2387 -
So that's why the four-months that "The Amulet of J'gara" sat on page 4 came to an end, apparently it was Fred's turn.
I always wait for the "Arc has been republished" message to appear, and then hit Search 2 or 3 times, before opening it up for editing again or hitting play.
The closest you could get is using the Johnny Hell map. Have the first encounter in the front spawn nearest the door, the next in the middle spawn in the tunnel and the rest using the back spawns in the main room.
It had a lot of seriously broken spawn points, like glowies floating in the air or buried beneath the ground.
Changes made to "Breaking the Barrier (And Putting it Back Together)":
* Replaced all Aeon Clone Elite Bosses with look-a-like custom Bosses. The EB parade was getting annoying and most of them are pretty damn overpowered really. Plus this lets me add some more clones with more interesting powers.
* Fixed the third mission so that the map is not so overcrowded with enemies. Damn buggy Tech Lab maps.
* Replaced the map in mission 5 with a Longbow Tech map.
* Reduced spawn congestion in mission 5 as well.
* Reduced the number of scientists to rescue in mission 5.
* Added 2 more Aeon clone bosses to mission 5.
* Added extra dialog to all allies.
* Added mission success popup dialog to all missions.
* Added missing mission entry popup dialog to mission 4.
* Reduced the minimum level of all missions to 40. -
I'd rather that rather than using the all-or-nothing Mezz Protect power from Defensive/Resistance secondaries we could instead have an extra pool on the first screen under the "Fly/No Fly" menu that lets us pick specific mezz resistances. For example: it'd be nice if I could give my entire group a low resistance (like mag 3-4) against Fear like Nemesis troops have.
If anything I just want to be able to give some Knockback resistance to critters without having to make them nigh-immune to Holds at the same time and such. So far the only set that lets you do that is Electric Armor as the knockback/immobilize protection is in Grounded instead of Static Shield. -
Even longer if you count in cooldown time. A person can re-rate an arc and give the author tickets only, what, every 3-4 days? Even if it increased the total number of rates, that'd still be a long time for a small number of people to try and drive a single arc up to HoF.
Quote:1000 times, unless we're assuming that the author has 10+ friends who are each willing to play it 100 times. Or play it 1000 times himself.But if a HoF arc isn't good it won't keep its HoF status for very long. Other people will give it the ratings it deserves and it will drop out of HoF quickly.
I also think you overestimate the number of people willing to play an arc 100 times, no matter how short it is. -
It's repeat plays, I'm getting a lot of them too but have had very few new ratings. I just wish there was some way for the author to know which arcs the tickets are coming from.
Quote:Or at least show the total plays as a separate stat that we can also use when searching for arcs. It says something when an arc has many more repeat plays than ratings and is not a farm.I think counting all plays would be a more accurate way to find the arcs that are truly popular.
I consider replayability to be very important when declaring an arc to be "great." -
If you don't rate then the author doesn't get any tickets. But after several days you can rate an arc again and it does give the author tickets but does not increment the ratings total. The latter is what I am referring to.
Quote:I know that I am getting repeat plays one at least one of my arcs because every day or so when I log in the "You have X tickets to claim" number has gone up again yet when I check AE I only see a few new ratings a week at most.I wish I could come up with a non-exploitive (is that even a word?) way to allow for plays to be counted per character rather than per global.
There are several arcs, especially those rare low-levels that I've played through with multiple characters. I loved to see some type of recognition for something that is so enjoyable, you seek it out over and over again. -
From what I recall Arbiter Daos saying during the final Von Grun arc, every one of the Council AVs is a mad scientist except for Maestro and The Center.
How 'bout Dr. Steven Sheridan, aka Dr. Science?
I really hope that the lag and chronic mapserv's on the servers gets a lot better after this. It's only been getting worse since issue 17 and I've got a hunch that we are in need of some major maintenance.
Quote:"You see, something's going to happen. You must leave."
"What? What's going to happen?"
"Something wonderful." -
The purpose of this thread is to request destructible items to be added to AE that are not currently accessible.
I'll start us off with this.
