Plunder & Booty Support Set




This is a Mastermind, Corruptor, Controller and Defender buff set with an offensive bias. Basically in that order, too. Most of its powers place an effect in an area or on a target which generates buffs for allies when they move to that area or attack that target, rather than directly casting a heal or buff on an ally. This in some ways makes it more skill intensive than other Support sets, but also hopefully very interesting and rewarding to play. Of the existing sets, I feel it's most like Traps and Radiation, but focused on buffing allies rather than debuffing enemies. It predominately generates damage, recharge, and defense buffs; the lack of *sustainable* recovery buffs is an intentional hole of the set.

There's definitely a "pirate" undercurrent to this set, but really it's mostly evolved out of Pain Domination. I do like PD, but it was described as a 'villainous healing' set, and I feel that it doesn't deliver on that as well as I'd like; Poison is closer but kind of weak. I want it to have a sort of Natural feel; while direct heals and the like are obviously going to require a bit of handwaving, I imagine a character executing these powers to look like they could convincingly be an infamous corsair, rogue, or mercenary captain yelling, "A THOUSAND DUBLOONS TO THE MAN WHO BRINGS ME HIS HEAD!"

Since this is a loosely "villainous" set, there is something of an intentional lack of synergy with other Support sets: there be only one captain on this ship, mate.

NOTE : I do not know if my "effect-spawning effect" suggested functionality is actually doable. It's by far my preferred methodology, but there are two alternatives I can think of that are similar. The cop-out version is having toggles or effects that simply radiate an AoE to targets hostile to the target of the effect -- so like Soothing Aura but anchored on an enemy, for example. The other is having the powers spawn a daemon psuedopet that monitors combat and doles out effects as necessary.

Other than that, though, it's kind of conventional. I wouldn't mind a bit more rum and vinegar if folks have suggestions.

1) Letter of Marque. You place a mark on your target that promises your allies great rewards for their demise. Any ally hitting the marked target with a damage or control power is healed directly for a small amount and gains a short-term regeneration and recharge buff. (Buff stacks to #.) Each time this effect is triggered, you are also healed for #, but lose a small amount of Endurance. (Internal cooldown/diminshing returns/cost on this effect.)

2) Parley. You placate an enemy with a goodwill gift, which explodes after a few seconds, likely knocking down, stunning and blinding them and any other enemies nearby. The explosion is mostly sound and flash, so it deals little damage, but all affected targets have their accuracy reduced for a while.

3) Berate. You berate one of your allies, briefly unnerving them but allowing them to return to combat with renewed resolve. (Direct heal, grants low-magnitude mez protection of moderate duration including recharge rate debuff resistance, but imposes a brief accuracy debuff on ally.)

4) Black Spot. You place a mark on your target that promises their demise, eating away at their confidence while that of your allies grows. Any ally hitting the marked target with a damage or control power saps some of the target's strength, reducing their damage and regeneration rate for a time; simultaneously, the ally's own damage improves and they gain some absorption.

5) Stand And Deliver. You direct your allies to an area you place on the ground. Those inside have their attack rate, accuracy, and defense increased. (Psuedopet w/ aura.)

6) Fortune and Fame. (Subtitle : But Mostly Fortune.) You radiate an inspiring aura which enhances you and your allies' damage and defense and debuffs the damage of nearby enemies, as well as making you and your allies resistant to defense and tohit debuffs and taunt, placate, and fear.

7) An Example To Us All. Targeting a fallen ally, you attempt to motivate your surviving companions to do better. All nearby allies are healed for a moderate amount and gain full Endurance and significant Absorption. In addition, they speed and recharge rates are greatly increased, and they gain great resistance to recharge rate debuffs.

8) Scurvy Kiss. You blow a noxious wind into the faces of your enemies; all targets in a cone in front of you have their resistance, regeneration, and damage greatly decreased for a while.

9) X Marks The Spot. You place a mark on the ground and allies within a large radius have their attack rate, recovery, and damage increased; this increase starts out moderate but ramps up over the next twenty seconds. After this time has passed, an enormous fireball lands on the spot you've marked; your allies are pushed back unharmed but any enemies within the area take severe damage and will likely be knocked down and may be stunned or terrified by the ordeal. This power is extremely expensive to activate (50+ END) and leaves your recovery rate briefly reduced. While you can increase its recharge rate with enhancements, it is not affected by cost discounts.





Booty that like..boy shorts? In which case, we could totally use more costume pieces like that for ladies.



Obviously, if this suggestion was put in, we'd need to update the hips slider.

Looking over it I'm a little unhappy with how much clicking it forces players to do (or how much 'ignoring their powers until the boss'). I'd probably want Marque or Spot to chain -- maybe something like Disintegrate from Beam Rifle (whenever the effect is triggered, there's a small chance for it to jump to a nearby enemy). And I'd probably make Parley and S&D fairly short cooldowns, or adjust Kiss to be weaker but refreshable.

Actually, making Kiss a weak but stackable chain power is kind of a neat idea. Hmmm.



Ok, I actually read the powers now..instead of just making fun of the title They do sound interesting and cool. My only objection..and it is a BIG that the idea just does not say..CoX to me? I know there are the spectral pirates, and sirens call is a pirate den and all that but..I don't know, cant really explain it more than that. But again..neat ideas.



You're only saying that because you're afraid that they won't roll out a Pirates mastermind primary along with it.

I share your fear. But imagine the delicious irony of a Ninja/Plunder MM!

...On a more serious note, I was thinking of another corsair group in-universe -- the Sky Raiders.



Oh good point sir. And yet...they seems more mercs who just 'call' themselves pirates to sound cool, to me. I think a Pirate pet set would be even worse..that is..even LESS fitting for the universe. I have the same problem with Beast Mastery. Every time I see one I just think..what the, why is it in cox.