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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
    Master Of badges are based on completing the TF with no temp powers and no defeats. There is no "no failed missions" challenge option for TFs, so it can't be required.
    You know, I already had little respect for "Master of" badges after that time period where TF difficulty was bugged and resulted in all the AVs never spawning above level 49 in level 50 TFs, including the STF and LRSF, for a month or so before it was fixed. Hearing this nonsense now makes the "Master of" badge even more of a joke for the LGTF.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
    Penny can also be killed. She's a combatant. That's what's been done on the two MoLGTF runs I've been on: send a Scrapper or Brute to free Penny and then let her get killed while the rest of the team waits at the door. Apparently relying on the Tank/Brute to eat a couple of purples so they don't get killed by the CWK is too risky or something.
    Wait a minute, are you saying that you can deliberately fail missions and still get the "Master of" badge for the LGTF? That right there is just flat out wrong!

    Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
    While we're on the subject of TFs and getting people to run them, reduce the number of people needed to start them. There is no reason any of the heroside TFs below level 40 should require more than four people to start. TFs over 40 shouldn't require more than six. If I and a few of my friends decide we want to run a TF, we shouldn't be standing around for half an hour spamming global channels to try to convince more people to join us because of some arbitrary number the devs decided was needed six years ago.
    Very much agreed. The ITF doesn't need 6 people and honestly the LGTF is not much more difficult. While I could see a poorly build team of 6 having trouble taking down Weakened Hamidon, honestly a poorly built team of 8 is not likely to do much better just because they have two more warm bodies present. The only TFs I can really see needing 8 people are the LRSF and STF, but those are designed to be the toughest TFs in the game anyway.

    While we're on the topic of TFs, the Shard TFs need a lot less running back to Paragon City, for any reason. Especially now that Rogues can run them as well and won't have access to the SG telepads that hero players might have nor hero version of oroborous.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
    Actually, I think Posi stated that parts of the old Prae arcs did happen, and that the new updated ones are sort of another stab at invading or something, I guess. But GR isn't pre-any issue.
    All of the CoH content in general operates on comic book time and is somewhat fluid. You'll notice that aside after the first Rikti invasion in 2002 pretty much no exact dates are given in game.
  4. I haven't bought an ATi card in a decade now (the integrated one in my laptop doesn't count) so I couldn't care less really. I always hated their driver support back then and in computers I've had to fix on the job since.
  5. Holy crap, they considered Kevin Peter Hall for either Data or Geordi?
  6. Every blueside hazard zone needs to get the Striga treatment, just don't make the arcs so damn long. On that note, some of the Striga arcs need to be trimmed down as well, there is a lot of fluff in some of them.

    Perez Park needs to become a viable alternative to the Hollows again. Maybe the Hydra can get some low level arcs dealing with them.

    Boomtown should actually have some reconstruction efforts going on in it like that one villain mission shows. Also it could have 5th Column looking for where Reichsman has been hidden or something.

    Dark Astoria needs some contacts and arcs dealing with the supernatural threats inside the zone. I would also like to see the ranks of the Banished Pantheon expanded a bit and for them to have a trial set under Moth Cemetery where we stop them from awakening The Sleeper.

    I have no ideas at the moment for Eden or Crey's Folly. At least Eden has a trial in it already.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    Everything blueside. I'm not kidding. Take every damn contact and every damn zone and overhaul them. Give some cohesion between contacts. Give each zone and overlying plot, like the Hollows and Faultline have. So, for Kings Row it has you digging into the Skulls backstory and their drug pushing and black magic. Talos sees you going up against the Warrios and the Freakshow as they try to out-duke each other. Independence Port sees you crack down on the drug and weapon smuggling war between the Tsoo and the Family, maybe even link in the Council and such, which could then in turn lead logically to Striga Isles.

    The old content is so. Damn. Old and Rusted, its painful. The storyline is bogged down under terrible mission layouy, boring defeat alls and hunts, multi-zone hops and hop backs, before they even give you a damn cellphone number....painful, boring, not fun.

    Cohesion and revamp is worth two new zones. Period.
    I'd say that such a revamp is worth a lot more than two new zones. It will be a big boon for veterans running new characters and new players won't be wondering why there is such a discrepancy in the quality of blueside missions.