It is a Portal that appears in a single Tobias Hanson mission in Striga Island. It doesn't get used anywhere else in the game and has existed since issue 4. AE is really lacking in portal objects and this would fit the bill nicely. Just make sure that it doesn't spawn anything when attacked. -
Quote:This leads into a little ProTip: choose a level range for your arc and balance your critters for that range. Trying to make an arc that goes all the way from 1 to 54 is a PAIN. It also excludes you from including most of the existing villain groups in the game.Ex: I gave footstomp to a custom Boss, then set my mission slider to 1-54. He was spawning as a Lt (that bug really bothers me), and was destroying my characters with footstomp. Had to remove footstomp in order to give anyone lower than level 20 a chance to beat him.
Make it easier on yourself and balance over a smaller range like 10-20 levels. If Footstomp is too powerful for level 20 players, then set the minimum level higher than that so they know that they might be getting in over their head if they try to run it on a character who is below the recommended minimum.
Quote:Do lvl 1 toons fight Malta? No? Then 1-54 makes no sense whatsoever. Level lock your arcs for the sake of improving the MA. Seriously, I wish 1-54 caused the system to regard an arc as an error and would not allow a publish until changed.
Quote:Arachnos is a great example of a varied enemy group that provides a challenge without passing into "F**K THIS GAME!!!" territory. They carry substantial damage along with several effective secondary abilities that force you to think about what you're doing before you engage them. At the same time, none of their regular members have an "I Win" button.Quote:They do however all have an "I'm going to **** you up" button for one powerset or another. The trick is that all the critters have a different button. No one powerset is completely useless, but no one powerset is completely safe.
Of course every arc with them has the Challenging flag on it, but most of the complainers apparently don't bother to read those flags at all.
Quote:As opposed to Longbow. They have ONE lieutenant, which makes resistance-based armors almost useless. Not only do they take away all your resistance, but there's a very good chance they'll stun you right through your mez protection if you face them in numbers. And they all spam that stupid stun to kill squishies. Whereas if you've got high defense, they're a total joke.
Make more than one of everything, you have plenty of room for it now. I prefer to use the 3-minions:2-lieutenants:1-boss ratio as a basis for any custom group.
As for making multiple bosses, I wouldn't bother if you don't expect the player to either run your arc with a team or plan to spawn them manually via details. Plus if you're only going to use the group for a single mission then more than one boss will probably be unnecessary as well. -
Quote:That one map is: Cimerora - Phoebas Point.To my understanding, only one map that is half indoor/half outdoor actually works. All others are glitched. The biggest problem is that it's inconsistent. Sometimes they'll work like they should and other times they won't.
The SERAPH Lab is an example of a really glitched one, it even has a front spawn right in the middle of the back spawn area for no apparent reason. Not that ANY of the spawns respect the Front/Middle/Back setting. -
Changes made to critters:
* Nagan Archer: Removed Stunning Shot.
* Nagan Assassin: Removed Vengeful Slice.
* Nagan Entropist: Added Greater Ice Sword.
* Nagan Gunslinger: Removed Suppressive Fire.
* Nagan Roboticist: Removed Repair.
* Nagan Talon: Removed Shockwave.
* Nagan Wraith: Added Bullet Rain. -
Changes made to "The Amulet of J'gara":
* Changes made to mission 5.
** Thinned the spawns a bit, especially at the front door.
** Removed Nomaris and Chris.
** Moved the Avatar of Balance to the front room.
** Added a defendable object (non-required) for flavor.
** Added a battle between Void Demons and "Memories" group for flavor.
** Avatar of Balance: Removed Gravity Distortion.
** Avatar of Balance: Added Healing Aura.
** Avatar of Initiative: Removed Fire Blast.
** Avatar of Strength: Removed Throwing Knives. -
Changes made to "The Portal Bandits":
* Mission three has undergone several changes.
** Moved hideout from Medium Abandoned Office to Small Abandoned Warehouse.
** Removed a few filler spawns due to lack of space in new map.
** Vikki and Tami should now spawn together most of the time. Their new dialog before and during battle reflects this.
** Reduced spawn sizes to prevent overcrowding.
** Gave Anna some combat dialog.
** All spawns now have extra dialog.
Changes made to critters:
* Nagan Incinerator: Removed Bonfire, it was simply too annoying when it delay hostage rescues.