240 -
Things are busy - t minus 3 weeks to wedding, 1 week to BabyMage's 2nd birthday. But I had to come back and joygasm over PC. My blueberry stormy has purply blue powers! My Caffiene based character has black and cola colored powers! My SG is going to have to pry me forcibly from Icon when they want me to team tonight.
Ahh, I've missed this.... -
Well, I can safely tell you that yes, reactivation been flipped on. Enjoy. I am.
Probably not the forum for this, but this is the one I'm most active in.
My account runs out of paid time sometime tomorrow, and I won't be reupping for a while. This is not a "this game sucks and I'm leaving!!!" post. I still love the game, but several factors have crept up on me that I can't ignore any longer.
In game, my SG is all but gone. Some have left for RL reasons, some have left for other games, some still play, but not during the hours that I can. My hubby has lost all interest in the game, and while I still want to play, soloing gets boring for me in fairly short order, and having me on a PUG team would be unkind to the team - I have RL responsibilities that can make me extremely unavailable at a moment's notice. Plus I've been here 5 years. I'm not really interested in wading through the AE, and there's precious little official content that I havn't seen.
And then there's the RL reasons. I was working part time - I just got laid off. It's summer time and there's a lot of yard work that needs doing, including my new veggie garden, that I completely underestimated the time involved in. Plus, my Halloween wedding is fast approaching and it has been eating a lot of my free time. It's utterly amazing how much you can get bogged down in the minutia of planning one day.
If I have to scratch the gaming itch, I have my lifetime sub to LOTRO. It's not COH, it'll never be COH, but my hubby plays it and we have some duo characters there that are fun. And once the furor is over, the veggies harvested and canned, and the thank you cards are all sent out, I imagine I'll be back and looking for a new SG, ready to try out some of the new stuff that I see is coming.
Good luck, good gaming to you all, and I'll likely see you all again. -
LadyMage... I agree that what you describe is a useful distinction to make. I have never heard it as the difference between "tattling" and "telling", however. Where did you get that definition form?
...wow. When I look it up, at least on M-W.com, it has nothing to do with either. The site describes it as merely about gossip, and neither bad behavior nor authority figures are mentioned. I wonder where they got their definition, too.
LadyMage's principle (about which behaviors are problems and which are not) stands, of course.
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Some parenting sites I've been frequenting. It's the distinction that you use to explain the difference to toddlers between being annoying and not learning to solve your own problems, and things the child really *should* bring to an adult's attention. -
Me thinks you don't understand what tattling is.
Tattling: complaining to an authority figure about a behavior you don't like, but is ultimately harmless for the sole purpose of getting them in trouble.
Childhood example: "Lisa won't let me in her room to play with her!"
In game example: "Gilagirl won't join my team!"
Tattling is usually an annoyance and a waste of said authority figure's time.
Telling: Telling an authority figure about a behavior that's ultimately destructive or dangerous to either the person involved or others.
Childhood example: "Little Billy's got the kitchen scissors!"
In game example: "Please check out Dr. Bruce Banner on Victory. I'm pretty sure his name and costume are in direct violation of Marvel Trademarks."
The first example is telling because little billy could hurt himself with sharp scissors. The second example is telling because it helps head off a second lawsuit that could, at best, divert $ away from development, and at worst shut down the game.
Please learn the difference. Most of us did in childhood.
For myself, I have a 3 second rule. If in three seconds of seeing the costume/name combination I'm saying "holy cow that's inappropriate" or "hey look it's <insert trademarked character here>" I file a petition. The one in the OP wouldn't even have hit my radar - I wasn't a comic book kid. But I've petitioned my share of Incredibles, Superman, wonderwoman, x-men and hulk clones that were so blatant a 4 year old could see it.
Players are NOT REQUIRED to petition infringment. Its up to you to decide to do it or not, and no one should make you feel bad for opting not to. But the reverse is also true. No one should be making people feel bad for doing their part to head off another lawsuit. -
So far I have figgured out <QR> as quick reply and IMO/IMHO as in my opinion/in my honest opinion
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Actually, it's generally read as In My HUMBLE Opinion.
[/ QUOTE ]Since when?
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Since forever in my experience. Been posting on internet forums since the mid 90s, and it's always been that. -
There used to be calendars (I realize they're still there, just that they're dated now) for all the events being held and all the developers birthdays and such. When are we going to see some new calendar to let us know what friday/weekend to take off of work so we can get us some double xp
Or is double xp a thing of the past?
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You'd have to ask the Devs. They don't post here though. -
Well, when I was getting tired of "fill" and "join farm" on my 'shade in the 40s, I put up a price list instead - "Will mentor in farm for...." and some ridiculous list of procs/uniques. (Don't recall if this was pre- or post-purples, but stuff like the Miracle AND Numina uniques, etc.)
If someone'd actually been willing to pay it, yeah, I'd have sat in. It'd be worth my time then. Nobody did
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I did something similar back in ye olden days. You know, back before the market, when Hammis were king. I think my asking price, per run, was a Golgi and a Ribo, both extremely sought after expensive Hammis. I got lots of outraged tells about how I should be paying *them* for the privilege of bridging, but no actual takers. -
Thermal or pain domination are the secondaries you want to look at.
However, corruptors are damage dealers first. A "pure" healer type in this game is about as useful as lipstick on a pig. Take some attacks and learn to use them, or risk getting utterly bored stiff in the upper levels. -
You can pick just one? *boggle*
I love all my defenders, from the buffing goodness of my empaths and sonics, to the debuffing awesomeness of my rads, darks and the fantastic pace of my storms and kins. I can't pick just one. -
The avatar question has been answered, but as far as the stop posts thing - there is really no need unless it's getting out of hand. We actually like people to leave their posts up just in case someone else comes along and has the same question(s). It saves us time.