    Originally Posted by Organica View Post
    Synapse is in worse shape than Citadel and Manticore. Citadel and Manticore can be faulted as boring, but you can do them inside an hour. Synapse, however, suffers from much of what the old Positron TF suffered from -- a massive slog through multiple defeat alls with relatively low-level heroes. It's the longest of the current Phalanx TFs. It does end with a bang, I'll give it that, but I don't think having a unique last map and two big fights at the end make up for the rest of the TF.

    The Shadow Shard TFs are, of course, the most desperately abysmal TFs out there, but Synapse is a TF that nearly everyone in the game can do. In a perfect world, they'd all get an overhaul, of course. ^_^
    Every pre-issue 5 blueside TF (except Posi now) needs to be looked over and have the redundant missions removed. Each of them is at least twice as long as it needs to be.

    Originally Posted by Kelenar View Post
    I'm told the phone number thing is fixed, and hero contacts are supposed to give it out after the first mission or two. But I haven't touched i0 hero contact missions in years, so I can't personally vouch for it. Otherwise, yes, I generally agree. More specifically, though...
    They did fix the lower level contacts but forgot to do the ones from level 30 and upwards until issue 17. Now they should all give their number within 2 missions.

    Originally Posted by Kelenar View Post
    But I'm apparently the only person who doesn't think Croatoa as-is is the bee's knees.
    I just hate Redcaps. Hate hate hate!

    Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
    I dunno, doesn't Scirocco's arc kind of involve you stopping him from basically making every villain in the world good? And giving GW her body back? I don't think you could just work with him on that and then play it off as actually happening. Scirocco would have to be stopped somehow. >.>
    Scirocco had to be stopped, he was going to rewrite all of reality to suit himself! After seeing what he did to Ice Mystral only a fool would think that they were not going to get the same treatment next.

    Originally Posted by Golden_Avariel View Post
    Anything that does the same mission twice or more in a row (e.g. Unai & Citadel) or does more than one street hunt in the entire arc.
    Yes, please yes. One that comes to mind is the Countess Crey arc, which has a part with three large identical click the glowie missions set in three different zones rather than just one mission with three computers in it.

    Originally Posted by Golden_Avariel View Post
    All of the random mission street hunts should be dropped - it feels too much like your contact is busy and throws it out for the pesky hero to do to get you off their back. Replace them with real missions. None of the villain contacts (that I'm aware of) do this. I've seen hero contacts, especially the ones in IP, give out 3 or 4 of these in a row.
    Diviner Maros does mock this in his arc. He mentions about how he should send you out to gather information and all that, but instead uses his ability to see the timeline to figure out where you need to go next.

    As for a TF I want to see reworked at bit, it's the LGTF.
    • Fix it so that Team Recall no longer can teleport Penny Yin. It's a really cheap exploit.
    • Allow Infernia and Glacia to walk while they talk, and fix it so that they spawn at the same time like they used to.
    • Either remove the need to escort Infernia and Glacia, making them regular allies, or allow them to escape on their own so that them dieing does not fail the mission.

    Yes, I'm asking the Devs to kill many of the tricks speed runners use. Maybe then we can get more decent TF teams than people who just expect to stealth everything, plus a possible increase to the amount of merits that the LGTF awards.

    Here is the rules I would like to lay down for all new arcs and old arc revamps.
    • Arcs should be a minimum of 3 missions long. Most should be a maximum of 5 missions long. A few special arcs may be a maximum of 7 missions long. 8 missions is much too long. 10 missions is right out!
    • No mission on anything larger than a tiny or small sized map may be a kill-all.
    • A single escort to the door is allowed. If there is more than one captive, make them a regular self-escaping captive.
    • No hunt missions in the middle of arcs!
    • If a mission requires me to talk to another contact and I already have their phone number, allow me to just call them! (Praetoria has this so we know it can be done.)
  8. Lazarus

    The Lazarus Arcs

    Changes made to "The Portal Bandits":
    * Doc Kryten and the Lab Computer are no longer required objectives in mission 1. It is too easy to miss them and everybody hates forced-backtracking.
    * Reduced the size of the ambush squad waiting at the front door during the escape from mission 2. Sometimes they just spawned too many critters.
    * Reduced the number of enemies guarding Anna and Iron Samurai in mission 5. The room was already pretty crowded.
    * Fixed Naga Obscura's spawn so it isn't made up of stealthed enemies. I don't know when the hell the game rolled back the arc, this was fixed already!
    * Reduced the size of Naga Obscura's spawn and ambush.
    * Placed a Nagan Bontanist in mission 4.
    * Fixed several glowie locations in mission 4, somehow they reverted to "any".
  9. I noticed it myself the other night. /bug it.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
    You would think that an issue that was supposed to have hints of endgame content which was later pulled out would throw people who like to play 50s a bone and at least have more missions in the 40-50 range.

