on line thievery hits EVE
Good report that apart from the last bit. The Band of Brothers [BoB] were/are an Alliance not a Corporation. I was in Black Nova Corp who were/are members of BoB until Haarg went Emo.
Perma AFK from Eve now, not got the time anymore
though the amount is quite big i doubt its the first time anyone turned stolen ISK into RL cash
never been much for the whole isk selling thing but as a former old school pirate [Snigg] i have to admit i find the ingame theft part impressive
Don't know about stolen ISK being turned into cash but I do know someone who was making quite a respectful living off EVE... though it was a 9-5 job for her.
What did he bother for just for 3k, after the amount of time he spent playing it you wouldnt have thought it was worth it to him for such a small sum.
So a bunch of gamers got scammed in game. In his defense, scamming is NOT cheating in games, and is allowed in every MMO i've ever played.
GMs do not intervene with scam issues, or give players their stolen equips/items back. This guy probably spent ages working his way into a position of authority, then he took advantage of it and took tons and made a profit.
I salute him, i probably wouldn't have sold the money for real life currency, because in my country (England) healthcare is free, unless privte.
Still, well done to the man!
Sure, scamnming happens a lot in MMO's, but EVE seems to actively encourage people to be complete jerks.
Take the other night, for example. I was minding my own business, getting some jetcan mining done, when a complete jerk flies up to me and blatantly empties my can! He didn't even wait till I went to get my hauler to unload it.. He emptied it whilst I was still mining!
Being a newb to EVE, I of course retaliated, and a few seconds later I was in my pod. The jerk, however, then decided to put all the stuff he'd stolen into a can of his own, and left. Clearly, his entire point was to provoke me into shooting him just so he could kill me. He had no interest in my rocks, or the gear on my ship; he just wanted to kill me.
A classic example of a jerk, IMO; and activity that EVE seems to actually encourage. Maybe this should be their next Ad...
"Are you a jerk? Do you like to infuriate complete strangers and ruin their day? Does it give you satisfaction to cost people a lot of their hard earned resources and aggravate them so much that they quit? Then come to EVE Online! Where not only do you get to be as big a jerk as you like, but we'll actually REWARD you for being one!"
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
EvE is all about knowing the game mechanics enough to know not to shoot him as far as ore stealing goes it can be prevented fully with in game mechanics just like corp theft
also i'd like to mention that playing the pirate role in EvE the Reward was never all that impressive though being -9.x sec rating i never had much use for highsec so what do i know ore thieves might be billionaire's
What did he bother for just for 3k, after the amount of time he spent playing it you wouldnt have thought it was worth it to him for such a small sum.
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Word up! Get a real job tbh.
EvE is all about knowing the game mechanics enough to know not to shoot him as far as ore stealing goes it can be prevented fully with in game mechanics just like corp theft
also i'd like to mention that playing the pirate role in EvE the Reward was never all that impressive though being -9.x sec rating i never had much use for highsec so what do i know ore thieves might be billionaire's
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Which isn't terribly useful to newbies. Plus, I was in 0.8 space, so can't actually use a secure can, can I? He was just being a jerk, pure and simple, really.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Back to the other bloke who nicked the money, all i can say is things are cheap in his part of the world if 3 grand sorted his housing and health care problems.
Why didnt he just say i nicked it cos thats the sort of [censored] i am instead of making up that rubbish, at least you could appreciate that.
This is the sort of things that makes me follow Eve at a very far distance. It makes me laugh, and although quite interested in trying out the game, it also of course makes me stay away from it....
That and the reputation of it being a pimped up, rediculously complicated excel spreadsheet that you have to invest a LOT of time in. Oh, and the fact that a few groups totally dominate the world and that you can in fact loose everything, and everyone's got 3 years advantage over me, and...
...but it looks pretty, doesn't it?
Oh, and good job nickin' that ISK anyway, even if he didn't make that much out of it. In a game like that, that's the only way to go - hope he get's a real life now!
Remember the epic scam tale. God that made me laugh!
I flew as Amy Reynolds (minmatar) and Commissioner Servalan (caldari) for about four months... And yes, it's pretty, but the sheer amount of l33t tech'd gate trolls operating with impunity even in highsec really means that n00bs and casual players are wasting their time and ISKies. Unless they arm up the high sec sys gates with some serious, LONG RANGE weaponry, it's hard for your average black market beagle smuggler to turn an honest(ish) crust.
Is it time for the dance of joy yet?

That news about Ricdic and EBank is several weeks old.
There are dozens of trust funds in EVE Online and each could end up the same way as EBank. Just grind out some virtual honor and respect, you too could be in control of billions of Isk and have the same options as Ricdic.
Corp thefts, trust fund thefts, scams, market manipulations - they all happen so often in EVE it's almost not newsworthy any more. But I guess CCP takes some delight from the advertising and new subscribers.
What happened to Band of Brothers alliance was a mixture of complacency (they allowed irrelevant people to have access to controls that could disband the alliance) and bad game mechanics (no vote to disband an alliance just one click).
Well, if anything it's keeping me AWAY from the game, so even if it's free advertizing I'm not sure it's good for them.
Thing is, it's NOT the real world. You can grab the loot, sell it for real world money and stop existing in the game world, while if you do something like this in the real world you'll have to face the consequences.
My point being: It's rather serious when a game's main selling point is: We allow you to cheat, scam, whatever.
btw - in China there's actually a law against virtual theft nowadays (someone stole someone's sword and someone found the dude IRL and snubbed him for doing it apparently).
...but oh, how I'd love to see a good space MMO.
...but oh, how I'd love to see a good space MMO.
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Reasonably excited about Star Trek Online now... Concepts seem good, basic art and mechanics seem good, the Genesis infinite universe creation idea is interesting...
Is it time for the dance of joy yet?

...but oh, how I'd love to see a good space MMO.
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Reasonably excited about Star Trek Online now... Concepts seem good, basic art and mechanics seem good, the Genesis infinite universe creation idea is interesting...
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Um.. Might give it a go, but so far, only the Raven titles has been good within the ST franchise. Admittedly I liked Away team although I'm man enough to admit it really was paaants.
btw - in China there's actually a law against virtual theft nowadays (someone stole someone's sword and someone found the dude IRL and snubbed him for doing it apparently).
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Haha if thats true then people these days really do need help!!!
@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
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