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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zemblanity View Post
    Is Dexter an anti-villain or a vigilante?
  2. Bad Idea: Finding the spammer's identity IRL, hunting them down, and constantly shouting "POWER LEVEL FOR CHEAP! $0.99 PER LEVEL!!" everywhere they go until they go insane.

    Good Idea: building up Hero/Villain Merits for stuff you need.

    (Off-Topic: If you paid attention to the first several posts, you'd notice that htey all followed the original pattern which is the same one I reminded people of earlier. So I did, in fact, make a plan and stick to it.)
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ThePill View Post
    I have nothing against fighting Angelic types, but please let the Battalion be some legit supervillain types that are not the angel guys we've seen scattered about.

    Mostly because we've already seen them. Y'know? Oh look, another angel.

    Let's hope for something new for the Battalion.
    No, they were atheistic long before Battalion's attack.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    If the anti-hero is a character portrayed as the protagonist of the story but has many aspects of traditional villains, its reasonable to look at the converse of the character portrayed as the antagonist that has many aspects of traditional heroes. Ozymandias could be termed an anti-villain in Watchmen in one sense. And there is a very sharp streak of anti-villain in Hannibal Lector in Silence of the Lambs, where the audience is almost rooting for the character in spite of his obvious evil nature, particularly at the end.
    Don't forget Mr. Freeze, esp. DCAU. Or the Ice King, esp. after "Holly Jolly Secrets".
  5. Yep. Hence Samuel referring to "Face" and "Heel". In a show with a sympathetically played anti-villain and a not-so sympatheic anti-hero, where both seem to be equally evil, things get confusing. That's probably why there tends not to be that many nuances between "Hero" and "Villain". When it can be pulled off, however, it can be mind-blowing.
  6. ...Uh...or you could just ask that minimum team requirement be reduced, which would likely be much easier to code.
  7. I'm with Zaloopa here, man. Just because you don't redognize it as a valid character Archetype doesn't mean it's not there. It's like saying that the Well stuff think my analogy would be lost on you here, V...
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Megajoule View Post
    If I may toot my own horn for a moment:
    Dr. Forsythe is trying to lay the foundations for a transhumanist utopia, where uploaded immortal minds are free of sickness, poverty, war, etc. But to perfect the brain-uploading process, he's had to kill people. A lot of people. He regrets that part, but it really is all for the greater good.
    That is what we tropers call a Type III Anti-Villain.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
    What is the meaning of this gif?
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by mousedroid View Post
    When the Rikti invade, villains are eliminated by virtue of the fact that they have to set aside their villainy to work for the greater good.
    Nah. My villains are just there to crack alien skulls and sell the tech they find on the Black Market.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by WarpGirl View Post
    One word

    That's two words.
  12. Er. Ma. GERD!! That's awesome! That'd be a perfect way for Paragon Studios to bleed-I mean raise some extra money by selling action figures of your characters!!
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    I would need a non-verbose Sam to compare to in order to judge that for myself, but I've never encountered one in the wild.
    A wild Quiet_Samuel_Tow Appeared!
    What will you do?
    |Quote /JRanger |
    | |
    |Snark >Be Surprised! |
  14. Seems good, Telepath, but why on Earth would a heroic character ever want to be called "Hera"? She was a monster! She threw her own son (Hephaestus) off of Mount Olympus! Her only son! Zeus's only son who wasn't a product of his...shenanigans! I love the costume work there, but the name was a terrible pick!
  15. Any news on this? I lack the time to go buy any comics lately.
  16. Sounds good, Wendy, but that might make things a wee bit more complicated as far as teaming, unless they added alignment to the reticle. If they did that, it'd be the perfect solution!
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
    Never mind, too much potential snark.

    Let's just say that I disagree that Sam's comments would have been improved by reducing their length.
    I did not say that they needed to be shorter. When I am not too sleep-deprived to read them, I find Sam's posts are actually improved by his verbosity. He takes a lot of time to put in details and clarify his ideas, which makes it very easy to have a conversation with him despite the limitations of Fora.
  18. Kirsten

    I24 Preview!

    Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
    Only if you're BLUE STEEL.
    Fixed again.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    Something here doesn't add up.
    Did you try using cosines?
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by bpphantom View Post
    Who's Hero 1?
    He was the lead hero of Omega Team, a group of international heroes who entered the Rikti homeworld portal to end the first Rikti War, sacrificing them selves in the process. Wiki link (CAUTION: THERE WILL BE SPOILERS!!)
  21. This looks like a job for...Dark_Respite/Samuraiko!!
  22. Well, as far as Rommy, we know from his dialogue that he got nothing from the Box, so perhaps in a fit of jealousy and vengeance he made his pact with the Path of the Dark later on...
  23. No, it's:

    Bad Idea: <Something related to the Good idea at the end of the above post>

    Good Idea: <Whatever>

    Lemme restart the chain:

    Good Idea: Setting your missions to x8 when you hit fifty for VR drops.
  24. Kirsten

    I24 Preview!

    Originally Posted by spazmeer View Post
    If BLUE STEEL was a Paragon Studios developer, he could fix everything.
  25. What I'm hoping for on Genesis is a high-powered Clicky-Buff.

    *Core gives DMG and ToHit Bonus like Buildup
    *Radial adds recharge and/or a damage proc

    *Core gives +Regen, +Recovery
    *Radial gives +MaxHP, +MaxEnd

    *Core gives Def/Res buff
    *Radial gives Absorb

    *Core gives +Mez
    *Radial gives +Special, +Debuff

    (The buffs would prolly be applied to active pets, too.)