    Furthermore: there aren't any heroic 40-50 tips that are CoT. There's one with some CoT in it but it's mostly Longbow. There aren't any heroic 40-50 tips that are Crey. Lots of Carnies though, usually with two MIs guarding all the hostages even on sane difficulties. Most disappointing of all, there is only one heroic 40-50 tip that is 5th Column, and it's the one with stupid invisible Maelstrom and it uses chained objectives in the 5th base map which usually means backtracking.

    I want more Heroic tip missions with 5th. Because nothing is more heroic than punching, stabbing, shooting, and kicking Nazis. Also, whoever decided it would be a good idea to have a combat escort in a Knives of Artemis mission should have their entire house carpeted in caltrops.
    That's odd cause there are a lot of CoT and 5th Column in the level 40-50 and 30-40 rogue tips. I can only think of 1 Carnie rogue tip in the 40-50 range as well.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Camper View Post
    When was the last time the devs even came close to making 150 missions in an issue?
    Issue 6.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by M_I_Abrahms View Post
    I will say this: the new Shock Treatment scares me. First time I fought her was on my WP/SS tank, with Stamina, and she floored my End LONG before I could defeat her. Second try, I was able to get her to hit her tier 9 before End hit 0 and I hit the floor.
    I just fought Silent Blade in the level 50 hero morality (really dumb mission by the way) and to my chagrin she not only had Divine Avalance for extra melee defense but also had the ninjitsu version of Elude. This meant that once she popped it she was untouchable for three minutes, during which I might as well just leave the mission and go have a sandwich while I wait for it to wear off.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SilverAgeFan View Post
    Love her and a lot of the newly deepened characters in the tip and morality missions. The writers FINALLY got the notion of SUPPORTING characters right this time around! No more playing second fiddle to mister king spider. Makes me feel like my character or team are the star of this comic book!
    Or at least that we're officially 2nd-tier now that we have all these jokers below us.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tangler View Post
    I noticed that in one of the Praetorian missions that has you entering the mind of a Seer, it uses the Johnny's Hell map much to a similar effect to one my own arcs that I submitted for the challenge too.
    Hell, why don't they just make that a recurring contest. "Write us some good tips, the winners get their missions entered into the CoH canon."
  15. Lazarus

    The Lazarus Arcs

    Changes made to "A Fistful of Suziku":
    * Fixed numerous grammar and spelling errors.
    * Added two more Nagan Automatons to mission 1.
    * Added a few more Nemesis spawns to mission 3, it was too underpopulated.
    * Added Critical Mass as an optional ally to mission 4.
    * Added a couple more details to mission 5.
    * Added keywords to the arc.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lurker Hunter View Post
    It's funny, as much as I run into Blast Furnace I'd rather team up/fight him 5 times in a day than either of those "Signature Characters" once.
    Well Blasty is actually fun to fight and has character. Des is bland and can send your resistance, recharge, and tohit to the floor if you're unlucky enough to run into her after she has already summoned her demons.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Noxilicious View Post
    For me, personally, it's Overdrive being a constant thorn in side whenever I'm trying to burn down an orphanage or taint the water supply of a homeless shelter. She's that perfect little goody-two-shoes Hero that fails to see the big picture.

    ...what? How burning down orphanages fits into the big picture? You wouldn't even be able to begin to understand, so why should I bother explaining it?
    Reducing overpopulation?

    I remember a weird villain group in a comic once whose operations involved building orphanages, digging wells, distributing vaccines, etc. Their long-term goal was to make overpopulation worse and therefore bring on World War III in some way.

