Special Thanks
Antithetix & Aphotica
Thanks for all the support through the entire Strike Force with critical tatical information that helped us over come all the promblems encounter plus they made the entire SF funny and lively. They play a great a mini team within a team

Would be a pleasure to do it again with you some time.
The only unknown player we played with, But stuck to it through thick and thin with great support that helped all team players even the more challenged of players. Totally recommend this player for any team. Look forward to seeing you with your alts. Grats as well Dinged 50 as we took out the Vindictors
Never really teamed with a Dom before but this guy knew his **** was always up on building his domination always coming up with new idea and a good strong player that kept his cool throughout the SF. Even got his own nukes and solo'd in Warburg dispite the constant threat of attack.
Notorious Pinky
Even though hampered with slow loading time pink kept it real showing us his homi's how it is down the "west side"
Fantastic mid battle rezing with the Power Pool Rez

Pinky did what I have come to expect from him. He played fantastic and stuck to it.
Gorun Nova
Galv my old friend, My rock always has so much dedication to the game stuck to it through thick and thin. Kept me and the team alive so many time with your heals and sb's. This wasnt an easy task but together we overcame it.
Had a really hard time trying to get temp powers in the PvP Zones, but with force of will managed to get half of the powers

Think you are struggling a bit with your secondary build that hinder your performance. If you need any advice in the future dont hesitate to ask.
For anyone that wish to Attempt this please listen and consider the following.
Team Sheet
<ul type="square">
Debt Collector - Super Strength/Energy Aura (Brute)
Antithetix - Robotics/Dark Miasma (Mastermind)
V25 - Mercenaries/Poison (Mastermind)
Aphotica - Ice/Dark Miasma (Corrupter)
Notorious Pinky - Energy/Kinetics (Corrupter) With Power Pool Rez
Gorun Nova - Energy/Kinetics (Corrupter)
Salome - Ninja Blade/Ninjitsu (Stalker)
Bilharzia - Plant/Thorn (Dominator)[/list]
Time Taken
Started @ 10 am 30/7
Finished @ 3 am 31/7
Total = 17 hours
Actual Game Playing Time
10am - 5.30pm - 7.30 hours
11.30 - 3.00am - 3.30 hours
Total = 11 hours
Temp Powers
Shivens - Nearly every memeber had shivens they where used from the Vindictors base (5 Heros) and the last mission (8 Heros)
We had to reviste to restock Shivens 4 times.
Nukes. Only used in the last mission.
6 players had all nukes at the start.
We used 3 of each at each attack (Chemical/Biological)
we ran out and had to restock again.
and used 3 of each again
then kept running back to get another,
Future LRSF all players MUST have the Chemical and Biological nukes
you be sorry if you dont take my heed!
Personally I didnt struggle up to the last 2 missions we played well all the way through but the challenges grew greater as we moved through the SF. The last mission is the one that takes all your time..
The last mission took from
1.15pm 30/7 - 3.00am 31/7
8 Heros all in a circle. According to Ant/Aph theres no stragtegic way of doing this. The plan was Buff up and used Biological nuke. Rush the heros and lay out shivens along the way and nuked the heros we were attacking with Chemical.
The first try we took out the first hero.
The second we did the same as before. and took out the 2nd hero.
This is where we ran out of nukes and we felt it from here on in we wasted loads of BIG inspirations. Looking back on it now we should of reloaded on nukes here. We were stuck on 6 heros and couldnt riddle down any further. untill we restock and recommenced attack @ 11.30pm
The moral of our story is use nukes and shivens at every attack on your final mission.
Whilst we didnt have the nukes we tried many different tatical solutions that failed. So great ideas and out of the box thinking was given by all players. Personally i loved the team flying idea and trying to -fly the heros as they came up

but im digressing.
We continued this routine up till there was 2 heros left then we lived just on Shivens temps.
Suggested Hero Priority Kill
<ul type="square"> Numina
Sister Pysche
Back Alley Brawler
Some heros go down faster than others and sometimes you manage to kill 2 heros in one run depends on the team/players you have.
This Strike Force is not to be taken likely. Dont accept blind invites to do it from people you dont know. This is a Strike Force that could tear a team appart.
This was although very long hours was very fun. Take a team with at least 2 people that can Combat Rez. and recommend at least 2 brutes on team for when one falls the agro is isnt left on the squisys. We prove that pure determination can do it.
I hope this helps out futre Lord Recluses Strike Forces.
Knight Stalker