Ok, so sometimes threads degenerate into silly tangents - if it gets out of hand, you can report it to a mod. But in general, eventually it'll stop getting posted on, and go inactive, and the thread will be purged in the next automatic forum purge. -
You'll get along famously with the folks in the Defender forums, I can tell.
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Which why it's better to stay in the Corruptor forums, where people actually know to use their entire powersets.
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buh? The defender forum regulars are avidly, even occasionally rabidly is AGAINST the whole "I'll just sit back here and heal" mentality. Have been as long as I've been taking part there, which is pretty well since release. Heck the defender forum regulars are the ones who spawned the Repeat Offenders coalition, who's members play defenders who'd rather shoot you in the face than heal you. -
Just because a failing MMO uses lifetime subscription in an attempt to stop people from leaving the game doesn't mean CoH should follow suit. Why would a company offer a lifetime sub if it was doing well?
Again, LOTRO are probably doing it because the majority of players do not keep playing after a year subscribed, so this would actually make them more money then if you played for 3 months and quit.
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My wife and I are both LOTRO Founders and lifetimers. Most of the lifers we know are still playing. LOTRO is still growing (in spite of the doomsayers, but then we see them here too). By and large, LOTRO has a pretty loyal player base in its niche, just like CoH does.
Bear in mind that most players don't take the lifetime option, whether because they can't afford it up front (we actually didn't convert to lifetime until about eight months later) or because they think it's too risky an investment.
So what the lifetime account does for an MMO (especially a new one) is give them a quick infusion of cash that they can use for further development work, while still receiving monthly subscriptions from the vast majority of players. Expansions and box sales fill in as well.
Introducing a lifetime option into an older MMO might not fare as well, though.
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Same here. . . Was in LOTRO in the open Beta program and was hooked. As soon as the game went live I got my lifetime subcription, ($200 upfront) now 2+ years later I am playing for free.
We still get content updates just like this game. And if you go by story wise we just got though Moria, and chilling with the Fellowship in Lorien. So we haven't even finished the content of the first book yet, and there are still 2 more to go.
I would by a Lifetime subscription to CoX if one was offered.
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Same here, but I agree with above posters that it probably won't happen.
My hubby and I and about half of my SG from COH are lifers in LOTRO, and most of us still play it off and on. I'm a long time LOTR geek (won several prizes on trivia both in LOTRO beta and during contests when the movies were in theaters) , so I knew before actually playing it that I'd probably be getting the founders package. It's not COH, I much prefer the gameplay here, but the immersion factor there makes me giddy. I completely love the story. I have left and come back recently to it, and I'm in love again. So much so that the COH sub will not be renewing. I doubt I'll be gone forever, I do love this game too, but with my SG gone or not available when I play, and just general burnout, I need a break. What little I still play and my obvious forum bent simply does not justify the sub costs for me. -
Don't forget the double infl/infamy bonus when XP is turned off.
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This was one of my questions.
Is this true?
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No. Unless things have changed in the last few weeks, you actually earn less inf/defeat than you do in normal mode.**
**Not an official announcement, just my experience.
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Actually, no. You earn exactly the same amount of influence/infamy and prestige.
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Ok, going to test, because I'm quite certain that's not what I saw. The drop in inf was marked as I recall.
Edit: Apparently you're right. I must have gotten that impression because the experience to inf ratio was so low due to patrol XP and SG mode. -
I'm just curious if a SG/VG prestige rank matters to the playerbase anymore.
I know when bases first came out there were prestige wars and if you were #1 in rank for prestige it was a matter of pride.
But that was then. Does anyone still feel the same way?
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That was really only for a few weeks/months. Those that have those ranks still boast about them, but IMO no one really ever cared in the first place. -
Don't forget the double infl/infamy bonus when XP is turned off.
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This was one of my questions.
Is this true?
[/ QUOTE ]
No. Unless things have changed in the last few weeks, you actually earn less inf/defeat than you do in normal mode.**
**Not an official announcement, just my experience. -
Fairly common problem, although it took me a while to find an old thread with the solution. -
So I can team with higher level Sgmates and not outlevel the content I was working on for fun and merits. -
When was the last time you posted something that wasn't a veiled mockery?
Just sayin'.
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That was veiled? What kind of crap are they selling for veils these days? -
/afk water broke?
[/ QUOTE ]I did have one teammate who apparently refused to go afk when entering labor O.o
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It's not like labor is quick. Most first time moms are in labor for 8+ hours. -
I have never heard of, in this game or any other major MMO heard of a MMO tranmitting viruses. Ever. I've heard of, a LONG time ago, some virus detection programs mistakenly flagging certain game maps as viruses, but that was an error with the virus program, not a virus infestation.
That's 5 years of experience with this game, experience with WoW, LOTRO, Warhammer Online, AoC, and plenty of forum reading. It doesn't happen. The hubby also has experience with EQ and SWG. He's never heard of it happening.
On the flip side, a cloth diapering forum I frequent is having massive issues with the ads it serves transmitting viruses. I run firefox with adblock plus and flashblock, so it hasn't happened to me. You're more at risk from random web surfing than you are from gaming. -
With SOs? 3 heal, 1-2 recharge, 1-2 end redux, depending on your end usage. More end redux if you're struggling, less if you're not.
My empath has it 5 slotted with doctored wounds to get the recharge and healing bonuses, and the 6th slot is a heal/end hami-o from back in my raiding days. -
To lazy to read duh
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Reading takes less effort than posting.