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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkBlaster_NA View Post
    Let's replace all powers blasters get with instant recharging crashless nukes
    Uhm...Left field called, they want their post back...
  2. You know what? Everyone should just swich to using "Q" for the "Z/Zed" sound. In both Dialects. Solution realiqed.
  3. Kirsten

    I24 hopes?

    Originally Posted by Blast_Chamber View Post
    A new LFG trail based on the Praetorian aftermath... Smashing all the remaining clockwork and warworks. Could call it Disfunctional Automaton Beatdown... Or the DaB trail to keep in the D_B flow of the trail naming as it is.
    Dead-Beat Brother?

    Dead and Buried?

    Dave and Bob?

    Dog Eats Bagel?
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Remaugen View Post
    What's that saying?

    Something along the lines of "A common people, separated by a common language."?

    All funpoking aside, /signed. Whoever designed the market deserves a smack. In the soul.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kazz View Post
    If it has no knockback and looks/sounds even partially similar to Energy I'd instantly play it.
    At the risk of being horribly maimed, I wanna say I like Knockback. That's mostly because I know how to use it. Regardless, I still like the idea of this set.
  6. I'd rather we have optimization than optimisation.
  7. Dark/water corruptor created: the Milk-Man, with dark miasma colored yellow like cheese, and water colored white like milk.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    Medieval Europe before medieval Japan
    One does not preclude the other...
  9. Maybe this mean's we'll get a Japanese/East Asian Zone...

    Yeah...prolly not.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vanden View Post
    ITT: Arcanaville forgets that Interface is also a passive power.
    Not relevant if the second half of his/her? post is also implemented.
  11. That'd be hard to do...I'd be happy to settle for random generic heroes/villains as a Lore set.

    I believe the lag issue may not be related to the number of entities, but to those entities' complexity. A pre-made model is much simpler than a model with its own attached costume data, which means that it is far less laggy to have a bazillion boxed mooks than a bazillion custom critters.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Power_NA View Post
    So, you want guys that are in the game to be your nemesis? I don't wanna share my nemesis... they are MINE =P Ok fine I will share my nemesis..
    Here mine if you wanna peak :P

    And here's why that can't really be doable. It's a great idea, but not nearly as feasible as mine.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arbiter Warrant View Post
    We read much, much more than we post.
    omgomgomgomg! can u lok at tihs thread and this ad this?

    (See how annoying that would be? Now imagine that happening every time somebody posted. That's what happens to the devs around here.)
  14. I know it's been suggested, but it was a while ago, and I don't wanna necro, so here's my thought:

    In a shared comic universe, villains are likely to be shared. However, sometimes a hero or team of heroes will have a particular enemy or group of enemies that they fight frequently, i.e. nemeses. The main part of this suggestion is that players, on any side, could do something (kill mobs, run mishes, etc.) that may attract the ire of a certain villain/hero group, unlocking an arc, or arcs, related to defending yourself/innocents/your plots from that group.

    Possible Examples Include:

    The Spider's Bite: Recluse's Fortunatas have foreseen you destroying Arachnos/taking control of the well, and he wants to nip it in the bud.

    The Maltese Gyrfalcon: After foiling dozens of attempts to destroy the superhuman population, the Malta Group begins augmenting their technology with that of the Rikti, et al. in an attempt to destroy you.

    Ven'Deh Ta: The Rikti Restructurist Lieutenant Ven'Deh Ta has been tasked with destroying you before his master Hro'Dotz attempts to open a new portal, not to the Rikti homeworld, but to the core of the Sun in a wild, last-ditch attempt to wipe out Paragon City.

    Recursive Adversary: That fool <playername> has gotten in the way of one too many plans. Luckily, I the Prussian Prince of Automotons, have yet another brilliant plan for dealing with <him/her/it> and TAKING OVER THE WORLD!! <he/she/it> will rue the day they made a NEMESIS of NEMESIS!!

    Game of Drones: The Fifth Column was so close to perfecting their Mek Man armies, until you showed up. Now it looks like they've made some upgrades, and are all too ready to test them...on you!

    The Call of the Banished: After disrupting that many rituals, did you really think the mad fanatics of the Banished Pantheon were just going to let you walk away like a fine "howdy-do"? Hardly. They're miffed, their gods are hungry, and they have acquired a taste for spandex. Yum.

