New Incarnate Ability Idea




They've probably already designed the Genesis and later tier incarnate abilities, but I'd thought I'd throw this idea out. This particular ability would provide for addition slotting for your existing power sets.

Tier 1: 1 additional enhancement slot opened up for use in any power.
Tier 2: 2 additional slots "
Tier 3: 3 additional slots "
Tier 4: 4 additional slots and 1 extra power can be selected.

Note: Each level is +1 slot, i'm not proposing 10 extra slots.

* Since it would be very difficult to have a branching tree structure with this setup, there would be only 1 selection for each level. Also, since you dont have to walk through two paths to build the final tier 4 power, the required components for each level would have to be double that of the existing incarnate abilities. Example: Most tier 1 abilities require 4 common components, this one would require 8.

* Since there is only 1 selection per level, having it auto slotted for you would be a nice feature.

* A new menu option would have to be added to trainers to "Add additional incarnate slot(s)".

I'm sure 4 extra slots might be a bit over the top for some builds, but it should make for an interesting discussion.

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The idea in general isn't bad.

The thing is, though, that this idea (giving us more enhancement slots) has gone around these forums a million times now. The dev's have tried to give us more. And it broke the game. Not unbalance wise, you see, but coding wise. It's a very difficult thing to do, changing core features of the game.



What I'm hoping for on Genesis is a high-powered Clicky-Buff.

*Core gives DMG and ToHit Bonus like Buildup
*Radial adds recharge and/or a damage proc

*Core gives +Regen, +Recovery
*Radial gives +MaxHP, +MaxEnd

*Core gives Def/Res buff
*Radial gives Absorb

*Core gives +Mez
*Radial gives +Special, +Debuff

(The buffs would prolly be applied to active pets, too.)

Open Archetype Suggestion thread!, Kirsten's Epic Weapon Pools, Feudal Japan, Etc., Alignment specific Rularuu iTrials!
If Masterminds didn't suck, they'd be the most powerful AT in the game.