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  1. I bought the magic boosterpack a little while back, now I think I read somewhere you needed something special to attach more boosterpacks.

    Now the question is can I get more boosterpacks now or do I have to do/buy something else first and if so what do I need? I would really like to add the martial arts pck to but I want to know if it's possible so I don't end up paying for something I can't use
  2. I'll try that tomorrow then :-)

    About the boyfriend/husband thing we're getting married 3/7 so he's my boyfriend atm but will be my hubby soon
  3. Yesterday I bought the preorder for going rogue on my credit card. Everything went fine, but a little later I tried buying it for my boyfriend too but this time we got a message saying "fraud suspision" Nothing else, nothing at all about how to proceed from there.

    Today when we tried we get the message "can't do this purchase right now try again later or tomorrow" The same happened when I tried to buy one of the booster packs for myself.

    Now it's been like this all day and I don't know if this is a new issue or it's because of yesterday. Can't really find a way to contact support either, tried mailing but no reply as of yet.

    I would like to know how to proceed from here...Do I need to talk to NCsoft or to my bank? And how long will it take to fix? My hubby has already been in a foul mood for days I really don't need any more problems that makes his mood get even worse.
  4. Nice to hear from some more members :-)

    I've been trying to find you guys online but I don't know how, or if, you can search for guilds. Was thinking I would try and team with some of you :-)

    Anyway...since I'm having trouble tracking you down, maby you, who are more experienced in terms of game mechanics can track me down instead.
  5. Hi name's Kithara (not like the instument) I'm an outgoing sort of person who likes to help others and just have fun.

    As you can tell from the title I'm looking to join a supergroup.

    I've just come back to the game after a long time away and have forgotten a lot. Also I find that new things have been implemented that I could use some help understanding :-)

    In real life I have just passed my 30ies. I have a 9 month old daughter, who takes up a lot of time. I'm in early retirement though so I am home most of the time, so most days I have a lot of play time.

    I'm looking for a Supergroup with a more mature population. Preferably one that has a lot of members with their own familes. Ones that will understand the "opps sorry guys need a few mins afk, baby just fell on her nose" and such. The most important thing for me in an SG though is a fun and lively SG chat and that members like playing together. Both with people their own lvl and by sidekicking or exemplaring.

    Hope I strike some peoples interest by this and that you contact me here or in game.

    My global handle is @Kithara that's also the name of my main, a lvl 33 controller. (I LOVE controllers)

    Hope to see you all in game and if you don't feel I'm right for your guild you all can still pester me about teams (Still struggling to reach that elusive lvl 50)

    Hope to see you in Paragon
    Love Kithara
  6. Just need to went a bit

    I've played this game over three months more than my BF has. But just because I've had my account acctivated on and off and he forgot to turn his off(he hasn't been playing at all), he now has the 6 month reward and I still have only the three month one. This even though in total he has played about a year and I've played almost a year and a half.

    Can't help thinking this isn't very fair. Shouldn't you be rewarded for the months you play the game no matter if you play 6 month in a row or if you spread it out over a month.

    With my unstable economy (I'm sick and have been on sick leave for 5 years now and will probably never be able to work again) I'll probably never get pass the three month reward to get the other ones I want :-(

    If this system was fair I would either just have gotten the angelic and demon wings by now or at least be about a month away from getting them...But as they have arranged this reward I'll never get them :-(
  7. I've also noted a bug when soloing MA's (Which I reported but nothing has been done against) I play a Squishy controller. Before I've had no real difficulty soloing by using blind as cc and phantom army on the really big groups. In MA though I have to search for missions without any costom mobs at all. Why? My blind isn't working as it should with custom mobs. It works fine on meele mobs, but all ranged mob s are still happily fiering away with deadly accuracy even when blinded. My boyfriend have had the same issue with his cc power(he plays blaster). And another issue on the same notes custom characters are much better aimers than normal mobs.

    For me the trouble is most people do like to use custom groups making it nearly impossible finding arcs without them, and especially finding good arcs.
  8. Kithara


    [ QUOTE ]
    Also allowing belts + tails.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Also this, signing for more tail options as well. And moving ones would be nice to if possible
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    I'm hoping the tells are working because some people have played my missions and I've received stars but no PMs have been received. Could this be related to the problem that they've taken the servers down today for?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I've commmented on both your Twisted Tales arcs, so if you haven't got any tells it doesn't work.

