complicated long winded schemes to stop farming and PL'ing, you just need to remove the auto sk. -
I think they should just put another £1 a month on the subs and be done with it, get some extra reddies in that way.
Wooo for the whiners, go cry me a river.
So what if someone buys additional 5 slots, so what he puts up 8 farm-missions, would it totaly ruin your gameplay? Or would it be equaly for him to use 2 or 3 accounts to get 6-9 farm-missions up?
Its time of crisis, every dollar is a good one and this is a nice way of getting a few extra bucks while pleasing a bunch of people in the game.
Its like you are 'forced' to buy them, you have no choice but to get them else you would be a gimped character or people will laugh at you.
Just like those wow-kiddies that never seen any other MMO, some people here never heard of micro-transactions. Dont like it? Dont buy it. Dont want it? Unsub.
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I was being sarcastic about farmers and slots, i dont give a [censored] what they sell.
The sooner they make lvl 1-25 £2.99 to save me grinding it in 10 mins in a MA farm the better.
That was sarcasm too Synergy. -
Result, people can list more farms.
Look at the US, where players can even get deleted characters restored!
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Quick get the worms back into the can!!!!
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Dont make me get started on that again, now that was a REAL experiment
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Exactly, so you of all people know full well that the US operate under different rules to us. What's a "no no" here is often a "yes yes" over there.
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Yea your right. -
Look at the US, where players can even get deleted characters restored!
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Quick get the worms back into the can!!!!
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Dont make me get started on that again, now that was a REAL experiment -
Power customization (assumed but come on... what more do you need?)
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Does nothing for a lot of people, its nothing new to do.
GR - several zones and potentially more content than you could shake a stick at?
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Sooner the better, it's all that is keeping a lot of people i know playing.
Large graphics update
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Im all for this but it means jack [censored] to a lot of people that havent got the PC for it.
Also over the years all the "soon" and "big things" have eroded peoples enthusiasm. -
I guess that would be the difference if he tried that stuff in EU then.
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I think had he done it here you and your mates would have killed him enough to sicken him of his experiment
Also i dont doubt for a minute he was regularly removed from the zone by the US pvp'ers, its just saying he was wiped the floor with didnt fit in with his rubbish report.
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But wouldn't they have posted screenshots and logs for it on the forum? If he became that unpopular, surely there'd have been a lot of PvPers seeing it as a challenge to take him down, and then share their victory with everyone on the forum?
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Dont know go and ask them.
Some people put more effort into being a [censored] than others. -
I guess that would be the difference if he tried that stuff in EU then.
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I think had he done it here you and your mates would have killed him enough to sicken him of his experiment
Also i dont doubt for a minute he was regularly removed from the zone by the US pvp'ers, its just saying he was wiped the floor with didnt fit in with his rubbish report. -
I think your all missing the point of the article itself, he set out to see real life social preconceptions and obligations by studying it in an environment where you are not required to abide by those rules in the first place to achieve the goal. Because after all City of Heroes is a game, the purpose of which is to win, all he did was follow the rules ignoring social obligations to see how social groups react and as he put it Maintain order and the social balance
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Dont know about everyone else but i understood it, it was just a complete waste of time wasnt it.
What did he think peoples reaction was going to be? It didnt need a so called study to know that.
Yes its not prohibited by the game therefore no rules against it ergo allowed. The rule however is created by the social structure of the game community which i believe is where he wanted to study
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Actually it is prohibited by the rules and can be construed as griefing, Xanthus got a ban for droning as did someone else who's name escapes me now. -
You do know there is an ignore feature on this forum, don't you?
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Using the ignore function just gets you page after page of her blanked out rubbish, it dosent make the threads any easier to read.
Anyway good luck Carpenter. -
He acted that way to get the response he wanted to write the article he wanted to write.
Either that or he's a complete idiot that dosent realise that acting like a [censored] gets you treated like one.
The whole thing was a waste of time the way he conducted it because its not representative of how a normal person would find an online comunity. -
It was admitted by Lighthouse (US Board Mod) that the changes were NOT for PvPers
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That's not quite correct - he said it wasn't expected to appeal to the current PvPers - the idea was to make PvP more accessable to newer players, so this meant reducing the ability to be uba leet
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And the idea failed miserably.
Anyway why nit pick, what Stalky said is basically right. -
Not true in my experience, only once have support taken so long to reply in game before I've given up and logged. All the other times (prolley about a dozen) I've been graced by a most helpful GM within 15 mins.
As for bugs though I send as much detail as possible with in the initial character space then forget about it. Luckily I've not had any account/billing issues to resolve to date.
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In game problems are easy, wait till you get a reply in french, then say you dont speak french, and get another french reply.
Or a problem closed.... 5 times without a result.
Or a reply nothing to do with your problem, which then needs 5 back and forths saying the same thing.
Or a billing issue not resolved 3 weeks in.
Lets have it right, finding a glowie in a timely manner for you is not a great feat. (and yet often dosent happen, though they seem better than they were at that)
Its bigger problems this lot need to address. -
Double XP only in the Shadow Shards, Boomtown and DA!
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I did one of those Shadow Shards TF's the other day, i had forgetten just how bad they are.
That zone needs 8 x xp. -
I would honestly like to know how dedicated the developers are in correcting this as there are many factors that could make CoX one of the leading PvE AND PvP games.
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I think it was Jabbatron who said he was very happy with PvP the way it is now, shame the people who pay to play it dont think so.
Still as long as he's happy... -
Back to the other bloke who nicked the money, all i can say is things are cheap in his part of the world if 3 grand sorted his housing and health care problems.
Why didnt he just say i nicked it cos thats the sort of [censored] i am instead of making up that rubbish, at least you could appreciate that. -
What did he bother for just for 3k, after the amount of time he spent playing it you wouldnt have thought it was worth it to him for such a small sum.