    Originally Posted by Noxilicious View Post
    Incidentally, it amuses me how Maelstrom and Desdemona feature on everything Going Rogue-related, even have huge biographies on the GR website, but in-game they are little more than just two members of the Rogues Gallery. Not just that, they're probably the least interesting Rogues Gallery characters, overshadowed by all the others.
    I've gotten so sick of Desdemona, she's annoying as an ally too and I just skip past her whenever she shows up in a mission if there is an optional objective to free her. If she didn't have a badge (which probably is the reason she shows up so damn much) she'd be totally worthless in my opinion. Her character is very bland as well.

    When I finally ran into Maelstrom it was that tip where you have to talk to him first. Well he was all alone in a room and INVISIBLE so I nearly ran right past him. He then acted all high and mighty and pulled a ninja vanish when I kicked the crap out of him in seconds. He just strikes me as an annoying marty stu character.

    Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
    I had that thought at one point, then I realized a couple things:

    1) I'm the tip farmer; the problem is with my playstyle. I've only done hero tips, making it worse.
    2) There's no way they could avoid the problem- if they put in three hundred missions instead of 150, I'd be taking TWO weeks to be like "Sigh. Invert the Tesseract again."
    3) I'd rather have fewer, better missions. Which I think they've provided me. (Freaklympics good, radio missions bad.)
    I do wonder why we don't have more tip missions. The thing is, not all of them are made equal: I've seen quite a few that were simple and little more than paper missions, I wonder why the Devs couldn't churn out more of those. A larger amount of simple missions in the tip pool would spread out the more complex missions, making them stand out more while also feeling less repetitive.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
    Just read in another thread that Smurphy is taking a break due to burnout.
    Would have been nice for him to announce that here so everyone would know to stop waiting.
  19. I still want some jetpack costume pieces, dammit. Not everyone wants to wear wings or rocketboots.
  20. The ticket cap varies per map size. 1500 tickets is the maximum possible for the biggest maps.
  21. Let's please keep discussion of the Designated Helper in this thread.

    Without more info on the setup of your allies there is little we can do to help. I can tell you though that I have tested the Designated Helper with as many as 10 allies in a single mission without seeing what you're reporting.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BlueBattler View Post
    Given that every Praetorian Toon has a major mission they have to solo, it doesn't surprise me the support toons have more attacks at low levels than buffs.
    Yeah Praetoria seems like the last place anyone would want to roll a buffbot character.
  23. You can't do that, yet.

    The stuff in Praetorian and Tip missions is still new technology, it won't show up in AE before they work the last of the kinks out.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The_Cheshire_Cat View Post
    As a general rule, I find that Illusion control is almost never justified - it's just way too much of a pain in the *** on MA mobs.
    Fire Control as well. Most of the powers are just aggravating to players and that damn Smoke power has way too short of a recharge.

    In fact, Hold powers in general should have their recharge times greatly extended for AE critters. I've stopped putting hold powers on anything lower than a boss as LTs and Minions can spam and stack them very quickly, unlike non-custom critters.

    Originally Posted by The_Cheshire_Cat View Post
    Other powers to avoid are things like elec armour or fire aura - not because they're overpowered or anything, but because they have incredibly high resistance to specific damage types (energy and fire, respectively), which can screw any powerset combo that relies on them. Certain powers are always going to be more difficult to deal with for some people than they are for others, but it's best to avoid the ones that will completely invalidate a particular set.
    Not so much Electric Armor, as it's protection is spread over 4 powers. You can make a Electric Armor critter who doesn't have max Energy resistance but still has things like Knockback resistance without having Hold resistance.

    Meanwhile Fire Aura has it's protection in only 3 powers, and both of the toggles have some type of mezz protection as well.

    Originally Posted by Zamuel View Post
    I'm curious, what snipes were even available?
    Very, very few.

    Radiation Blast: Proton Volley
    Electricity Assault: Zapp
    Energy Assault: Sniper Blast
    Fiery Assault: Blazing Bolt

    And that's it.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BBQ_Pork View Post
    What about badges? Badges entice players into doing all sorts of stuff that they normally wouldn't.
    "Played 20 different arcs", "Played 100 different arcs" "Played 250".
    Repeating the same ones wouldn't counts, so start hitting that random button!
    We had that when AE launched and unfortunately it only drove the farming boom since people made arcs specially for gathering the badges as quickly as possible. Most of the badges were gone come issue 15.