226 -
were you guys using an existing char on test or did you have to transfer? Newly transferred chars weren't given the option to test the new features.
not exactly a GM for oro but one that spawns in oro and then moves to any one of th ezones (red or blue) that has an exit from there. the GM is actually a flock of reptillian birds (or ghostly flying worm things) that swarm through (about 20 to 30 of them) into a neighbouring real world region and start attacking (with flying creatures a preference). attacks would be bite and claw attacks with a poison secondary that include stun/hold/immob effects. the mobs are quite fast but not very maneauverable leading to some fun aerial combat situations (flying toon decoys leading them into an ambush? flying squads having dogfights around tall buildings and under bridges? SJ Tanks jumping, smashing and trying to taunt an enemy down to hittable range)
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You do know there are 6 or so floating islands around the side or Ouroboros -
Look out Americans, HERE WE COME!!!!
This should be good, we've been moaning about the forums for ages now. -
How about this, a newspaper stand, spend 10 inf to get the paper (One a week) and you can read about the TFs that were finished. Think along the lines of the City Information Terminals, but for TF's.
Task Force Name Saves City from Clockwork King
Directed by Synapse, Leader Name led a team consisting of Other Members and finally defeated the Clockwork King
Just a thought, an advantage of this would be that people who didn't know much about TF's could read a little about it, such as Contact, No. of Missions, enemies groups, nothing about the missions themselves but enough to know roughly what to expect. -
Ok, I need to ask, t-shirts? Where would I obtain one of these wonders?
LOL wouldn't be the first time someone missed something on the third post, I do it regularly in fact.
dose he not have a power called Hammer of Justice or something similar?
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Check the third post down. -
I am not that fond of strangers visiting my base.. I would love to be able to use my base as MA map though...
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Now THAT is an idea.... get that onto the suggestions page Liz -
I got 3 of them in one session
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The Shadow Shard Marathon back during the very 1st double xp weekend - ahh memorys hehe
On Topic though, the badge that makes me go wow (or more like grr) is the 1st aniversery, mainly cos i missed it by about a weeklol
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A Week? Healer Kid missed it by 5 minsIf i'd only crashed a litter faster, or spent a little less time doing a costume and bio....
Healer Kid, much like Soul Storm, he's the one character that comes on when there is nothing else to do. even if its just to stand in atlas buffing the lowbies.
Some more GR info would stop the lynching, I think
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Yes I think GR info would be a good idea, give us enough and we might just forget about you giving a time, might... -
I would think that Praetoria will be the in game Praetorian Earth and while I agree that there are probably more than just Statesman and Tyrant, to try and shoe horn another tyrant into the game would be a bad move.
well we know that the carnies are good guys, do some of the portal corps arcs.
yeah, I mean, how many sets can you unlock? Roman, Tech Veteran, Samurai, the 2 boosters, we neeed more slots, 5 just isnt enough.
The US sites ok? I'll just have to go for a look there then.
(Do they even care about the EU Community any more?) -
Yeah a half BRICK would hurt, no idea what a BRINK is tho
Am I the only one that cant see the images on the EU Developer Diary?
All I get told is that the link is broken. -
My first Hero and Forum namesake, Landrig was originally an elven mage in an rpg I played. Here, he became a Katana/Dark Armour scrapper. Then I discovered defenders, and Healer Kid was born (about 3 smeggin minutes after the end of the limit to be awarded the first anniversary badge I may add)
Bio Wretch was a stalker during beta, who then got abandoned for Mistress Necrosis who was also abandoned for my First level 50 villain Lykofos. -
Congrats, enjoy it all, even the half 2 in the morning ambulance rides (We had one a couple O weeks ago)
You know what they say, have a boy you have one [censored] to worry about, have a girl you have thousands to worry about, unfortunately(?) I find myself in the second group.
Its her birthday today actually, 2 years went sooo fast, I don't even think I'd be finished a SSTF by now... Oh an on that note, any TF's you want to do, get them done asap, you wont get much time to do them -
Its also effecting my character select screen, if I reorder my characters the heroes/villains icons do it.
I know, i've heard it, but when you go talk go him in his little hideout, he says nothing!
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He needs to say nothing, I mean I'd understand the look that said bugger off from a guy like him. -
While playing the other night a certain clockwork whipped me. I called out for a paladin gank and.....nothing, I miss getting a 3 paladin fight and a mass of heroes coming down to Kings to show him who's boss.
With the 1 year Veteran award you get all the different prestige runs
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Sorry to labour the point but the prestige runs with the 12 month veteran reward are Prestige Power Dash, Prestige Power Quick, Prestige Power Rush, and Prestige Power Surge. Not the Powerslide, please read the link you posted.
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All I can say is oops, I could be sure it gave the slide as well since its named Prestige powerslide...
Oh well sorry about that.