    Corrective Bargaining: Here's the deal. Countess Crey has gotten tired of you arresting her employees, and is taking legal action, suing for all you, your benefactors, and their grannies have. You're gonna have to find a way to avert a disastrous lawsuit, stop an attack by rogue Protectors, and please, for the love of God/Yaweh/Allah/Buddha/Whoever, try not to make Hero Corps look bad...

    Family Ties That Bind: Ya done enough, see? Ya took in enough of our boys, an' we're out fer blood see? Ya shoulda nevah crawssed da Family!

    Heroic Legacy: You know all those Legacy mages you beat down? And all those artifacts you stole. Legacy isn't happy. They're sending every mage, wizard, and two-bit magician they can muster to take you in. Just another Tuesday in the Isles.

    Our Great and Glorious Rulu: The Ruularuu are not to be trifled with. You did it anyway. Now, apparently, you've been "infected" with Ruularuu's energies, making you pretty much the perfect target for Rulu-Shin Rituals meant to bring back Ruularuu. Hoo boy.

    Nictus Face Shaving: The Void Seekers are not big fans of yours. They are, however, big fans of moolah. They're getting a full-scale, super-stomping army of mercs and Nictus together to take you in. You have to fight all these creeps off, find out who called in the hit, and take 'em in/out.

    One Mean Godmother: The Redcaps are mad. Not just crazy mad, or angry mad. Full-on, dog-riding, child-snatching, reality-bending, Sally-Throttling, furious. So mad, in fact, that they have called in favors with the land of Faerie, and even Jack of Irons is half-considering getting up for this.

    Eidolon Threats: Vahzilok is angry. He has been stopped from finally achieving his dream of creating the perfect immortal human so frequently, he has decided to step up his nasty little game: He's taking the body parts of dead Incarnates collected from Dark Astoria and the Praetorian war front, and has been stitching them into "super-zombies" with crazy-strong powers. These aren't you normal Eidolons; These are demigods.

    And many more...
  15. Powerset respecs have, on several occasions, have been explicitly stated as never happening. Ever. Sorry, Charlie.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
    Citadel thinks to himself "I would rather be cleaning up cat poo than monkey poo!"

    As Citadel continues to clean he inadvertently pushes a big red button....................
    {Errr... The Rikti monkey bit was a joke on Numina's part...}

    Meanwhile, in the base, Citadel is standing at a console. "Excuse me, but I believe a cat is fighting on a nearby rooftop with one of Manticore's proteges. It appears to be Dillo...and he's...clicking, I believe?"
  18. 1) As far as Galaxy, It'd be perfect for an Incarnate zone, as the first front in the Battalion war.

    6) I don't know if I wanna see a "nemesis" made from scratch. I'd rather see various factions as nemeses (I saw a thread on it a while back, can't seem to find it)... You foil, say, Dr. Vahzilok's plans often enough, it opens up story arcs and occasional ambushes that center around Vahzilok's personal vendetta with you.

    Other examples include:

    The Spider's Bite: Recluse's Fortunatas have foreseen you destroying Arachnos/the Isles/Recluse, and he wants to nip it in the bud.

    The Maltese Gyrfalcon: After foiling dozens of attempts to destroy the superhuman population, the Malta Group begins augmenting their technology with that of the Rikti, et al. in an attempt to destroy you.

    Ven'Deh Ta: The Rikti Restructurist Lieutenant Ven'Deh Ta has been tasked with destroying you before his master Hro'Dotz attempts to open a new portal, not to the Rikti homeworld, but to the core of the Sun in a wild, last-ditch attempt to wipe out Paragon City.

    And many more...
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
    ...Helpful post...
    Thank you, TJ.
  20. I'm sorry, if Version 1 got such a landslide victory, why are we using version 2?
  21. You may be looking for this thread.

    You're welcome. :P
  22. I say call the sword Durandal. Everybody knows about Arthur and Excalibur, but Roland and Durandal just get ignored.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Baronesa View Post
    You know...

    This would be a good idea for the market. I wouldn't mind paying 800 points to unlock one of this AT
    Well, according to ParagonWiki, the Controller and Mastermind Archetypes are 1200, and the EATs are 1000, so most of these would probably be 1000-1200 Paragon Points.