Issue XX: Unfinished Business




The world of CoX is amazing, but there are some things that feel unfinished, and could use fixing.

1) Galaxy City - The RP'er in me cringes every time I go near City Hall in Atlas Park. I have defeated Mot, Rulu-Wade, Lord Recluse, every Giant Monster (except Hamidon) etc... but I have to let a couple of cops with cars stop me from going to investigate and help people? Currently I would like this to be an option more then anything else in the game. Bonus points if you can make the monster you force to retreat into the pit in the new character training mission into a GM/Zone event we could all team up against to fight.

2) Echo: Faultline - Would that not be an awesome place to be able to visit. W You get to visit it briefly during a mission, should not take much to expand it for visits.

3) Darrin Wade and Miss Liberty still appear in the game after Statesman and Sister Psyche were removed.

4) Sidekicks - There are some interesting characters in the game that could be expanded upon.

Pyriss could be fun to help save (rescue from Arachnos and help her restore her humanity). During the Destiny Follows story arc, it seems some of the villains seemed a little interested in going hero. I am sure others can think of ones for Villains.

I would love to see an option to help these characters, and perhaps they would be grateful enough to lend you their services from time to time on missions. It could be done though Temporary Power summons, or even a few generic people available though the Paragon Market (I would like those to be a LONG recharge option instead of a one shot).

5) Supergroup Bases - These are long overdue for more options. If you do not want to make them overly powerful and an advantage for the more popular teams only, new decorative items with no powers would be amazing as well.

[6]6) Personal Nemesis (not the Troll)[/b] - Not sure if we will see this since an inferior superhero MMORPG added these, but that was one of the only cool things about it. I would love to be able to design them, and have missions where they come after me, or I go after them, etc... That would make the game feel more personal. I know the devs are working on making it more about our characters in the solo missions with WWD, but often I feel like an NPC in the story of the game's NPC cast. They may be amazingly fleshed out, but content like that is very personal. Gives us a chance to have our own enemies (hero or villain), much like every comic book character I can think of has one.

I am sure I will come up with more later. I would love feedback on what people think on my ideas, and to hear ideas from others.

"Why is everyone worried that I am spending too much time in Dark Astoria, and the place is starting to make me darker? The truth is, what I have seen, what I know... these are the things that have made me reconsider my direction in life. I am still a hero... I just do things my own way now."



Regarding bases. The base system is a legacy system and EVERY item added has the potential to bring it tumbling down. The devs are aware that we would like more options etc, but they have to tread very lightly. Zwill replied to me in another thread and basically said they know we want more...they are working on incorporating more, but due to the legacy system it is a very slow process. They have made some changes in the past few issues; allow more placement of items much easier as well as "created" the new hacked teleporters.

Trust me I feel your frustration as base editing is what I do to relax, but I would rather they err on the side of caution than cause my base to become completely unusable or able to be edited.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



1) As far as Galaxy, It'd be perfect for an Incarnate zone, as the first front in the Battalion war.

6) I don't know if I wanna see a "nemesis" made from scratch. I'd rather see various factions as nemeses (I saw a thread on it a while back, can't seem to find it)... You foil, say, Dr. Vahzilok's plans often enough, it opens up story arcs and occasional ambushes that center around Vahzilok's personal vendetta with you.

Other examples include:

The Spider's Bite: Recluse's Fortunatas have foreseen you destroying Arachnos/the Isles/Recluse, and he wants to nip it in the bud.

The Maltese Gyrfalcon: After foiling dozens of attempts to destroy the superhuman population, the Malta Group begins augmenting their technology with that of the Rikti, et al. in an attempt to destroy you.

Ven'Deh Ta: The Rikti Restructurist Lieutenant Ven'Deh Ta has been tasked with destroying you before his master Hro'Dotz attempts to open a new portal, not to the Rikti homeworld, but to the core of the Sun in a wild, last-ditch attempt to wipe out Paragon City.

And many more...

Open Archetype Suggestion thread!, Kirsten's Epic Weapon Pools, Feudal Japan, Etc., Alignment specific Rularuu iTrials!
If Masterminds didn't suck, they'd be the most powerful AT in the game.



darrin wade is still in the game because hes only a lvl 20 contact and game progress wise thats before the whole rulu wade thing happened so no reason he should change

statesman and sister p are still technically in game, but only in the tutorial because again those events happened before the events of the sig arc game progress wise

miss liberty actually very rarely shows up in the game anyway, i think the most ive ever seen her outside of the sig arcs is in ouro flashbacks, and those are technically us looking back into history, so they definitely are not changing

as for other points, base work has been requested and as already pointed out its very difficult to work new things in without breaking the system, sidekicks and nemesis system are meh can do without, and i wouldnt doubt that we would see something like it in the sig arcs eventually anyway



Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
darrin wade is still in the game because hes only a lvl 20 contact and game progress wise thats before the whole rulu wade thing happened so no reason he should change
Sister Psyche's TF is low level and happens before the events of SSA 1. The devs just wanted to remove States and Psyche. If they really were all about making lasting decisions like they are, then they would've at least used the phasing tech to phase Wade out if you run SSA 7.



Am I the only one who half heartedly came here to correct the Title?

NeWay, while I agree that these things would be nice, as others have pointed out, some of it could have great potiential to break the game unless completely rewritten. Here's to hoping for the overachiever hiding in a corner at NCsoft!



Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
The devs just wanted to remove States and Psyche.
This has sort of disappointed me, to be honest. Positron says this is a major event, one worthy of its own issue release, and all that, and it ends up being a minor sidenote to i23, with most of the changes being just simple copy/pastes, and nothing in the game world really changing.



Originally Posted by Sinister_Toi View Post
The world of CoX is amazing, but there are some things that feel unfinished, and could use fixing.

1) Galaxy City - The RP'er in me cringes every time I go near City Hall in Atlas Park. I have defeated Mot, Rulu-Wade, Lord Recluse, every Giant Monster (except Hamidon) etc... but I have to let a couple of cops with cars stop me from going to investigate and help people? Currently I would like this to be an option more then anything else in the game. Bonus points if you can make the monster you force to retreat into the pit in the new character training mission into a GM/Zone event we could all team up against to fight.
Yes. We should have the ability to fight the Neo-Shivans in Galaxy City again.

Also, I would actually like a nod to the old Outbreak tutorial. Some kind of trial or (preferably) a story arc that follows that story. (Surely that problem didn't MAGICALLY go away as soon as the meteors destroyed Galaxy City, right?)

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!