    What I did say in my comments though was that I loved both of them but I preffered the first one. You are a very good story writer.
  10. Kithara


    Thank you that was a very quick reply :-) Only have 1,5 lvl to go then. Hopefully I'll get there today
  11. Kithara


    Well now when I started with MA I've unlocked all this nice new auras. I've also seen some players with auras.

    My question is how do you obtain theese? I figure some is probably rewards for time played although I haven't found any information about it. But is it possible for the average Joe to get by for example:
    Locking up the lvl 50 chars, buying packs (if so wich ones) Or by doing something else entierly like perhaps a special mission or something.
  12. Beeing able to implement Civilians on your maps. Like you see in ordinary missions. For example running around scared during a bank robbery or just calmly walking around along with traffic on outdoor maps.

    Making Arc Creators able to tag their arcs for story content and making the search option able to specifically look for theese arcs, so that people who spent days writing their arcs dont get drown in all the broken drivel thats out there, Or why we're at it why not add all of theese Story, Farm, Test, Humor and making it so you can click in several options
  13. Agree 100% A lot of the arcs I tried so far I've abandoned as soon as I talked with the contact. And a lot of (most) of theese are rated 5 stars and have no story at all. And often badly made custom mobs. I have managed to play a few good ones though.And all the while people play trough all this Dravel. My own published story arch hasn't even been played yet. An arc I spent two days writing and re writing and that has at least a semi complex story. The arc I'm working on now I'll probably spend weeks finnishing because I wan't it to be perfect.

    I think that letting players mark their arcs as story arcs and letting people search for it would help. Also I think one of the reasons people publish drivel is that you don't actually get experience when play testing so they prefer to bublish broken things and get experience while testing. This is especially troue for thoose like myself who still don't have any higher lvl toons.So I think that letting you get experience when play testing(you are still fighting the same mobs as you would when published) would solve some of the issue, You don't even need to get full exp maby 50% when play testing just so that after playing the same mission trough about 10 times to get it perfect you'll left with the feeling of despair that you'll never reach 50.
  14. Is it possible to add Civilians to your MA's? Like you can find in normal missions. Running around in panic, walking around or just standing. If not maby this should get implemented in the next "version".

    Please tell me if there is a way to do this otherwise I'll post a suggestion that it should get implemented in the future.
  15. I'll see if I can find an objective I can fit in with the story otherwise I might just have to change the whole arc to lvl 30-40 and if I don't get boosed to 30 when testing it I can pester some high lvl to help me :-) I just need to do a few changes to the story if I change the enemies in the first 2-3 missions. Thank you for the advice :-)
  16. Thanks this makes it much easier :-) I have another problem though. Tho enemy groups I have are between lvl 30-54 and the boss is 30-40. Now I myself am lvl 26. So my issue is the boss is fine she cons orange and is therefor soloable. The rest of the enemies show up as lvl 40 though making the mission impossible for me to play test, is there a way I can get them to be the minimum lvl 30 instead of 40 as they are now? So that I can actually play the mission I made myself...
  17. Hi everyone!

    I've been making a story arc in 5 parts, and when play testing it I noticed some issues in part 4. Now I'm not sure if I fixed this issue or not, my question is:

    Can I somehow jump to part four for play testing without having to play the other three before that? Since I think I may have some issues in part five too, so replaying the whole chain several times when it's so though and I don't really get anything by running it doesn't seem so fum. I don't want to get bored from it.

    I just need to see if the mobs at the fourth and fith missions are the minimum lvl when I play it trough instead of the maximum as they where when I last tried.(making it impossible for me to play at all)The mobs are available from lvl 30-40 and since I'm not even 30 yet killing lvl 40's is quite impossible. It would be doable at 30-31 though. The boss shows up at an appropriate lvl btw.

    Also can you get scared civilians running around like in a normal mission? Example banks or offices? I haven't found a way so wonder if there is one.

    Thanks in advance :-)

    ps Sorry for the bad grammar, Typing this right before going to bed