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  1. Replace the Medicine Pool with Assault and Tactics. Get 5 full sets of Red Fortune in your 4 shields and Maneuvers. Use 5 sets of Ruin/Detonation in your attacks. This will greatly boost your personal Range and AOE defense while Force Bubble/Repulsion Field makes melee defense less necessary. You'll rarely get hit and Assault/Tactics will boost your offense. Plus the Red Fortune set will enhance your recharge & damage to boot. All 3 of these sets are cheap and none require rare salvage. Crafting costs are miniscule if you get the recipes at a level between 30 and 35 to maximize your bang for the buck. You'll need to slot your bubbles/maneuvers more, but the extra recharge from IO sets will allow you to maintain a continuous attack chain with fewer attacks.

    Get Power Build Up and Conserve Power in your epic pool so that you can further increase your sustained DPS as well as overcap teammates' defense during late game challenges such as the STF.

    Later, if you have some money, slot the Blessing of the Zephyr set in your travel powers. On top of the already existing bonuses, this addition will basically cap your Ranged/AOE defense and you'll get to feel as untouchable as those you bubble.
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    Did some research on it yesterday. We tried several variations of teams and matches. None of them yielded the villain side pentad badge.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I filed a bug report and was informed that 9 of 14 archtypes (all villains, hero epics) cannot obtain this badge. No word on when or if this will be fixed.
  3. Well despite much wierdness, we are all getting the badge. Thanks for organizing this Stale! Next up, heal farms?
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    2 of the same type can get the Pentad/Septad badge on Blueside

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I tried to get the badge in a Septad match on my Warshade (two warshades fighting each other). The badge did not award. Several others tried as well with their Khelds and no badges were awarded. The "winner" would defeat the "loser" once. The "loser" would then rez and exit the map just as we had done successfully for the weight class badges. But with the Septad, no badge was awarded to the "winner". How did you get it to work?

    BTW: The Pentad matches awarded the badge to non epic ATs with no issue, so the problem seems confined to Septads heroside.
  5. Syanth only wants the badge on 1 toon and the other two are fillers if we need extra. Syanth may or may not be able to be there at 6 PM PST tomorrow (thursday), but if not he'll be around fri/sat.

    I'll be there tomorrow 6PM pst and maybe Fri same time or earlier. Meet in Pocket D?
  6. I'm game and so is Syanth and his 3 accounts. I'll be in Pocket D tomorrow at 6 PM PST as will Kult (maybe).

    BTW: I teamed with Kult for her pentad badge tonight, but villain pentad/septads do not award the badge (as verified by my warshade tonight). According to the forums it's a known bug.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    you do not need 2 full teams of 5 for the pentad. You can do it with two people who are the same AT. As long as there is at least one person on each team you can start the match.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    As tested with my warshade tonight, the badge does not award upon winning a septad match, so I'm guessing it's bugged like the villain pentad/septad? The hero pentad awarded the badge just fine though.

    Us Poor Khelds
  8. My Dwarf can't execute emotes as of i15. The bug is back!
  9. Any idea if the Assault Rifle set is planned as a future defender secondary via proliferation?

    I want to make an FF/AR.
  10. Dwarf Form does not boost regeneration, but it does boost HP by a lot (~800pts at level 50). Get the +HP accolades and you are as tough as a non-tanker can get.
  11. I had someone (a young kid I think) run away from my Dwarf Form once. He called me a "Hurd Beast" and broadcast to the zone that he needed help fighting a monster. I told him I was a Warshade and showed him Dark Extraction and he said "do that to me now".
  12. In a time before merits and loot, before villains and pvp, before temp travel powers, even before the Hollows, back when Ish actually wore pants! ... My first Positron TF - as the regen scrappers lay dead in the sewers dreaming of level 28, 2 AR/DEV blasters unleashed improbable ownage with their 6x damage snipes and seriously overpowered targeting drones. Buckshot was a thing of beauty when slotted with the legendary CONE Range enhancements.

    That TF took 8 hours. Emerging victorious, while walking home both ways uphill through snowstorms, we were greeted by Floating Eyeballs in Atlas Park. The team search window showed 2243 folks logged on. There was no lag and Protector was still only yellow, while Freedumb and Virtue were red. I don't think shades of gray even existed in those days. A costume contest was just beginning, but I was off to investigate rumors of stores not marked on any map that sold special enhancements. I was level 15, I could fly, and the night was still young.
  13. This is the only end game content I've got left. Don't ruin the mystery.
  14. Technologic - Daft Punk

    The LOOONG fall into the depths of the Eden Trial
  15. Knowmad


    [ QUOTE ]
    I never see Kheldians on these runs.

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    They are out there. After the issue 13 buffs, Kheldians are even more insanely powerful than they were before. The only thing that I can't do on my Warshade without inspirations is tank Recluse.

    The easiest role for a Kheldian on an MSTF is as a blaster in nova form. You have longer than normal range, unsupressed flight, and a team resistance bonus.
  16. Knowmad


    [ QUOTE ]
    "No good has ever come with the words 'Uh-oh'"

    [/ QUOTE ]
    uh oh, spaghettios
  17. Knowmad


    Fun run Scrappy! Next time, I'll bring some inspirations along for tanking Recluse. He's a tough [censored].
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Of course, it probably says something like ... "History Badges are not in yet"

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I don't even know what the code says, but I have to nominate this as the best answer yet

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    I have my reasons.
  19. Knowmad


    [ QUOTE ]
    Congratulations to Mojada, Inferno Prey, Atomic Aegis, Microsoft Man 2, and Chilling Prey on their new badges.

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    Congrats guys on earning this elite badge. 3 Tanks! I'll bet the AVs didn't know who to hit first.
  20. Kheldian changes with issue 13 were much appreciated.

    Willpower is a great defensive set.

    The VEATs revitalized COV.
  21. Knowmad

    Mac Open Beta

    [ QUOTE ]
    That's right, we here at the City of Heroes/Villains community welcomes everyone who has a Mac to come try out the wonderfull game we PC Users have been playing for the past five years.

    Yep. All ten of you.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Me and my 9 friends have been playing COH exclusively on Macs since early 2006 when Intel powered Macs were introduced that could dual boot Windows. This just means I don't have to reboot into Windows to play anymore.
  22. Knowmad


    I had a blast getting the MOSTF with you Imp. and am usually up for helping others get this elusive badge. I have recently leveled up my FF/NRG Defender with PBUed bubbles and the leadership pool if you ever need some extreme defense for a run.
  23. The game has gotten much more complicated since I started in August 2004. The formula for attracting friends though hasn't changed.

    1. Play the game yourself for a few months so you know the 1-20 content fairly well.
    2. Make a buffing defender (Force Fields, Empathy, Sonics). Take TP Friend so you cab port them to dangerous mission doors that you can get to with your experience and temp travel powers.
    3. Have your friends make scrappers and tankers and ensure they choose their defensive powers at a reasonable level.
    4. Buff your friends and run missions on heroic. They now can make silly mistakes and die less frequently because they have lots of hitpoints and good buffage. They will level faster, get lots of shiny powers, and enjoy the game. Later they can branch out to other archtypes and you don't have to buff them quite as religiously as they will have learned aggro mechanics.
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Of course, it probably says something like ... "History Badges are not in yet"

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I don't even know what the code says, but I have to nominate this as the best answer yet

    [/ QUOTE ]